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IgI lltll try liutII III III INIqu IIIII lurk lIlllltlllrllilllll atItortling ttIitlt It III II ions on earth bottle tor lltt Ht xl lt tilllltil tt1n tltiitl tin taint o1 tlttitlt Him tlJttltH 35 um 75 II0 If III II LI nulls At all Drugbiznm It II tl III It tItx tl tt Et ti II Need 52 20 it in PHONE 2834 W41 19 inc lll tliilll to Itlltilli Stitttt Another Illltlt ltiftltilt Wilsitlll Klttllltmtd Dr 50 825 20 ltll tlltlI Jtui trttiiiliian to John Sinatrl it Sit lttl ltlltltntvllt lin littl III AIgt= Don lie Wilson Building llEURSlCFAY MAY 33 its See Your Friendly All Canadian NIAGARA FINANCE COUNSELLOR We know from years of exper iuwe that massproduction lino idea is inadequate to llIlttl every loan need That is why the Niagara Finance Com pany specializes in loans tail ored to your individual require ments Our friendly counsellors art on hand to help you with loan entirely suitable for you and for your budget It you could use from $20 to $1000 see your hometown Nia gara Finance adviser at once Youll be surprisethow Wilh uut doan or red tape he can help you smve your loan problem olgsirunderisoo lower than Government ceiling above $500 even lower INo bank type security No endorsers Friendly service Terms to suit you Cash in day THE EH11 BENEFIT or JIM life Insurance IIII Igi AT NO EXTRA COST SIEE WAKE Post Office Square lBig enough for EeruIENCE Small enough for FRIENDLINESS Mk II Est 1930 CFitiance Company lid CHUR LOCAL this CHILL All and Ply tiny will llt itlltlttl lht lltlltl by IitntioI and nil ttll1 of tltll ll lhysoit tll ho 3ltt ttt llll ollttgtutt tlli lttlltlltl lltttttlt Mo 133 111 trittI llllNBEllHElll MUTUHS gt 65 Collier St Barrio UII FARE AND ONETHIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO Any time Friday May 23 to and in cluding pm Sunday May QSth Return Limit Leave destination not later than 12 oclock midnight Monday May 26 1947 Consult any Canadian Pacific Railway agent And you say that they tookDif the storm Windows washed the windprrs and putenJhe screenS andthe name NNOOOIIIOIOOIlOllml IS ICARSONS DIAL 3107 FLOORS CLEANED AND WAXED WALLS WASHED AWNINGS PUT ON aur DEARESTYou KNOW curcu com lat tiItI wuem GETMV FEETWETTMERE5 NOTHING ITO WORRY ABOUT MY SHOES ARE NUGGEIED SHINETHAT REALLY WATERPROOFS YOURISHOES SHOE POLISH TEE DARRTE EXABIHNER mr and uni Ilit tllt ot lllt ItitIl Ilttt ffNUIGGEr GIVlES BRIGHTLASTING ARIIO CANADA PARRIE ONT HIGH HONORS wort BY SIMCOE PUPILS ltli lllt Sttltt HEATING annulus Your Furnace rlll CLEANED No muss no fuss Owners of Tourist Homes and Cabins TOURIST REGISTERS Now Available $1175 rumours BOOK STORE 30 Elizabeth St STAN HORNE Allantlalc llttmbing 40 mm 133 CUMBERLAND sr INSTALLING SHALLOW WELL PUMPS Phone 2246 Food IBU ORANGES l76I gt doz 3556 WASHINGTON WINESAP Mr CAL sUNKrsr ORANGES 288 GOLDEN RIPE VPO LES doz 3IcI CI PLUMBING Mealsfof Delicious oditaiViate Assured by the INE PPLE 27 STEAK bu ROAST STEAK0R itoAsIT PA 59399 it rtztlil tmttzs Hl ou smiling MADE IN CANADA With rtogtaze CyDECORATlI WITH SUNWQDTHY SUN TESTED WALLPAPERS tlter Helpers arr rArcnrNG PLASTER oYPnoc JOINT molten KOlONKOTERS BRUSHES Winn BRUSHES SHELLAF nrc MARINE PAINT AND YAitNtsnrs RI OATES 82 Dunlop St Phone 3270 Outstanding IIBIging Featured This Week At Your Dominion Stores RIPE SUGAR SWEET CUBAN LARGE SIZE 24 Values YNowIIroRrRESEthNci ArII for 79 trait 25 AylmerWith Eectin Clauuuu Grim Jutcr ED OR BLUEDRANDBEEF Aylmer Mixed vr 20 02 tins RTERHQUSE Aylrner Pure Orsnge BANANAS lb 14 rritisu TENDED GREEN BEANS CAL NEW BUNCH DCARRors large bunches l7c lb SA NEW cuor lbs 23c TEXAS ONIONS NEW runsu lb l9c GREEN PEAS 5LN MRRMALADE $3229 STEAK OR RpAST YorkiCanncd bi 499 BllLOGNA gt 12 25 BDNELESS steak orroastlg Mcphistoilt oil BBEND 1535 SARDINES girl 250 SILVERBRIGHT tut piece ALL VALUES UNTIL CLOSING Concentrated Javel JAVEX 14c DOMINION sronzs LIMITED LMON EFFECTIVE SATURDAY