Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1947, p. 22

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19 AC3 TW TY TV THE BARR 13 w141191113 and SALES NOTICE TO CREDlTORS AND OTHERS TL llll 11 lufiii 11 li lJlr 1hr lirnlhlzli 11 111 tr nun t1 1111 11 1111 111 lunar tltt cm 11 NOT1CE TO CREDITORS OTlCE TO CREDIT llllli 11111111111 ll 111111111 1111111 1111111t1111111 AND OTHERS lll 11113111311 111 111 11m 1ltl 31 ll County not Simcoe Tender for Pointing 11111m Julius 3111 111 111snlr um 11 1111 111 5121 Zciili 151921111 SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES In the Twp of lnnisfil lo Vll NtlllClC 1t1eip lisl lt1 l1111 111 113111 1111 1111111113 111 =111 gt111 111 1111 1111 71 11111 111150111 tutu ntliii 111 11 1111111 4111 gtlti Clt 11 two 11114111 11 111 11111111 5111 1111111111111111 1011115 0111 publie gnu1 gt1111 threats 1111111112 111111111111 All Itljiittttlill 11 lt1 111 1111 M11111 Witl 11lt1l11 11 l1e1lt 1111 15117 1131 oocaooltitoryp44111ootilt KEEPEReb MATRON WANTED Al1lllllltll Will 111 1111gtl 111 the undersigned 1131 111111 17 oeloek noon on Saturday June ll 11117 111 11111111111111 111 lce11e11ul 31211141 1111 Simrue 11111115 11111111 111w 11111 Ditties111111111111111r11111 111117 111111 12111 1111111 11l 111 11111gtt1l1ifllltl 111 ht811111111 111111 l111gt 11 1111113111111 111111111 SlhllHth 11111111 111111 lllfl1h 1311111 wen 11x11 RIGHT Youll get much better per formance greatereconomy and longervlife out ole car or truck serviced1ltyourtrained me chonics using fitctorylengi neeredparts tee Us RNOertoi PREVENT Troublegloot Weve seen so many cases where little foresight would that we earnestly urge you to NOW Our worlLis depend ableand our prices are reg sonable HAROLD HILL SALES SERVICE oARRIE AU BORN TENDERS TOWNSHlP SCHOOL AREA OF ESSA 5115 11111111111111 11 1111 111 llti 1411111 11 11 111111 11111 111117110111 SALE Farm Stock Implements Household Ettects BlSMAklt ROBERTS Xif1m ESARlXlE ONTARIO CANADA cnou SALES MARRIED nuts 1111 mm lit urxr 1x 111 1111 1l11liti 111lt11111 31111 1111 1111111111 3111311 111111 3111117 1111111111 111 lllltlithl 11 11111 1111121 Hill rw NWT1 Ifunhut issi 111111111 CARDS OF THANst DALSTON gi til 11 Ml ltll FARMS FUR SA ilu Yu Euuwu 11IIJJvIIlocllavvlltlllitlli $1111 1R 111111111 111Jlu 11 until 1111111 412111 llntl1 inn Min is 1111 41 ILtlt llull Slt Henry Elrick lit11 Estate 11 Owen St IIllIllllliitllvllllllllllt MlStrIlrLANEOLli 15x3 11 11 It 1w 111111 DooootoaoIaaowolaololilvrovlo ooaowolOoooovoooooooaoooooao it gt13 mm SALES CLERK WANTED 111111s11nt personality Illult Silimil standard 111 111111111 11u1111 Uttvi 111111 11111t1e Illl1 11111 9211111 1111111 3111111 WM 1111 ls11 11111111 1111111 111111111 MOORES SHOE STORE 1111 11 1111 51 PARTSn SEE SERVICE FOR FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS CHITTICK MOTOR SALES a1 Phone 4242 11 1111 tl 1VIllllfllllllllIIIIlllllitlllll ltii New McCormickDeering Implements Available INTERNATIONAL llARVESllIltS CREAM SEPAILAIORS MILKING MACHINES MILK COOLERS lllltl llli 1111 list 131 Barrie 111gtl1 1111111111111 11311121 11 Ktmt 11 Ill2 111 l1i11 ll 1lt 1111 1111ulnr t11I 1111111 111111111 1111M