Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1947, p. 10

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LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN Ofiice 13 Owen Sh Barrie llIIIlI Office lilmvale Ontario BOYS KC ROWE CJ SllAGRAM GLADSTONE CURRIE Sucaessor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyance Notaries Public etc 17 Owen Street Barrie Ross Cowan HtANK HAMMOND BA nu BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN DUNCAN McCUAIG BA KC BKRRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Wk Ht47 HMMWWC If wl iv mum Amu Mcn Hm owcr or meat ti CROWN HILL THORNTON HILLSDA LE MIDDLINGS Cleaning Land FGderal BUdget 255 per mg lbs LMM VMAA LWWJ nAttiilt not it MILLS LII gt trtnxr SPRNGS Hm In notits am REPA RlN ARCHlNG Ill II EAlftIrrl Iltltix til GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS qlltliti llltll Ail ltJlllllJ TORONTO OF IIIIIII sIIIih in All 3lllll Att leztlztlim gt it till BARR SPRING SERVICE lv 12 Bayheld St Barrie Ont IIv thlt um aii LII ill so It Itmn ttlIILic Tu ilIiIli lltl Ittil by II wait withholding LIX t1rtl on dinmud 1I1I5 IIIIIII lllllll is It rulllwlttivm it partLt coinpamrs Ililmttl ll llltl ltil llll not down tttttlilt IIIIIIImm ur mtIIciam ainI Id lllltllttl iuiiilldllA in ltll on exploration thldlntn III iizd lllLtllll lt tXlMl led llililltzll lltrl mLW II trllllltlll1 setnun muted ilttllgtt lti tr In II lilititx or damnlids tI tic taxabie lI IIir tilti AVB HULK NW Jill 1M Iluaoi tlil1lI titulqu vnl 2IIu tniiiwl iltlhltt III III lI 1m mmli Eh mill 0r $5 in lllllll llllidl Willi WW Iltlll Mint bl Ulla ttII Hit 491 litlel Alil II It It II It II lgigimg erli to lllltl ll llt ctnnr tollllllll lltltl ll aunt IL llllltv taut ttld ma ttl ti li Iilt ltlt Innatvd itll 18 revenue It 812 loll lllill llllll Lecithin gt13 Elllliltltlllll ior tailsA17 9ng XI Ihanm in 125 per tIll purchase tax on luxury Izoods Iattnnaiwd llll ll exncndititrts xct at 513louoooouo coin Immt wan 52IItIIIgtIIIIIIII tor 12mm nI II II IIIIIII BACKED BY UOITTvN WI DRANTY Hg llZtIt llitlIIt LilllltllllNItl or litlli Ulltlltll and down lhp mm of llt lIiIII linuoll llxu ltiall Tilllrtllltl ltllllllh iltllly lllllilii flllllmhrdml ll ll wlo ltmlli tnIl llillliClelilllti III gtt tlllll WVWMIIWH vontoilovonroirnIlcrorulinr IITIII Irti Kiwi iiiI II lIIiiiruiwii illtl vlz lItittiwl Allmldui hp 1Mlndnr =fI IiqungI or wait Ianton lI llll llllY Maud ll lill SII FrlI Mum and littll unrJllliItl tlillilc It it ltiiw JIdf with in IMAM Bin Juli ml lillllrlml MJLM PM tllt IIII II lllllll wiu tl milt llilfi 4tllllllt nI It on twin tlltilttll lllm lII 1liilltlilll1llll IIIIlIIttlon my II il in II lrl zoi lt Marv lltItItt gt HINT II Ind lv lllllllltl ot lllllitlt All lv Ill7 ill llllfvl ll IIo III iIII1 lltlltlltl utl Tommi Wink Wallpaper Exam uphill lit lli ll NihilistIt Ill Htttllltlly Ml H1 mlill lllllhqil Wt llll ll IIIn Vlt IltIt ltlrll3l WI 31 xloi won and In Slioinl Public School on lliIIlty iIiIImII gtlIIII xl IIl Lu rmmlu NIPHHIL I3 mm mlmmn lwIzi ll Sirmail and llrinzild mth itl LN illll ll 11 HMsviil iii My mhl ll li ll uIIItI MI and llvll1n 51 rt 119 11mlllln it ll ll Ml Ml Erin in Hulk Illid All Till lu HUM II IIIIIIII 3h uIIIIIIIII MMIVWH WW Mr WNW WI MM 33 IVAHJIH Ill rxlllidonl It lIlelwl 11 IIIIIHHHHIUH linthtlay llltilvvlritil on May all ll IN ll iMllH the Hall 2ill lIII IIIwri liiIculov illlllllllll lll IIIIIl It or it twin IIIl I3 WW ImmIImH ltllfitlltilu ItlciI II tlII HI Itlt llilllllll loi tlnv lll ll tlood lt llzill IIliIrIiIf ttfllll Io lwmwi III Put an end bluuiry whit AIL Blucnus 1m Mlim Il tli llltl Mix lIlhIIllInIl until Uu utcry PCHUHH up ii Im YOU Illitl1 gilt ltli illlrlillltl ab IItlll tnovml into their new lionsoi llllltl lll liiill iltl MIN lit lllI well an tlr Maven llltilll ltll Our Mch Stud Ighlm WM 9Il li= laul