ii APEIII 52 lie SPRAT Stirring IN SIMCOE ran WARBLE FLY CCM BICYCLES ll llll ll ill Sillfil Hrdcn taken for Ill ll1l Illlillt IlllYt Ll UlIISSOllIlS UH KS Your lliiulr IN urtll lll In iii lurk ilir iii lo liiill in pl Liildlix to rip ltIlIII Illll illp hii LiIlirJlur lights ornplctr liilil Slifill iIIAHIs Llit III HIIHIIE Sltlfli oi Iliciclc Parts and tllilt llltllill aw Wm 535 OPENS ll IIIC llll IIIIC Il lll IHICH rIllili IIIOHJNIE HUI Illoiisiill Irvci Wind Willi Ilccl lillini Ilclh $7230 Stijtl cacti SPORTING GOODS Iiid YOUTH $330 up SOFTBALL IIIHKII IIAIS Ill Hit HALLS Ili up liHHIS HALLS SIllllll IlliillllnIiH EXTRA Itrl ililc Elfic HILI lllil II II llfic lltllIIZIISKICS pr lltl lull ll Im IIl Sifitl IIIONlZ iim for lmrlrilliii ST INIERNAIlONAl WORLOWIDE SERVICE TO THE HARD OF HEARIN BY llil Wodds First and Oldest Manufacturer of Electrical Hearing Aids ACQUSTICONS CREED HEARING AIDS must be scientifically titted not bought over thecounter HEARING DEFICIENCY must be scientifically dc tcrmincd its to its charactg its Icerce and its lo Al cation in the sound scale by incans ol the sounds ol the human voice a5u wMMn luauaxe THE SETTING oi the instrument and the selection of hearing lenses must cxactly inch the determined deficiency it AMPLIFICAIION ALONEVIS not only inadequate it may be definitely harinlul both to hearing and tile nervous systcm RESULTS In improved hearing must be provable and lctinlte not vague or lllillllll Do not fail to see our new IMPERIAL This marvellous instrument weighs but 51 ounces complete with but terics We especially invite you mean for hearing examinT ntion These examinations are PRIVATE PERSONAL and place you under no obligation AcOusticon Dale Company PO BOX 147 Temporary Office Queens Hotel BARRIE Get Your Acousticon Batteries at aldwells Drug store Are Headquarters for Newest Creations Builtin Wear and Comfort FOr You YOUR SUMMER HERE IN SMART COLOURS AND PLAY SHOES ARE GOOD STURD CHILDRENS SHOES In BVlackpBrown and JD Widths Sizes to3 HEADQUARTERS Duchaine Stuart Shoes For particuVi 5larw0men in patent lea ther suede and calf At moderate price You want th atst itsrriicrrtlesrt visit the new modern friendly Wide Awake slice Store 29 AND OTHEPTS TO CHOOSE FROM BALLERINAS and LOAFERS The Best in Style and Wear at Moderate frice MENS SMART LINE LOCAL NEWS gr ii t1llt li ll A1 ll ii 11 ll ii it ii it it ii til it ilgi ii ti lli llillnii ti lI lip iii Ill ll ii ll lll ll lili in il lli ll Iliilrl ll ii ii li ii 41 Ill tl ll iii will xl ilii li tin ii izl lilltlllilllll iili xx ili lv ll it it iini II tlll llllliil llllil thii ill liIl iii il ltl il lilzimii xl lii Snziui liiii 1i llllllll lw Si li lzi ii iii STEEL FOR SALE Beatrix ii ll iii tlidiiniils llli Ilol lli liii lliiizi lli Hirwl Iili irid Swl lIl llt tllfillll till dri ii ilil ltllhS We also pay liiglicst IIlt Iiir Mlilll iron llItl wrap nictal iill or write IIINII Illlll NI Illoric liltiw Yard King and Wcsl Hts 525 525 21 15 550 550 475 