1331111 1111 Gmndmothers Day or Centre Vespra W1 Nesbitt Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR SALES 11 lltliilllil thlMlIlitllL 1111111 SERVICE ON ALL MAKES 1oiniiicrci11 iiid llttllltlit NESBITT Phone 118 BARBIE 111 Hll gt1 ll nung 11111111 1111i 11tll55 iiiSEES White Bread RECIPE 11 11 1111111 111l111 11 111 1111 11 111 l111111 11i t1i H111 111 1l1l 11 1111l 111 it 1ll 11l 111 111 ii 111111111 111l 11111111ltl1i1111111jl1 1111 11 1111I l111l1lih 11l 1191131 l11 111111l1 11111i1 1l 1111lszi1111111 1111i cl l11 11111i1 11111111s11l 111 l11l11111w111111111115111 111 11112 111 l11 11w 112113 1111il1l 1l11il 1111111111l l11111li1i11111111 11 11ti11 1111111 11111 shil1 1st 11 1ltl 11l11l111lc r1511 11111 111111wl111 111111 111 1111 lltll Llotli 11 111111111111i1gtl11pe111111 l11spi1t111LIL111ll1L11l 111111 111 1111111 1111 11w 11111l1l11l 11 l11li1 311111111 1gt1 li1l11111 11 l11L111117 i1111 11111 zed1110 l1111 111 liiiixh lultinu 11111111 11 111111 longer 11111112111 1111 1111 HAPPY Down Digestiv Upsets Extra Easy Digest itl11l111pr1ld1111111 1lip111io11 made so easy for them l11lii1 i111i1111 their 1111111111111 1111 lllgtl1 liy langhing and ermine like 1111 young lady pictured T1311 which 1111111 that all llt11111 happx in tl11 111111111 seldom lollow lilil1 1111211 FREE BOOKLET on Infant Feeding lf111 oiir luhv lildgtys ta lot116 11111 111111111 ft1r sti 1111111 fluils 111111 1g11alilvs lil1l Inmo 11111211 11111111 This in lil1l1 process 111s thin 111i111r1il 1111 ita inins held in tilltjthilllttl loorl cells 511 that 111115 digestive 11ic1st11sily this 111111 this llIlllhllll 1111 lilmts the reason why lil1his ll11111og111i11rl linliy 1tr1 easy 1o 11 provrtl in rli11i111l111li111tests 11111111 show for man that Why can 5111111 an Hillels we invite you 1ll1 1mm whirl pr the intorinatne 1111 111111111111 lllalthlul 15111111111 lor iour 11111 lost send your 11111111 and 11l1I11ss to lil1hs 11111111111 1111111111 SH WM lilli it in 111111111 10 lnlnlllllll gtt11111111111111115 In alum 1111111 two hours BABY mons ARE BOTH MOGENIZED 111 11 11 lllllllliulllllfi 1113s Gentle lr Tomato Juice STRAINED AND H0 51M Dunlap St gum no BARBIE iiii11161111173 SUITS WOmnisiand MiSses iir ARGAINLPRICES 0Ns1 co SIGN OF THE 111111111 1s 1111 11 11111 Our first shipment Briey electric lronon has lost unlvod from tho lactory and are they over smart Inoklngl Wlth the Bautty lroner you can 11 down to Iron No sleeping or lllng no 111an to backache or headaches You tan do that every article The Imooth profu Ilonal finish the Bunny glvol 13 thrlll lo tool Come In Pluto your order NOW Flrst come first urved PPLlRIIECS Home Appliance Branch 211 Elizabeth 81 Barrie TSPBINTP7UT PHONE 4023 liiE 11111145 LXAX NEH BAitlilE lfilAttiU CANADA Ironing ln hul the time and Iron gt BLAH CANADIAN131111 11121113 11111111181 011 11111 110013 11 11 ll 11111 111111 111 1111111 it I1 11 11 it 1i $111111 if 111 i1 15111 11 111111l11 1111 1111 11111111 lirrwut 111111111 111111 1l 111111 11111111111 11111111 t111di1 11121 ii1111 1111 31115 11 111 1111 tli1i 111 11 llltj li 1111l lt litoll Jr IV YH WIWKtl 111 11i1 Ki 11 11111 11 111 11 11 11511111 11 ll1111i1 l1 1111111ll 123 11 1111 111 11 11 111111 1111111 11111 111 Scotland V111 31 11 111 i11 11111111 82111 3111 11111 11 111 11111i 11 11111i1 11111111 111 11 11 1111 l11 111111 11111111 1111 U11 Ti 11 i1tj 11 b1111 111 11 1111 111 111 111 311 l11li11l hi 111111111i11111 11 111111111r dunno1 v1 11111111 51 11 111 113111 1111 1111 1121111151 zllxl 31111111 1i Mt 31 12111111 New oik 111 1111111111111 111 Tl11 11113 1111111 1111111111l 111 1111 1111111 511 11 1131 1111h11 1l 111 All 11 one 11111111111 1111 lttl 11111 m1i 1d WWW 11 11111 111111 1115111 11 Sllllllsl I1 11 111 liIniixml Ni 11111111 1111 V11111111t11 111 the 11111111111 YE Ull lliiiixilu 11nii1 3111 tlllllli Sl lllll 11111 111111111111 rum 11 11 