lilltll spent the vItk guiwh Inning III littll the moon it ilAIlll Imm There will llt IIJtfilitl Mothct lltlillltl The out IIIIII IIIvIi rill number of llllllf and old from buy WWIIo II II limited hum Im PH ii UMWHH HM llllllmy INhle lls in up Slmmly Mm L3 PM Illlllllfljllllltlij Hlilisuulluriu llhllliH iiiiiilmtllllh li lml lm hmm HI Am gt3 Hml MW Mrs Todd and Miss Ncilly llll Vlll ll Ht Lim 11 Illllr ll 11 liltlattcndcil lllt Wl ttilthlllliltl In Illl lllhlllill HHWWL Mil 15 lllllwml ill lil ML MHHJWlvIlliI lnosdny thicnibeis llt tSltcd to bring dona guhose lcntli tool place ltl lionrloixl In MW Imtv was wndmml mg Im II SIII SHHIS Mums Avenue Ion Sunday April 21 ittII years md RM HM and and hulhs 1illnIcs The late lI lIII ultosv ix Wmhwmjw Mr and Airs Wilson Hurst loI vrv 4m7 lllilllllll illillh Wit lllllllll lillillll hlulf IIHHI mm hlln Amid min were Sunday visitors with WHHWMA TH lift littlklflv NA tlillll 513mm ml0W1 mm Mrs Harry lmynohls Mr and Mrs in llill5 Hi1 1H lll llllll lilack lionsoii Mimico with Airs tftIi inch the presentation I1 yonnt she moved to lhIItnton ttid hum mm Rothle Vldim IhlIlhos litvson Mrs ludwatd lot was vIll known in Barrio filIIllt EWIH fwdvd mum INNSIIHHI fury and Mrs Jack White Midlandd IWWIL liiilltlt and llwlnfon 511 14 iwith Mrs taming lrIlite lamp and Duncan lllt table PW NW9 Ml iml Blll 05 Money to Loan VRoss Block Barri DONALD MacLAREN BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOHN REID BARRISTER SQLICITQR ETC 24 Dunlop St Barrie Ont JOHN WOODS XSQ BARttlSTEg AND SOLICITOR Bank ofTorouto Bldg Owen St Dhnne 2661 Money to Loan COLDECTTON AGENCY FINANCIAL suiusrr Sphcialists in Collection of Accounts 51 uniin ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG AND lllacLAREN tA Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street ll Toronto WARD MAYOR COMPANY SL Barrie Phone 4111 mayWIWarde Mayor CPA AAUDITORS 18 Toronto St WELCH ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto Toronto MEDICAL CTOBIAN ORDER OF NURSE Barrie Branch Well Baby CliniI 2mm 230 to 30 oclock every Wed nesday plicatlon of nurses 5e vtcu mu made direct or through doctor Telephone 2452i WWW CllIROIRACTORS EEO it ELSIE IA BURNS Dtt Licensed Druglcss Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mecnano Therapy lSDllanI St Phone 3194 have you provided for the days when you cant earn it COKBEIl DC ClllltOlltACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald St Barrie BY APPOINTMENT MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMT urganist and Choir Director Central United Church tEACHER OF PIANO SINGING tIlCl MUSICAL THEORY all grades ncluding ATCM Modern Method Studio 27 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associatt Toronto Conservatory oi Mustt Ind London tEng College or To many elderly people in all parts of Canada the postman brings monthly retirement cheques that represent Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avme the hints of Wisely planned Mutual Life of OPTOMETRY Canada insurance program OBTpjfolmEggsgFs We invite you to call Dunlop St Phone 2963 Attendance 96 and see our representg ve or phone him and KOBERT HJ SMITII RD lt or IOPTOMETRIST let him tell youhhow to 53 DUnlOD SlPh9ne 2539 provide retirement in Hours 90 daily come for life NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTOMETRIST Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4201 low cast life Instirance since 7869 OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WIL BSA DO THE WILSONVBUILDING Post Office Sq arid Simcoe St Burrie Consultationhy appointment Telephone 2293 32 VETERINARIAN DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEO Sophia St Barrie Phone 454 or BRANCH omen 14 Peter St rillia Ont RALPH LANG Branch Manager FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Clapperton St Phone