Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1947, p. 9

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all vii 119w III II III III 1115 inasv 1ilit Irish linen Moon in tin pilill 1111111111l 121 lPING III IV1 I1 II ILI IIIIIII IIII new spring suit 10 munwork 1111 iorittu 1111 1121111 11 MI VI 11115 tit1111121 11101111 lmw lit 17111011111 tht wnn 1111 Mil1 11 11 IQ l1 11731 11 11111 111z1 km when 111 111111 11 cxtril LilliN1 1111 11113 1111111v1 II II IAE lCb my 13 111w liloutiv omit113 lirncticgil 1111 11111 111 I121 11c tuliiiqtl 111 111 1111 1121 111 ta1i illK11 rim11 aim1 BOX RD Barrie Ont II H1 1M1 11 111111 1111111I 1L II II II 1101 11111 11 111 llltll 11 Inn10 II III II II 231141 111 1111 II II II 1I III 111 11 1111 111 11 111 11 31 it 111111 PYI II II Bur DEAREbTIYOUKNOw LATLKLOLD llothl 1111 331 1111 111111 1111 11111 WHENIGCT r4 FEE II II 1111 WETWER NOTHNG 11 111 15 11 TO WORRY ABOUT MY SHOES 111il 11w 1111111 111111 lilo1111 lHI ll11 111111 inill li 11 rt m1 NquLTLD 1111 j11 311111 11 11 v1 11 II Tut11111 111111 l1gt lizz 11111 1111 11 121 11 11 II II lIII II 11 111 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llllIS M1IIY GLADSTONE CURB lg rIIIIIIIIIII 1310115 TIIIIOIIIO Ihy tht llllS Iriictntiilly all the coal found 1111 BARRISITER SQLIICIIllOR E1CI HI lilt 111111111 11111111 Mutton was o1 Owen bt BttlllCZ telephone 317 111111 1111 11111 omnlttc sports coverage in 11111 MONEY To LOAN Torohto 111 1I1I1I011Ih1111I IlitllInIIul is 111111 llxiiniincr COWAN III COWAN Iv IIIIIIIQ IISI IIIII IIIIIIII aapswmfrSOHCHOWI Conveyance MUSIC LESSONS line 111111111 ltzufonI Imnth EI Notaries Public ctc rl 17 Owen srmer Barrie II 511 Ross iowan dithaIIIIIR gilabgleIltMl 111 1110 11w 11 1111 lt1111 FRANK nAMuoNu on Kc KCCIISHBTHUIHMST rChuiSlilm TII xv 11 BARRISTER SOLIgHTOR ETC PEACHER 0F p1IAN01 SlNGINL StI 1111111gt choir lnmitliIl linntvI Masl0$$plf Bldg garrie grimes lllll 111 1111 111111101111 SliYllt 11 on IOAN 16mm 27 Bralgig glfumd lli11wml 1111111 lllllltll them Will rm BARRISTER somcrron HjMoneyto Loan Ross Block Barri Specialists in Collectionof Accounts 21l1i1il izi L3 WW WAVERLEY Successor to South Aincrica is within the innr CAMERON CAMERON Ill tiers of Chile wnLon ANDERSON COMPANY lr 11ul lilt ll lit11111111 211111 Sztntlm 1an ltllllilltlill lurmito 1111 tornnrx ltlltilltlI lit1 DUNCAN McCUAlGL 8A BARRISTER SOLICiTOR ETC 35 Rllbo frlyimui 1111 quick relief GICHBCICRK Lugggnomcu Fanpdrymg No strong sm 65c LICENSED AUCTIONEEB houseHOLD marl101s FARM STOCK ANDI IIMPILEMENTS IIPhone 2577 DOROTHY JOHNSON Associatt of Toronto Conservatory of Musn andeondon Eng College Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avonch isiliil litrtrnin l1 lilLF lirtlmlir11nl 1l11t1n1 Murilmk Montran 1l Lilli$15111 li 111111 Mrs 11 ltl11111nt ill 1111 1111llIl lr nnl lr 1111111 811111111 11111111111 will Pyrexserving 411511 li 111111 Inigltlmrn on 1111 wtiision 01 llllll third ttlnlingjntniursnijy on 1111I Mrs 17 ll tiralunn l1 Aliin 511111115011 ll li I1l111 