J1t iildliilluh MAY 13 Ms iiitiilri LXAMLER BARREL ONTARIO CANADA Nil llle Hummmm II MI Iv1w Personals OBITUARY WW or dsxhwn l7 gage LI otaa llilillw ll it tl III BUDGir Id IlI BUTTER Tintis CARAMEL AVAllmlBlll III II it With Walnuts SUNDAE It Hlr It ti lIVIllitl lull log ll lit it 1i it 51 il FRIENDLY CREDIT II It not It it tII ill tt to III to ht Imt Ill to ML Wt lill rtwwl ll ttoto ni lttltl II it tttitttiittll with Ice ream tl ll iftliltttttu$uffftmil 11mm is4 51 Candy Ht VIlI vvvll llllll xi 1th CANADA ISIARCH COMPANY Limited onto to III illlllllIllllllllOllllllllltrllllllllltlirIllIIIIIIIOJIIIIIOIII III out loungg III ll tt llthllC Nl Hill llt III IttI RV SATURDAY MAY 17 13111 to pan icle wallte hoe tore Sale of Work Afternoon leg III IIII It Hom Bolrmo om FOR THE HLCROWD ll lliHV It ll llll llllI vzi lI gtIlt titit Ilo llttI it ilt iii lt1t III EII III ii lt ll li Itt tzIt Itll tl SHANKH lltlI llltlll Itllllhttttttw II mi tI1I1Il II II II ftI tint lldtlt on tintL lll lullhI lllofii lllllllN to Ilivilf ltl llll tiitl in lit lI it SANDlib 14riso11111111111Ilrlilllotltll11111urlilttllllllotlllalrf III ii in brown 11$ tilttr tlilItll tf igtIiltuntl lItlIllt lltIIlIl IIho Tal tr llllwk Ml Pr Silllll IvI II it ttwi II ttzt ll tiit at otnattgc to HV LI tit lllllll llt lltltllsllt trial 76 Ill Nullll unit Wont in lle htrm Strutt FH slit It lt tot numb NM it Iv HUN IIIIIIIIW Wit Itttnhhttttl ltttll II lt llIvl IIIIII In III lzontlltal Htlt ltt rtnttIiittIttl1 gt IIIthI Ill waitress ttit ltI Cart IIItItIS llltllltl tlhf izuztati ltltitlion iII llltiull in July ltlrlti with dubs ti IV II littttlt ait llIi IIIti Itllir IIj II W7 ittlui Ig IIII II II IIIIIII Ilttl lllt Iron and tumrun lI 14 it tl tin MlVltt ins totltiw itlHHfSl UflllCCl ClltllCll FlrSt BODHST ChurCh M12 and 31 liltrl lit it lIlll it ttiti tourtl lll lilltll ttlo CtnCl itlttt Tl til tttit titMttittlu laFtorIuouiov ltttI tI wow ttlt HARRY trim stirin it in Wt tVW llt Sizes pT II llIld 10 llrs blue tu xlgltllty AlicM lilw ll IIII Imwm III II otltir tiottntl ltl lltllltt ltllttlAI Tl Until iml in It tt It Leader fl LII tttti ht ltlthh scrmt tlltt Tit terlllSltl lr tiu tit Itll lit xiiitv mm mm Ladles mm til7 loll itll ttt III II II It Survivutu iw ltt ttlo Harah iHJI vii MAY 12 til11 In llll llltltllll=ll and one shimI suede Pumps nonrttNt Hliltlt it itls stat twain All 11 ittri NUIIlnvrtt Hrs ROMEO SLIPPIAS AA II II tut11 tllllttlllltl 11 ll ttdt II IIIIII II II lH HHRLII SUIUUL WI 1le llll ll ttttltwi ln uoxt III lI UM lllltll ll AlDDtI Sltlth Mr SitM SW33 tmu nail ttuti lltttlt il lltl Rival comfort All sizes 21 15 VHFIHIIIIIIny IIIIII lII IH 1va Stott Suit iotfrlt tinl Ttttf Ittti ml ll AI WHY toi Ito llllt ttlttmtilt tl Iziti7ui iiin Htlrltrlxt litltfd $450 Sllllt lltIi Lttlm ll IN lv II iI VI III III llariu litztnnnti liva urtltr tr MIT ll NEW Vl 151 51l lultt Sit it it ii WI 3va uart iltl llnllI til loionto and $795 II II II