1hr IUll 51min llAtAAi the Trium Iint nrl ll It Iltuitl ii inter oi uioznplislnnriah Iiv li ii riiiiiin BUNDLE noon unite lbs Ill Pit ltllt Iil IIIIINl ll FLAT PIECES IRONED lllIii lllllllllllilH BATH TOWELS AND WEARING APPAREL FLUFF DRIED NOTHING RETURNED DAMP OR ANY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS MAY BI IRONED AT THESE ECONOMICAL PRICES SHIRTS 10c each COLLARS 4C SPORT SHIRTS and BLOUSES COTTON liit titliir lii1ill ilri 12 iiiii IJfuls it lothris illllxllI II ti lt ii lt in li iiid II lict vii titll prpm II lim itt lt itt ililrtlJitl gt1 lttl iicl itiotl ii tut wo llit iidou iv 21 Er lit ltt Am mm hint on in llltl Itllth tit it incinbtrs iiIlIlitItI in lliiiain The cost hill per person which trtis toitsfron port in lltgtillll ion inculs on he toiiinc Itill and touwiy excursions suitiin lltll tintitz llti vt ci cwwnsrs ue iusls Thus it is Illissllilt toi buck DIIUH limited in it understand one ilttillilgt grounds on scale nrver possible to perpic of iteztns These ambassadors oI tcinutiottul understanding Ill pla an important part in llilllili world lpcutc iiuncs now on view in the New tflllgtlilitllIGilllLll at the Itoyai tOntario Museum are those of an DRAWERS 8C COMBINATIONS or BVDs lSc PYJAMA PIECES 8c PANTS and SLACKS COTTON 25c IIOUSEDRESSES and SMOCKS COTTON 25c APRONS 8C 48 hour service Dial 2471 NibSERVICE Cleaners and Launderers 74 ELIZABETH ST GUIDES BROWNIES Council passed motionandthe itFWKJkENaJ in Barrie on Saturday niorn on Wednesday CIIIIIIIIII ADI Sterling Trusts corporation Wm be 30 double enrolment took place advised tn remove the boarding 31 in St Georges Parish Hall when they have elected on Dunlop St ll two Guides and 127 Biownies wereiTher has bceirno building activ enrolled bv Miss Ii Rowe into ity there for four tnonths and sev gt Allandale Company and Pack eral aldermen reported the board dbl liollowitie the enrolment llttl ing was unsightly and unsafe and II as an ue tainment was provided by the should not be left there iildCfltlItC wih La France sepame blumg Brownies Refreshments werel ly ST WANT to sag ve up Just dissolve them gt Product of General Foods if LITTLE Sarina added to Your iron skim along over smooth IStarched clothes Iron up like new last longer too because Senna prevents sucking and pulling which tear delicate fabrics Detailed instructions on the package Purdue of General Food your regular starch and presto ossy starched suIriace thats satin Much BARBIE maid lent by Mrs Ormsby This is one of the most at ractive periods in the history of costume with its hourglass figures wide sleees wand dainty trimmings stress is laid nowadays on the dress that can be used for variety of occasions by the addition of jacket or other accessories This is not new Both these dress es have two pairs of sleeves one long and one short and each dress has beautifullittlc cape for day time wear covering up the low neckline which was suitable for evening functions Other accessor ies such as slippers gloves stock ings and the bonnet worn by the bridesmaid complete this delightful lisplay makingI it one of the most charming costume exhibitions the Museum has had recently Four rummage sales were held rinse eliminated t0f37IIIIDUECS On an average weekly wash Use 1an France Bluing Flakes in your washingmachine or II tub along with yorrgular Soap Then wash as usual La France doosthe bluing aritomatimllywhile you wash Instructionson packager nituins holiday ctbinc Hutu tut imrne by tltt Among the most interesting cos Irish bride of 1822i and her brides THF BARBIE ILXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Lady Badminton Finalists Rooms at $i0 Dont Pay City Hospital Board Told Cost up $40000 rt It til liiiii vi trait ii llit ll litiltt tlit ttl illt iiu nt ll tit tlltlt tu lslt llllll Elttt bin finpit ll lortu lit the tliil it iiwtnii 12 tllrvl vlli it on Hil ttt ii suggest rii ttilllti burn to step it lllil iiiire lll ctlot lli II intil ozi thi in linulmd the io iiiiiitiit Ittii ed to llll lllt honpttuts out tall and Hill