Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1947, p. 2

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THE BARBIE EX 1111111111 rm BARRY ammo minim ONTARIO cums ggtv Tow LL GROWES BIG POTATOES Put41111111111111411 MT TT 50 lllt 11151111 murmur 111111 LL 11 111111 1111111111 11mm 11 from the files of TV 1111 11111111 1111 11 111411 21 TV VT TV VVVV 1T VV flll Sillig lR1lilT 11 1V NV 1111 11 LL 1T Ii111TTTT1riTTTT1 1111110 VV T11 111111 HinduTl VT VV VV VVV VV VVV 1111 11111 VV VVV TV VV VV VVTT VV TVT TTT 1T t1111TV 11 11 VV TV VV VVVV VV 1V LL T1i 1V 511 1111 E1111 1th Wwmrr vH LLL LLLLLHLL LLLLLLVDL LLL LLLLL Th1 1310111 11 llTttartinnr LLL 151 TT LlT 311131111 in 1111 it11TlIli 11111 V1 21 TV T1 TT 11 11 1111111 11 1111111111111111 111111111112311111 11 L1 TTT TT LTT VV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVTVVVm VVV 1111 1111111LI11111T1 121111118111 111 11 VV 11 ii gt 111T11 1111TT11T1lt 111111 1111T llxtli 1lTTTTT Tr 11 111 sTTTTTTVTT 11111 1T1 VVVVV VVVlVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVV VVVV VVVV VV VV VV tr T11 111 liomc 11 111111111 tit111 11111 TT TL Llt 711111Til 1111101101111 11 11111111T1Tt1 111 T1 11 11 1211 T111111li111 31111 gt111 11 VV VV VVV tTT11 TT 11VVVVV HV VVVS TIVVVVVVVIVVTVVTV VVUVVTV VV RUHVVVV 11 lilll 11i l11 111A lr 11 VV V1 11 11 T1 213 Will 11 1111911 1111111 T1 11 11 511111111 1111 11111Tlt1TT T1 gt T1 T11 TTT 12s 11111 iicsbttchn 1111111 l1T 111111 TT 8114112515 TlTDPJLU 12113113 01 1T TT 1T1 1T ulTst TTTTT1T11T1T LUVV DEPHALV 1VVT1V11T1 V111 tVluV 1113 11 1111111 1V1 1V1 tVV1V 11 VV VVVVVVVVTVV VI VVV VVVVVl VV TTT TT1 11 TTTT 11T1TTV TTT TltTT 1T zit11 sztttzwtion 111111r11111u no 11111111121T fhflLkLiLL LLLL LILfLLTL TTLTTT LL ILL 11 IS Li T1 LL LL 1T Tt stunt mm 111111111t11111 11 l11111t11 11 TTV TTTT T1 VT MT 11 11111ll11 1T11ll1 11 1111 1111 11 T11T1T1 1111 TT T1TT TTTTT1T1 111111T11111T 11 T11 T1 M11 11 AdtTnuc llttlt 111 Hvlll lTT TT TTT 111111 tT1T111 11111 tli1111TT11111 111 111T1s T111114 Mm VVVVV MM VVV 111 1T lltlltt lt11t 011111 Hunt V1 VV IV VV VV 1111101 VT 111TTT1T1 I11 TV TI 1111111111111111111r111111111r1 1117 ilUll Utiltlit ltlllllln iilt 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LLLtLLtLlnITLt 111 11 1111111 1111 1111T111111111 rum T11 V1 TKH LLL 1LTLTLL TLL LxLiiL L11 L1 GRAPELNUT E1 gt NV T1 IT VV VV 1TV 1115 111 iii 11 lt 11L1LLLL1L1111111111111 111v111nvmim hwy111 WT T111TT1T11 811111111 81111311111011 LLL1 LLL 1L T11 WITI 110 P1111111 NY BATTER LL If 1m1 TVHHWHV DHT 11111 l1 lx11111111ly 1111111115 TTl111rT Tl 11 1VVV 11TTlTiT Tlm Stvrsurt lrcns HIT 15 $16NKz lTTIlH1 101M T1TT 114111111111 11111 11 TTT 11 11 RRHT THRMJ 111 111 13111 1T11TT TT111T 11211 112 1111 Llllttllllt 11131051 111111111 11 lltilll lilt gVVV HM T1VVIVV1TVV 1111 1T1 lLT11 1111111T lLT111111uT1 UVVILVVT VIVLTVVITM VI V1H1VV TT T1 111T11 51 1111111 111 77 11 ll llltl lll 1111111th llli 1111 11 1T111 1T 1111 111 LLLLLLLL LLTLL OL LL L1 LL LL 1111 1vT 1111 1111T11T1T11T1TL11T1TTL1111TT1 1111 TiTTTT1111 L1L111 111 Pit10 mill LILitl 11TL1L111L1L 11111111111111L1L1T111 1111011 151111L15511111315111 1I1h111011 T1 TT 11 11T111T LI 111 11111 TLLLL LTL 1141111 mlnlt Donna 1LT lTlHVLH Tl 11131 19 T1 11 11111s 1111 L11TlT111 t11t1111 11 lvllnvlllg lilt 1311111011 111 111 11 111111 VV 11 In VTV TVV1V V11Vl 1TV 11 lkfililltlillll Ill Hulllt VVHuan1 Midymd 347V 11111 