Sttlir 17 1171p Now 11 11111i lixdmivni ulwrriln o1 1111 111111111 in 11111111e AN SALES CLERKS 111111 11111 111111 113111111 111 Lot 18 Con 11 West Gwillimbuty 11 Friday May 1111 112 3111mm TION 111V 11 mil livll vlllll lilllltS 4111111 111 11111e chill 11211111 11 T1111 318 t11 51 111111111114 of 1111111111 11111 HERMAN IENNETI 67 COLLIER Sl BARRIE lll111e1 l1ltlhu1z 1111n 111111 to irork in modern new least 111 llieh Sehool training uttrztetive important experience helpful but not essential IVY ON 11111 store years 1111111 31111111 VlllooqviooololllIOIOOIOO rmtmoWNJONIJNOcNIlrlolloltllllt lllm Platform Weigh Scales FOR SALE The Town of Collingwood has com required pen 111 nee Se 1111 11 to 1115 make 111111 111t 111141111 1111 1111111115 111 12211111 177111111 lllll lPlll 7719111115 11111111 11111 11111115 2711 lieprintsv 111 F1d survive uuulity 1111111I 1111 11111l11gt 11 Neithlund 11111111 3111 North 11111111111 to 9111111 1121s 111111111115 extra ten 111 which 11t Shuring littlli llltl 11111 Chritt 111111 11151 111111 liuter 111111111lt 11 1111 111 21 15131311 511121 1111111 11 =1111111 111 ltll 11 111111 1181111 new K11111111e1e if 1111 lozys 1111111111 111111 1111111 11111111 111112 11 we Bog 95311 QYExchahqe 95 11111115 1111 11 111111 111111gtL11 llilltr APJET DIAL r4187 COLLIER ST BARRIE 111 111 tunnel 1111 Je lured Form Stock lmplements WW pent111111 Household Effects we 1111 iilttllt 1111011 111111inhe1ee1 by 111111 Inrl Morley ltttiJttl 111111 11111111 11i131i11 THOMAS WILEY Lot 27 Con 10 Essa Hier Vllst 21ml Mile North 111 Holly 111111111 0y May 13 illl11ii Itillt SUCC 111l1 111111 mn 11 11111 ltutny 111111114 mltl Evieintnits 111ll1 1111h111 111111111 1111 1111111 1111 111 ll1 who 1111111 111 111111 11 dear 111111 A1111 the 1111115 lf3llltLilillt 511111 2111 1lll 1111 11 111151111 1111 who lured him ll lSMll THE Wile 11nd Fnmily ill tlll 1111111 El 1Tllillll 111111 111111 111 111111111111 11111 l111h1111 lltlLlUlll llllt lluy se1ll 11 111111 111111 111 111111 int 111111 ill 1111112 111111 1111 11 Sillllll 111 loving 11101111111 111 Bert Smith who lied May l2 151111 Street 1110111111108 Vlll linger torevei lune 1111111111 1911211120 them its true Yeius thut 111111 cunu thinnot Seier ur loving llllitllllllulltt 111 llver lcllltllllklLfl by Dad 1111 191111111911 gut11111139 liavcoctallaIlotllalioooltolt 11 111111 V1111 Illillt 1l1er 111111 Sisters ltHf 1111111 Vlllllilill we 11111111111 11111 lllerehird 11111 illurhum mes 111111111 honor 11 yrs llGS AND POULTRY lows C111 119111 Sumx nuns lilni well lilllllFfNlS Shlllllwln loriiig11leirlhry of our tour iiitldy Bert GLuigc Robert Smith who pussedrnuy May 12 11 1111 1946 store heziulilul memory llis death is 11111 silent grief 1il1e11lltl by his wife lilunue and children LWIGGIN Dttlllli binder in good repuir Deming Superior 21urr11w wullmTf 11011 Deering rid lHC 201 single lmar IHC spring 13 teeth set drug liarrows see Deming haiy rake Ill 11 Steel lund roller drums pen harvester wagon 11111 rut lltltl drill plow lIid K1111 1114 plow dizrrow tooth eulli1 511 out seed it 41 luring memory 01 Esther W1ggius W111 llecl April 30 1944 While L1 have your mother Then orishher with care