ison Club en matfb WiniiEIs he run runa the 21111 111 11118 and 11119 with racing SIISIIClltltll herawe 1It Voilii War the historic race was run without any bets plarwlmand amateur races filling the rest of the card also llil II It II I4 11111I III111iIIIII REEIIFILI SPRY It II G011 is 301111er II CIIUII PHLSIIJENI II I1 IIIl III II II II 11 it EMHSIIO Tcrlfiers BaCk Ab DCmUCO said II iIII 111 111 mm COSSC Cleveland Barons 1r 1I iioiiis izoinssos lItIil NIIIIIII 11 III II II 11 111111 11I III I111t111I1111 IilIl 111 13 11 Ilil KI IV 11 II it IiIi III hat tt 111111 1111 11 III 11 111I If 111111111 no 11 IyIl 1111 11 II 11151 51 131 111 11111 11 VIII111 III 111II11 21 it 111 111111111IiiuciIII 121 111111 1111 1111 III11 llil 111 nann II III IIJII Anittfoii 111111111 Ill1 In 5111 III 121121 111 XiIHII o1 Ili 111 HI II II 11x 11 111 111 IlIltlllvill 11 11111 11 111 III 11 Zi III III II II III III 31 IIan III1 1III 1111 II II III av1111 11I11 111111111 III ill 1111 11 1v 111 III 111 II III Hit 11 II 111 IiI 1111 11 lvitivinllint wires 11 II wt II 1x 311311 iiotip 111 11 1111111 Iin 1111 1111 I11 III 112111 iIeI 1s ttt 115 HIIH Hqu lI II 11111111 11111 would he III IIIMIIII III III II III I1ttl 11 7111111 11 3111111 IllllltllICll in MIL 1I II VI 111 Ilr 11 Iiiimt 1911111 turraii 111 II In HUMIII IIIII 1I1r11 111 LliIllIl hail the III II III IIIIII lvi tlul ineztiitiiiie they innIn IIIII 1111111111 to 111 51111111 1111111 111M 1i 11 1II1II1I11 tIlllt ltt players IIIIIIIII II II III llll IIII1 liii liiitiiiietliule eii II II III II 111 11 11111 to Illlltllll also ilIIIIIIIII III II srui 1111lt 11191114 lltl uII itIiIuw tvaIII IIIII II1211 iIII 11 1111111 lII 15111ttlli 311111 IcpIIitcd bright and early 51 11 IIti IM 311 tor ltl Sililtllltl issittiiiiiiiil as spiiqil 11111 I1 10 FIG else IIeo sends his 1II 111 The lixamiiiei 11 11 lien 911 It iIItheIl BCIYlleld III in iiIe littlltl 11113 ia lilfcieiit twin lil lw 151 11 I1 III MRI INI MIIII III mu IIIIIIIS NIH II III IIIIIII II MI IIIIII II II AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIts IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIKQIIIDCIllfBIdI IIIIIIII Iv 11 II1 II HI Hot st tum lav on the 11111 11111 he handled 1111 111e no1 mm ltlllg f111 HM II II II Amateur hottball Association on IHHIIIII I1 III ImMI Ii ion XIIHILIIII In 111111111 1111113 111 III In II MIUIIHHM In 5111111 MI l11iI 11ti we to play tume 11 11111 for hltllaislei of the lliitlttllltt In 11V1 1111 sttlts IIii recreation in these 21 iiiiii mum Mm will 11 TH ltnle ll arier may move l11111t lie 1111111 IIIise tor one of the local gt111 lie 111 11111111 IIf1 111 s1 11uiIic turf 1111 Charlie Kearseys Wellkept I111IIIf$5313Is 1m for 1111 past 11 11 11 Ill 151111 Sine1111 socciIi lllt1Gll will 1111 lt1II III the llvieWiiiU I111 The an r1 11111 11 mos 1111 11 ieaiii 1111 the removal to 111 llIIAIIKIizlszlnlirs 11y squad iI1III1 1m 11 III 11 II women 1111111111 Uro 1111 13 years since cumin ImrI inspection with 171 ltllliatl 1111 111 11 Miltl lllgt farm and moves his family on Ilondu II IIllItIIISSJLIMEEI IIIIIEHLiIIli Composing1 the ritle 1tll 17 1l71 lttttl sportsman lltllll has on wed ziiaidiiic the pg 111 if 11 ll must he 11 111 11 gt IAs named by Fast CooocrotIIe Illlltl has been 1113 help to 110 0rII llIIiltujI 11 III IIIJIIITJIIIIIIIIIllIrlniolril Smd my Imam SIII III IIIIII IIIHI IIIII Packers If Ontario Ltd Barrie Vim 1111 NPR5 Kinks Flam 11 kidlm II limtlmllg lH IIINI FHTUHS NJ Diviqm Wivkwlilml II Aiv Ii 111 Mi 111 111 results oi the past to seasons ly 10111 siit Iiiilia IHI IiIII IIIIIII Ig IIII IIIIIII 1m mm5 Imd it WWI