1111 111 111 Holder 111 51 11 11 1111 111t111 of 11 111111 11 1x1111 11111 Ml xli id111 1112 11 11 1111 11 11 1111111111111115 11111 c1111i1111 1111111 111 1111il1 W1 11 pp 1111111111 11t11tint11111ilexnmriironeiitE Hid 11 lid 111 111 11 110nm 11 11 11131 11 1111111111i li1311hr11li1 111 41 11 limit 11 111 111 111 11 1111 l11111111tler111 11 1Iilll 11 1gttl111llllt1li 11111 111 1111111111 2111 11111111111 111111 111 111 111111 11l 11111111111 111 111 11m 51p man when Swnsa 11 11111111 11111117 11 t1=iltill1it 1111 the orde Nmrw WM Hf 111111 1111111 1111 1111i 11111111111011 111 11 met lewd 1l11 V811 1511 111 11111111 3111 11111111 l1l1ll llei hook liWi 11t ml lklliMLi Mrs Ara11111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 0111 111 11l111 actors sii1ai1gt1 11 111 11111111111 11 111 11410111 111 11 11H1 5131311 11111 111711 11111111111111l1111e1l l111 1111111r111 1111111112 111 111 utters 111 who 111111 111111111121 The annual riiiiiiiizlizc sale 11111111 111 Slip and 13111 111111 11111 21111ll11ll dHWl itIHlilH 1111111 111111111 111 V111Z 111l 1111 141 11211 11 3111s l1 11111111141 11 1111111111111111 1111i 11111 new 111 N11 11 hired and respected l1 11 Timiiy Im 11111111lt 111w 11111111 1111111111 1111 ll 111 lllgt 011113111111 11111111 tl111lj1l 11111 morning 111211111 11 11111111111111111111111 111111111 1111 111 111 111111 all liilli1111i 1111on111 51111 11111i11111 is every 11111111111 11101111111 llliilx llW 11113 111111 lmppll 111 mow 11 11111111111 and 111 some 11119111111111 111111111111111 11111111 The speaker pointedonti 517111111 was 111l111 111111 1111 sale 311s 111111 11111111111 the alter llliil this 3111111 is 11 2111111 example lltese 1111111 tii 111 11111 to proIron gttgtgti111 111 1111 111s11teii1l 11 how different nationalities 11111 interest can work 1111 Joinens llos BUY eray born in lndiii was sent at the age of six to school in Eiiglaiidl luhlic school in those days was no easv lite and this was littlllCIt Staff 111 the Ontario llospital 01 mi iiuillttld 1111 MUIlHl lull illia Guests were from Barrie and 193271 Millitn IHIPwri 11001111 1i1initv 111111 from loronto 1111le10 llclmmithor sane very liaraear is to he married in June FVXHN Win 11 WM lllmlli SMARTNESS COMFORT Bowles Worsley 51 on May with Mrs Corbett iii the chair and 17 members present Mrs Lee of Shanty Bay has i11lt rited all members to her home for lunch and meeting June All members are asked to be 1111110 Post Office for the bus at 930 11111 it was decided to send two box es of food to families in England also donation to the Institute for the Blind and 1111 111 patient at Gravenhurst Plans are Ltoine ahead or cold meat supper and entertainment in July flower contest was held Mrs Green visitor won the prize which was apretty plant Each 11nember received package of flower seeds Mrs Adams gave very inter esting topic on Home Economics we hope to have more euehre parties soon Everyone was glad to see Mrs Baker out again 211 ter being confined to her home for fourmonths This year marks the 50111 anni versary of the Womens Institute with celebration at Guelph June 121 Any member wishing to go should contact Mrs Beleskey11 nice luncheon was served by the hostess and the helpers gt LIVING ROUTINES India This body represents all Always 11 1111111 Ktlllitl WlillOUi 10 the Christian churches of India and haulage or birth P0550550d by is great spiritual power and in DiCliCHS Id Cilllyle and Often mmncc on the peopicl faced by financial problems he wrote for magazines did book re views and became lecturer WEDDINGS llARRlbONDONNlJLLY ylillC wedding of Mary Elizabeth Donnelly oldest daughter of Mrs Meaford Donnelly Barrie and Grant Leon Harrison second son of Mr and MlS Leland Harrison Magralh Alberta took place on Monday May 12 1947 at the home of the brides grandparents Mr and Mrs George Theakston The bride wore powder blue suit with