SMITH C0 Established 1m rUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEBS motor unbalance in connection OPEN DAY AND NIGHT w1 unm Part Representatives PHILLIPS Barrie Ont ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrie Ont week lmade reply that will longr be re inctnlcred by all present thanking all his many friends for their kind ncss in the many years he and his family have spent in their midst in his own kind way he asked his friends not to forget to come to see thcin in Barrie Dancingvclosml lwondorful evening r7 CRAIGHURS May 4th James Caston is visiting in Barrie Arthur Dunn spent Wednesday in Toronto Mrs Somcis and Shirley spent the weekend in Toronto We welcome Rev and Mason and baby to the rectory MlS MCMastet went to Toronto On Tuesday to spend the week Mrs Ern Caston is spending few days in lerniskaming PQ Mrs Thos Broiley Barrie is visiting Mr and Mrs Ernest Mow forth Mr and Mrs Colwoll and family hits Dalston are moving to the Veir home having botrghtiit Mr and Mrs DougReadman and family Toronto spent the weekend with Mrerames Readman May 5th lr Mrs Kumbel spnt the week end in Toronto Jack and Esther thrnming were home for the weekend Mr Lucas and Miss Janet were home for the weekend Mrs Vickersy Barrie visited her parents MIX andMrs Fritl lust Mrs Cameron has reunited home from the hospital with her son Leslie Skin Attention Oltn causeilorllnluppiness Are you ashamed of your appearance because of skin rash lioils pimples or other Too few pedple realize that these situations may bo easil remedied Impurities in often 11 the cause for ugly skin at 10 get relief from skin trouble pimples try Burdock Blood Bitters Ll Boxholdeis of Ciaigvale Post Office now closctll and Craigvzilc Rural Route hold social evening in the Cnnntunity Hall April 28 in honor of Mrs Reid who for l38 years had served as their post mistrcss Euchre was enjoyed dur ing the first part of the evening after which Gordon Mason read an address expressing the apprecia tion and thanks of all to Mrs ReiC for her many years of faithful and lcoutteous service As little re membrance Herb Black and Jas Leonard presented her with beautiful upholstered chair and ta ble Mrs Reid very fittineg thanked all for their kindness and gifts pleasant evening concluded with serving of refreshmentsa Advance notices of events liy which money is raised are not in serted In Lets tTlIat REMINGTON PORTA lES De Luxe No $7975 ONOIOIONIONICIOIOII004 Immediate delivery Mail ordersspromptly filled uBarrie Business College Tele 3612 66 Toronto St r5 akin affections the blood my actions rolls and This vegetable cum ounl acts on the bowels kidneys liver and latenth It helps to eliminia washes mm the system The result may he smootherciearor skin BBB has brought relief to thousands of other Canadians mering tron akin aectioua It should do drug counter also Burdock Blood 3mm Album 00 1mm Toronto on the some 10L193kf0r it gt any rutrisirsr ii 294 Idining table that dropsdown outof theway hetween mealsiIil jAndthen Maltaif easy for yourselfl go right invuthe kitchen in front ofa cool iierb gardenfl window Use most important of all put down sparklingvhrightald Seal Congoleum rug lts smooth surface is easyJocledn with the sWish of damp clath durable Why its wearlayer of heatltOUghened paihtland baked enamel is actually equal Iinthiclmess to coats of hast floor paini applied hand But vvhen youbuy your Congoleum rug lack for thd familiar Gold SgaliWithout it rernembei it isnlt Congoleum YOUll be surprised how much you Can htiy for so little money Gdld Seal ongoleum Rugs product of Congoleum Canada limited Montreal Your dealer may be temporarin out of Congoleum because supplies are still very short Please try him dgain as he receives limited shipments from time to time mama an

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