3114 lmrnt l111ni11 lrIll liI ltltiI 111111 Mrs intr Minnth 141111111 411 days in IIoronto tliiri ttl Huntlny NIlVlttrha 11 St lloliirr lnittl lnnrli xviroof 5111112 lltlllll1 111 1111 llIUlllliig 11 jllllillll nrvIiIiItj tln 111111111 tlnngliitr olilr rlnl Xlrst li lliulit otlolonto rnr IiiqrtimdIlliyllis Morgani 211111 tin littli Hon otI Mound Mrs David Killtlll 111 Barrio Wits christened People mm Rheumatic Pain DONALD AF MacLAREN BA ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barri MW JOHN REID BARRISTER SOLICITOH ETC 24 Dunlap St Barrie Out JOHN WOODS ILU BARRISTER AND SOLICIIOR Bank of Toronto Bldg GwenSt Ehone 2661 Money to Loan FINANCIAL SURETY MEDTCAL Ill VIoTOIuAN 01mm or NURSE1t Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinii train 230 try130 oclock every Wed nesday Application of nurses sen vices may be made direct or througl iacton Ielenhone 245 in 1111 11111111111 Ganadiaiillaiional iRailinysj ltail travel is condortillch Airconditioned cquipnicnt tcstlul rcn OSTEOIATHI 51 Dunlop 81 Barrio Phone 4111 ==ltJrioI1yI1N WILSON Bsr no HIR PRACT Tl WILSON ILDING 001Ilfottlicc Sq edit Simdoc St Goo ELSIEABURNS me Barrie Licensed Drugless Therapists Consullotmn by 2117pornlnic11t Electric Radio Hydro and Telcrhfme 2293 Mechano Therapy VEIERIINARIAN 1115 DunlopSt Phone 3194 CHIROPRACTOR AND Dufo FLEMING DRUGLEss THERAPIST JETERINARIAN and SURGEOB Ihono 3070 26 McDonald St Sophizi St Barrie Phone 4545 Barrie gt RY APPOINTMENT RJA CORBETT no cliningseiits in which to relax aud watchiyour 11111111111 speed by FUNERAL DIRECTORS Iamplc room to stretch your legs 2111 these niukc your tripIu pleasure You will IH nixI milml thihcriyou go by touch or chair car sleep in berth or encloSed spate oTOMETRY There are people who under from rheumatic 15 ye 11 ye out regardless 0f 51 33 you receive Canadian National courtesy itmlhscrvicc EOBT BARRE FFSO AMBULANCE SERVICE 79mm LunainnNat01ml OPTOMETRIST I2 Clappenn st Phone 03 these paths whether they be in the joint Or II DunlolAftt 11011 2953 19 Iusesimly lzflignducgd by uric acid On your out tLlp whclhcr long or roll go Luiiiulmn Ndliulld All min fff ur ca 100 ittors may bring relief from enjoy the advantages of train travel lefuslreppqnyoar mp Cm Niirromu Notmm title oire am 1qu ROBERT SMITH 1to SMITH OPTOMETRIST Established 1m Dunlap StPhone 2m MINERAL Dinneron Hours 96 daily III AND EMBALMERS WNOEL GI STEPHENSONI ROI otor mbulance in connection OPTOMETRIST OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4201 rheumatic pain for itholps to cleanseimpuritiesirom thebodyandtonen up the digestive organs It has helped thousands of Canadians who suffer from rheumnlln pains dyspepsia sour stomach biliousness headaches or minor complaint of the liver or kidneys It should do the same for you On sale for more than 60 years Burdock Blood Bitters in available at drug counters everywhere The Milburn 70 Limited laxonto 0n over 1ch be pleased Io JcI 7an Ir IBARRIE ONT PHONE I2

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