liI1esofthe membersoft no doubt enjoy themselves immensely and1 benefit mochfromwhat they learn and ex 113111 10 THE BARRIEEXAMINEBigg luLlaslncl 110mm llll liMllill lllll llMlllI lltll NllllV IllIlllll llll ttlili l1 11111111 111 II ilif 111115 11 611111 11 11 111 their 111 1111 11111111olt1s 11111 11 11111 11111 11111 11 1111 1111 11ltt 21113 111 11111121 1I1Illlllh about Kill dollar lllli HONOR lHt litl l11 1111 it three day of tin 111111 11 111115 11 1111 1111112sp111111 Will 111 lon11Ii where tiie 1111111 11111 wil 111111111111 1111111 11111 1111111111 111i Festiva 011 11111101 11111 1111111 litl Band 1111111 the 111111111 I11i1tllllll 0111111111 111 this bra 111111 Ml lllli Us 1W lili 111113 13 11 111 1111111lt1 1111 1111111111 of lullrtnnt t1111i1 111 111 the lt1111111d11l system from 1111 1111 lm 11 15111111 CUHIKMI 11111111111 13111111121211 111111 111 2000110 111 11000110 This is 13 1igtgt IUWMOS Ill POW1 I311l31Innarange 11111 11111111 11111101111y nuns1 lv WW Hill WV mild ill1l 1111s have already been taken and lel 1151 Whyw WW My Incorporated 111111 the 111211111111111 111111111111 selume Ilnurgencj 11111111111 Scheme 111signed 1111 111111 and women who have 111111 least one 11111 111 italIonal 11111111111111 students 1111 at present nth1111111 11111111111 311 111111 well earned 111311 1111 Ioronto Kiltants Music Festival 111111l11r Under 11 11111 11115 and IllIii when 111111111 111 111111111titlons open 111 111 1111111111 11111is 111 Ontario N111 only so but 111v1d 111111111111151 1111111 11111111 111111111s1111111 1111 adjudicators of the United States luirzlng by llllll l111lirgt 1111111 1111211 1llttl llllli =I1i 111 1111 111311111it11 111 1171111141111 1111 Ill 1141111111 111 t11111I 111111 1111 111l11 11111111 111 1111i 111111 llu 05 1111111 1llt1llSltlll 1111111111 1111121115 will 12111131 be 1111111 factors In 111 s1u11es 111 started by 1111 ltlll Act lh1 Ltlr 11111011111111111 ltlilllll took 111 lilt Hill llt Ils 01 1tl 11 l1iI11i11n 10 1111 11 the l1111 111111 1111 11111111171 11111Ls1 411111111 1111 121111111111111 l11111na1 Rein11112 nIntrszty 111 11 s111111111 1111111111 11 IVIMI lllt 1tllilllllltl lilllliillllll 1111 1111111114Iannng courses These are Iddi Mil decided upon scndingout t1111111111111 1111 groups to awaken 11111111 U1 Sllllllmx howl Wm Lml 11111 to train 11111111111 teachers 11 leaving mil IIIIW 11 llwthe ljinergency lrainnig Colleges the st 1111 111 5111149131 UNI In Bill AMI Hi ents spend two years on the job before they artment bearing the expenses This Itsin my mm1m 1110111 Building new school buildings is also 1111 llliulil Ell1 out111 WW mm mm 11111101111111 111111111 the planned 1111111111111111111s Lml9d WWVllliiuvvly llllslhlllll and the Ministry has announced that hit vill spend at least $913000000 on its building 11111111111 1111111111111111 l1l 1111 signmcnz took the Barrie band for instrumental music 111 the schools liverywhere they appeared they were gin111mmm My 11 line reception playing to capacity 1111114 leiiccs With tickets at 10 eenwts 1111 1111 anciul results were so good that expenses Were covered with margin much to the surprise of the charge project who had estimated consider al mus11rayed tiovn Department officials in sic group The tour not only saved money fortlie 1artment bubgreatly enhanced the 11 tation of the band for musicianly skill artistic and finished playing 11 also fine deporttare no D111 hearty commendation for the ment of the players everywhere they When the Ontario Government was askec to send representation to the International Festival of School Music in Montreal the Barrie CollegiateBand was chosen on its1 high reputation and also it is said with the thought in mind that this fine trip woul be welldeserved reward for the great suc cess with which they had carriedout the Eastern Ontario tour Speaking to the K1 wanis Club last Week Roy Fenwick Dir ector of Music for Ontario Schools stated thatwhen the time came to choose Ontarios representative for Montreal the BCI Band was the immediate cholCCM While members of the band deserve great credit for the interest they showed music and the diligence with which they ap w1 plied themselvesgthe bands success