Ill 23311111115 tXAMINEEI BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA 7111113 BARBIE EXAMINERij 7mm mm yA 11w1um 0111110 Egg YEARS AGO 9mm 11 111111isiotot11511111111101111111111 111 11111 1111 1110 value 11nd lllllllHtl11 111 1111 1111111 111 liltlllsil 1111111 1111111 1114153 il 111 EDITORIAL NOIILS 11 111 11 11 131 11 113 11 =111 i4 ii 11 11 A1 11 11 11 Fg 11 ij 111 13 11 13 11 11111111j 11 11 11 11 111 111111 11 Wu 11111111 11111 1111v 11 111 11 1II11v1111 Ly 11 311 11=ll lI 1111vl11111 IE1111 15h 1y 11 11111 111 111111 51 lk vA 11 vi 11 111111 11 11111 1111 1111 111 MPH1 11 111 110 11111111 11111 i=1 11 111 511111111 Ill 11111111 1111 1111 11111 1111 111 1111111110 01111111111111 111111 11 Hy HM 111 111111111 11111111 7111 1111 My 11 1111111 101111111 11 11 w11i i1i1 111 111 111 1111111 11111 1111111111 121111 11 lgt1nllll1 iil 1W Llilwl ll Kyllygni 1111111111 1111 111 11 llllll 11 21113181 liHi 1111111111 1111111 1112111 111111 111111111111111111111 1111 111111 11 1110 111 1111111111111111111111 111 1111 110111111 2111 El 1111 1111111111 111111181 llll1 l111 1111111 11111 1111111111115 11 1111 11111111111111u 11 1111 111 if 11 1111 11 17 111 weok is 11111111 1111111111111 111 111 11114 1010 3111111111 llbllimHlWl 11 1111 111111 11 11 11 memw WW Whom 1mm 11 511011 1111111l 115 111111 111 1111111 511011111 1211 gt11111 91111511 HV l= gt1 11111 111 11001151011 to lt 1ihs111111 it 1111151 111 111111 llilMHm 111 107 mm 11 11111111511 1101 1W 11 wort 1111 11 11 0111 11 111 1111101111101 11 SLlll MW f111or1111 011101 is doing 11111 11121411111111 1111111 5111115111111 YEARS AGO 111 11111 1111 $111117 mm the files of 01311111717 V11 THE BARBIE 5x10111113 110111315 tourlst 1111110 111111 1151 11111 011101015 the 11000551111 11 111111 11011 possible service 111111 11111111111111111111111 10111110 published by the mi1115 me 211111 5111 thinks 111 1110 1111111 011111111 11l 31 111 Tourist and Publicity 11111101111 1131 2111 111 1111111110 1111111101 ttttOlllllllltllll1011 15110 111 following interesting inioriiiiiioxi 7111 1115 11111111 cause for protesting When 111011 11101111111119 111 the lown 1711111 wns 11111101111111111 11 This issue 11ppc111s 11 101111 1111111 11 11111114 expressing 11 no 1111001111111 words 111111 iiizizst dollar is spent 115 follows 103111 1111 11 mm 1111 was 1511120111 understood 111111 inurkciinfr mvld 3111 1111 lliiriic 1110111 Notes 11011 131111 l01iii11 l1110lt 111111 gt111011 1110 115 1110 131111 ii111111j 11111 111111117 11 11111211s 30 cents restaurants 111111 01111 zirconiniodntion IT 001115 1115111113 12 1111111110swouldbc included 11111 1110 to111 theatres and amusements 1111111 0111 11 11115 11111111 little evidence of any 411131 1111121111111111011 seVen cents 111011101111111 11111111 desire to 11111110 1111011111111x pl1lSltll 111 110 1111111 With Btirrie the very 01111110 111 oat1 1111111lv 1111 111111111 1115 111111011 31 1011s 11 WIUMXD WM 11 the finest tourist 1110115 in 71111111111 01911 1or in 111111g to give 011101111 1tlllhltltlllllll mm mm 11111111 should feel 11 responsibility in 1111111111 to this very important question 11 11 MMIHI 110 11111l1i 111111 111 luxtii 11119 1111 111111 1111115 111 the best interests 011110 tourists 11111 I1 11 ht 11 11 1y1i1i111111 111111171 111111 111111 ii11 141 this wtiy 1111 11111011 of the 101111 111 11 1511 1111 111111 1100111111 1131 1111t1 1111131 7147 11118 in like mm DeutuihmnL 11111111111 11 P11151115 secziiiccs reported by 11111111111 11111ily IRFFR 015 11011 1111 