mm II lII ports 11 111 1111111111 lIziiirl trnin Frank By the I1111lt tells uhlnllhhouut 111 Wild fl 111111111114 MIMI Crawl DIM BACON 065 11 has 1114 lnwther 11 W11 llllt who refereed 1111 mllule 01 INo smokinr slilll be Th himd mmwl ml IlwIHSI Miltll IIIQ tltl HUI Dressed weight 1I1111 lillltIII one month ago This ilt an honor that comes to 11 111 lisli F3 pin Imw Whit gII Per CW1 1I11111 111ieiet Just once in lifetime IZII1 131155 Slivinpllazlrd Clarke instructed the tender I11 mu AL All MI Ilvttll 33H PI 111 All 1117181 1111 llll barrister wspoits columnist 1113 1111 New IIIIIIIWI IiICIIIi IIIIII II In IIIIIIIIIIISIIIII Tho gm IynllI MI 111111 ttl ado II1Hgt1 folk 11 1111 IIXIHLFFI 1111 Idol1111 11 47 ll mm Histricted to liversnt one Cillllttl on with field tr 1111 IIH tlw 11 III IiiIA liiri hm MM Iizniz 1111 Rowes 2111111 threeyearn11d moved into the lootihiue 1111 IQIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIdII mIIII mo tumIN dock mm 53 CHIII II II ImI III Im WWI MO II Apzil JII and trainer llarry liddim reports him in great shape 1311 1111 IIxIr gig gliflll eerti Km LIII AdmMp will L1 lIII sows II II II HI II IIiittr II1II IIIfC rm III 111111 11gt only 111 11 and Iiddiiihs aluays 111 In 11tl IIIIIIIII IIIId IIIIIIIII certicates will III amps CHIIIDIIIIII AIL1W1 IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII III INII II drmwl IIIIIIII SIIIIUI 1111 911111 111 ll RIC 01 1f 1110 511111011111 1W1 Wot he in mama to those of the boxing bout between OD Stewart II II WI 11 III IIIIIIIHI hot dresst weight lt10th Is Ilarry has gtlllltlltl nine lungs Plate Iiiiiiers recozd 1111 won Ioto mam Iriiiclc and LS laii Hamilton HII Mf IIIIjI IIIIIII CALE my in Gama 1mm Rim1mm veteran Tide TH Ilt sighed The ship held QVOIIIll Iiiirtersi II rhoice babies 1100 III Watch Winch lteuartllcss ol the present dispute helme11 the 011 IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIrImmI In 2130 Office piping IIIHII FIIIIII IIIIIIC 1111I Jotkey Club and the llorse Breeders Assoctatioii the Male rilI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII mm 1591mm 111$ IIICSIIII ICIIIILIII pan Jamar Idhmw IIIMICI IMO Clarke lIowc NILGibbon Corrieuii Umd hmchm came llllltltl ANI IHERIII Barrie lIakeshores of 10411 are not lililgtll lit Yorhsuind will play home games in Westons new outdoor ho littlIlFH cushion West Yorks will open the OLA Senior season at Itll 13 on the new monolithic iiiaiblelloor oiathel 1121111 type they claimed was too slippery in llairic last year 111111 McDonald 111 Suiidridge present M1 for Parry Sound riding may he opposing Macdoniiell MP for Muskoka and chief financial llllit ol the Progressive Conservative party in the next Federal elec 111111 The itliishoka constituency may he iiicigcd with lliirry Sound IiitelieiicIiWaterhIo are moving into the OHA Senior series next year alone with llraiittord Intermediate champs Soii Rowutree star oi the llumiiicrSununit rural hockey team this year has an otter from lxiteheiier and is also trying out in boxla with West Yorks WICN SOUND SUNTIMES REPORTS Owen Sound lVlohawlIs enjoyed good year in 194047 and it is no secret that the fans Would like another attempt made next year to lift the Senior 011A title liiey supported the Moliawks to the limit pioolthat good Senior club llllt1111I in this city However if an Owen Sound team is tocom pete against the llamilton Tigers and club such as is tentativerlined up for Kitchener early organization isvnecessary The main item the makeup of any club is sponsor and at the present time one is laclIiiigiuthis city The Arena Commission and Frank Smith com