tluvi llllilltl llllillll anl doesnt Nit Ittl tlit lope tiiit happen ill Montiii told the tltltttttl uh lxc litrllil revenue sitluiiili tinor the 1iLlli to up $40000 it out on rooms for lt liltl day lit in pies Ill Iiiiropc to mix Iiccly uid mg ituv lotus Auxiliary tor the tuttstl iti lozion held SAII III in the Le in liinioi iiiild slc tiit liuiitlI lttitl ill IiinE luiii llill the WA of cn llllltttl thiiici tiefd illtIl sale the thurn School the of St Andrews Iieslnterian Clitirclrlicld sulc iii the Church lltttiiio Itmui The annual Leann sale tiiidcr ithe tllllligtlilllv of Mrs IllI lliiiiiictt yielded boiit Srltl to llicI Ladies tIlll1ll This iiioiicyl will be added to the building funili Xirs II Parker convcner of thci Trinin Iunior Guild sale reports that $132 was realized from the sale This annual sale is promotch to support Church and Guild Work The LOthCtlLl of the Central United sale Mrs Partridge reports that the sale yielded Sit to the WA This money vbe itseirlLnl church work With three other rummaee sales that day it was not expected thatl St Andrews returns would equal lastycars but $160 was realized Mrs Ted Barker Mrs Matt Rob ertson and Mrs Clarence Simpson representing the Womens Associa tion were in charge of the sale IST ALLAN ALE Commur served by the Guides at the close of the evening MILK FOR ADULTS Nutrients supplied lngillrare important toadults as WelT as to Echildren Even after our bodies and bones areforined there is continual breakdown of body tis sues and milk furniSth much of the protein needed for rebuilding them maintaining the normal ing of thenervous system If yoiidont likemilk straight Milk also is important in function for $1sz yeai andhe said he would WW tuiss itssii Iitiisos ittlsltAs Ulttlsl oi lelltl isiiio tiitiaii if liti liIJlll ititllttl to Hi liiitn lititi it t2l Vt ti ta town Inni Litttid lot tihl cttiicd 11 hmiil Itatut il titt II ii iii llliil sents til Vida TOWN COUNCIL tIitiit lioni the lown Solari tor iiitiitotcd that Lloydli Suzith ild iltr and olocutc lll cabins ltlgtllt on The rtintlj Ipil inittl toxin cit minim ti Iiiisrt wiote stuttizit that hr would lit in Iluiiit to take lllllt Monday Ma IL limit hp opiialtd totziis illlaiit St fiititllilttil trout puizc one lyr ilud ilrc truipuny mote li tor extension tini iltllllt litrtil the Police toni no oi lt Itlll ot lilt ttritl II III IIHII In III in sst uur 11 it at our lon Ilull sin iLiis ilc of traffic Iftlli Ilay lit Itililt ttir IIIL IIIIIIHI If iiitil to two Icus and ttie HHII pit en corinact expires May St Iuo Mu lxptliltl that Itltldl oil lit lltih nut iiuidiii the gtititibiiiz uizti lttTtIlL1 iii runnerK tion With the renovations to theI ttoor lie was authorzxcd tot til fiii ottdials iwtoicj lItWllt illt proer HZIlIJtl Latin to lie inclinch thivcrnincnt maiiitcirtncc hitaiit iiiuiils hospital newspaper account ilil ux1H ciztl benefit this year laiii 141w notice rescind il lttlFIul iii hit iii coiiiicttun ltll sidewalks lnc plan was to have sidewalksi done by local improvement plan and paid for by the owners of the premises improved If the motion litth tilittil to oi the Reeve is passed the Loiui cil wll revcrtto the toriner plan of lllltll sidewalks paid Ior troiii the general levy 77 lhIin lineImedicine is wry rfcclice to SLIIll poutms IIII IIIIXWLIIIJ relieve pInin nervousdistrcmsnndweak IIII II II II III cranky dragpod out flcllllgtl of such Iii lil U1Ulgt rtll Hilts daysvrwhen due to female functional these lititl lJCCti litilgl over from monthly disturbances Worth trying DlwvtOIIh your and all those sutI Hqu tciciity signed L10 tefciicd to menu the board oI works Council ap proved motion of Aid Griffiii rulinguhat no such pavements be put down until all water and sewer connections had beenIdown at least one year to no parking signs placed on thccrescentmthth Side of the Post Office This was referred to the traffic committee of which Deputy Reeve Wilsoii is chairman Ald Hambly chairman of the fire and light committee brought in report rccmnmending several new