Elil EXALHYER BAhRIE 11 il11 1iitii GUTHRIE Dress 5110 Bars women 311129 Provmcral Revenues Sunnidale Corneis mi lituumri In 111 II il MINESING II Kl ItI II gvi 111 11 urbanenan RITE 0R ilthiI V11111111111111111111111111111 Easter holidays were Miss Dot 141 Miss lllllllllclllllldlllIiiItllllrlllllllllllliIll 11yrtyzin CREAM PRODUCERS It ote or our Security The Slmcoe County Federatiori oi Agii if I1 culture asks every Cream Producer YAKE MILD WM is III is ALLVEGETABLE LAXATIVE Ila II In I11 10 Vote on the Proposed gt 13 111 ti11t II HI II 11111 II II ntcmo Jream Producers arketmq II III II 1111 Wu 11 III 11 01 11 III III XIIIII III IIII gt 1I ASSOClahOn IJMOHOW I5 IIII IIIIII IIII IIII IIII 19 Mlxn 1111l ll It ll IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII II II II In II III II It 111 I1 11111 101M lllIltI 1111 or 111 Ian HI 111 HUNG 1315113 3111Ni 11111 WU 10 llUt KUIHIbuiliSB 11 runnyHm IMAM In lirmhur mlil lllllltlttll yum or lot 111111 11x1111111nn ttlu on ell3w itll v1 in in I13 0IILI 1111Lllil1lli 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llltl ltll1ltli 11111 JO10 1310110 Slitlltilltl Account 311111111 11 100000 000110 1311 W17 1111011 071111000 eel ear an ampure mu er ormune IUMIC D001 lllllilt 1111111 011 gt0 in II Lung 11111131on 1101111110 11b16t1308 Noto lllt lilltl 11113vt 1111 11 1111741 invindotl under l11111 II II II and IICIII 11 MI III IIIII MI MI Hump Mm 11i11 inll 111 RM 11 l111111 lIV me MM LN MUM ill Iorlh more than money said IS ambion ounly mm HMm former as he pocketed cheque for $78000 his l2 AIIIII WI I11 Wm WM 1111 11 acres in soybeans producedrBeIsides the Cash soybeans MPSI AI Garvin 311an rImipnm 111 111111 11 llttIllIllttIN 111111111 to were benecial in their loosening eileci on 1115 light Mabel my Visiting 11114115 3111 1111 11 1111 illlliil iii11M 1111111 heavytextured soiland since soys are adopted to Toronto 11 111 11 Mm pmcy Sutton 514m 111 10 111111 111111 1110 Imerlpljnllngrdhfe fge Showed 900d prom some Easter holday cm hm DUI1115 rru AAi poor rcnne 1e MES HIGHLANDS at 111ng And OW mat VClory MHS needsigvier 31000010 The Federation of Agricultniii 111 11111n ll1iti translated liltlllls busheis ye0rond me Canadian SOY crop must be held II SIICCIISShIl mum in WI hmllundg IIII1 II WI IA Increased many times to meet Canadian demonds Ilownshlp 111111 MOW my fh Bishop is mnzititiit 1n H10 11 Rmd rm use Examiner Classieds onlano mm are sure 30 mm el Hmpiml vr soybeans lhey can grow Some of mnvisiwys 11111111 111111 Bernice Mason at their homo Doreen Smith with Mr and 12 Smith Miss lIvelyn liinlziy lmv chetk fhese Admful Aniomuhc Rad onto Miss Helen Finlzl $1111I1 1I Phonograph features hulStI Don Coutts and tor1111 Carpenter St Cuthurinms with 11gtiI c111111ay Mrs Hort Smith and or 11 and Ann with Mr Our Sning TuneUp aniimhhdL Uymw 1lt111 Service Icompletely re IIII isogbeansEAhsuveT 33 Fla5m Peg With 1011111110113 your car for HE New 1947 Admiral Automatic RodloPhono diiipLaL LI dgsmgdsgif or Igunynym driving If II 312 0f unwahon an Stan qr an graph Incorporates the podwar wonders Less than sec Ids elapse ueqllPJeJtL er 35 Gag The Admiral one arm may beween reamdsWIhAdmhai protublASH CROP Theres ready marketfor all you can grow