at NO EXTRA COST illtlllltllil to or by appointment EilTDi the crinrmny wit Itllulltt ti Ill ltt ion IICII Burn TELLS LIONS EXPERIENCES Iv iIoII Ett yo Itrrzlj lu LI lilo Ittll =IIII to rI ll ll tilt IIlltl IIIIIIIlion ItlH II InnellI rod in lllIlllll hoor tn lit tl nrvol trlil leorir IlIIIII lrliltl III lo lttltlIHll hindurn llItti llrut Ittttl limit In tIlltl yrlt the requirenren tier you thl it Silt IIIII III lI lit Lillrll nlll tlll lt Itrttl IIIIhlilt let ripe or nhv tt Nra NIIIIII lllll INSURED LANIIrIt lvlKNilllZ lllflllltS lNll ilCNlIlHl llNSMlllllMt Phone 2148 Iloroooocco 044 lt or lIIIIistil st limo ltl tll In tl ititt III their This oI Iolmo II tIntl ol he pro Iltuttl tl iIIINS till er ts lltl tll in It lp lll llll ltlil lNHl ll it III AIRS AN llrll$ Phone 3289 hmle tlllllllH ll Fruindw with Ihe National Tlttlulllllll NIHII ltrll Ht do asb lt use are 54C enough for hX Iirrrmgyt Small enough for IllllNlllNlSS SEE ooN WAKE The Wilson Building Post Office Square Phone 2325 VF THERE ARE iffenrranlesAN FANBELTS SPARK PLUGS North Street ONT April lt according to figures the utionzil liinploylileill Fenitt their net older tlllJll IeuiteIId lor IIIIIIlounInt but llll1lt ell Murry Inm HIHtl in the loo LllJl II OllIeIs lought only ill lorld ill thu lIIIt IIIIIle nutl contribution to irtury iII tIInIIIIJK Ir indutr Now them 11 Ilt firnliIIL it Iliflllllll to lmlte peace time 1llltlllllltlll lhe iiien ltethbIIitJtioII tittlll IIIillce iII ltllllltlJlltlll llll Ihe lllhlllllllll of eh eIIIns lIiI IuIIl the ulioIIIIl liltlpltlllllllll Sertire is IIIteIaniIIu to plow tlIeIII lhe erroperation of all is Needed The roIIInIiltee in many Imes seeks positions not requiring great skill lllll uith integritt uul illingnIs to mull the iIIIpoIIIIII tttllltltlitlltlll Hull lmnehl lIIe IIIllelll retire lime evperiIIree IIIII xill prove vflivitllt tlllpltblenh if you can place all older veteran Ilele Motif the fliIiens ltIIIIIIiliIIIioIItlornnritlee or ii be opening iSporks Circus Coming Ellen Monday May 26 lMUST GROW MOREIUp 60 Per cent IiGRAIN IN or li lI li gt 1Il tt thI lllIlllllllllltllllllllllIllllgtIllIllIllllllllllltlllllllllll HENRY Illltlr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIllllllllllIIIlllllollrtlIllilllllllllll OLDER VETERANS UNEMPLOYED IN Imruuri THE ClTlZENS REHABILITATION COM MUFFLERS WlNDSHlELD WIPERS GARRYS SERVICE IMPERIAL pnooucrs r147 Burton Ave Highway 11 Phone 3591 Barrie volthe Right Hon tan murkenrie miltitufleterans Affuirs am To usiroR QuALIrv TIRES AUTO POLISH TIRE REPAIRS MITTEE THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AND THE DEPART MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRSIARE MAKING CONCERTED EFFORT TO CUT TH TOTAL If YOU CAN EMPLOY AN OLDER VETERAN llST YOUR OPENING WITH THE CITIZENS REHABIUTATION COM MITTEE OR WITH THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE tllItIrlooilllIlllttorl IIIItel ttl loll lltllltrATWE rm BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA If= IIIs Itnuut llr III it iotehi its Itlnrr QI mi II Ill lt Ht THU KI tilt Ite MINI III IIIdII ltu IIIIIIeIIuIIt oi lur In ltitt ii liM litujlt sire Itrttll litlix oIuI ll r=d litiillil ier lfw IIrjIII oLI thtl ml ll lfIIlly the loot eth IEIIti SpIIln ll ill ltroditwns tlI Iursorf tIItr it the Spulas Irtu ertIUiLt fl ItIeIIIIInett and odeI IIIed Irre ii wilted In three rings nIeI Il il iotir nee tloIerIIrot lbs lIIp idlttl turne toIIIphTe IerIIeIe Hl tot wld annuals will iii lJt tw lit liIr li lrl Il lIII IIIIr IIuInoI II onsrderution ot the teet when It tIIlt to exereise iuqed by ilItulth IIIlIorItns Horne IIIILIIN Int ltl loolIiIrS Itter the tee IIe ties lH Qttllltttl In new NzttIonal lleultb Hm ml Hy Ipubheation on the subject lor the lireuter port of the liiVJIHHrlilii will teet are kept In IInlieIIie II Mimi if It rounduns it is pointed out lilllyllfihliiiivn Ml ll Lion need rest reluxtitIon and cord Hi1 limb ful cleansin After Knsllitlli the and Willi ieet be sure to dry the toes sep Ilriiimv II tev minutes need for tootverr mit tree InIIselts netiorr of tin gill Klilll EGGS LlIAN itor eleau ed or very dirty 424 quulit point is to keep eggs avoid the necessity cleuninudheru ed notable British llllelt for clean eggs nInetI easy Dont demand your body Take two it increased too Cauadiuns at this season of year Mediczrl authorities point that when warm weather is taken to conserve health nu FUNCTION OF FOOD Food say the nutritionists has supplies fuel for haul and motion material for building and bodyoepair and