Royal Victoria llOSDllltl by 13311 11111011 115 C111101oii 1110 gt11111111lt 31371931111 11 1101 1111011gt0 lurch 1110 11 11111 announcement 01 11 111110 1111111 3111 mg 11130111111115 to 001191 11 has met 1111111 gen 111 1111 liltioiiimipu41111113 ml1lili1iliil Sony$371ngy 118 011 1111 Munster 01 DOWOI Ill IliClltl 1111 lll 1111 11131710VF11 Allie in nllme Li 1H 11 11111 1111 their 03111 1111 11111 11111111 151111 11 110111101 0x1 lilll feature Of 51 recent ddle5 by Ml under llscussmn It hdb becqlmmo 21 111111 lpenses Under presidency oil PViClPHl that 11051311211 Clematis hall l1oi 1i Mayor reported 111111 Mrs Visnicr Womens Cllllildlllllt 1111 on this subject It has been 1110 policy more Iv 11 successive United Kingdom 111111111111111 been common due to incre1is1ng1051s r1111 l1i11 11Ua5 9111myMfg31021mI to work towards the iGlliYdtoti of 111L001 Toronto hospital just last week furnished 111313 111 I111 tflllxiIizlbrgttllllmiilili 11115HltE111 lt1 1111 311511 11 iilt 111111111111 in India It has long 1111111 111111 gttlllxlng example it the annual meeting NH WHOM my dwwm Idopmmom Bumm WM unied by the Governincntnnd the per lllL WllltllefimMH 0311151 DIOR If inljfillthliSlllliir WW 110115 in B111110 110111101113 brisk 1110111 Britain that there would 00 1111 111 10111 11121100 that 00518 were becoming DTO 1011 317111 the 131111111 711 111111111131111110111131111011113 11111011111 invite transfer of ower from the unit1 llibithC and Morgan stated that hos 111110 piesciii 111 1110 111 despite heavy April 111 111 1h pit Hpenses Went up $40 000 over the prim 1111111 iiilcctiiic 111111 the cxccptzon of 110 Lacrosse 11111 11111111111101 E111 mmom 1311 an 101 utncs Ferguson Dr 11 Shear 1110111111101 of the invenic Many Indian leaders have been imptiticnt 10115 yearnddmg we are losing money 011 31pmL it tiVm113 Webb 11 11111 111111013 111111 the rate of progress and have 11103 iooms for which we charge $10 lay Wilmi 11ml Mchrroll 11nd A1111111111110121112111101111105 tioned Britains sincerity T110 Prime 111111 M155 Aiinic 1111i11 Appointed 1111s announcement of time limit is proof gt school nurse gtIIC1lill Miss Britains determination that India shrill 111111911 1111111111 111lll herself In Pandit Nehriis words it TAKES TON TAXES swam31 Brim 1ot only removes all misconception 111111 11L1111otllll Exzniiintri gt Cumilm Mk 1wthan 1111itiOIl but also bringsrezility 111111 11 001 1011 111 15 0111511131 BARR MARKET mm gm Binnie BM Am 111111 dynamic quality to the present 511111111011 11 111 010101 110918111muitmucr Maw my Emmy Ming my actor Silo 111 11110 1111 gt 110ng ouch wwweh 1m Bmwe Exammer 111 GlUlelly L11ndin7 onlthe Not 19111111111 Ill slllhlt 1111013 131 9111115 111x which Door 811 As 11111 one of the 1111 WWwv mm tie to he coininemorztted by 11 stone 1111111101 supplied by govern ment Presbyterian congrega The Indian parties have been brought 1111111 ngl11Qd mm is to fiice with realities they must 11111tll 1111111 in 1111 zisscmhling firm in this wo 1111111111111ale 1311211015 we clud 11111101111131 ptiys not 11110 11111 11101132 51110 8111110 inziikct 11nd think we have RAZMAJ Il il I1 Rimment as to tbe Inqmn AWlmgiiti 11 1111 lliililills 111111111 111 this 1111 0111 tho111 111111111 enough 11111150 bybcfng sliov viiich Will take deliveiy 01 power on 111 l1 WWWPIWIHI Cd mum mg Mme we 11115 111110 1110 11155011 lore June 1948 5111110 considcrution ln the first filmed M44160 Rug17 13011 1111100 we should never have been Flmd RUNS dymg pdi 1y Miss 11111 Creswickes prompt