in very large measure has been due to the able dir ection of Mr Fisher the conductor ridhe started teaching musicin the Collegiate Instituteeight years ago he organized an orchestra but later he changed to aband experience in band work Keenly interestedhimself he impart ed his enthusiasm to his players and by his indefatigable efforts withthe cooperation ofhis4nusicians he has built up thet fin anizationwhichhe is taking to Mon rea tgthe same time carryingonhis duties asitransaetion was put through after veey member oftheteaching staff This Festivalfwill beya great even he band who win hzrvmghadreOnsiderable perience there The Band and its conductor 11111 Fishem carry with them the best wishes of the townspeople that their anticipations may he amply realized Im regular 11111111 111111 lithe tour satisfactory Educa 01 the bio fly EDITORIAL NOTES systematic effort to get rid of the war3 is being made by the South Simcoc able Agricultural Committee 80 herds are to Ibc loss in sponsoring large instrument puQ Motorists hopes that the end of rubber control April Would mean speedy return of natural rubber tires were dashed whenmm entrantsi it was learned that Canadian rubber mane ufacturers have agreed to continue 21 vol untary form of allocation control for an indefinite period reportsThe Financial Post This means there is no prospect of immediate change in the natural rubl ber content of automobile tires orother goods promise is gradual increase in percentage of crude as the supply situation eases At present Canadian manufacturers are av bout 40 natural rubber to 60 in total production By the end of the year they hope to increasethe aver age of natural to 55 in their The When eraging synthetic lYork State is of great importance This thorough examination by aprominent po tato growers fromthat state This deal cost theNeWYorkers$35000the extra $15000 being paid for duty and freightThis hosi ness is the result of the workcf Stewart operation of White tor of the Federa11 111 the Page with the co side supervising inspeyc Time Potato ImproVement Program secretarytreasurer of the North Simcoe Potato Growers ASSOClatmn has b96na5 The evenings 01Apr11 arena 25 sured thatif the quality can be maintained W111 be devoted mdiviaual there will be an increased market forgNorth Simdoeseed potatoes CHURCHILL AND SOCIALISM One thing appears to me to be perfectly clear The Government cannot save the1 country and carry on the class warfare and Socialist programbf nationalization lat 31$1171115time They mustchoose between the two Either they must go down in measureless crash wlhglheir party flags nailed stoutly to the mast and carry our country downtoo or they must make an ef fort by dropping their socialist legislation by freeing industryandehterprise from the trammels 111 which they have entangled them and by restoring at the earliest date th tonal 111 1111 111101 who are attending 1111 ewes Iist1ngl1cf11rc thel 111 best which manufacturers The sale of $30000 worth or seed potatoes grown in North Simcoe to growers in New 11l 111111 11 11 11 Hit BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARZO CANADA Music Fete to Promote International Peace VBCI Band To Be There ll IIIHllll tlliffll 11 l1111 111I11 1III 511112 11 lllllt 111 lll= ll Vllttlli l111111l 11111111 111111i 11 11111 11l 11111izt 11 1111 111111111 115 11121 1111 1111111 12 111111111111lgt11 11 111111111 1111 01111101 l111 21115 1y1111ti1111l 11f tin I1IIIII11I acct1111111 1111 31111111111 1111iti111 11 t11 11111201 111I lII11 Mnmlci filnIkenII Knit 11111111111111 111 fl 11 11 1111 111111111111111 111l11lt 111 the l1111t11n 111 liY11I1l or 11i111li11111 011111111 11 i1 111111111e liS lilllll IllIllllISlINIICI II III Follt lillllll tlninl tlIil 111111 are expected I11 11kc 11111 111 211111 threeday 1111111 111 111111111111 llicse 31111111501 Inn11usnui1 1lll 1111111 t1111n tour 1111111111lt 111 111 I11Illlii1ll 1111111 11111141111A1ncra 113111 states 1111111111111 one 1111111111111 at cost of 20 cents an animal which seems very reasonable llliCICr 111 111511111111111t11lists from as 1111 tllltgtllifl the Atlantic for the vcn11 The festival is operating1 1111 open to the publicat fee