Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1947, p. 11

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My Mg Aim wwM Mo COUNTY GOLF CHAMP mac one anemones1o IGolt Club Members nnu Jr an we 3V6 ART POWELL ORILLlAr ILook for Good Season nnual Meetm old tor rm hair the while All lvtsrll tlof Harri mm tltlil plot tlii rur 1L II Itlllrlll til lHllll Irtttlrtt in v5 II illlllfrll or Il1l$li of 2141 II III WI III lotnirr lit dint tt tool III 11 Wm WPK ml zomonomouomouomo lt =t lllr lsrxt ul lltr lm Jl Aklhlr lur ll rul rsrx lhrn lIUllt our tr 351 Ah ii tihrxl Jt II III inlp Ultlzll to lIIIir Jiltl putt rl rtrt hour lH tnultl lIIIn on the tilllr gull ruqu Ig IllN gsmr lltltlrd Liptth II pip III ll It II mi tilt thr sum or tmtt Hr wrpltlnlu He mm IM NW fII III In II trrkrntl but he presume tux ulhn ltm llti still he uunt If 41 lllr lottetuthtng luh II it II It ll ll II II II to III iI II II ll ll ll II II Im IIIIII ll IAb Demorco Future With Rangers in Doubt liv If Il iv It llt III Mndw Vivaw an Ill II 7018 70 711 IIII lll NICSHIII at III IIIII Inklii lttttl it l21 Illlil at III IIII IIII Ill lIl ltlltl tIlW lilI Ht tlIl flrl ttII IIHI xI v31IIIIIII IIIt lutIIIltl llII llltlrI IllItI ll II III II III I5IIIIIII II II II II 11 IIIIII on In llt Ill tIuz on lttl II II III I5 1IIIIIIHI II III III Ixrt Il II llt llIltlIIvIll llItII tltll lllllllt lltzl lhIIIIj Sluttllll II II II NH III no II III III III II II II not ll Iiu lllA I=tlllI the Stimuli Int II on llit I1 It tip lloItlIri II Impbmmt II 5l5 If lII ll ll lHl llt nioie ttllIIlll lou Ill utility View II III II II Ill II ll ll lllldl Ill IN IIIIII tvtl Il loI tut IiI lIlIIII tlllIlliJl HPUlllll3l53 II IIkllli mtrr known to tIIriIhot hire tflttt ttt tom hon IIIIIII II III II IIII II In III loni think ol your III ttlt to Battle ltt mi III lllrl mt hula lt than Inuit ll LulntIs as being to lIIt ltltlltltt Job lhy llizl Ivlltl luee tiont llltl ham It MI Marne lrtlsultyhitl It II lllllfwl illirAl llll III 31 IlI IIIII II to ll1 itvlrll il Ir Iv item the Mm It tflrl Ml III Iioit lt Lam hint ll InJtitllilliallte lr Into It lllllit ln hi it Irne ml litlldlllt litatlacltt It III IIr IlIl II ill lht tu tlt rmm III ah II III III II IIII IIII III town he starred in llzx lutnoi ltl llll lillltl nilnttle of play unlit III IIIII LIL IIIIIII II III IIII IIIIIII1 IIIII II II ylnunlallt Hams tlixttalietl test or that man tt Il IIIIII ill llWLZV Ill il llllll Illlllll WV MM All tltll lIQIlEI III lll lhtllltll III the trill Illltvtlr it hle ll It Iltrll AIllq lli Hm It um 10 gel II II Ilt II III III and tnaio College of IIdtltm mtlli out lhtir Iinlw Intl playttl VIII MI IIIIII III IIIIIIII III DIN II IIII Wm Tm not tinder lloliv II andu II lhnltlshidnty lIlls lorltlallfll II II II II lion lIt Hunnner he played or men toIIltl lhev tlllltl onlx ltItIIIII III IZ II IIIIf II IiIII ml THIN tlll III lltlllll Ill Ian um III II your lxltlnt to rlrar thr troubleHuh rt II II II III III II IIIIIIIIIII the Mtdzantl tl intermediate la further nul they llllilli tie thel II Io II III II II III II IIIII II III WWII it It Itii IN II=l= poiwns mtlrmss acnlxtrointlit SHIN ti xl AAIII at andwmuachancetolrellMtlrrwill Itt lilll inn toiinti ltll tot lloutui olttn ir llit II It Ill II It It In Ulln il vl IIIv It pa on llt Iio lat Inn Delhis Kitlthy lIlls today 141 711 lt i1 I5 Ii mIl lll It III IIIII WWI IN IllI will tlltlitlutttt rl 2e In or Illl arulIltpgminlin1iIIIgtIntth II II II III gtltllllr nid lItl