11111 pittitlltS 11s the 1111111111 mzty sec 11 TTT11T tzTTTTT T111TTTT TT 1111 1111 11T 1TTTTTT TTTTTTTTT TTTTT TV1TTTT 1V1VTVV TlTTTTV VVTTrVderlTVTTTV 1T1111 11TT111T1 1111111111 111111 1111 1111T HwTo 1111 TT 11 ltl1T 1111111Tt 11 TL LL 511 mm the mes of THV W1 uIm 311 mo wTTl TTTT 311111VT Inspector 111 and LVL llltlllbll 101 13111131 TT VI mu1u 111 1T11 11TTTT 1111111 1111 1TVT 11ml um Bums Exmxmu 061 pf lIVVV1VV EH 11112911 111 Bump 111111 1111111191111111 VVullVfVl VV TV VVVV 1111111 11 1111111 11 1113 VTILVT VVLVVV Lszlffj 1111T mire district will TTTITTTTTTT TT Di0 LT1TL 1LiLLLLiLLTTLL1LLTLTT 111TTLL1L4T11L111CL1TLLITT 111 11111111 111111 is 111111 VT 11 11L3ti1111 fTL 11151 mm 1111 1T1 VV 11 11gtT 115 VT Mmd Rvnpr VV VV VV VV VVV VV VVV VVV 11 111T1 T11 1111 1111 111111 1111111 Burr I11121l holes VVVV VV Tm 111313011 81th Ll LIT 11 11 IM or 111mm 11 11111111 1TT HTTTTTT 11TTTT 11 Um bTm 01 Timmxd 1111111 under the 11111111T1l to limit 11111111T1lt 1111 Hunt zmgnrt 111 TTTT iiiilt 11117 11T11T1 Conimllttt lTT VV VTV VVV VVV 1V T1 TITTllt11TTr 11111 11111 11151 111111 1111T1T111yV 111T1 1VTT1 1T1 1141111511111 01L H15 Lop91111 MilymL VlVJVLLVVLVJVL VVV VVLV LL 111 111111111l 1111115 11111 111111 11113 TlTT 10 111 1V VI ML VJL Houding 111 the Turnpuign 1111 the 111111111111 VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1VV11V1T 11111 11 11111111 11111111VT1111 111111 111 111 TTT1T11 111 VVVV TVVVV VV is littll RllSStii TT Klllty M111151L1L 01L VVlLl till 1111111117TT1111111s t11 1155111 the 1111111111l11s 111 1L VVVV V111illlT CTHMTHT 1T1Ti TISTWilLL 111 CARS Gnule 11 11111111115 rule ugznnst 111111111111szn ITVLLLVLV VVLVV LLI LVLVLVLVLVIVVLVVLVVLVI Li LlLLViLVi 1151111L11L1L1 1M 111V 111V5L A11 1111 111T111lr1T1l 111lt 111 111whip LT li LT T1 TlltltgI VV VVV LV VVL DVVVVVVVVVDVV the past Wmmr 1n blmcoe County VV IVTthiVTdeVVV1V11VV111VV111VV1VVV111rns1Vlr1VV lViV1V11VV1VVVlV1Vll1 VVVVVVV VVVWVV by UK CVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV 8V VVVV VVVVTVV VVVVVVVVVVVVI VVVV iVV VVVVVVV 11111 iVndV 11111L11 111 h1VVTr1111111111 11 Ii 11 11 11 11 gt 1v huild Wits put 111 111 toll which TTT T1 11 TIIWWT TT we had some setcic storms But the 1nd meublmd 111111 11TTTu TTTTVTTT T1 s1111 VT VV 11 1V mw TVT TV TV VT 11111 11 11111Td 111 Vl1T111T11d ldtlill 103508 W91 1101M great Fume 019 Abou 1111 1111 Shotlilhl UIL 11111111111 1111151 11111 11L1L1111111Ll 11TL113L11L1L1L111gN11h1V L111 LLLSVLL LLLLL LML LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL15L1L1111L1111 KC 1LLL1111L 01i En 31 LL LL LL 111 TT Vi TLC11 11 T1 Ii1 delayed and greatly inconvcnicncitl 111 51111 1V1V111VieVV1VoVsl1T1VTcTV 1V1n IVV1c VTthVViVntVuVsVVV11VV1111V1V EVV V1V1V1VV V1V1V1V VVVVVVVV HVVVVVVVVVVVVVVI dVVHVVVVV VVV hm 1VlVVVVVVVVVV IVVTVVVVVVVTVVVV VTVVVVVVVVV VtVVVVVV 111T1T1 lT1TTVT1Tr 111 1111ltgto1 nearV ping out their DLLOLLUCLLS esDLLLCLLLLLLy mLLkL ILL1LL1LLLLLlLiVlLtL 111llLLl1U11LL11L1LL1LL wliiiTLhL L11111ALL111111111111iii lLlLILLLLLMMI 1H1 XML huldL 11111111111 LTL11LT1L1 710112111 111 LLL LLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLIL LLLLLOLLLLL LLLI That does 901119 home and plLfCh into l11 1t1 11 T111 11111 centennial dusuy thls dlstrmt was aiemtea luffonga TTTTis formed to luster and 11iotc1Tt Robert lTTi111L1VIVVVVLLLEV111LVLVLLL LVLLVLVTVH of VVVVVVV men 1111111 Tiur 111 121111 1l1mLVLVLVT LVVLLHfVVVV1T1ITVilt