The power to be surrendered to 11111111 IANNIN response to cries from 11 Workmunl 81113111 1111111110131110 liable to what 1111111191 1111111111 111 01 11111 own market build the authority exercised by Britllill over 11111 WW 1r 1111111111 1111 11 in Imam The 562 Indlan States not tiiiJn i11111011111t it thiylllitielyilndccjtl tlitt 1iy AM lleescm bildci Ml lullmd lm lhttle ml 1iii atomi 33 Ct ha iotisc 11111a imcy 101 p1it of British India Britain as the P111 mm WWW H1 hm U5 neednlg 111m pm lll111 to ln mew victim in trench mm 11 111111 1011111101 1111111 who steps 1110111111 11011111 Power EXGIClSCS ceitain Mum13 0111 11511111111 11 111115 the 01111 011111 111111 more mm know his name wk fret amp seeding MUM 1111011 these Indian States As therpapziniount1 115 Hf 0111511 good and sufficient grounds he ii sick us Din Wimy WC It Five bmbun imam f1llow 01 iisziiitly lo JuldgwcrciheCODEIOISilleWGXLLIlull 411111 1111111 11 llmill fililtllm jurmignfwt 111 1110 disgusted Willi the 31111111111 illllt C0111 SIIIILUQ Btisclitill my mll ourselves 11nd many to whom Llilguei Ballwv Cl5mWvK11Wl1 Hm StatesilsVieSponSlble 01 their 191ng 1010 of the fellow who does not have 111 110211101 11 11011111111 11nd lvv 9Dr l1Simh 111111 has certain powers Oi intervention 111111 Huiyplmln Hm Dewy inwlmmn by WNW linye ldlbfd any lllzlplflLiC 115 liy Bmvip WI president Viw my 11 11111134 pro it 111 gtv 10151 of misrule such authoiity 01 1111111 1111 011111 Undmmd when the delegation 115 11 8211111117 Ivy becy 3117103ywm not be handed on LO npwl 11101 Councn 11151 Full tlieypioiii133W Vllekhvv pmlllll IA Indian government becauSe it IS not now Cme up um their 1111iicDJticlx udvciliscd 11111 iiiy NH WFTF NATURAL RFGHTS isrd ltiprovide 11 01111011114101 us UK 1111110 01 mm We next to the Keiiinsbuildin be WWW 1111110 199 XtJClSed by the Goverment of India liut mm thmrlighmmd minds ot the 111112014110111111 mymng else wagdonvhich gmmmnwantmg 1mm mom the LBriliSh crown awn3 ijhe 1101110 1110 Bill of Rights 01 Biitainlvlugii11Churtn was the mop and only wise mine 111g could do so 111 Tent City and Viceroy rParamountcy Will cease to eXist 1111 Dcclurgtion of Independence the Atomic011111 to have done And on Saturday have the use dwmgumqln wnh and all the rights surrendered the States 1131 111111 the otlieijgieat docuinentail April 26 we were putout of the llghes anthOHdwsyerp as to the Paramount PM 10 the 111 112211111111111211111211 111 3111 gt 1331121111391 1111er 1111121 vsmltes The latter will then be free seb religious experience of mankind gave taelyahzliery 81 June andduly 15 1113 their future relationshlprwith the new It would be1jnpossm1e to secure agreement rm and away By 1130 am But government 10f India Preliminary discus among men on definitiltms hofh nhuturgl iigllllslbllrt mne Wemmuctam 10 move And the ne omatina there is 11 universa 111 1C as een 051L did the tables ever come down in OHS already heldbe wee varying forms in the philosophies and religionsmol hurry and Shavings Off the committees 0f the Chamber Of Prmces and lt1ll peoples byywhich men individually Hind collec our we had to move out with the Constituent Assembly have been realisx lively can ityoid the invasion of the natural rights our prduce mold so mink lie and friendly and there is every indica of lily man In our ciVilizution it IS known as the Ins me the TownCOunci1 wake ta es will take art intramr Golden Rulth 11 F10 that the ttt of Ipd Inasmuch as law IS impotent to compel character IBckward mm backward mg the