tt AfOlolllollvlllrctllctl letter From Cleopatra lllil Ytlllllfll ilioow lliniiill lloiiw oi fee iii tlllltt llltilllltli liitiium Tin or the Nonitr II lined up toii ulna itvl the iiiie xiiioolli lullii tl lttl lltHll llttlht liltlltl THE SEASONS BIGGEST MUSICAL FUN FEST RESERVED SEATS Choose mzirMoanM 0t LOVItl Memories rom our rli array of GREETING CARDS withscntiments appropriate for any ol the many mothers who It cherish your thoughtlulness itl LICannort Towels for Mother pair of these large thick towels with pretty lacquered design wash cloths to nutch ii desipurf ed will make pleasing Mothers Day gift LargeBath Towel 275 each Guest Size Towel95c each Wash Cloths 350 each Iiilil Lli iliiii 3ri MOTHERS DAY MAY ll Weaymoutlis Bookstore 30Elizabeth St Barrie Phone tioiii llztlt For Mother Walkers tllrtlllil lllvlllllL Tilotlicrs liIv shoppers will find ll choice in adorable gloves lhiltllt Stttdtn English Skin suede Bengalirie rliizlriiiitiertrl zloves Velvet soft SixlllF Fabrics $100 to $193 Skins $108 to $365 Pretty Scenes or Nlitlirr There will he no tit ticultyj ehiiosniu rij Mother at our well Astockedlleekwear Dept Priced $110 to $350 lli llMttlf ilk KER BARNES JWlAltlU CANADA NOW ll ll ltil lilaiiih lllltlitl LARGE Szr BED SHEETS 81 99 inches PRACTICAL GIFT FOR MOTHER Snow white bleach made of good quality sheeting wide double hems this large street with plenty of tuck in is gift mother will appreciate PER PAIR Wmdaellat Mother will appreciate ti new innbrclla Select her gift from Walkers new stock totMothers Day Good value just arrived Priced $498 may 4MAY 13 14 llllillllllllldlllllvllllllllIllIlltlllllllltdlllillllllolIlllllllliltlli IIllilollllloltidlvllltI140lliliillIlfltflidlilillldllItlllllllitl141llllltllllllllliltlllllOloilllllll1lllillvlllilolliliflllll Barrie Lions Minstre COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM ON SALE AT WEAYMOUTirs BO llltlIItlllIIllIIIiillllIylp444 441111491tltllrt4lrtaIllzllwotoaarrrvrvazrcvartwlco4441clitolorladrlItrolacloaItolltloozcacttyoI Nome Hill Manager Of SevenUp Subsidiary Bought from John Dobson MINESING cc to ion A1 Romtd up By KEN ROBINSON tIlllllillIIIlIllllllllIlll lltlll llllllll UNI Kl Ntl lllllltt ll 1331533 hi it IIK il thwt ii ii irli In ttl ltl ill littt at Ii Inll tI ll lii llii liiiiititiiiv tII II II VI 1i li litiitt lHLttll imizlm ttllt ttt lltllltllt II Liiti re il liltt Ii II 1i=i lt1 tt im lt iiil it in in ilti ll IMHI trad in iiliti li 13 iivti ili iiiiii wsii limIlliixo tliriiiiiltili ll til iiIi vii tmi tv ly It Silt tiIi tii li Itn mi Ilt mt llit It lltoi lllll illitll zwwihwl litt in laml zit ll it li iiiiia Vini iil llx llliltltli on lliiiiwlai itii HIiI it rll ilii iiii ii iiinrui litlltl liH illitl ii ivi lrttllillli tiiimtt 1ri illlt lt li die lmiil ll Illlt lrtltiiig Fii lli litlti lit lllt ltti tliw iItiiwH lot lili il ll ixt rimW li oii ifiil iitI li lliii litii li liiim liiii li il ll iiillltlll MUM mi lk tintry in tulir and join the lll Illl lio kp loathippy wiiiiltfi linuo lltl Miniil iii gttc or CLttlltltlly ll ll ItJli litMllltll ltl For Mother Dainty hand embroidered rieti lice triiiis with Ill broidert picttyhiielit color prints altogether youre sure to ind sreial youll want to send mother Priced 50eto$100 OTHERS $150 and $165 41aoccoztv041ro4r14411l ic ll li liti tiiii lw ri no lz tvi Ulticvrs lIltctttl lsx llil lt niluhil tnlitll ultt in tour litttl Ill ll liiiiiw lint no hit uitli it Mt lhonizii illnnxm ntiil worn and ill in ttmi plan that take tor Iiit it hit tan bi townie it you iroiiny Kllilk lllbltultlili lt lerN You ll llll ui lllt ou are still exaltoil Jan213g 947 830 POM ALL LOCAL TALENT lllitilt ltiti JOURNEYOOO To Ex IN lo HHS Hugh llakcr Hamilton life insurance Retorninp hiiinc llt banker lilt the iiiicnt desire resolved to hell his own LttlltlttV ltttlttt Stturlty for lllS vite and 1111 men obtain the same sorority Vith drcn lint there is not Single few assocraics in 18l7 he organized zinadian life insurance company in the first Canadian lite insurance Olll CMHLIHC at that tune punythe anatla Lite so Bdkcr CHCIUl lllL S00tnile lhroughout its hunder yulrg his journey to New York on horseback by stagecoach and nally by river steamer down the lludsoit to buy TH 12 Walkers handbag dept is ready for Mothers Day featuring very smart styles combinedwithchoice quality plastics andleathers Priced $365 to $1000 CANADA LIFE ASSUR11NCE COMPANY OK SHOP Company has brought security and peace of mind to Canadians in all walks of life MONAHAN IIll Manager Warren Wilgar Walkers luggest fitts Mothers itdore Matlz Pretty Dress Length of Material This is sure tire gift idea or the mother who sews very nice new stock of cottons on hand for this Mothers Day event Visit the dept lhis weelteiid li SIITK OPURE SILKi HOSIERY Lovely pure silkhose Fine 45 gauge in three smart spring shades Allure Tropic Blush Brown Mist offered at sensationally low price Every pair first qtlilazlity Every pair pure si Irrzlooomo HOSIERY PRICED $159 pair