lt1 tinCO itiiiiiii atrial iiiiii 1qu iitti llott to create it once iii Install lt ii til1 and Sltltltltl war for 72 tll Mil ii at ll on what llIlilll TL tilr is liletiinin unplug mic iolitalilv to IltJlt lllllt cslati lllll ii the liiilllllillll lllt gtltlll Kglltllll lliii ili ti llllllll illl tioluultoiir ltll ttll create at on iiii tallIllgt1llllliiielilitliitlt Iiiotitts oii llllll tnsir home llHlll tln inoini nt oli pay uii lil pii llllillll ilHl in addition guarantees tour pininn rlltli illl lt tire vl tour Continental lite gt lit piwiitatim about this liir toila till CONTINENTAL Ille INSURANCE CDNPANY OFFICE HEAD GRANT MAYOR Ems 150 Duiilop Street Barrie Irsiij who liie itpitti in tltl ioiuinn oiriita il Ht ll it iv lt tlli 37 5300 31033 TORONTO Purely Canadian Company department at Lands Forests MIDHURST DISTRIBUTION or TREES FOR REransrirriou AND WINDBREAK PURPOSES Tl trees available for distribution this Spring have llttll allotted by the Toronto Office their application previously We titlll tlLtsl in tliclutitre lhat applications for trees he llllllllllttl to the Toronto llltt during the Summer or early Fall prior to the Spring in which trees are wanted SIPIIILINTENDENI OF PROVINCIAL litlllliSl STATION MlDlIUItSI iiNiiiiiiiiis BABY innit Exclusive Deuble Process+$trainlng Plus HomogenizationAids InfantDigeionJ After straining vcgetables fruits and soups for 1your baby Libbys take an iitiportant extra precaution By Libbys special Homogenization the food cells and lllllCS are still further broken up to make Libbys foods Lam easy to digest Clinidalutests have demonstrated that infants as yotiiiy as six weeks Elth no difculty in digesting Libbys Baby Iitiods though they cannot ordi WlltllllywllllclttleSllftlllltdOOtlSlllllS Wli Shopping for baby dont forget lloniugeiiized Evaporated Milk 3Gcntltr Press Tomato Juice Libb and Libby age Libbys are the only Bdby Foods which are llonrogenized for this is patented Libby process FREE BOOKIETHon Infant Feeding You will get lots of valuableinfor mation from Libbys irec becklct IlcalthfulFeeding for Your Baby Send your name and address to Libbys Cliatham Ontario and copy will be sent lo you era47 ONLY IV iiit 12 Mai illtlllilttl lf per itiit tiiliiox llililllttlll tlltlllllttl only it percent iitaiiii tlieiehy asseit ltl leiell tiiite Liiziizi the letil er and ltllllillt ll wane tziiltitiy fiiily yo lll lllll pitact ll mite the lollow ii lritario lt ip lll llllli liiiiti illH illli it his tillt rive IEllft ii Itll hows that lllilttl handled 37 per cen llllli peiteiilziiw ot tiie total iitaiio iiig petted kill it the followme ii Iii gt lllll irid lambs It per cent aie handled the liieltt perv eiitaize of Ontarios inspected kill in its history iiin ll His Majestys armed forces ltl lllllltl to its and look up llltl duties in you orgiaiiizatioii and would like to so at this time that these will its iiievioi men are responsible iii no small deuce for the suiiess your operativeenjoyed iii tliltitult year These men returned to Can ada with very iiiteiise almost llltlllll loyalty to Canada lllUlJi service training developed that sense of leadership and respon sibility that is inherent in every 1llfttllftltlwd til tiieirietitin to their civilian employment theyl have assumed responsibility and leadership with an enthusiasm that is nothing else than inspiring to as older employees men has been most excellent and think all eiiiployeis will find them the same If the employer makes sure in the first general session with the boss tlp01gtll atioii are thoroughly llttlClnCl particularly to for milil ry service but ivhohzive Reither an employee 01 member standpoint Better results are ob gt formed and held together by EASY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED ll gt ci ii Hui it mi ij lillti fii il lilllliiilz ti llill Till til iilitiltii lit Lilifldfll or ill llll Vfitiixis all Canada in Llllitlllll You liliilllllll tiltli of tlzii itd tiiiliiiital llllhlllt tat lital inspected ltilliiiists it tin Yotl plintlt kill was tip in titlltlllli to this could we say it Ontario gt la host increase lor Your toapeiaitire increased its ill per cent cattle lll per calves Iii per cent slicepl lior the tll llllti your ooper the ptst year many of who seited lllt so well ltirnr men who were with ly and other ltllllllttl Our experience with returned nel manager that the aims and ideals of his business or corpoi he will find these men assui ing responsibility as rapidly as hand it to them Most teiLai feel that theyhave lost so ie valu