Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1947, p. 5

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rcs PepsiCola Heavy Duty 1111111 costs eight F1901 FImShlnq cents iliistillen TilONEizgwBmmn 1iriil1les y1ilt1etijoy llilfiiiilhif 1111 Li hymn MMaM NW 51 11 111 it ELMVALE nz illil lSAltiZIi iiKi1l1il i1l1 11111111 1111111 11111111111118 11111371111133 CENTRAL 0510 Mon none TENDERtun mronu PATRV use GRENFEL 1i 1i 11 ii 11 1111 11 112 T41 tr Ii1llttiiil littitil hon 1h filllIlllllllllIIIllllllIllllllllllllllIllllllllllllrliltz 11 111 11 11111111 1l1v 11 11 Ls 1111 l1=1111 111 111ii1ii111s 1111 111111 11 211 11 111 1111 ll 11 Mm My 1x1 1151111 11111111 11 111 COUNT THE COST H11 11 1111111 tissiiiiiiixt 1M1 11 nuns 1f1111 VHT 11 11 11 1111 111111 11 il la 1331 bi1illllll Ii 111111 app 11 phone phone 111 111 1W1 111 11 1111 11 if Hri 11 111 liq lltlllxlll 11ill liili 11 11 1111 11 111 131 1l1 11111 J111211111l111111 11111l lilill 11 2111111t1121111111111lw1h 14 gt IIItoIaaIonoctllllrrorllllrlllroattr12pllalllaaraollotd 1111111111 11s 111ll1 11 11 gt 11 11111 11 in r11gt Waxyamassng amtMr 11 1i1 111 Hi gt 11l11p111111j1111 Hi ii 1111 11 11 21111 ii l1111 111111111 11 11 11 1111111 11 111 211111111 i311 11 1i in mind1 11151 111 111 gt 111 11 11 11111111 t1i111 11 111111 111 11E11 11 31 1111 lliil1 11111ij 11111j1 11 V1l 11 111 311 111111211111 11111 Level lH 11 5111 11 111111 1111 1111 Mr 3111 =1 311111111 1111 111111111 1111111 WJmb l113111 11 1111 K1111 i11111s 1ll 111 1111 111 1111111 111111 11 1l in lvl 11 111 111111 111 31111111 11111 211 11 11111 1111111 731 llilllillliii liq i4i112i 111 i1i 11 iii 13 11111 t1 ithi Mi li 111131 lii 11111 l11911 l1 113 1n 11 11111111111 111 131111 11111 11111111 111 111111 1111 ni 111 9111 i1 52 lt5 p11 WWW LAWN Wth 71 111 21111111 211111 IIV MING11 51 ml 11111 11 11 gt rl 1M IIIUL HUI l1 11111 11111 51 111 111111 tjLi 343 LliJAil 1111 111 11 1111 111111 1111111 loi 1121111131 11111 1111 111111 1111 l1 111 1111111111 VHHMU Hm Pl Hl TM mu iiiihil Fm ii Hi Mi l111111i1 11111l Zl11 111i1l1 l11111111171 ii 111 lllls 11 Unit grocers lt hr 11111 si lJ rtnt bolt es or 315 l11 111121111 1111til1111 111 1111111111=11 criits plus lll11111s lor 11gtltt1 l1 121mi 4111113 1111111111 aidlg it liinlulmv HUM limbs MI The public 11 11111 1111111 111 1111111111 1111111111 111111111111 31111111 dis 111111111 1111111111 1111 111111111111111111ls1 LOWETHE FLA 1111l 1121111 11iiiliard Strnt loroiito nlalin 111111 lllt Sunday at l11111l1 l1in111111 lr 111111 1111 11111 Ntlrnzl 1111111 ch PepsiCola gives 1111111113 al1111112111111111111111111111 1111 illl illlllltl lHllZl iiii1 on house 1111111 111 ilki 31111 11111 on 19111111 1111111 lhc hoinl 111111 l11111111111 Sortrt 1111111111111111111111114111111111f11111111 1111 ili111m 111111 1111111 hr tlltlltt i11111111lzil 11111115 o111111= 11111111111 Mrs 11111 11111111111 1111111111 li who has 111111 1111111l111g the 1111111 11111 spriil tilt11 11 1111111 l1 11111 11111o11 lt111l1l1 VUN Iltbllltlt 111 1111131 lolinsion Visitors 1in117 1l11 lohn l11toli London at 111 1111 111it1111l M15 Heres Why loystoiis 11 211111 311s 11111111111 1i1111h1ll 111111 1111111 11111111111 11 1514 11l1 11 11s lihl Hit 11111phvlls 11 111111 lllt lol1l1 lilll llllt 11 find l1 and Hi1 151 row11111 QIhriirt M11 lo11111 11111l1n1 ot Niiidei 11111011111211 liltigylalium liltl 1211 land 111111 Bits Writer 121111112 11 Dustos lr and Mrs Sid ilow on see the price 1111 p11 1K1 right and Joyce slniwa With Mrs Geo lltlll11 Mr and Mrs 11 llipliiiis lis llt511 and Mrs Duncan loioiito 111 lcloells 11111 pick 11 lcpsi todar rctlccts our refusal to lowcr lcpsiolzt standards 371311157721111th May lathl ot raluc purity and avour in the 111111 ot greatlr incr ascd 18131ii111titltlttlt1 ln refining to lower these standards 11 1111 1115 11101111111 Windsor spent the weekend 11 his home Billy Cliiippell arrived home last we rely upon the Canadian puhlic to week after spending the winter in recognize the true