Automatic Record hanger tremendous adv ntogein More Engine Pep Smoother Opera he lifted even during the change cycle and returned of radio scienceIand musical reproduction Big Mrs MurdochTiprm 1hr II soils Compensation and exclusiVe Admirol Aeroscope tors battery terminals and spark plugs WE TEST can condenerI Brooks Vgra Prince Orillid zit Hills Mr and M11 frank Caston and family Gravcnhnrst Iand friend Toronto at Mrs WI 285 FLEET STREET EASTTORONTO CANADA Without cost or obligation to weeplease send your new booklettFARMING WlTH SOYBEANSI oil II at Castons Mrs Patterson 01 distributoru battery automa DMRM PRODUCE AREVMADE CANADA 111litigitzitiruhsr lt During the imnrtSSIVB 335 setVice at the UnitedChurch SIun 111793 CANADlAN AIDMIRAl CORPORATION TORONTO N9W51P3IIfef 5911 149 CdEACDIC5UPEF I28 LEET ST EETI day morning seven young gnls WE TIGHTEN cylinder head II hetrodyneC1rud with multitpurpose tubes for Increased III Ic were received imO the church manifolds and hose tonne power Illuminated dIZlIIondsiide rule cowtEtune pointer II Beam power output an ass compensation com ine to provide fellowship Graceand Mae Withav trons II II II mien and Connie IHoudIen Winm WE IADJUST distbutor gt II wondrous one quality Exclusrve Admiral CAerosIcIope fred Webb Marma IBlOW rind points timing carburetor It from $4250 up Evelyn GilhertIHoly Communion valve aShI an hem and vol wasulsodispnsod mgc control WE DO ll thorough Factory ui Amiroved lubrication job VICTORY MILLS lrmned including the changing or differential and transmission fp Sec UsToday or 0111 Expert Spring TuneUp Tilt South Linc oi ivy hold its last meeting of the IYtlll at 111 and Mrs llnrry ltontinus It took 11n toi1nI ll gathering llit stuntsI 101 lugs illith jiiliiTiWtrtTtry 1A1Izossfr MAJN=UIFACTURERS or RECORD cnAINGERS TVTIIVNLAMEuunun UH SOLDBY real SOILBUILDER im rovin soil filth to any playing point on the playiitg3syn1 iron records II II adding some nIIIogznsgybeIIIII holiggyIIglIIIIIzoIiIontII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII mm Inch dynamlc speaker assures clear tonal beauty Ammo him MI gm mo m1 lie mechanism noise 955 into an cro rotation Iannm not very lllCt 111 tttktntl 1lt lElfl Quieter Perform II 501qu 59 HARDY 3082151 10 511013 VIIII once WtlliOUl diSlOtliOh tubes permanent needle fwo Ammo Powmwl MAME drough gm frogs and heavy rains Easter guests inultuIlmlII not HFRFIS WHAT OUR 12 lnrmll inn1111 11 illlll MI ipoys iwe ve 10 or ten recor WCI nut Choice of Plush or Genuine Walnut dui growmg seasfm Grace Stott Midland at Stotts SPRING TUNEUP wwnp 5r Growqg ybems SJBENEHCIA 1ce1SEmvalfaW Mwi MEANS Cablnei BeamPower radio performance bass loosening effect on ght heavytextured cellus Gwen geocotkIC1osIslnnLIlI WE GLEAN Icmnkcase yen at Mmdochs 8mm tilator air cleaner fuel fil HARRIS Motors Ltd 83 Elizabeth St Barrie Garage Phone 2437 much enjoyed by 11 11 worl piionto oldest 11101111er in tittiiniiItni who have7110111011 nizilu lllPHO rimtings so enjoyitblc PrimIs were givtn to Mrs Mary Major Mrs 111o IL Doris and 100 Davin llio liinohns litid 12 regular meetings during the rin morassI Ash your Agriculturol Representative or deal Grain Buyer about SOYBEANS amours nima SALES SERVICE 125 DUNLOP ST PHONE 4041