TUHHHHVI some Wswee dehClOUS GrapeNuts Flakes 31 on 311 01 VT TVTV TVV VTVT VV VTT SV VTV TT 11 VCIY 5111311 deVgVLrLLe Le but Tm 511111115 IL 1mm 1M 11111111 11111 think the 11111 tttlllltliLVVtranLVHV 1VVV 111VEVTVVVVV33V1VVV1T111111TT11 Since they put up thatSign Two gram11111111 11nd mnltud mcmwemence Ilom blocke 10113 11 111 5111111111TT is good enough 11 holdVL 11111 111 1LL Introduced by James Duncan about scrumptious maltyrich barlcymulzc big 1litlcr1T1111T 1111 7L1 pmth Country we expect SHOW andi 111111111115 111 why tnkc the old mum VLVVVVVIX VVLVVV1 V1VVVV 11111Tltiltlcnt V111 1111 company MiVVV Posts GrapeNuts Flakes cant right So 11th that 511011311 51111th gt 11 we are not altogether unprepared by par1 VV ELL 7113 VlT lTT 1111110 011 1118 ITTTTTTOTVT and 01VVVVTVVVVVVV1 hum 11m 111=TTT1TT112VLTTTT TlTgtTTTbTT1 11TT111T keep the ball the park 1101 VTTTDTVNVTTL 1111M 1TTT1Trrr 1111915 men e1 TVTTVW 11 lnco 111m 15 um 11 L111111 1111 has 01111111 1111111 the 111101 10111 ing 121111111111111 tonstm 1t1 the 101111110 VVV VV VV VV 611131131 hemy tau NVTOW WT mil A1 7411 COMM10 1110 Qmme DEW so11111111111h tor muchlnery PFOV1IVH1VVVV1111 1HV1 Hjthstorc lctory which Ilzmicl lLVltlS And me 11 mt boys Le TTTmTTUC1ick1mg1101 Of Spllllg We are looklng 10111131 TShow held 11 Oshziwzi Dr McRostie who had TT11V VVTueghV if 11 HImom mm id UlcthLT LthV 11V lVlllV 1THVl TwTT established in NCWNSHOV 111011l1l1155$1115LOSUI1CH honewgoldn Emir IVXSVVVL T11 lt weather 11119 Jlldged 111 bLWltll V1T11gt le 118 Ml 31 Ldynot Vgoud enough for the town VP 8011136 VILVUIV Etori1t 111 847 llllill the prosent gfttmlt 150 P05 ClaimNI run nourishment tluits Posts But in Brim1n the heavy Snowswrms Tough gOOd LeeLL gm lLL 11L Lu ILLLLLLQ LLLLLLLLLLL LU funk LO Tm other mm 1LLFLLLTLLL ML 11ch it is oporutinu in 72 coun an carbohydmtps OILVcneng GrapeNuts FlakesAnd 11Tci 111511 TC 10 101111 s11 11 511111 T1 fem111111GC VOHJUT SlTllnPIOIlblll 5V Tliltn the police hate done nT Tm 1111ugmm 11K WIN1d and pro ems 01 muscle phosphorus delicious woke the DQSt winter wele the we on Elcepllonill111310 110 been 31 102111111 Of 1110 5900 Yours truly 1111inT business in hit 1n llld for teeth llll boucs iron for the LLLLL LLL LLLLLLL not at VV VA 135M ac 11130 11111110 lmme flog19 and the 190ple Of that country Wer T111 exhibits in OIlldllO this spring and the numbtt FRED DOBSONV 51111000 T011111 BIN 15 315 TmromeVTV blood and other food essentIaISV Gramwmg Flakes Tmall prepared for moval equipmeni to battle LUCh Storms SLLCLiincreusing number of farmers are buying certified 0110 transportamon was so 1mpededr1hat VmLizTnd registered sech of the varieties that illC known dllStry was drasmcally Curtalled ThlldT mito have rust resistance 111111 possess other merits teiitiptions inLthe supply of coal placed further burden on the Shlygrmg popuLaCELlable to discuss the respective qualities of the leading Ana finallyT the Storms created SUChVIOSVSeSmew varieties Now that in oats we have Alaska of farm production that the StllCt ratiomnEECurtier Valour Erban Vanguard Victory Viclzind of food supplies had to be further reduced t0Ajax Beaver Beacon and Garry coming over the spread the hunger equally The coming of Spring in Britain more traubles doubly compounded Stormsi and floods havepbured over the land creat inguntold hayocVV Large industrial plants is battling against the damage