525 20 17 500 550 000 600 16 20 025 350 475 550 325 500 15 475 50 20 600 500 20 525 50 19 700 15 550 700 20 All and Ply IllNllEHHELII MlllllllS 65 Collier St Barrie Aide Awake Shoe Stare and Style with 0F CALIFORNIA LOAFERS Ingcoloursr Tan brown and other trades Elizabeth sr STYLE IN RE WHITE1 It awrr warm CANADA At1AL viii Tr ANGUS ORO STATION Ml LML ij Neptune OUTBOARD MOTORS In Stock Now THREE TYPES Phone 3744 BARRIE universe iiiliii 17 MLIICCISter St Almost every hour in the day you Will nd good use tor the letp as it truck IIIIIII IIMIOI ttIlIillltltlI mohilc power unit With its mighty lllsiiilliiil loop Ililginc and powerful Ivllccldli you can go most anywhere in JeepY on or oil the road in tiilir weather or iii loul Get Icep on the joh It will pull plows Imr rows sccdcrs mowers row 55tlitlll trailed payloads haul 80 lbs The letp will carry mm and tools across town or to IiiirdtOgcinr places in jiffy Wherever it goes its power hikeOil is rcildy to run your machinery right on the job mile and see what the amazineg versatile AIpurposc Jecp can do for you SEETHE MicHrr JEEP II Robinson Motors 62 Essa Rd Corner Burton Ave PHONE 2682 BARBIE Spell Time Table Changes IIVI solidly April Itle Blllllllllll Plllilll liiii matron tiniil zx IHT PAR IS TO service all Ford products lI III TO DA til it FROM Also CLEANING and GLAZING ii ti ii ylthl Illlllll lltllllHliNl llll iii Barrie You aint Allard iO llisiiiir your PRECIOUS FUN Phone or Ask The Driver Good Clothes For Dad And His Lad 54 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE PHONE 4433 DROP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK OF SUITS TOP COATS RAINCOATS SPORT COATS WINDBREAKEBS ODD PANTS WORK CLOTHES PANTS SHIRTS OVERALLS ETC MEN FURNISHINGS TESLSOX jVSIjIIBTS GLOVES UNDERWEAR ETC BOYS WEAR PANTS SOX SWEATERS SHIRTS CAPS ETC HATS AND CAPS EVERYTHING FOR DAD AND HIS LAD Lllll BRBWN LIMITED We Have in Stock 5000 Different Parts CHITTICK MOTOR SALES Phone 4242 MOTHS HEAT DUST FIRE THEFT Store them in Safety in our Refrigerated Vault CLIFF BROWN LIMITED DOMINIONStoreSuingr QUAIrrM29n CHICKENS CHOICE iGRADE my IIW4ZC BOILING rowl lt IEINLESS 13 printers it are ll BAKED mc 8i cur TASTY ERICES 5219 Maple Leaf 3mm APPETIZING BRUNSWICK SAUSAGE TEXAS CRISP MAIGHE5 39 SPINACH TEXAS NEW SILVERBRIGIIT CABBAGE RIPE LOUISIANA STRAWBERBIES ARE ARRIVING FRESH DAILY ALSO RADISIIES GREEN ONIONS GREEN BEANS ETC TAII1N KIPPEBS ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY APRIL 26th by the piece iii 25 11 27c It iiiiiiiiun lUItE Aptc iiiiiiii illiii 48 02 III 24c 89 no or lrout Hall landlin v1 Fresh Ground As Said llllilMEll0 TLIJFFEI Richnlellb Orange Pekoe III iris 48 oz 11 336 61 Aylmer With Pectin RASPBERRY JAM Aylmer Pure Orange MARMAIADE Aylmer Solid Pack APPLES 2002 In 2092 Ho 20 or In al Friniliind Vegetable Sole Starts Today Garden Ereslglruitiand Vegetables tulle the Spotlightin Big lot tr poundi in 24 oz Jar 105 02 no dong Package boxes 24 or 39 65 Vilgc it