ug Iyp3 ISSUE 7750 Copies unit sink Mr Justice LeBcl Speaks Tirllllllllllylllil Hetliull Symcoc Law Assocutmn gt Eb In or in rd Q7 MM lls lntoiix slum lls AllVIN 510 to lti Muirs tron jflill TOPCOATS AND SUITS IN STOCK It YUIME lIIN UMIl IN IIIILM l4lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrllll RUMMAGE SALE TRINITY PARISH HALL Starting ll am Saturday May 10 Hospital Auxiliary tNl sci3 MINE Bills tllAlt 33 lliinlop 5L Harrie luspitis It tontiiliutions Hill In ttld tor ll plioiiin llts Illtltlthtiii or llt lIltl 537i rlo4lzoolo soooooo Its Powerhouse on Wheels juiiipintlicdrivers sczitandstcpon the gas Feel the mighty Surge of power from the WillysOverland Iccp Engine and thc surefooted pull ofjccp iwhccldrivcWith all that power no wonder the jeep can do thousand and one tough jobs in business and on the farm Its powerhouse on wheels Come in and see what accp can do for you ROBINSON MoTORS 62 Essa Rd Corner Burton Ave ALLANDALE flhe loveliest olfMothcrS Day gifts is bouquetm otir exquisite flowers Olil lragrant flowering plank PHONE YOUR IV or come in and makciyoiir selection yr slime glowed 51072 10 Dunlop SL Opposite Queens Hotel PHONE2951 WE DELIVER Bomled Members Florists Telegraph Delivery Assoc lCariicgic Institute of Technology AL Ltr am lm ll it mg in IIltViil litltllitll liltllllll lili Ntwtllltliitl oi liniiw who was also llitlllllll o1 Illttlll liiv mus nic standing itll l1 Itiiii Illmgr ol loronto Iran llioiiitoii it oi EQiEQl fffff Pail HQ Will Remain In Barrie New Quartersldune itllllllll tii Ii ii oltt lll lllllilll iiltl row It inrl thc villt will liilm pi ol llll 11l il ltoss Illiirlt on Duiilop St tlurlts Sumoi County Illlttlltli County and thc Districts Il laiiE Sound and IItlttlltl Prof Geo Miller Receives High Honor tliu thm publication of this owned schools and State Tcachers 3W4 gust22 7f iii tom Pennsylvania Art Chief lciiii has boon nppoiulctl by Goth Education ol the and has done graduate work in Yale and travel study in Europe originatcd newsletter called lhcl Victory and sent out to 700 of his former students monthly who were in tlicK the world ijARRlE c2 Eleven Caldwell H1 i7ii rothers Are All Masons lilmix lmma UDlT EXAMIN UREAU RcigiAriom tillVT HMI VLUA tripW Boplize Twelve Babies Collier United Church lliixiii nicctzini ltttt and tin lltlt llninitx Vi lint at llli hit Illlr ll= ulnu xiil iiiulii ll litll lllKll tititl titul illl luv tank to in to snm llllllll llocm ttll sizziii lili 34 lt 141 iiiili lillii ill ll=llll mil lll ioouicil lilttli iv VIAlilK lm in li iil ttliltl St lllltrltll Hlllllilltl ll Sillltll Ihi lioiiiiilnl lolitc lll lulu Igtlllrll of tho lJllllilllli on llllltl Inc iiohc has lllllt lttl li iilitc lllt lltrllll ollicw lll lllt Iht Iniii llllllltl llt itulliitli LLlltlrt tho litllltt lll llllIll radiol lllllUIl llttittlllttll which ll pro idc tixoriay ioiiiiiiuniciilion tori ll IlllHlllillIl tltlllfi cii lltlHllLtlll Hi the liistiici llii district ital llil iconic Mllltl lltwl of ltctit It Art of tlic Stiitc cathcis olligoal Slippery ltocl iiior James II Dull as Chicl At of Commonwealth of cmisylvaniiia at the suggestion Superintendent of Illblicl nslructioii at Harrisburg The now Art Chicli who is lilllwtlt many in this district is grad iatc of the College of Fine Arts of tl activ aid the University of Pittsburgh During the last war being un iblc to join the armed forces he Bell which be edited armed forces statioiicrl all over ltcccnlly his Iloarrl til lrustccs Ilic unic him recognition or his prolroy ticiciity in art lcadclship and