ll III IiII lilr nIl Alis Stott llottv titll IIIII IIIIIIUIIIM tt my III III HIII III IIIIIII Vq tllttt of Harrie tisittd the ltone I77o WWW litllillll All lmu III III III INHII illltl Mrs It Stodthtit llojtl lltrlttltrul hitrth ll on on Sttntla for sttrpriw Trinitv Anglican Church tgn enemy 111 ll HOWDEN BARectorl WRIGHT Organist lggigde 33 Sunday after Ascension Day gt Empire Youth Sunda AllrillOlX COMMUNION moniunitin for the Newly onfirinod II Iftv NixMORNING PRAYER lroacltet lho ltoctor Iw Beginners Dept it llltI Sunday Stltool Ltttt loSUNDAY SCHOOL tM 4YOUlll SERVICE tt littllllgt Condos lll antlISIII Zlu ltllT lit cud ltt Ill II StNiAi xl ltitatltn tll parade to this service wv Mr Charles Noun oi ChUVCh nit lltuclqllttltclr Toronto REV JAMES FERGUSON DA itc Kim Speaks Minister Vlr Crat Choirmaster SUNDAY MAY til 19 AM MORNING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister Lolher St Baptist Churchj Independent IllZV MITCHELL MinisterIIww gt All Departmentst lx1FENlNGt WORSHIP lrtarhei liteMinistgr COME TO CHURCH stNDAY MAY 18 1947 it AiVlPraCtire PhiBIBLE SCHOOL lRl The Book of Certain King gt Talon pin YP Service Wort ti Im Prayer and Praise 71 pair YWMC Visitors lcordiully welcome Centr United Church Minister REV BEWELL SUNDAY MAY 1871947 Pentecostal Public Worship Full Gospel Tabernacle 11 1ilOpcning Windows 20 MUICEISI0r SII IT llrlAlLSttS and His Enemies CHURCH SCHOOL Thomas Latto BA MmiSte AWLJr and Sr Classes SUNDAY MAY to 1947 ll AIM and 731I IPzM Farewell sermons byIRevIlhomas littoPastor before he and Mrs lrilllo leave for Victoria BC Friday tlI pftrr Spceial ISpeIakeIL Visitors cordially invited $50136 esptelBHgn SUNDAY MAY 18 an ree ame 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY MAY 18 1947 35 PMPREACHING 130230 PMBelievers Meeting Clapperton St REV in charge Phone 84115Barrie Bible Study and Preaching 34PMSunday School MeetingI inecIaI Singing Ar granWelcome pm Prayer Meeting Thurs Allare cordially invited t2 LL I1 Wuamnmnlmlmuiwbtouacml ttffu BURTON AVE IUNITEFOCHURCH REV GREEN MA ThD DD MINISTER Mr Ray Williams Organist and Choir Leader RURAL LIFE SUNDAY 11 IAM+UNION SERVICE OF SS AND CHURCH YW League Story Cleanup Week Sermon Subject TheI Secret of Cultivation PMSubjeot St Pauls Ahdience on Mars Hitt and the Three Kinds of People that omnosed It or Whom You are One sshgt pin Churc Sewiceat pm the sunday Service All wel ome lMSunrlay Srhool and Bible Class PMGOSPEL MEETING Wort pr Prayer Meeting Ml welcome tollmtion Seats free ndrews Presbyterian gllamilton Organist and THE SUNDAY SCHOOL It AlmBrginnersand Primary Come to Gods House on His Day amine MEiHoDtsr ND MRS PL ems 194i frown HillIChurch 730 pm ltt tlit VNltllll to talu ttillt Mr tllll Mrs Otto liar Mills annountv tho ttltlfiitflltlt IhLIr youngest tlllllllllltl lltattnt lLarl to Mr Thomas llar trstf son of Mr and It ti liarrtt lho maria ltakc place on May 25 at dllllthtli 2n Tho engagomZh