rawtor six NOTlCE TO CREDlTORS NOTlCE TO CREDITORSI AND OTHERS lii 111 ion 11 Haunt lil iii 23 Mini111 Jl 11 1511 11i 1i 13 lulI 11 11 Iii ii 31 11 pi 17 II Form Stock Implements Household Effects BROOKS Lot 22 Con Tecumn sclh ll Hm Mil lililll lil iiltll IM 211 no uni iii Wednesday April 23 Ilill iii intoiziiixt 1111i Form Stock implements ERNEST PRATT SH Lot 21 Con lnnisfil 111111 11 11 llilltl Tuesday April 22 Int twinniwa Iaousrs 11 1111 II l1III lll It AIR TRANSPORT BOARD Application or License to Operate Commercial Air Service 1l Illittl II and send copy tout1111 applican ddi 11 111 lillilli Ontario OI11 Iill 10 11117 ltib Alll lllANSlIORl BOARD BAItRlE FLOUR MILLS l1 ltgttl llili lile south and Illl itl ol Inonthl lL lithil SHORTS 111111 $145 per 100 lbs can to mention breechin still 11 1111111 tractor 191 ll7 ionecr oud Bilill and worth more MASSEYtinned p1ElwAy ii YOUR Miuoue TIMEANDY JAND ILABORI labbr reguired to do thevjob by band suckingtalfsuction and massagekeeps your cows healthy and contented Let us show you how you can make more money save more moneywith ItheMasseydlarris Rite way Milker ultimatum MasseyHarris Dealers 30 Sophia StW Phone 3577 Barrie Examiner $200 year I5 seerion MASSAGE Oneopeiator with the RiteWaylMilkerdcan milked do 20 cows per hour Saving oilthe time and TheJRiteiWay employs the natural action of they some Regarding Dogs Running of Large from on Form Stock implements Household Effects NORMAN WALTON EH Lot Con l2 VCSpro AUCTION Wednesday April 23 training Form Stock implements 1r on McKELVEY Lot l0 Con chumseth Adjoining the iillie ot Betton li twri Tuesday April 22 no iozzotrixt 31m lil all by pill cow igt with clf by llit ioii ti oy side cows yrs each with calf by side boilers yrs bredzl Iciters lei is steer months old ILliIIICNlS in ne 30 c1 Idition buer enti stool tlit harness mention farm has been sold Nothing to be removedjuntil paid for sharp Harold McCurdy Clerk 161 Jas McCurdydAuet For Sale 011155 spowczrsn BISCUIT CASE Quantity if store SHELVING Applyt0 Brown Co Ltd ill LOCAL NEWS hit iii 13 flielltlti CAIiAUA BC 111110 YE xiiitzll It lSI AN NH IN is an it It rlIlrllllrtlintllalltrrltttlvloi SALE rrm UCllON SALES 101 iii 11 Hi 11 l11l 111 11 uzineii Ellis 13 liie illlll tlittai ltl1 liltl ttL listiite See ltiil Action Henry Elrick teal Estate Given St IOIOONIOINJIIJINIINWII lltiiii him or an towns nun omen ensures Outdoor Ioilets must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected Particular attention is directed toall CEILARS YARDS 1111 These must be cleared and purified rtomoNNNN Ne oooo OJNioloooOaOvoOOlJOI il tlri diin iliioio li 111 111111 1111 ltOllOOJOONOONIIvrlll Ioto 106 IIII NOJOONOOlllo LiCENSED AUCTEONEEE EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN For Successful Sale Household Flllnitlllci 1111a 101111111 1111 For all heirs of ll1rri read the lixainiiier srrsi FOR SALE Beams illhlllili l111nio liiti 1112 Mdlils 11117 Lititllil 10 hzuiinls ule lrou Flat Rounds Steel llate suitable Sibel lulnna tor drains andrposts We also pay highest prices scrap llzn ainl April 1011 Auction itziIiiloieiitlt Sale Alltlliillttl iFriday May ZvAIislalc or Silos Cave Nil Lot lil Iylllittir 1U 11 ll111I 11147 Bdrm3111 Viltslnrc iw Winnie llerelvuidii oi tilt ox cor Wm JN rlillJ llilllftliillfl p211 11 scrap iron and Jnetal mm 5iill or write lllil RILLIA NI ilione l5ltiw Kine Farm Stock and Implements PHONE SIROUD 23111 1011 household Sale at Auctioneer BllltIAplll 17 1047 ments cash ledge heners ne vaccinated for Yard and West Sts MN 10 Yorkshire sow Sow pigs ll weeks old sowl DOMINION STORES lIMlTED illiiJlLtl sheep With Quantity oi hay 10 busl other