For y1u will never miss her on see the 111cnnt chair Everreme1nbered by Husband and Family Till sloop 11nd box he turnip drill root sculller mill buggy cutterz hug truck set barn SLxl bug holderz hog rope 125 11 new roll chickenw Mother com pleter Sugar buckets and spiles HARNESS Set dou harness half Set doubt number horse collrrs GRAIN SEED FE whezit 1150 bus Erba rye 10 bus ryegbuc wheat 15 bus buck heat quantity timothy hay red clover seed quantityclover hziyz quantity 1po tatoes HOUSEHOD EFFECTS Bed pieces beds awers cane chairs small tables ster rug 91x12 ex tablee table glass eup Empress Helppy Thought rangest cwing machine kitchen rs barrel churn Melotte cream rator quantity olsealers dish and other household utensils Forks shovelschains and many other articles too numerous to men tion All to be sold without reserve as the proprietor has rented his farm Terms cash DST lurm hellmrro and at REAsouAatiicosr b11111 dcr Smith kettle Nature blel etching harness 75 1511s oats ngbus Silver iHull neat Pork fowl FRESH BREAD VEGETABLES veai room suite chests of roekmg have prevented costly repairs 5m 15 IleLus checkyour car or tru ckr 1Quebec heater 91111192111 Member of Barrio Chamber of Commerce Sal 1C Johns Clerk Sorot1le Auctioneer Phone Stroudrll pmu th 1g llllC SINGER Sewing 1l1rhine 11 ltltgttllllll lll 11111 in Burrie All tvpes 111 inn1 1111121111111 Workniunshii 2111111111111111 l11 11 limited 111111111111 111 nmrlriius menl 111l gt111 1111 311111111111 11 17 111111111 111111111111111 WINESAP APPLES Full of JuiceFla 01111111153 Simm wt PINEAPPLES ma Fiivsllss GREEN BEANS Fdrn famv minus roe ll gym PEAS 11 ff 31111131111013 1111 We 1r11lt Nlllgtlllj tt111111111e L11111 111111ds 1111511lillf111111 Hti 111 It you are interested in merchandising and meetng the puhlie apply to MISS MOORE ZELLERS LTD BARRI N1 MACllllili 11nd tllltl 11 str 111111e charges Vii1111 Bert Sheer 571511 paratively good setol Weigh Scales to sell Capacity ten ions Some may be seen at Market Square tollhnuvood by enquiring at Fire Hulk 111411 11111 Address tenders for purchase to FAWCETT TownClerk COLLINGWOOI Nl 11111111111111105 uttnrhw Write Singer Sew1 tario St 1721111 Delicious Meats Fruits VegetablesondiGroceries of Tastiest Quality and Highest Value Are Daily Fc Dominion Stores gt Unexcelled in Flavour RlCMELlO COFFEE Frankfdrdor Green Valley is Standard Quality vprn CRUSIFMIX 19 Medeof Flour ShorteningHSa Destrose Sugar atoms At Yem RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF Steak or roast PBBTERHOUE 111112111111 mm pound 23 ltl 35 13 Monarchl materialist Lyons TAMIX tillakes YorkShire Puddingr Fish Batter Cakes nders1 et 1lb Boneless steak or to IRWNDTQK g111f29lt lGZSrlrdqz 39c 45 3111195 1511333 iTzistx BILL grams Popovers Griddle All Varieties norznrinr Texsun roots fl $231 summon 1111111114112 241 Aylmer PureOrgnge MARMALADB TVegertaibte Flower SIMMERS SEEDS New Low Price Clerks Cream of MUSHROOM SOUP dozen Tins 89c 2161 Tom 25 151 DOMINION STORES LIMIT Fish Suggestion 117 Fresh CODVFIL Tasty smoked KIPPEBS Silverlniglrt SALMON ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY

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