economr ot htning Regina onli the licst wthc hcst 111 Mr 111111 Mrs Iolinstone 11111111111 spent thi weekend with 11 and Mrs Erowning lis Charlie Curtis and family lloioiito spent the elientl with her friends here Mr and 1111s Lloyd Ruffett of Ottawa spent the weekend with his parents before leaving for quality the best in quantity lor over 12 rearsCanadians have agreed that PepsiCola is tops tops for refreshinuii their new home in Wiaitoii Mr and Mrs Jack Ruftctt Tor onto were home iorvthe weekend Mrs lenn returned to lltl home here after spendng the winter in Toronto 1111 purity for V8 ic lhcy have enioycd lcpsiColas matclilcss liitsticspo flavour they have liouglit 12 full ounces for the price of sir Now in CUllllllUIlltll anadaS May 12111 housewives we face the prohlcm of Mr Chrmmsm1m 10mm 11111111 1311111111111 1111 shoit iin 11 1112 ts lhc increased coSts thcy ML and Mrs Thom 1r meet 111 their kitchens we see lmmim 8110in111IT1301 Carsons 11 our plantswiiiultiplicd 71 many times Compare for PROVINCIAL 110011 3111111115 example the price of sugar in 1931 with what we must all pay today Old Floors SANDED and RieSurfeiced LIKE NEW NEW FLOORS SANDED In spite of thes costs we roarHue to oirer you the 1111 Rather than lower our standards ofdpiality or Quantity we ask you to pay eight cents for drink which is still BIGGER 111111 1311111511 thc tiny heist in avour the best iiii 1131111111 ifiZbririg1 brou of110711 02 you mi11y 111 1111111111 11111111111 Diill acliing pains in the back inoy boa warning of kidnsydia Dorm Kidney Pills stimulatotho action of the kidneys help to Eligii natetlio westeswhich are often the cause of backache rheumatic pains and minor urinary and bladder merits hus Denim Kidney help the kidneys to clear tho body of impurities Do as thousands of other Chm dinns have done When troubled with Michelle take Dows Kidney Pills On sale l1t all drug counters mnmnym to orders Dont negleetgtlioso pain ut 111111 1111 11 1111 liliiiinli 111111 1111111 l111 111111111 111 1111111111 Anion 311 11111111111 11111 ll I1111 1it1 1111 iizhhciillxinndnin ot hrto 111111111111 1111 1111111 lI1111111111111 11 1l11 Votiitllu liitlll Backaeh Mitiyi warn 31111111111 11111 lill i1111 111 when tl1ilgt 1131 ll 111111 We 11111 yin Complete Repair Service on my oi above ii 11111 EMT8 AWNING co JtisftSiircPj W11 311111111111111111 BARBIE PHONE 9314 1mmwrss usxr 111111 Iii11 KINGDOM ll 1114 ram lt pr 111111111113 snnns MIGNESiouAmY FLOWER SEEDS PVC 5c GOVERNMENT HAND1RD VEGETABLE SEEDS BLENbe TO SAYISFY LOBLAWS II PEACHJBM 0111111 rit MED1UM 512 TPiurEs 11132 N100 or RE1IEIHEIEKLES 111 213 11mm sun Eiiiiiiiiivzv PICESEE 11 23 317 HEINZ BABY room iCiiiaiiiiiiiiNiiiiii ZS pipngmo 101 11 13113 iiiiiitiviiifiiiii 11 iiiiiii 1M cnmcs 11 11535111211110 PURE SEVILLE IM pmsu i9 BLENDED Juice 21111 11 25 Hwy ic 1100111111 CLERKS GGVEEEREQEE 51103111131311 23c 1mm mm iii 23 igm 11 491 AUMTJEMINEEE 111111111111 11111111 11 13 Ws COCOA jig11 11 rurmox 131124 HYLMER nemesis moms 51116 mm $33131 mm mem TEEBEST 111111111 111115 2121231 111111111111 22 511 mnuypwwms 121 11 STGNES oar11111111111 ear111111115 is9c 51 5111111 111111 231 JEWEL 1110 30c 110111111111 IVORY SOAP fat 10c CHUM MEG 25c 511 713 MAPLE 11111 4111111115 111119 1111111111115 511mm gm endsl 11Xrg12ia waiiiurs1aEciic127s Eye 55501511 osmfv 11111r11 Rare 2311111 II 1111340 ii 11111111111 DRAWN vvrriiotri 1111111111 an Whole 1111 13 7g Hams or iiaii 1111 LARGE 6211151251315 THREE LITTEE mos iiiiiitiis11iah 153ng BABY ll Pork sausa ex 319C Fromm 51115151411101 1111255 CEREAL 935 GOOD 90 24 COOKED MEAT SUGGESTIONS SslcliE 29c 15 DELICIOUS 5an FANCY GRADEROUND STRINGLESSVALENTINE 11111511 AVMLAELE Lononnon non 42c 11171 SmokedWeiners 1111111111 1111311113 l1E 11115 eases sears newcaoeuaei TEXAS1N0 1751211051711173 191 3111111 51111101110115 11331125 NOW IS THE TIME FOR PRESERVING DELieious L25 LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED

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