Mlss Jesse Bryson Organist 111TmfgUEllEEN PMADoubter is Converted PMSr Boys Bible Class PERSOBAIBJ Independent SINDAY 11lt11 it 1917 REV MIIC ILL Minister 111 MORNING 11011s11111 11111o Tito Minster SINUAY AlRll 211 11117 11 11313 1111 S1111 711 77777 MORNING WOltSllll 21 131an0 Peoples Bible 7111111111lt111 11111 11111111 SCIIOOL 31 Mr SHJui 5111001 mm 1111 1ltZ111N 111111511111 11111 1311 11 1isf131 Prof Chas Hendry Community Meeting 111 11111 Corner Cupboard Delicatessen or FOODS 11301115111 511mm mum $111111 11 11111 YlS1rv1e 1mm 11 111 111111111 111 11i 11 11111 Irnyer 31111611 COME TU CHURCH 111 1111 11 11 113 11111 111113111 11 11 11111 1111 11111111111y 111111111 1111111111 1111i1111 JLLiI gt WE if 71 111111 111 11111111111 1111111 11111ll 1I1 11 111111 111111111 111 ill411111 AMWA mn GOSPEl ll1 111111 1111111111 111 11111j 11 11111111 1111 11111 1111 11am 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 11111 111111 11 111 The Salvaflon Army 19 Dnve i111 11111111 111 11 11 m11111111i1i1 11i11i1111 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11111111111 today 20Mulcaster Street Rev Thomas Lotto BA Minister SUNDAY APRIL 20 1947 10 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AMDEVOIIONA1SERVICE 730 PI11Wno are the Sons of God Trinity Anglican Church 215V 11 IIOWDEN BA Hector ll WRIGHT Organist SUNDAY APRIL 2071041 Sulzllon loouettes lSalmnn fillet 51 chopped parsing 111111051111111 1111 111111 11111511111111 Wincwtursi snuro 1011511111111 x111 11 pepper 1111 111111 e111 111112111 1111111115 21 Cool and drain 31111111111 Add parsley lemon juice celershirc MIIICC 51111 popper 211111 1111111111111 1111 11111 1511 1111111111111111111 11111111 1111 11111 111111111111 1111I i11 11115 211111 1111111111111 11111111111 1111 111 Ill 1111 111 St 111111 A1134 h111111 11111111111 111 11 1111 111111111al11x 11111 11111S1111 111111 Wor 11111 Ills irinLE sermons and 1101 1111 the StTori1ISunlay after Easter meetings fllillltijrmllllggii Jim 2111111111111 111 11111 1111111111121 1111 AMllOIY COMMUNION Friday 11111 Speaker Mr Johntrunlbs 111 Ill slightly beaten euui uh 11 mothMORNING PRAYER 13 11 which 11 11111111 111111111 1111 11111111 11 MUM 1111111111 and roll again in crumbs WWW 11Ugt The Rector 11111 to Britain A1V1vBegillners Dept the Sunday School 211 PM1Junior Bible Classes Ii 1MASUNDAY SCHOOL PAWEVENING PRAYER 7131111111101 The Rector The Givod Shepherd her VlStltll and strangers 111v1tetl 9111111 If t== Free Methodist Missmn lapoertOn Siret REV AND MRS CHASE in charge Phone MidiBarrie SUNDAY APRIL 20T19jl7 230 P1VI7SUNDAY SCHOOL 330 P1M+PREACHING CrownAHiIIVLChurch 7130 pm Sible Study and Preaching Special Singing 7A1 are Welcome Thurs pm Prayer Meeting 5IVCntrol United Church Minister REV 11 BEWELLTJBA SUNDAY APRIL20 1947 ll AMTheSupremacy of1 Christian Lovel CHURCH SCHOOL 37 Mary Street Barrie JAMBeginners and Primary 31 Classes SUNDAY APRIL 201947 130230 PMBellevers1Meeting 2311 PMAll Other Classes 154 PMSunday SchoolMeeting Come toGods House on His Day All are cordially invited L4 Hyn1nnuuunuumnuuhuuuzLlAunnuu rues Selves four Claim