able years iii establishigtheni selves iii peacetime occupation and are most anxiou to make tip for lost time To our older mployees and iose who carried on throughout the difficult war years our siicere thanks and to these same young me who were too you it since ined the Cooperative woul point out that it is to these me you owe thanks for having ke the Cooperative going and iade jobs for you to come back to and for you others to fill These men know what this Cooperative operated on cooperative principles has meant to them and their fam ilies and do not scorn advice of such men lll your desire to get along It is true ofvicourse that even without the Employees members could by dividinggtheir time be tween farm and plant operate their own plaalias slaughtering plant with minimum of processing This Would not be desirable tram tained by taco1bperativeunioii bond of intense belief inthe prinl cipls of cooperation between meni ber owners and employees each sharing in the fruits of ones work Your secretary has dealt with the balance sheet and the president has outlined to you very well the zone organizations and thecontri butions they can make for bright future The president has alsocx planned the necessity of continu ing active and ever increasing membershipaiid whatmur expan sion plans are for the future In closing would like to 6Xlt press my sincere personal thanks to all fellow workers in the plant and office for their loyalty to our T0 tlillk iltl You Cant Allord iilill Itt OUR rotations FUN istivirici riiOM MOIHS HEAT DUST FIRE THEFT Store them in Safety in our Refrigerated Vault Also CLEANING and GLAZING lO is or ltll ltllil li lltll lllll ll lill Phone or Aslr TheDriver Cleaning Ltd twtllil lt Waggls Lauridry andDry FOR ALL YOUR Billlth riiiiirii riouii iIR CRACKED WHEAT PURllY BRAND 10th BOOKS AYLMEH ovriisriis riiiicris DLLHEREO HitiGHi DUTY PAID to ANY Imam SCOYLAND HOHHERN Nil 23 73c 19lt S100 ENGLAND WALES IRELAND S225 S175 lHFORMAlION ORDER BLAHXS AYAIlMlLI ALL LOBLAW SIGNS NUTRIM BABY CEREAL 45L liCliSQLl MALTED CHEESE 20c It 01 TM FINEST OBTAINMILEFROM WISHINGIOV HSPllllllGUS NEW ltO llllltllil CNBBMEE FRO ALlFORNIANlTlell ll CARROTS CALIFOHNIANICW SPRING SHEEN PENN FLORIDA IIISI JRIIlN ltSlH CElEllY SlllLllS CHOPFLOR GREEN BEANS FLORIDA JUNEQWGES uiiiirrritiiir STRRWBEERH FROM LOUISIANA Loniiws DELICIOUS LIGHT MAI LOBLAWiS JACK JILL PEANUT BUTTER COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD STRAINED HEINZ BABY FOODS CONDENSED CREAM OF GREEN VEGEIAELE KEEN SOUP 12 mff MHPLE LEM CAKE TLOUR JEWEL SHORTENING NEIESONS COCOA KRAFT CHEESE GERBERS BRHLEY CEREAL WRSHINSTUNS CAFEMELU NEWPDET TLUEES on iicxsous 21 01 pro 29C moms rEa MEAT SAUCE oxo gums airman mowers QUAKE MUFFINS QUAKER SPHEKIES QUMKEB QUIX Flakes armors sumac mus BATH MIX MeEHMNS aunts HEM manna sour MIX it means MllBllSClllllll CHERRIES cuocoum mm Anon mun TOMATO JUICE tiller APPLE JUICE iii PIE PEACHES liXlllA lNt iii mz jHl ltiiiii lIl more caxzw 32 3a lc 23c 25 01 30c 19c 16c 246 27 ll 01 JAl OZ SOLID illllll lllll 23 07 LOANS LAHHI ltItIN lSlNtlllN SH 01 lliNlilIR llld lllll ltllH LBS 29c lieu LB 25c DOZ 39c glroitzyc llt lilil FLUID 01 this llltil7 NEW SPRING WHEN VAllAILI PKG JIRSEY BIAND HllADIlPNIA CREAM lllNlllIli SllthtillsS IRl l7tis Ilit Slll QUART PRIMIUH PKG I90 outlast PIKOE CEO AND ELACKWELL Cult lllillll Ithlill mu 27 23c 01 CUBE REMARKS SEEDS RENNIES HIGHEST QUALIIY ILOWEB SEEDS RENNIES GOVT SYANDARD VEGETABLE SEEDS RENNIES EVERGREEN BRAND Lawn SEED QUALITY MEATS ROASTIAFZA BOILINE row POULTRY DRAWN WITHOUT CHARGE PUBK SAUSAG roman Ltllllllltlll an SAUSAGE imAMI 10c rm PKG 5c mo 10c 57c 2mm 2mm 13 23c 13c 19c 37c PUFFED iilB WNEAI M55 3E retained men and to PKGS FANCY GUAM 20 FL OZ IIN OZ Milkfed ia ORISHIRE PUDDING rum QUEEN 41c 11 35c 01 JAR FL OZ IOTlL IOSE IIAND It FL 01 Ill III urade WKIll 25c 29F 24 19c 25 22 Three Little 01 Loose 39c 322 42c MOIHIR zOL JACKSONS 14 01 JAI 10 FL 01 THIS 10 rig oz TINS ti 0mm FANCY QUALITY ACON AND LIVER omen sing sonn m1 siiiiiigizisfiolr trim KlNllllth stun mstzmi no icourous nomuo tNFORNAllON cm ILANIS Auium Lerole STORES ath aurora3m 11 mi roan sqiir Corriisrii 5695 EACH CAKE 01 no7 or none ems 11c GIANI cu 9c MAP IVORY SOHP Ivonrsniow ioun so pamonvn soar ms concur STAINLESS P01 CHAN DEHVDIMED 01 aw on wax suist BANS so 6600 vouLiwam now tonuws DELICIOUS mun oi Autism or Mloiuu GRIND Lu no LOBLAWS FLAVOURSOME TWO cur Jun ff Corral 39 35 SUPER minim mo ilil no ucu lo rout 29c illlf 47= 319 IIIGII PAR 250 LII VACUUM PACK llN