lights on certain streets and this report was endorsed Aid Griffin asked the terms of the sale of the former gas plant building on Dunlop St Referencej tOtll0lllllnltes showed that the buyer had been permitted to uSe the premises for storage until Mayl 31 If buildingof the apartments is not started at that time the building will revert to the toWii Pild Griffin icteired t00iic plott of 612 acresvrentedc byhthe town medical Iaiilhorities iSIigcesl you make theadulls requirement of from halfva pintltp full pihtper day in other beverages in milk puddings or IinI sauces CHILDRENS EARS Experiments made in seine Can aclian schools have uncovered number of Lttisuspectedcases of defects in hearing Medical auth Orities believe that corrective measures for sehOoleage children may save many from lifelong par tial deafness vHearing aids are being used widely to give children with defective hearing better chance in classes and in life TOOTH REMOVAL Pointing out that modern den tal science canmake satisfactory replacements of teeth Canadian health authorities urge those with defective teeth to have them re moved Sometimes they point out its better to have nothing if not the best and no teeth at all is pre ferable to decayed molars which may be spreading infection throughout the body owned by the town or leased by like IOhzive list Ifallyzpioperties thertown or sold under certain conditions Aid Mary Laurie 1chairman of the Welfarecommittee reported on board of health meeting After some discussion ii was decided to raise the towns portion ofnight soil fees from 35 to 50 cents and lthe householder will pay 25 cents Ia month instead of the previous 15 cents There are about 200 out housesin Barrie and the collector ltIIfNI5IhflENIIII yallI5 JUST PAT IT ON Come InAnd icptiiin litI Ellll Jui izi Ii lil At tlL cpliniii lilji itilii llllhtjl El ttiIlisheti lailt tlitI letter ti on lm timid of IItiizw in the new for lie read it listiiic several hospitals and showing their finan On inotion not Aid Iluinbly and Aid Wilson the council voted to ask the hospiS ital bouitl foruan audited financnil statement for last year ld llinilily asked if Ilziiiie sI LWe are non in good Our Sgtvice and Parts Staff in each Department Run youreur or truck on st ttfl litil tlitt tlvlitioitlinaltx rt itl wit in iil hotn rgilltilll icittiabh ttt gttl lliiiow know uui tlim zppli cuilioliyttiatt fut imam Iiilitdlw for muscle Illltwgllltiltli foz lttlll Countit iitd litli in Appetizing Rosette Dress Shop SALE SALE SALE CLEARANCE or HATS Regular $6300 Barrie CLOVER um ROLLS Yes Fleisehmaiins active Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier tastier Clover Leaf rolls Fleischmanns works fast because its ullstrength It saves you extra steps IF YOU BAKE AT HOME youll want Fleischmanns active Fresh Yeastthe Yeast cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canadas favorite for over 70 years Order some todayl lte$lial your grdcbrs chlwnwmmoommohitowttlo $500s4oo OONIONMWVIOmIOOOl NONIOM MW MORE AND LARGER SHIPMENTS or it it ltlt i1 AAAAAA ii IIII It up Hart it Ive never been so insulated in all my life Madam mi III begin MY day with superdelirious GrapeNuts Flakes it as zitt mm ta ii om SWIII IIZI up 53 foul tfttllitt IIIIIIII pp II Haiti ll flii ti lttl iii nun tn WM 13 tun lit llLIuxt il litfit II tr tflt it Mr cronoim partridge Etil taizt too at liillht recipr in lodgirs and other Iiootl thing itmiviitlhlotiiupcrNiitnHahn il be burl 7ltl later rim Wit rsu mu rim ifiwl tlltl tor the lllttlttl FELTS PHONE 4454 ow 21 MARY STREET BARRIE II osition to give CarIain OwnersbItptotlie Ijminute Service and best satisfaction has been greatly increased with extierienced men Get An Estimate 0n Yourtlob Motor checked or overhauled IIBrukes adthted or relinediiw Clutch lransmis sion and Differential Inspected and adjusted or repaired if necessary BE SURE OF YOUR STEERING the Bear Aligning Machine toibc checked up LONDRI MOTORS YOur GM Dealer ponrmc BUICK GMC TRUCKS GOODYEAR TIRES PHONE 3314 RI ND MOTOR SUPPLIES DAILY