pink and bliicchecssoiu ies with corsage of red roses and white carnations Thebridesmaid Miss Doris Thealiston were 11 rose suit with black and gold ac eessories and corsage of yellow roses Hearld Hedges acted as groomsman buffet supper followed The honeymoon is being speiltmin Ailr berta AbIUSTABLE In BLACK BEIGE GREY CLEARING GIRLS COATS REDUCED PRICES The Kiddies 511011 For quality in Infants and Childrens Clothing up to size 6X Mr and Mrs Maves 167 Bayfield St Barrie Antisocial customs and prac tises which make healthful living difficult for those who try to 01 low proper living routines are de ploredvby Canadian health leaders As an insta11cethey point to the situation which arises when young childrenare allowed to play out sideuiitil late hotirspreveiiting other voungsters from getting muchneeded rest 1Dclaririg that many of mans worst habitssuch aslate hours are cemented in timehonored custom the health authoritiesagree that better times W011t come un til the public approves ard prac tises healthful living routines OSPSBRAN ve wideeaivu 11111 Andtlicsc Crlbp nvpfiitlli Pie ti uggislisystcm iltLAiiES pill new he ivoi niakcs as against 51 11111111111111 Yodll appreciate the whole wheat 11011 100 because they carbohydrates you need ii 1111111 PLUMBING HEATING Sheet Metal Work etc 64 BAYFIELD ST Opposite Collier PHONE 3626 BARRIE are made as neoiiEIED incl 53s BRAND 817 lnailrf 11911 11111 111 31 111111 11111113 11111 111111 p1 11111 1l1l Utiiato 111Ip salt and 111111111 iii111111111111111111hpnnltl 11ikini111lri llll4lt on 1111 111 lllt 11 inix loi 1lIIH 11111111111111 pl1l1 Miiw GABARDINE 5111111 1111 1li 111 11 organiva 1111111111 11111111111 1111111 the 11ltll1s Willi 11 common 111111 es by 311s Snare and Mrs l1loi 111111111 1111 drownd 11H 11 mm 111 No matter how small ones prevl Misses Marion and Anna lieott 111111s 1111 11111 mission fields and ions l111111l1lLL 111 or likin for IA 3111 51 1aj Ndm lielTNElTot 1111111 111111 011111111111 hackclao 11111111 have been Mrsl 11 on Sunday 11 mum of 311s Fred l111s look the wor lunors 1er1ew of Stevensonsi their cousin D11 Marie 811111211123511111 SLIVitr and called on Mrs H1 ShmwdlIl inqvlllYHF for 11111111111111 1111111 11111 he Brit tohertson 111 read the serip P111 11 1111 the must list lhaekt to Captain Frank Muith 11C1nip 11917 lilll 350 0f 11111C1101ilb Home The collection 1135 taken by who while there had his nose on Mrs Reeve and Mrs Mills Mrs bluken 111ice11lii fact Ihackerays BARR nms 155111113111 Ernest Lewis interestingly took life illlOUAhOUP 1111110815 10 hovel 11 two chapters ottlie study hook 190 ElnyihlnfI blll 0115 lllCd llshllCiiikEll ItllttfkiillliicniiiBllillLiG3 Th9 ChmCh in India 1d Th hm him he mmm dry 16111 Featunng New GhHstian Council of turned to writing and drawmg ZIPPER BROWN BLUE 1131111 11250 lakes c0111 aiii eiiou Muralregulator witliadded parts of ell as valuable mineral 111111111111 1111 Ill vlln 1111111114 11111 iiiil 111111 in 11111 111111 11 17 liirii out iipsi1l1 11111111 hll 11191 lllllll r1111 11113111111 1111111 11111111 11111 11111111 1111 111111 1111 11111 11 1111 liill111111l1111tllillhtllltilllilllllILll iiiii 111111 1111 iiiill lll Jll Iiiisii tiltinliil tllllill 11 11311 1VHHII sIiiiviiliig ViGElABU COMPOUND Beet UpsidevDown Pie 111111111LHi liilt milk iii1iliiltilltr 11111111111111 onion 111111111111m1 1111111111111111 11111111111 ll Ilt 1111 Hlll llliiillilg pi11iiid iouk onions until soft tinispooii MADE IN CANADA eneis too iilcresl iii llltllllal 1110111715 friends everywhere limit to lielpguan gli liccaiisodiix siiiismus LADIES WEAR That tliSliiic 111 is naturi 11 iislmieiitPosts 111 FlakeS lmwdc heat to give tlickeasy rec ago for light ten Your grocer has iii liotli the Regular 1111 Economy packages on piole like itoii 111111 phosphorus ipc on the pack lei liltln illulllb osts Bran Flakes his and 11 Giant 32M rinses