bined to back the Mohawks when it appeared they must fold at late date last year In doing so the Commission was sticking its collective heck out but there was no alternative Fortunately the club finished out of the red but the chairman Jim MacLdThsjct it be known the commission wont be trapped in such position again Thercl islittlc hope of Frank Smith assumng the role of sugar daddy next Fall He might rbeitalkcdiintorithonmonerconditioii that he could sign players to contract We enjoyed long talk with Frank shortly outer the Mohawkswwere eliminated by Hamilton Tigers and he told ltsflltllly that he wouldxnot consider backihganother clubunless he could sign the players to contract and thus have some concrete COIF trot over them Smith has good pointffor under present conditions an important game or the first of the playoffs and an outstahdii player suddenly decideshe doesnt like playing hockey for the wage he has received all year The sponsorhas the choice of giving the desired booster iveakenihg his hockey club IITWO or three such play ers can cziuse an awful 110101 headaches GOOD ADVICE TO ATHLETESwas given by Gus Bodhar and Bill Barilko of Toronto Leafs speaking toIAurora High Scliool students recently Barilkp Timmjns boywasI asked =What do youiecmm inend for young players His answer NOsmolIingthats hard on the wind Go to bed early stay away from the woirien eat plenty of vegetables andkeep in shapein the offseason by work Boduar commented urge all you young fellows to continue yourstudies Finish your schooling and ifyou intend todo so complete yourcollege career ThereIis plenty of times for you to makethe grade in pro hockey afterwards He cited the career of Sle Apps and Don McRac Winnipeg in this connection Pro hockey pays well We are encour aged by the Leaf management to save for the future and have stakel iiIthecommuiiitywhen ourplaying days are over Education is easy 11 carry and will tie in wolfWithybur plnforthefuture he conr chided CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr and MrsKen Somers on the ar dfiil of baby son Journalist Somers of The Midland Free Press tllcrald took particular delight firing arrows in the direction of Barrie where young group of lads happened to locate last October Imagine our surprise when they turned out to be fair hockey players Now we shall have to turn our scouts to Midland Theres finenew pros pcct up there Fine commercial printing at The Barrie Examiner Please order as far ahead as possible Advance notices of events by which money is raised are not 111 sorted In Lets Clint gsoccrzn sEASON TO OPEN MAY 24 WITH EXHIBITION Draper ronto to Mushoha came down here Dr chris of Wellandpflying cub cruiser stopped off hereon his way to GraveiihuI and heavy weather grounded him from Sun day to Wednesday cub cruiser owned by Thompson Aircraft Limitch This craft came the flying ships in was Central Airways Ur Managers or coaches who do not sign special certificates are still restricted to the bench Barrie Airport has been haven or several pilots in recent days on route from To 11 log chiicsdayhiglias 1nd remained over the weekend new plane at the field is 11 last Saturday Mr Burrows of Cincinnati has reached Wiiidsmuon his way here From Barrie hc Iwill trnvel by highway to Orillia where he Will player can putIa team sponsorright behindlthe eight ball Comes make business Visit with Vilas Enamel Company Last Sunday was busy dayuat field andamong the Cessna 120 from page for $150000 Ing HOspItal 1Wing glansfor campaign to raise $150000 by public subscription to ward construction of an additionIto the 0111115 soldiers Memorial