body threc general uses4t substances for regulating plOCESSGS Iniiddition food has many spec Edibles in uses within the body which supply many of the mater are called Nutrition to ials our bodies need the protective foods authorities adviseCmrdians lezrrnwhat these essential ioods are and to include themin their diet regularly deY get only one liver IIile lelpr digest your ful All provide your Italys nltunl laxative Lack of bile um comlipalion headaches indigestion lost of energy For glowing lullli tone up your liver and gel needed bile pummrrpro YOUNEED MORE WERBIL Sdme says wow plans daily yet many wily you GET Moisture there favors irr ntl l1fle lIe tow for The nev book 11hr points to the which will per foot Cleaning cues is not at substitute No type of eleanin eon do ItisfIetoIy job on stuin Any type of cleaning dcnioves to some eV tent the protective cooling of the shell IIIdWhasteus deterioration lhe surtuee of on is slightly moist tvhen it is laid Clean ter should be allowed and trequen collection of eggs avoIds drrt euused by birds walking over or soilingl other eggs ulread in the nest lhe tlttlll and and labor in Conadu has attainl repntution on tint 74lARhIWElTllER TIPSW of Dont eat too many heatproducing foods and your liquid intake should be This is Iidviee tor the out It the way specile steps should hel TAKE NdCHANCES with colleen Insist on Maxwell House Its on extradelta cious blendrof coffees that velop iall extrarich full BACKAQNE May beWorniuo Barkache may be signal your kidneys are failing to filter Ixcexs drills and poison ous wastes from the system lhrtltls Kidney lills help relieve this condition often the cause of backache heariarhe rheumatic pains or dislIIrhtII rest Iltrrlrls contain essential oils itlltl nltllttillui hum dienls which act tlirertlv on the kidneys and help them regain normal action Get Dodds Kidney lills today lbtl nest material is the only way toi HV prevent staining in the laying house no dirty lit Y011r mo with prmn FruitIlim Canadas lugul Illa liver tablets Mule from hull and herbs LIVER TAMI ONTAHlO rotIrrigis Value Fruit Crop in five long yearsso choose wisely Fact Wei Veve builtquality UCarsfoEltI years this stunning p0werful new Packard tops them all Morethan 4000 factory inspections pencar make sure of that uFzict No 2i Owner satisfaction is I11tar1nlltime high Service adiuSt Imentsunder the new car warrhnty are near the vanishing point Fact No Wise buyers who of whntyour car needs now IisiRadiantRoasled to de mummiwillbe yhurfirst Better Bake Plenty MK cfiwlutc lliifvgl la ilIII ills lent IlII he xtgut Zn lrlrvrtii runtrr llt1ttl ililllill 1lt mill Lite rtx sign JiltiI1tllklllillil til Ltd in Hart IIIII nfttllhtj ii AIL 111 Imllmllriiite tlit gettttil UruIInl szttttt Mort to Lie Jla lure flu tin Iglz ltrl lrtv lt ptcuxcrl ixIIl gtnci The it zlll IIII lt IIl ltti In nil dItIo tl lC HI ell Alllll lolI inherit I1IIr In out let riw Iu fl II Iurzir puke Uttll Ally ohm In hulk IlIIII to Iiitlr Kmo light IIIft or IliI lltosh tour lzutJi Nlllt Incitut lzltttltlttlt wit Inn IIt llllkl llkk thzrruuii ILIrth hunt Muir dull due hilllt twirl all in uhtlltdd elm lli III lLtl sh Ilni Ikliqgt gens qrr rlkllllii IIIIl lulu IiIIII lIIII llle II ttt IIHII IfIrIl mutt PAGE THIRTEEN mIIrII nous 225 lll ll lttltl lttltl Good for Doc You too will find your car lot livelier when you switch to Shelremium Swine supercharged wrth 224 Trimelhylpemune 224 TMP for short Imd out hownew Shell Premium Gasolineis ways better71 More power wilhoutlmock Quicker starting Foster pickup 41Moxe miles per gallon Get tunkful today placedItheirorrderscarlyare keeping them inand the sooner you join them the sooner your new Packard will arriveMeanwhile Be safeand save Be safeFollowthe guide ntTight Stinebrough lowcost protection against expensive roadside break downs and long layups for major toget part Drive in soon for freeestimare HART BARRIE Adm Ion BRADFORD ST The sooner you order if the sooner youll get iclle grdtertdckard Terrikfuaru Grating iv9mcreclup repairs you from sittingipnrthe roadside while your car both over Engine tuneupkesrtrrcs pep smoorh ness dependability Comeln nowfor our lowpriced springconditioning packagof YOU AN is sun or SHELL Axle Ire ld Itlm fl1fll HERES Noun SAFETYSERVICE Guns Brake adiuslmenl4No mutter how Soon you plan to rumyourcac in keep brakes upto requirements Steering and Wheel IcheckupAvoid hidden dangers and make old tires lust Seasonal Lubrication+Timely lowcos Insurance against burning out hard 6219 Stue