Fry 111 deep hot fat to Drum 1111 absorbent FINEPORTRAITS SPECIALIZING IN CHILD ROOKE PROFESSIONAL EYE CARE BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV GREEN MA IhDV DD MINISTER Mr Ray Williams Organist and Choir Lender 11 AMAR13 THERE FEW THATBESAVBD YW League Serial EverymansFriends Begin to Desert Him 230 PMSUNDAY SCIIDOL PMSINGSONG The Two Ways Holly United Church S15 at pm llhurch Service pm You are cordially invited to these services WFIWkHIIWWIWPW max and Plume 420 111111 Photographert in Your own Home iPtipne 312 1111111 11 Sdtlwlnl Apr 11111121191 11121 rt 1111L1 PHOTOGRAPHY BARBIE 11111111111111 1111111 111111 111 11114111111 1111M 11111lt11 1111111111lh 11111 111111 111 Mr 1112111 11131 11111 11111 11 tho111111111 111 1111 l111111111 111lt 12111154111111 111 Ioronto 111156151011 GLASSES St 3m 0d BROKEN LEVNQES REPLACED PROMPTLY 11111 ENGAGEMENTS v4 1111111 1111 1t111111111 1111111I ll111111 1111 311111 111 11111111111 111 11111 1111151 111 1121111 $350 Get New Location MORNING srncnu $5011 MACHINEJVAVE for Camerons Beauty Shop Over Olympia Rcstaurant Suits arid oas 511113 To cquainted PHONE 4484 SIGN OF THE OREB HE GREB HE lllQiIilli 1311 111111111 1350 Moccasin Cut with All Sizes ti to 11 $350 WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTIONH OUR STILL COMPLETE RANGE OE VILVOKASH 1113105EMARY1143 IUNELLAI Namesthat CISSUIe the fine51in FASHION igrideABRICSA EXCLUSIVE WITH Us AT REASONABLE PRICES EAR COATS SUITS AVY DUTY ARCH BOOT Goodyear Welt Sizes to 12 AW DUTY ARCH BOOTH Nailed Sol1Sizes 11 to 12 BROCKDALE BROWN OIL TAN BOOT Goodyear ertwLoathor Sole PALMERMCLELLAN OIL TANWBOOT SPECIAL VALUERETAN UPPER Leather Sole Steel Heels SPECIAL BOOT IN MENONITE LEA Leather S1110s Out Counter MOULDED RUBBER SOLE BOOT Shortles Coatsi 109K FORTHESE LABELS orplSTINCnONf ESTABLISHED 1876 NOW AVAILABLE 411111111711lel1NlI ltlt 1T1 ltifxlffki 111M IllIlillllllllllllll IilllirwllAl Allill up44411Ioa11IaalIlallitllvirlatooalrplooaololocalaaoo 11110111111111111 8111 hear and 10111 llli 111i11 111111 1111 other 1111111 lets Radio Appliance lllttNl 31111111 IGIlIilillllllll We have good Range of Leather Work Boots All Sizes and Widths SOLID COMFORT FOR EVERY TYPE OF WORK ICE CREAM 1111 foJf ItslNllfi 11111 lill11 1111121111111 111111 1l1A 11 11111111lt1111gt11 111111 ltNtl 311 1111 111111111111111 1lltliltllt 11w Rysmqls 111111111 111N1111o Ice Cream 11 111 gt1 Candy 712 1111111111111511 11 11 Itsm 111111 11 11 111 in oatrlltlaoIIJJIIIcll tuuo as Aesmsrloss 11 WMVM REE ES 1111 111 1111 Jewe ers lri11te li1111olll ltoonl 11 Www 111 lllll CV AAA and 11111 COI1er St United Church First Baptist Church 12 1111115 MA Im littr lllMlllltlZrn 11 1111 11 111 11 31 11 111111 l11 111 l11j1l 111 Organist 1111 warp Mfr xtmdcr it Jr 11111 111 lm Tum 11111111 11111111 111x AFR 11 11 Illlil1 11 11111111 1111 171 711111N1gtlt 111 11 111 311111K1111 17131 111 11 11 11111111 l1 11 11 11111111 1111011 gt1 111 1111 111111111111 511111111 11 15 MU2 11111C111I11c11SCHOOL If 1111 11 171 1511111111rlt and Irnnury 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