Hos pital havebeen completed and the $150000will go toward the total estimated cost of $350000The citizeits committee met with the hospital architect andmvith mem bers of the Soldiers Memorial Hos pital Board The plans approved by the De partment of Health call for two storey wing It will be 80 by 40 feet The first floor lell be used for maternity purposes while the second floor will be surgical ward with three operating roomsand an Xray room There will be 50 beds Thc campaign will begin June 16 pear must be returned Mrs lioy Metraiglteii IVNJVI tINHIMI JIHIIyII lCentrgg Simcoe Sof Elect George Dangerfield Kelly first camp July to 11 The annual inspection set for date the latter part of this month and cadets are reminded that all to store This includes 1111111 iimncdiatcly drums slings manuals etc Cadets interested in joining thobaiid and former cadets belongingI band are asked to he aboard ship promptly at 7110 11111 May 11 lliiii11 iy May The luueral service 1111 1111 llutehiiisou on May was ltllltllltltll III the pastor of ilie Baptist church ZIrlllltll Rugby assisted by the Ilev Rngtiiitiirie II IIetliel llaptist church rillia Iu llutehiiisoii liad spent over tIl years lVIlTltjllvt on the farm in West 111 lie was of tlIV quit1tispositwmuliutonal liI his family The lrlllttltll was troll ittitlIlI eil eohsitleriiig the wet IIIIIZ 1irry Slessor of Edgar sang solo hl Jordans Wares The llllllllttlltlSI were six nephews Royll1r11111i 311115 will ilterintl llilwarIl Hutchinson and Roy KirkpatriIkfIIetl to mourn areIliis wile three daughters Mailei Statile IIiiiIgst1Iii1II Iskr Wilda1 lrsltre11 llenhani one son IIllis Hutchinson011thehomestead With tdtalof $534030 receivedIv up to April 15 th OrilliaRed Cross campaign was $105910 short of its objective of $7000 Although the and maspoti Camp attendance was taken forI lo the Ieila rs XXIVIV ill thallers delivered 11th in Barrie by 3018 DAIRYMEN am the authorized Representative for Renlrew Products in this District If you heed anesxcateank Separator 0r Milker let nrc demonstrate in your own dairy smooth easy turning chfrew that gets every last drop of milk can make immediate delivery Also llciificIvSiovcs on display now Alluivc too several good used separators fully guaranteed EVIWvIlu1nlierson campaign is officially over dough tions are still being received by the treasurer morn PROMPTI CQIIBI Teds Radio 44 Esscr Rd SERVICE TED OAKS Alldndcrle Repairs on all Electrical Household Appliancest 42 Inhisfil s1 Phone3115 Barrie REPAIRS EOUS EFFICIENI Appliance gt Phone 3609 Elli SOUTH Curling Club Committee SOFTBALL For Plans of New IBuildingw II illolouna hulls BAXTER BROS In 13 Iliilm MIIIIIIIIY IIcoiN Ii 27 Ii BRADFORD six room 3173 23 arry 1111111111 He Arrived Phone 9694 57 Elizabeth Medium ltlltllfl cattle Ilain butcher cattle lood cows utters and runners 541 $1 1511 EGGS MorrisoniMotorSales DO THE BRAKESOF YOUR CAR REQUIRE ATTENTION CHICKENS Grade Grade ll MFA 1111111 lbs and over Ii 251 We have the faculties to lo 30 23 complete and accurate job IiiIicrIIIc ANI ACEIYLICNIC uIaIIIINo Under It 1115 27 25 FOWL Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories Over 11 FOG LAMPS SEAT COVERS AND MANY OTHER 51777105 lbs ITEMS TO MAKE YOUR CAR ATTRACTIVE Under lbs 10 on onAIIoI Our Present Stock IdonItknovv Whetherit will help one going it You arevWlcome dome in and Ilookoroundz We have notthe space10 mention all articles but wdlgiveyouxo vMENS SUITSF IffRAIN COATS SPRINGCOATS SPORTIACKETS SPORT SHIRTS WORK SHIRTS TIES UNDERWEAR SOCKS IUSTLOOK AT THE TAG 10 arr GEORGE FINE 116DUNL0P 3T4 NestB9rilieqllert BARBIE