new cons 15m 1a cooperation and constructive citizenship all 111w Oh time in your ight should be designed to ensure the maintenance of the And give Us Council HOW FARM CASH INCOME IS DERIVED largest possible zone of safety in which men may With more brains overnight fi ures recentl issued enjoy 11 maximum of fieedom to exercise 111011 There is room for lent more Asurvey 0f the natural rights in obedience to the Golden Rule remarks the Dominion Bureau Of Statistics on the The United Nations is seeking to establish such low Thanka you for your valuame total cash income received by farmers inlfm the world space Canada for their farm operations 1111946 AN ONLOOKER reveals that nearly 50 of the total of THOUGHT nu LOOKED LIKE $1000 fro the livestock The farmer silently considered the offer then 111 Exports to the United Kingdom $352341000 wabsl dugBBS Of nlzlle industr plied Weell its heck of 11 come downbut Ill up to the end of February 1947 and dairymg anc take 11 of vegetable seeds produced 111 Statesa bullemn 01 the canadian Federatmn When thedeal had been consummated the 1001 Canada from the 1946 crop had Confederatlon Llfe DixAgrlcultuie chant demanded Why in the world did you ask for value of $250001 Shipments in in ssociition th livestdck end of farmm $1000 for this horse when you were Willing to take chided lettuce onion radish peas Income from and vegetable marrow seeds The 21 Dunlop St Plinth$14 5100 totalled $574m1monsor 33 of the tOtal Well said the farmerI guess must have largest single consignment was lllril lWl While dalrylnz provided total Of $2856 sized you up wrong rfrierid thought you might 1366791 pounds of peas valued at millions or 16 of the total making com want $1000 horse $100000 from the files of 1111 iixiziiii Wit la 1111111 1111 11 11w tit rlR1l GIN lIRAllRUSlS lli11111 11 llllltlr 1iiiil Illlll lt11111 1111 i11 11l 1111151 0011110 1111 1101 1111111111111 illilI 11111 11 liitiri 1i1 11111 11011111 Nihlllllllllllll 111 111 111 11111111111 11 ill iliii lillil 111111011211 11 11 1111111111 1V in 111111111lt 3111111111 llllllllilllt1ill 13111 11110 1msm 111l1l1 1010111111i 11111211 L1111111101l 1111i 111111y 11111111 11111 11111 131 11111i 111111111 1111 10551119 ruptilly 10111 litl 1191111 11111 51111 7111 1111 Siiiops1 gt101h 11110 1111111 11011101111111 limsi which 011110l 1110 11100115 111111 51211 1olt 11gtlt 110 11111910 1042101 11 WK itll1 Sllll1l 11 1111110 Ill 11111113 1111110 111111 111 12111 111111 1111111110 LINlilIl Bl AIR All 1101111211 lorniuiiy11141111111 ptriiiitirl by the Allied CllIlZlIitlll authorities us of Air 1111111 Swotltii 11111 P11121311 checTWr present listing Make sure it is correct 11 in clianges 01 1111110131111111 10111011 liccuusc of 1111l monmgm additional listings 1110 required TOROllTO Ford Hotels are reprooland gt pufaggfca Sines centrally located most of lbs 750 rooms in each hotel haile privale bulh and radio Forregervulions write orwire lhe Manager well in ad vance of anticipated arrival 11111511157251 office today SMIrH 131 1111 31111111111011 COMPANY 750 one NO HIGHER 7101 OFCANADA 11s the Gardeners pullem skill lliul producersllie perfection of in 0rililtlan1l patient QualityTesting that gives you 119mm perfection in Sweet cps YES Pedeconheck gives you lial 111511 of many perfections Bolero you lightup Sweel Cup draw on it and note the clean fresh taste the recall of qualitytesting step by step fromplunlalion to you Is The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked wEETCAPORAL CIGARETTVES