DISEASE HAS No REGARD TO campus IWalier Winchell in Magazine Digest Rabbi Cohen ranks among the outraged sense or national unity to get 113mm pneumonia This would mean school ordiesa 250i Tonthe afternoon of April 26 Montreal is scheduled to witness parade to the Forum for massed band perforinanceu Montrealers love parades but they may be hanging tl1eirheads in shame when they witnessthis one for there 15 adistinct possibility that the M011 1181211 band vidllbe the only one Certification Servrce setting up Longwilholit uniformsmo one seems Thelwilling to turn bver money to dress up pretty the Monlreal pupils Canada in French Till DAY APRIL 34 25 YEARS AGO from the files of flit BAHRIE nuns llll IIJ 11 U1 Null IoIIoNIo 111 IIIIAIJIIeIisIs 1111 Ell HI Illllll Edda llhllXill Illl UlNlll Commencing Sunday April 27th Gray Coach Lines BUS SERVICES Will Be Operated On Daylight Saving Time PRESENT SCHEDULES stun11 ountv Briefs lit IN 11 11111 1111l11il I11 11 1111111 11I1ri 111 11111 111111171111 11 11111111 11 You 111 t11ll1 1111111111 11111115 1111 5311111 c111111111l 1111111 1111111 l11h1d 111111 11011 111nd 511 11 l1111 1111111 1311 l1I1l1n 111 11111111k of 111111111 which ill c11n1111fxl11l 1111 orgarntunl nun15 l1l1 Il11111111 11 Methotlel llitntli null 111 lenthers 131 lillllI Illll 3llr liInclIIIl ti Mr block 1i11111 Vl IIIt 11111111 1111111 111 111111111111I 11111Is HIII l1ll11 IEgt1 linn Allisiuli 11111 v111 If irli11l1 1A11111111 llllllII 2111111 over 111 11111111 Illlll 1InI1tlie 111111 was111111111115h111111111111 111111 Siilllltl BAIIIl Horne 11111 wIII debt111111115 VIsf 11111n from 1i11I llll Hilllflll shonIdIi 11111 fractured 111qu 111 11111 111111111 lo 1111il 1112151111 Illit1 11I1111sl Nll l11 l11l 111111111 111 IIR Lillm IlI 11111I Itoilli 510711111 II 111111 l11l 11 team nlinnI 1111111111111111113 115511 11111 lllllllli 1111k 1111111 111l1 111 1111 l111111 1311 11111111111 1111111111huh111113111 1llit1 1111111ltl1111 A1111l 11 while 1112111 111 11i1l1111 1gt detained 11111 on Con 10 1111l 11 i1lct111d I11111 111l111 sinIlnr Incidents 11I 111 111111 l111 11111 itllll1lll l111 1III 121111 ililINlllllSl LANDMASIlIll who resumed 1111 il1cnlltnsl 1111111111 position 1111 stuff of Muskokn Hospital Allan Lauder Andrews has conduct led the Imnd very successfully Iincc 111111111 five 11 11111111 ireltl 11111111111 111113111 zrz 1111 I1 11ll 1111 IVIIVI t1l1i lilll1 111111l1 1111 11111 Luci11111ch IIllm 11 111 III111s Illll It I11 years 111111 1ll111111lt1111l11c 1111111112v 11 1111111111I lidnn yonne 1111111111111 lllopm sce itinn h11 1111111 to 1111010 IIovnne 1111 511111111 11111l11lls uteuck 111 111111111111 11111 11145111111110 l1l 11 111lllIlltl 11 Angus Iaunex ol1ll summer 1I111ll YEARS AGO from the files of lilli BARllllI l1li IJIIIIIM 111111 himhull APRIL 18117 Harrie Local Notes 3111119 r1t1 11110 COLOR HARMONY GIIddcn Paints are preferred 1111111 by Imme Inakers and color authorities Ross 1111 Increase in should 111i least $11120 lll tollnnuood 111111 lllt=ll 111111111 111111111 Irnuley 11111111 1111111 111111111111711 Icust Iolirc 1111111 Council 1l1r ll 11gt Camus Washingtoin 11111 rllulll Treat Britain IVlVllt BIIYIsI 111111111111111 Itscll will In Discussing the high school 11e1 question andlthc Creemore Star says Unfortunately at wonithcse meetings lot of sensible suggestions heard partly because of the reluct wentianceof many ratepayers to get up and exI tipress themselves The Star is right The parties promoting the Scheme have done most ofthe talking and the ratepayers have been mostly dumb Some sharp intelligent1 criticism is much needed if the plan is go ing to give satisfaction in the end Fllll 111illia Items 1111 III 153011 1111 Coon 1illoIs to would 11111l 11111111 111 prcnsts 111 the gt111111I 11111 WIN Sllltl budget of 312000 With an 1111111 111111111 $1001 made available by Montreals Mayor Iloude 1111 111111 duets 111111 entertainincnl connected with the affair The Montreal 111 tesiant school board has 11dvanccd $2000 1111 Quebec Provincial lord 11gt the 23 mills larks 111111111il111 111111111111111dcd that 21 scuts i11 111111111111111111 the SA barracks and 1111111111 111 1111 public Officers of 