is attttottnttl Jane La Verne daughter of Young and the laleylicntwth Young Staynor to William lidvarrd IJttu Ilttii ICE CREAM am one one 9mm Kind Special Flavour tor the week is PECAN ICE CREAM BUITERSCOTCH The Ideal Email ON TIME Eyery Morning Vi is The courteous man who delivers your milk every day ispart of our ser yieetoyou BarrieAllandale DAIRY FINE DAIRY PRODUCTS PHONE 4252 ihlrpuud ltlrs tiitujrhitl lm tlltt it at lolttig tiitttrl lnuth ilo itii Mrs tor Mrs Stotlrlart inlionor not only of Mothers Day but also Mix Stoddarts tttth birthday on tlu lth and lituls on the lltli lt nearly 17 tars stntt lllt have inten able to ttltlitlt these lgt toutthtr Ill lm ll lllatluitort til loioiito llit Iialllitunttrs tltI l1ii llzoiiar Swunlln ol ttrortl lloIIaIug high DonutEly lllllj itl yliotwttltt tlltl lltll ltt mi Sitiittti lttillntttt rs titit lt lwllt lintait llttlllut altI tut itIIv ftIItt ltuqutnt SNAPPY RED PUMPS in to widthslligh Cuban heels For The Lattst and Smartest in mnfort and Wtur Plus Visit The Friendly Wide Awake Shoe St It was also farewell to Bud who ttllt lit years with the an ttia Malling Ctr has position With VltltilV VIills as head malts itl and the curl of May for IWinniovn oiding to the mothV odlt of that company to be there iItrlIl illtlllll to ttt plati titttttl it Get Aquainted Ole it in 1t trl llv MIIIII Im tor two months before returning tol Z9 ELIZABETH ST BARRIE gt New Locahon Toronto to tukL position there and ltltn Noblo tt ton Robinson Ittltttilllltt tin tvt MORNING SPECIAL tlllltll llltll only littlLIlllt MAFIHVF IAle IM Atttlrti llith to William $000 llotilt Nltlliltatt son of llt le Camerons Beauty Shop liiu anti the late James Milli Over Olympia Restaurant tit thatlu1mrharn The wedding Will take llllltt in Newton Robinson lit Illttl htittlr Saturday May Itl iltll Ollltr extra HUGS carlvfrom timrltuilttrs or Examiner office PHONEVMM 0vwmamwruwwqmgm IAWM may Top your gayest family occasions with 7Up the wholesome fumilr fresh up Its the sparkling liubblingonthetonguc drink that matches your merriest mood COMPLE IE tituctttttt SMARI ArTRACTIVEiY SitARI suit Rttittittt READY TOINsrALLI Regular Type VeIntianI Ladder Tapes With cords for tilting Otnd raising Ivory Vtinted Prices are 27 29 31 3335 wide andtltl long 27 29 31 33 35 Widerand 62 long 41 and 43 wide and 62 long V31llt33 3g 317 Iwidefand 724 IIII we have com lete stock of the famous 7SUNRAY VENETIAN BLIND in sizes 24 to 42 wide The Sunny woodSlat blind is unsurpassed for quality and is priced from $745 to $1365 complete New Type Low Priced Serviceable and Easily Handled FIRST IN BARRIE PRICED 5mm 1294DamonsrrunN1rURE rt PHONE 4492 Mode 40f heavy Bristol Fibre Poperj yr Tubular Slots Wont sag Eqsyto keep glean 3Wm JEWELILERS OPTOMETRISTS $149 $169 $250 PRECISION GLASSES PROFESSIONAL EYE CARE llael 4m GWW plameW WS Name 420 8m out BROKEN LENfIE REPLACED PROMPTLY FEATURESQOF THESE VENErtAN BLINDS $3210