Dot IIII Shel llttuinan hum tarotignpp IIII IIIIIIIIMII III II II III III gm mum mum IIi lllkmml lulllqvnrlmm llllllnw ml mlMl 1m mull ililtiltn Ami illlltll Itilttl II ilu Ih lltltrlt ll er St tllllt II More with the litrile olt would before the bell tlltllIitllilllt III II IIIIIIII III 1IIII III II II III ttlzt ha in favor tlf Stitttttl TII II III II III II II vI IIIIIIWII II IIIIIII INN IIkII III WIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII tll on Itll to It Ilt ti lII ltlontld lI Illt II III III ll llllmlu ll litttrlllt lliltktv lllmll Jmll lititlty it wt Itlvntid III II WI In 1W IllWm II WM mm lildllnd HI lwl 41 ll 1W tlim at ll lt 1I ll not lt ImHnt le tmt ennltitii el lid welt IIIltlll were the match with Stllilllt Stmud IlIJd HI mm MI llttll Mtni III 0min Sonar pltttl Il tIt 1min l1tt In mun II WW II II It IIIIIlt la III huh Lv bow UUl billl llllmdllmbll WU the lttnioi ll mine unit gttozttl voai ltilli lreen It Sttlitl liltll won ltlllt Il fiia Illlll ll dlH SttllFliltlltIll llity had the etlu on II II mHI II HM litInt the atltlt person to lhh the Allikton betrihse of tho lIHIV lt II III Itltunlttilo It Hill It llit ll II In on writ It the tout lean ltle possible lle lhtt vi toI tIlilltl III pulp in It upqinpltino my hlld lllllin Nun mm lul llmll Illllvllllvunlly I2 II voml lite lheltivip rotoiind in mount oi Illmr will WI Ilm IIIHUHHW NIIRACII Tm INSIAIIWMN mlml llllilu llllllwlrllt Inn tlt I1It ltll II II II VI tll lilt IIHIWwI mIIIde MIMI vmmp mp IIIIIIIII IIIIIY IIIIIIWI IIIII Llllt oh Illa II II not Ipt ttn lll Ira IIttI Illttl SIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIHI Km III II CI to tire lintte toa patty it Iliznilton at it II pit trte plant III Maple IIII III IIIII 1IIIII IIII Al 15 Mttrtlll and tllll through even HINDU iI II 17x10 Lent tntleII lltllltl Ann and lltllii totngtt at tht NIH 11 IIIIIIII II WIN 41 though litllltl was ltllllLtl and 31 llapwm Um II IId1 mum II II II prestillt time no tillllittl uiada tII zuaianitt ltlltl oi pIt 11 mp ILHHI IMI It lllIE nm arntitral Itlltltl lm ll nl Im hut North liar hope lll IN it nIt llil next season Many other the ntnnber of minutes he ilgt on II ll illlf l1 mm hllmelh Itd lllllil 5101 lllk Stltllll II me Hwy bound to the Ite ir most of tittire Linnea ll mil lVthllUl 50 50 period for liltton resulted le Hmi Elfin llllH will vino ll llIl lmm Port for the police mid wood Kw lidfId he lixzillnonittl til lllll tOlmt tl halt approved an application loin nI In II ItII In to name mo ml W5 bv XIJIItigtI11Il llit Guelph lunio locker ttarn lor II 73 per cent 913ml lt llltlllilltlll for tht titll lllt 5mm who IHmmlM II II III II II IIIIII III Iner true lno itzt lIt may mum IUIIHIII IIIId BIIHII gum WWI amp II IIIII IIII IIIIIIII WIN IIIIIIIII gtllll o1 lilt jst in II unit ltt Ill It pi llt la It IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II mg CUmImt vim the oumw III HIV season Guelph one ill piatw getting Irtilitial Ice this your WIIIII IIIIII IIII IMIIIII IIIHII IIIN Win This WI me we luent sportsmen of the tll have ttrnllced to underwrite Junior DIIIIVMI H1 if III 11 everal 110ml lliillitl players addedI mung DIIllIlIlfAIgiIjklhTm hotkey to the extent of llllllll AlAllNO lxALlll ltlllllLtl tho to finI two or ihreeI llllllltgt ItSIIWiHIIy Im Hume 1mm III with Karrie IlyeI two easonsI arm nus been playinu tor enableIr IDtllllIL tIIMIlIlII latnI IlltlIlIlIT IIIII II Um Lions In lInclnnd tor the In gt131 IIIIIIItns and lllitlIY