saowVevmrNcs or INSTABILITY LITERARY 11111111119 ARE ANNOUNCED lllljllrgl 111 COUNCIL BRIEFS for Eff59 51550 8575 DIGEST0M BITE1 lilfl 1111111 PLUMBING HEATING Sheet Metal 64 BAYFIELD ST Opposite Collier PHONE 3626 l1Hill lll Ulk llt filling Ill 30 on Guaranteed Trust Certificates 11111111 1111111111 11I 1111111111 HA 111I 11111l1 1111 31Himhwll I11t111 11i1111111III11111It11 11 3111311 1111 1111 1I1II 1111 1n 11 I111I1i11V I11 1II111lt11I 111111111I111i 1111 itll 111111 111 11111111i11 I111I 11 11 1111 11111 111 1111nnuiai1 It Ii1111l1 111111111 11 l1 III112 I1IIllt1111I 111111111 I1 11111111II 1111 l11 11 1i11l 1111141111111 111 nulnivlgnl 111111 ISI 111 111111 llllllHll 11111lI I1111111 1111 1111 11111111111111 11l111l 111 II1i11 1111 IEIIT 11I111I i1111 11111111I 11211lIi11v IM111111 1111I11111111111111 111l 1111111I II1I11 lino IV111 II l11111 I111111I11I Ic1uiL1Il 11 1111 111111 11111I IHEV STERIING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower Toronto 11111 llll Sllllli 11111 1111 11 1111113 gt11111 l1111lili1u111 36 yams in llusiuer 11111111211 II who 11II711I 1111111111 111 1111 111 II1 1111 11i1111 1111 111111111 1111l11II 11111111111111 11111ii 111 5111 11111I I111 111 lell tin1 11111111 11111 insight 1i1111 1111111I1 111111 I111I1111I Iti1I 111111 1111111 111111111111 1l1l11I1 touiplctosports coverage 111 1111 1lIxaniiu1I 1111115 DAY NLY non ammonia111111 GROUNDS Essa Rd Campbell Ave 230 8VII1 AlllllllN NIGHT doors opLn noses LEAVE TO TORONTO 035 pan glutlE TO NORTH BAY 1040 am 905 81111 105 pm 330 pm 750 pm xg 1005 pm 135 am y405 pm To Gravenhurst iday Sat Sun and Holidays T0 OWEN SOUND 1040am c405 pm vx To collingwood fiIVand Holidays eSatSun and IHolidayslonly at guns Hol gSun and H01 StandardtTimd 111 T0 lENEiANGUISHENE rIgE10pm 1010pm xa750 g1010 pm a+exccptrgtsatfsu cSaturday only d4Vexccpt 12sg sAr TORONTO 15011 BUFFALO DETROIT MONTREAL Faresdam LOW llound Trip Tax Included NORTH BAY $945 BUFFALO PARRY SOUND $570 One wdy OWENSOUND Tickets and Information at 1V Barrie Bus Terminal BARRIE Phone 3l62 7T0 1111111151111 BUS CONNECTION $1925 $I405 315 DETROIT 445 MONTREAL $l900 11 Ilmkmivw wonL CIRCUS STARS mu lilllllll IELilflif l1iiifi lug sire lth of Dolly The Panda 1211 but of foundation 1111101 1111131 these lovely 111114 litlllS 11 iltr 1111 of are powder alone 32 WAXES and POLISH PREPARED WAX 1063C31oz 103 LIQUID WAX pin163quarl 110 CREAM WAX 40 20l0oz 49 CLOCOAT pint G3quarl 1107 PASTE WAX LIQUID WAX NOLRUB pint 59611113 98 SCRATCH REMOVER 401 25lOoz 49c TAMBLYN AID To BETTER FARMING Swine IIrysipclas This is 111 infectious disI case caused by germ which is picked up by the susceptible animals due to direct Contact with infected ones or by injesling the organisms with food Swine 111 all ages are susceptible 111 the disease and although It occurs most often in the late sprmg summer and fall it has been observed at all seasons of the year 011cc the disease is c1111lt tracted it is evidenced by lamcncss swollen joints 21nd by patches of skin sloughing off over portion of the animals body Due to the diamond or square shaped lesions that are sometimes present on the skin of the affected animals swme crysipctas in some sections is referred toas DIAMOND SKIN DIS EASE Affectedwhogs will lie in one place for some time and do not want to move even when disturbed When they are forch to move they do so with great difficulty showing 11 mark edsorcncss and some of these animals will squeal when forcdcf to get 1111111 movc Treatment c1 ing all animals affected 11 largc dose of AntiSwine EiysipclasSerum IITACIISCSV of uncomplicated Erysipelas the respons tothis initial 10l4uhours and with the exception of tliose cases this scrum dosage 151101 accessaw As this discusc hogs theentire herd should be given prophylactic dose 5110111111 cvdvident 11112 that are chronic repeating is highly contagious Iowa as the outbreak occurs in order to prevent