== THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SI II II liI commie Show Saturday 230 111191111111 nussru riparian 111m tr Eve Shows 645 and pm SISTER KEN it ll 11 iii110180 iiHl Also Disney Cartoon Purhoned Pup 051 In ltI III III Big Features ll iidtzSEDESl Wt lN PICTURES PAlROiF Il DANE CLARK 111 11 ZACHARY scan til 11 11 lit 11 hi 111 lr ii tt 11 III IIII It Ii It II ill 11111 1111 II IIIjn 11 ii 11 rtvr 1w ll Ml 111 viii 11H 11 itlmt 3111Ii 1111 Bank of Nova Scotia 11 UlilRl lAilliS lVi tlii hillS at Ditttatll mil 11 35 If 1lwI Axis lonqgcr IlII fII my II IIIrrIrIrIlItII II1IIIIIII1III IrIiII IIII1I1II out iI to Lily III III II III II II II III RECORD BRLAMNG CROWDS lw it il1 of it 11 Hriv iJtII t1 lrdll4t 112 1111 femIII 5st 1l 1l1111g111 litt lizvd In ln tri 111 11 ll l1 ltll1t 3WM Mill1 Wlllllli 111 1m rIMIIHHI II llIiI II I1 III IIIIIIIIII TIIIIIIIILI liVIrIIIIllI tIIlIIItlllItIIIl1IiIIIlf1lrItIIIII 11 IiII Hi tI I1 IIl1I II Inn II III 11 l11rr11 than lmnl 211111111111 IIII IIIIIEI TIIIIIIIi 11111 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liltlllt Ill NGE RAIDLI llllClt no will ti EVE snows 5th by 13 17 1111 Lilli 131 10 357 Ilnd llit tlllilillI11LlllLl DONT MISS 11 TUESDAY APRIL 29th FREE Summeigufire wood for drawmg lllIIIIlIlln mane If UDIT 7775IICopies URnJ DWLEI Islm IIIICLIAIII mn llFififfjiff Lw rifailzilh Cli Ifxstlu tir it ll ltilztil age 1c imn FFW WWW BROWN CO HOSPITAL FUND 111111 111111 ROXYlei $38333 aSHAPE SPEED HOUSE or HITS Iiglltlllll Rilhiillll DONATIONS ARE COMING IN Town Hall Stayner II TICKETS 35c Time 8J5 oclock DSl II 7rfPlan0fHallrrtBlaekburnlsr Proceeds to go to the Hospital For Crippled Children ENTERTAINMENT ROCKWOOL INSULATION Thurs Fri Sat Matinee Sort 230 FOR HOMES SCHOOLS CHURCHES BLOWING METHOD OR OTHERWISE BIG DOUBLE Get our free estimates and compare our prices High Grade Products ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Hit No Hutchinson Local Rep 41 Innisiil St Barrie Ont gtl musitdl treat oi outstanding merit London Free lrvssf contact An hey THEGHOST 0r 1111111111 vnrrr gt my Dial 4417 the meeting 11in KNOX Im uil BRITO In III llll tllll IIIIII SUM GMllARD IRIO tthllll milieu we IIII1I Eve Shows 640 and pm Dancing MONDAY TU sDAir WEDNESDAY MAIi1NEE WEDNESDAY 23 PjMI vsvisiJTQFFRr manna 111 Evefning Shows and 9pm Last Complete Show Starts at 840 Also George DAVIE IBa I1 no as 11112 Sano El ALSONELLES DAVIE BASSQ DIRECTED BY VERRWHEIJNDERISON DAVIE AUSPICES ORDER OF EASTERN STAR MASONIC HALL Owen St FRI MAY ITUEsgDAY APRIL 29I 830 pm Dancing pm am Music by Collegians AUSPICES THE WOMANS ASSOCIATION Admission $1 per person Refreshments TICKETS 50c from any member Dress optionalProceeds tor the new Barrie Hospital Fund MEETING WILL BE HELD OF itllSEllllllltIStllllBllllLEAGllE COMMUNITY HOUSE MONDAY MAY at8oclock Anyone interested in officiating in the League please the Secretary Wes Allsopp managers players and others interested in the formation of this league are cordially invited to attend 6679 RESTAURANT orrsRsrvou THE BEST OF FOOD with courteous serVicein deliqhtiull surroundings 2 pFDANQNGg Ll OrrErma andSdlurddfvenings to the 1383 and CLUB79 ORCHESTRA ixieaturihg Gordon Burrell it the Piano orndSolovox OConnor and His Electric Guitar WATCHFORANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMMER PROGRAM RENDAY DINNERS ornd DINNER MHSIC OPEN DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY FROM PRiVATE PARTIES RY RESERVATION PHONE BARBIE 4272 111111111111 rilrr VE 11111 Blirirnirlr IMPERIAL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY HELD OVER away FOR SALEsecondhand dry Ipine in in 23 in it in in 10 in Different lengths some inch lumbr Steel beams columns ete Contact JACK GARRETT 30 Maple Av SIZES 35 to 42 SPORT COATS For YOUNG MENland MEN IIrieed at $2300 SPORT SHIRTS sizes $150 to $895 BOYS COTTON LONGS all sizes 1mm 32113 IOICOATS Sizes 35 to 44 $21150 to $4300 MENS BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlep SL Barrie O00Ililoatloallclo00ONOitNoiilltollll4ntlolollro 17 SICKNESS Only or wordunlil it happens For information concerning Family Hospital Plan Insurance Sickness and Aeeidfit Insurance DIAL 2443 II MAURICE HINES 89 DUNLOI ST EARRH lrnteet yourself and your familylugaiust Sickness and Aeeittont WILIF TODD tJJJ 4INI JJJJJJJ IIJJJJ RVEVETERANSyAS CLUB 7922 VTilursday may 8111 19479 Sponsored By THE BARRIE CANADIAN LEGION Piogiam Startinght 700pm DINNER SING SONG ENTERTAINMENT TICKETS $200Admissirm by tickets only lickets on sale at Bibbys Barber ShoprJaeksonsGrill United Cigar Store Dixies Smoke Shoplub 79 Wellington Hotcl Plaxtens Restaurant Angus YoungsStore Stroud Limited accommodation so dont YOU be oneIof the disappointedl SPEAKER