of the elem merits Farmers are faced with season 0ij attempting tonroduce extra supplies from llood swept fields The Picton Gazette do remember any vote on me where in training is in town WT V011 Wednesday last Prince Edward Count Conn Town HanVVVexcept am about 20 schools Edith Donnell Le 11 but StO Ed TlhntjfttlbiClL made granOhreethousand dollars to The ears one when the eople turned froy ad her ShUUldJ ones have been pp mommy Hospital at meconclusmn Of an emenswe down the proposal H1315 there bfLen broke while playing crack the discussion whip at school lnnistil Coun During this permd membersLOf the HospimlBoaLLd an11VOLetLLnLLLLLL TtL 1th Cil olished statute labor 11nd will told of greatly increased costs of operatrou which OVTh 1Vmeh Ubime may 20 per cent on roads from had taken salaries of the hospital staff from $14000 3315 bgisg gzideggtnggnaligsergg overnmentT in 1943 to total of $30000 last year Increased costs We here in Barrie and Simcoe Countylof mat extent have brought condition where the 81157 PIN BOYS SPLIT EVEN Va 58231 rgighappy too it OUVV on on new hncpitals income trom eesV does not equa reserve fund Where has Vt en Orillia and Barrie pm boys split VVVVVGOOdyQLVVThe thickroadVV have Lari abundance of food and clothing We welcome the opportunity that is being Tgo presented to us to help our brothers and sistersin Great Britain All citizens are urgLedLto set aside food and clothing now and be prepared for canvass to be made lsufficient girl candidates can be found for training the rigors of such 0011011111 exhibitors has been large More cheering still is Hons First they did not have the snow reTthe fact that it has been the biggest year yet in the during the first two weeks in May EDTTORIAL LVNLOTES LWheh it is consideredL that according to the CommuniSts oWn figures there gareizmd the provincial requirement to employ nurses Tm LL23000 Communists inV CanadaV 1s againsti 74000 in the VUnited States and only 60007b1amedV commune wns convention The 0111113011 llill Junior Institute eILFoRD April 14 Muss Neilly has returned after spending the winter in Bradford Prim Mr 11 MrsV1 Poster and 1110 of Collingwood llildlt Lou I11illys on huntlny The WI indies urn reminded that 1Vli1x1t1iriljiroti will lie hold on Snturday evening at Mrs Sherman Todd Mrs Luck is spending week with her daughter Florence in Toronto also attending the Toronto TT Hm dome and lltillU 1111111 Hilton success T119 11110111 YllT inct l1 1113 Lhe LcounCLL decme L9 Spend bill LAlllT Mm LornLrT Neill won Frank KtilLH Monday niglttfwitli tho 919 thOUSHHd donors Without I1 GOSLS LL TT vote of the en la Will first PM for 1311qu at Home presrdont lirtlch 1T11V111r Marjorie lod1 1111111111111 11111 1111111111L111111111 Llor Tde 1114 STTTrturv Doug 1111114 war payer buy wns first for 111111 LLwitl1Lou Lulllllrt10m1nll was in 1l1 151 lrnnnti second Dancing thtlljoytd 1nd L1L01V1 1111 RUSH11 LLaleOSt 019 afterward flnt VRVolnrts lTIth1Tl lo1l1 Mary everything The llustcrlli1nk0ff11ring niect Tei YT 11m Till TTT1illy giivic endings mm WJTMA 11111 of 1211111111 WMS was 111111 at Mrs lTrnnk K911 anthirT duusfh TT Sylvia dVVVVfVVjVm Imuk 19V Apr 111V Trhlt momma sung LV roty 11 cnsing 111t Humps guru tgoodfinancial iTxpon mnlMrTT 1v1mren10yrtlf TplkcLLizLimLiLuiLLorLthuii Ederahon Tr mirTi T7 Tm TT We 77 K1111 conducted the WOlSlllpLLStl Trice Florence Luck and Mrs Geo