reed peas in firs ltlgt drive belt iu hopper Firdsonl soil lntcliz Fergusoni ltr1etor plow tLactor cultivator igactor pulley iiacior gt Vlltlll tractor plow 13 inch bottom IVILCl binder condition Bisscll land packer Cockshutt manure spreader No rpllllIIltitilil lr1r row set of light harrows Deering miner gtlllliy rake 10gttt Cocli gtllllll scufflcr turnip drill walkI in plows Kid Kangaroo plow Cockshutt fertilizeer lldisc sccdl drill Paris outthrow disc spade disc Kline fanning Inillwith baa1 per set scales 2000 lbs cap root pulper 11 lip electric motor Bell dz Sons electric hammer mill Dc Lgval cream gtCpillilllll new bowl rubbertiredSkein wagon tippinu hay rack nearly new wagon woodi on wheels set of wagon wheels cart wheelbarrow bag truck pig crate and beam scales 36ft ex tension ladder sugar kettle water barrel hog sclffecde112 logging chains electric fence 25 rods wire fence set of sling ropes hay rack set of slings new heavy steel pul leyz 2wheeled trailer with stock rackzIsetIofIbob sleighs setbf log bunks Iisci heavy emery cross cut saw circular saw neckyokcs shovelsz posthole anger forks whiffletrccs quantity of Keith planl 30 cedar fencc postsrset of breechnig harness set of double your Shopping Outstuii Needs iii Kvlmeri Solid Puck APPLES Bartons PlE PEACHES Bakers Pregiiiim lillllllllllllE Aylmer NfllNl Ft tAprieot Custard Prune Custard Tomato Juice Vegetable Juice hm 6gt4Tlltliiiiitii3 21c VALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY 65 22 Eddiii no sump it 11II25IICI APRIL 19th Aylmeri With Pectin Risriiiiiiir IAii Heinz Fancy Quality lIUMAlll lliltiIE IgI AyInldr 59 VEGETABLE so Alemer Pure Orange amp iiiiiiiiini Beaver Boneless 15 oiiciiii Swiftfs Canned Pork Loaf 27 ReadYtbServe 29 is 19 II 2t 02 361 0118i 44 Makes Dishes nun tiii Itichhiello Orange Pekoe IEIAgtEAGS Manon lllliEll CARRUIS Graves Choice Quality sniiiiiiiiii WeekEnd Feature Std PEAS Case of 24 Tlns$235 103loz tin Other articles too nunterous to 27 WelchsI Gun Iuici iiiiiiiriiiiu Domnol Mtiltill till iiiiiimiuwiis Howards Whole llltl PlDlllES Concentrated Javel SUNBRITEI 16 oz bottle There our be no reserve as the buz 16 02 1002 iii ii 29 Terms cashz Sale at oclock 21oz iittgii at 20 oz oi 45 12 oz 35l Quality Clarks iiiiiciiiiii Maple Leaf 25 MATCHES oz 19 oz All Brands In Tin Packiige of boxesZ3 Clara Val 29 BLACK MISSWN flliS 49b IChoice Quality Hand Packed iUMATDES Pllllll 1AM 28 oz 15 oz 19 ATTENTION Mercury and Ford Owners We from complete stool FACTORY HEBUILI MOTORS to fit 35 to 12 111 lb and cons and trucks Genuine Ford Ports and Accessories Morrison Motor Sales lllltll ltl llt 31 Bradford St it li sin Phone 3178 MW WAVERLEY IN lllll iRtHlIillllIA GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES BIRDS IIYl lvlftiHllll litltllld Dunlop St Phone 2447 IllltlolllllllllilltllllirlllllllldIlirllldellIlJJJIllt maintain Householders and all others die hereby notified that oil removed All cleaning tip must be done by May The Owners or Occupants of Premises who have not complied with the requirements of the Public Health Ac will be held to answer for their neglect By Order of the Board of Health SMITH M0H nrll lurtll atntttoltotlloaltr 4141th tNttalldrlNlONrtJ To DOMINION Stores for tile Fullesi attestation it ling Food Values Iloiielcss Sliced riiiiiijvrii R1314 STABLES and ill manure 31c snverbngni 16 Oz Fresh tender Texas Pkg SPINACH images ooi NEiiicVaIiiTirIiiIWiCHIn in GREEN PEAS 251 California new swimmers 159 iii29 161 Tender Calf 131 ignition 23c 16 oz mule Itipe Strawberries from Louisiana arriving fresh daily Barrie Meet Melisa GOOD PLACE TO MEET FOR MEAT BEEF VEAL LAMB PORK Fish Poultry Ill 0111 ow