211th were elected 1s tollows lion llflin PresidentsMayor Wells Mortimer Atkinson and Dyment lltll parks lacrosse Homemakers prefer them because they are to use lliey belong In homes of today 1111 Ise Ilicy are color styled to go with Iodavs floor coverings fabrics und draperies Vliy not let GIiddcnQ utility Paints make your home more beautiful dealerl1c15 color expert and you wnh your decorating pr blcms crinncnt has voted $3000 111 the cause and the Ontario Government 523000 11111211 expenses 11 0111111111 entries from Ottawa Ki1111st1111 North York and Barrie 111 Hall fax civic authorities agreed to hand over 8300 to tinztncd Ilaligon Pres llon Vice 554 momRent Tonomo Pres 11c Street Allan Jones VicePres L11rcn Setv 111111 31111111 parade of St Georges Society on Monday St Marys Church beau decorated with and the music especially Moore Council of idden Paint ready to help Ford Hotels are reproof and 580 10111 centrally located most of the 750 rooms in each hotel have private bath and radio For reservations write or wire the Manager well in ad vanco of anticipated arrival 11511611210 tifully flowers on 81111111131 well The factlthat Montreal lacks suitable aud11oriu1n for the festival has not dampened the ardor of the organization committee The con certs will be held in the Montreal Forum in which capacity thous ands have cheered on the M1111 treal Canadiens have applauded rodeos laughed over circuses bel lowed at wrestlers and prize fight ers and alternately booed and en couraged longwinded speakers at election rallies Concerts will be His advice plus Gliddcn mm is com 1111111111111 you can rely upon for rendered lom elected 11 111e111ber Canada Lacrosse Association Johnsons Courtship andMnrriuge drew large crowd especially of young folk your painting needs Rev lccture 1117 Che No II lGlIEQ aw1 Simcoe County Briefs Very successful sing111 making eason at Eudy ments of lumber being made from Victoria Harbor 111gtUSA Priddle building power dam 111 summer visi tors expected in that village Frogs piping at Newton Robinson Many telephone shipped from Wyevale up along the shorert Gifford 111 years merchants decided to close their stores at7 p111 thret1ys week Rev Wm McConnell Craig logahouse Large ship Each participating group will give an individual performance of loaninutes and will be absorbed into massed international school units for the final concert on in ternational night April 26 The international school chorus will number 4000 singers the inter national school band of selected performers 300 the international Hawkestone many poles being Ice piled first time Elmvale vale having the old which stood on hisf111111 replaced by modern residence generally are hard at work Farmers Ilsllle Gardeners pollen skill llllll produces the perfection of on Orchidifnnd ilsV patient Ounlllylolhg that gives you cigarette perfection in Sweet Cups YESI Perleclionhecl1 gives you nIII result of many pulsations Before you lightup Sweet Cup draw on it and note the 11m Iresh lusle IIIO resull of qualitytesting step by step from plantation 111 you groups of performances with Mon treal schools providing French English sustaining chorus of 3000 thousands Of douars extra forthese glow voices Combined chorusesin uni OPINIONSJ or OTHERS sometimes object son will render the Star Spangled Banner God Save the King and life insurance Widows never do But the April festival will be only one expression of what this grouplof practicalidealists believe the most respected in More important than the festi citizens of Texas He has devoted his lifeto aiding aval itself these music teachers ailing humans who are too poor to afford decent medical care He carries on his good deeds without regard for race or creed Rabbi Cohen once told friend There is no such ing as Jewish mumps Catholic measles or Pro TIIe pales farm in which lulmem can be smoked 1swrn VCAPOVRAI CIGARETTESV See how perfect postwar cigarette can be ConfederationVLie Associu lion 240111111111 81 linrrie consider the working and rehears ing together of the thousands of school children involved They want world school music festivals at starting rate of one every five years seeing them asmass de Phones 34 333