for Campus iicwslctlcr The readers of lllhllvll ncwslcttcr presented him with tonic collection of war souvenirs now callcd lhc George Millcr ollcctiou now housed in the col lcuc library iicssiil Millers ncw duties as Chief Art litlglltilllOll Department ol uic Instruction will givc him responsibility concerning art education programs in all state lion sure Atternoon DONT DELAY EVERY Instructor WALTER CLEMENCE arrie Flyi ollltiulitl Ll llr llltilll ltirgi are all you ol lt Caitlinll Siiicc obtaining home in Stayiicr tlyiigr instructor licrcwlzist ycai Collchcs llis olticc will hr in lln Statc Ilducationzit Building iisbiuu Mr otih i1 poivrlci haml uiciizitlczs and mili BiNcoriN EVENING473GLX to it TOwFLY $500 per Lesson If yeti start now you can solo and enjoy good wei trier flying Old Students get your feet off the ground Alfllilt IIIIIINII Flyin wtcraii of tlic his iclciisc hc has inadc is scrvicv Milli and his family lunisl many Sixlh liiio llity ii and Mrs Norman Cllllllllll IthHllll lttlAhll owl in riiatgioiz gasoline Wltftlli tllll Mlltltttli Tea Auspices of St Maryswllaridiw 99 394 lammmmamamo 44 40 go who and DAY FLYING DAY FLYING BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 3498 Engineer TOMMY THOMPSON rig Club it litt that li tilliltl iln iiii Siaiil Kiliim olz lt lit ll MAYB Chili lllln trout llrnii his He asisisluit Leonardo Vltli was so hilt haiidcd that lic kept his uolcs in mirror writing wlmillleIOWOOlOltliltil Itll4llllltl SPRING BAZAAR THURSDAY QDDFELLOWSTEMPLEjCOrliLIElt six of SewingVandHomejBakina hymn Central United Sunday School Anniversary Spcokcr Rev Thompson ii liar Jill Well known this district fis hi1 lilUlllLlWllS Ill Margaret Mllltld Butlci lllll llicdtiiinvi hlliingiicl Goodiclloii laughter of the John Utlfl thlLtltlQl oorllcllow ol titm lw Iclutiiuu and friends in this scttion Willtl thcfy visit Iilliiiriiitly it llli liriiiii ol King Inli xvi WideAwake Shoe Store Mn ow Su tlicsc ttll siiiiiuicz Bizin 11 gr Ii ricxxis SHOES iiiia uso NOW sioiii rlllil llll fr it gt vl mcnt lll miller lltllu till Skill lt vo 5513 ba15m if who has bccii tlNIllllttl llllll4il for the Barrio lToronto Motorist Lott Highway Tuesday Night Cor Travelled 40 Feet liv ii ill vtlltlp lr II lit lllfiitfl illorrisiiri Motor sales Ill llltlltlttltlt St IIIHNI 11173 W7 uwmunu Headquarters for Newest Creations and Style wn Wear and Comfort For You EllST EN Ioi lllt lzitlliw llttllll lthp lllllllJll Illi Slim lniiiin lititloini noiiw llllll Ilttil Hpcrinl $500 Anotliir style just in smart lttl lllllllt high hrrt ltitNhl ASK QIIZSIIUNS icj illll Ml Mums iiiitl lilltlivii2 ESIRAIS Eilllllllllpk loan your ltilltiL ltllllj In Btu inn pulp 7th SUMMlllt SANDALS ill colour TOWN OF BARRlE Rod Whiti grouti TAXES l947 Builtin lxiltgti ISLMK fiat MEI ilZI lf Eilll Itltilil SHIN til lllth lii sircs to 11 Iir $37 BUYS tilllltli it til ll ll iliiui litliii zixil in 1i loll II Hilh ii Iltt ill hi toms lllil In loli Now It iiwollrii oili la cont trill til ll lT thii You want the Iatcst and StilttlltSlelSlt the iiiodciii lllttllliV Wide Awake Shoe Store 29 Elizabeth St Clearance Sa of all Spring Coats and Suits for WOMEN MlSSES and CHILDREN SENSATIGNAL REDucrtons Many ot the Coats and Suits AtWholesale Cost IiiBARGAle AlliThmugh assists nonzmglMwmwm During theysale we also otter 1a 10 Reduction on SWEATERS BLOUSES HANDBAGS SLACKS SKIRTS Brrizrris vrooirs SHIRTS VILINDA Linssaiars THE COATSTQREg REDUCED SIGN OF THE BEAR Established 1876 so NEW LOW PRICES ON ALL HQSIERY MILLINERY PRICES ON ALL BARBIE 39 Dunlop St