Ncsbitt sang pleasingjuet Miss Neillywaa elected diegate to the annual meeting at OrilliaT May brought Strottd 11111151 At meetingT in twais discussion 1111 11uilunu Ba 1111c RH No Tseed grain business imports have been lTiigL 11nd 111 solidTited school 11111 111 10011111 THAT RESERVE 1y VV Siloud 11111 51 l1l11 5L Ytlllllm The Editor Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Evci since Estimates of cost TTTcrt platcd bc iorc the meeting by lnspec 1111111114 man but 1111 action was on It It is eiiwurdiw the Town Council 11nd are WHATAMIHAPN 111101112 that farmers are comparing crops money is coming from Who is pay 1season mt VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVd wow on VVVVV was claimed that the onsulidzitedt schools seems tne ticssolution 1111 hTLiiTLLgebs eLriL 11LLLni1LinT0L1LlTieiIaLLtLhI glvmg COUHUY boys 1d girls mucVn of their secondary education at 4r less expense unde parental control ing for this work horizon there is splendid array to choose from Vh 21nd amid surrotddmizs tlihtiL1iilcl and something to add zest to production 815 911 any Tend T10 Drew them for 11yi money expenditures the Counc11 of attracting them culture instez as is often the case lwuy from had no authority to proceed unless there was vote by the poplc But GREATLY INCREASED HOSPITAL COSTS honors when theLOrillians captured published in the financial gripping Goodyear tread cf mit that ma othexthhought it was terribleand shouldiVhave been torn down years ago But gigquestion 1vislggtoVraLise is this nder what procedure can the uncil decide to alter an Lhis toricV landmark without vote of thepeople Under whatfprocedtire staffing the local hospital with graduate nurses VV it has been the contention of members of the match playedin 01mm on Good local Hospital Board 11111 provincial rinsingof re 319 men 0V fTVFliday by five points to land the glVVeseXtra tractionextra to course of gmrsigenrzinigrg hIVIVSlailncd90 agcrodeVVo where not OfVVtheV Town primed in Barrie id tizgijcglleTAleSISngmnlil113$ fgvtffggnY5191ajgrgz or Examiner few weeks Tan enrt gtnerY There are taxpayer if Barriehe Onlllans With 672 and Charles too because Gaodyears last tschool leading to the degree of registered nurse who used VTO 100k on Town uSimpsonVbowledeoV Frank Griffin longer actually cost less When matriculation standing became piovmctalT was thebest for Barrie with310 mil fad VV requirement for entrance toLsuch course in 1944 bude T35 1115 landwark if plat th ewo epenT 919 the NursesTraining School was discontinuedTLit They thought the unique bmlding Vce any othethTre the local hospitam with its fourtee chimneys should Why wait Drive in today Abandonment of the trnirLiing school resulting 111 haVC been pres VEd Yesv Wm ad for new GoodyearsT Be sure to get new Goodyear tubes when you buy new tires They add to the life of your tires three shiifs of eight hours each have brought Lgreat 1y increased costs Vof hospital operation it was ex 3Aftcr the 1110611113 the ladies cuter tnined 111 pot luck supper BAHRIE ONT LL ounideirculnu air lam inchno more cold Innings total Inli ll ssoriu ion 2111111111211511 Phones 3411 Tllnrric 31150 11 CLAPPERTON ST The Mme miner has the second largest pirculation of any 10 weekly V1 Cm It gives Em 51mm Recap Vulcanizing Road ServiCePhone 4335 the news V1 unwed Dept LhLLLLWLLLLL VT TTL

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