Itssprcad bwme ErysIpclus is inarian should be consulted to institute ineasures 11 control to apply treatment and to advise as to care and management of herd FREE DELIVERY Phone 2650 151531115 1111111111 51100111 011111 1101011115 1111 $111111 1111IIWniu1nx 1111111 DU BARRY TWIN BEAUTY SET IN JUST 2yscconos asemm CLEANS YOUR HEATH AS IT CLEANS YOUR TEETH 401 I501 13153 43 10 9879c SAIIIIIII IIIBIEIS 1110s IIIIIIISII SIIII HEIIIIII SAIIS Peg 411430 PIIIIIXIIII IIIOIII PASII 1131233 IBC2IIISSCI IUCKY P003 111 151 11c 1111111115 111111 1523c 111 491 39c Reg 159 119 SAIIIAX Illi SYRUP P191251 ISOlei 101390 av 71 DcprnJrrInr font1 hush 29cmz 111 49c 125 OWESI PRICES EVER 25 IOOIablun 031291 25c35c 50c59c75c POLAROID DAY GLASSES Excellent for Motoring Stop the Sim Clare 1951651 111medium FOR MOTH EXTERMINATION MOTHKIL tParadichlorbcnrcncl SEIDIIIZ PllWllIRS 111111 uric 1l111 1111 111 lt11III Illl 1111 11111 111111 1111 1111I 1111 for 1111 11 111 11111 11111111 111 111111 111 ll 1111 1114111 111 1111 ll I111 I11l11 111111 11 Ill 11111 11111 111 111 I1lll=l 11 I111I Illlll 11111111 1lI11111 111141111 imihd IOB SPRING CLEANING TAMBLYN noon WAX 11131 13111534111111 1111511 111 21 ll Irotccls Garments Rugs Woollen Furs etc 1111 11111149 0611111111 11101me DlCHLORICIDE SAPHO LIQUID 24 47c 83C 13 MOTHLIX 129 1115110 MOTH KEEP SAFE MOTH BACS LARVEX Mothprools Clothes RugsI Upholstery 83c129198298 w1111 SPRAYER 136 LAVRVEX SPRAYER9 111111I1l IIII11flI llnn 11I1111 11li111111 1111111111111 11111 111 1111 1111111111 11111 111111 1111111111111un Cl ILNIC The bought ulillv 1111411 111 ll1llmnltr Il1i1lI Iil pone 3111111 111111 111 it In 111111111111 1llll1 Ioretl 1II CHAN WAX Ib 632 lbs 1101 LEMON 01L 1101s nae2 1111 as Olduglish 129 049C nich riclr pink VIIII IIIC Myurins I1l11c IIuI winlu 111 Jr lit lly Imln Wr arr l11lIII lb sec2 1111 98 lb 592 lbs 93 from Iimonth NCVCI CUIOI IU Cloqutnlly for British 11lIIInhiI ruinparInnIIL Mlial minim Minor bright oignailuvclvctIiglit on lipl 11111 Spnng lm1SnmSuLaqm 1111 L111 121 1211 Dual Sn 111111th Twine $100 Larqucr 75 LonaI1 5125 SHELL FURNITURE POLISH Gives sparkling lustre and appear ance of newness even to old furni ture yl1111toiLIIIIs have Ivern nylon sloeklngs slnmser IIitlI lJtll washing his trIIEi DR BALLARDS 1121 1111 I11 let lnn Ilicir 111011 Nylons 11111 1311 For Healthy Economical Feeding 11 +1 IIIht 1111111111 We have rented new house 11 eVnrliitant rental IIIissum 1111 11111 sel by the rental appraise 1111 we appeal In lien lal Control Board justice 111111 9911 ro voux notscnou 4ozss 1601 129 IIrn GIN PILLS For Kidney FRUIT SALT For Morning Freshness Tones Up The System 59 98 Tl 1115c 111110 111411 Backache Each week in this columnwe will try to answer 1hr qucsTins you send in Aildrcss all letters Lassitude 43 TC DANDRUFF REMOVER 511111111100 IKAIIC AIIKFN 333 Janis Sheet Toronto 12s 2911105 Heals Abrasions Cuts and Skin Eruptions The Successful Homemaker Iv should have Kale Hither Cook Book oh Sicilc 1C All Tamblyn Storm rice l$150 cairn 5111111111100 giynhuirgloriom Illicit lovely lhnnnnd highlights No liquid 151 soap MYVB ll Kb huh Ihu brings out Inn N6 zlnr lmRAWE contains lino lin nevzr Ioncl the hilt luvdry No Onclirioncr necdtdl Gel RAYVE Ida rate 7511111 VVMIVNRDS LINIMENT For Still or Sore Muscles Rheumatic Soreness 411 ron 57001 PEPTOBESMAL Soothu and Cllml not Inllcld 410 unlivn picnull mung 50 100 1150 10111 ulurriogatMEMIuiV dose of the serum as soon olovttY COLURS Tar Nytnn and all 1111 Mitch 111151011211 511111111125 wym You must New way to so quick rollol lromcoldampxo stomach headaches 57 from 830 am serious diseaseand voter um 1101111115121 2912 WOT Willi Sill 79 sromcn msms uJ Dlll IO MVIIACIDIYY 050 larxo Pk LARGE pncxncs umll pkg 29 More Tues more 7830 pm Wednesday 830 am 101230 pm Saturday 830 mm to 1000 pm Open everySunddy 12 to5 pm to pm 01101 Hull vou an vou um 10th Emergency RhimOO 1r