to be III action toij Utllldmtl llt Isin Ithan ttII eatc ist ll Sen 85 ii Ba ti tie armors ltilidt it WIIOWCIIML Game VWFCCI III III III III ohm tllt pitittd Ittaia tlthl llaua and Altrllllttti pin hut ntt MINI III IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII III IIIIII IStndv Fllis of Alliston defence mm mmh GORDON mmn mm will ill hm been smmng for pl hon out of llll so hu inlt Lt IIRCK mum opp Dr Barrie and Liarjut LhlnllfmmlII llerslityllears the All luials llLLtJllFl IlitSlJllllll Is an wain bound ICU SIIIIHUI 1HIIuty 15 ICIWI lucuul pp 01 13mm 11mm illI LODlilIW llUIlul lfhc 400 SPLLI boy This city produced three outstanding netininders in the same year III IINIU 01s nesset Isl game mp II min 10tu1gw II ICOIIIYQI IVUIII OppI Bafe II III and Hi IiiL tlllt cht 111111h till Hr wild 11 Lippi cht wing Everett Hicks Oll Al hum mnkcd b5 km dwllllf lumlty and Sutherland tiAlll lllCD WINGS had Spring School hour mo Runyon In moundtor MI IIIIIII win CIIIIIICQ GIII anilI rquiJlI play Int ItllllUf tor new players hopelul ltl making the team next swoon Conch Norm tllCtIll ltlllliI aidIII and lMIihr te irs tllt artet ast wtti WK t1 Ise Heir Iomr an MCIIIIIICSI Dmmm AIIII III II llitucs piclttd lit plIt out ot llllllL and lLlIlltt and IIIIIIIIIIIIII ILIIIICII II IIIIIIIIIIIV IIIIIII Ilimkine OPP Barrio Nlugislrglte 15 lIl Ill III candIdatcs to return next October tor the final tryouts liliOM III I59 IICIIIII III tl flotl aten rom un 13 Itiordon Foster Game Warden Std Fm WWIIICI III SImIId when BRANHORD Ll lmm to bk lmmllkll $033 30 assists tor at points in lino4hr ID1II Alum Rug5911 Lacch In IIIIII ITIII II for new Arena and the telephone City could sure ltgt It I1 III IIIIII 30 IIIIIS IIIId 27 IISFIFI IIIII Al Pearce Walter IthlCllULlSC and IL IllIsl I031 1L MULLEN 511W kll lit PLl 5mm Clillmul lVIm11 Jllllm 47 points lJack Sloan tll OlPs of Barrio ppm on cc lLitlllS for next season Including Oshawa and St Catliarines the 111 11 gunman ns ICQ1QhQsSIII David 113mm and gmIl SIPOUI InI111y$0l Slmcd ter under new sponsorship have signed Art Jackson fornicr Leaf und sons top RangeI scoreIrsmGIIantI anc ro mtntt es er oung on it gt ga ltl 3pc put pokmd Modem Em II II wab Bmton Blltm as coach llllbt jSMALL lOVllNS L1L tLIIItIc gtupI uulItle IOIIKIIIIKIIHII Ikine III PM mlf Ipmcf IIIIL port to their Interniediutt and Junior hockey teams arottndplayolt rrllmkbU 117W scorm Iron en gt lt Du re aving in it games and OIIIIIGIIII1I Game Warden qumnnwcm Off IUII IIIIppIIWI Two tnnt GodoIIth thought stLcIal Ititnn and bind otti to OIllIl tIth DIISIIIIIII IIIIRVIIIICII II IIIILIII III II IIIII Emle PINS Ur Sum defence minutes later Webb Uot one un hunmws mm lth llmr be glmmm he llllllIll leg adtual time than Warwick andl III Hugh Rutherford and Alvin pins INCA and IIIen Sham mg crown and then staged tittllo nightpatadezon lLllllll tome at tI LIIPIIadCI INIIII III IIIIIIIISI coming Everett Lynn left wing Tide II seconag IIIII ham bought over 2000 tickets lorI Oshawa Arena Saturday night tgt Regardless III III IIIC RIIIIIIIIII Mervyn Wright right wing Verne BOWIIIIII womd bm me gob wg moi Mlnmlfmlcs bentGrmby lhm 14 Intermeidfuw management felt about DemarcoI Whitely alternates Peter Pave lltlills enthusmsm WIS 1151 15 Emil Id1 Will he Pletlm they cant deny he did job for rich RCMP Blake Ball and Ken dlbluowed bamse 0f Offslde and Bohcaygeon staged one of their land games In Bult10 OSHAWA them in 19444546 lie was en ChIIlIIICI III BIIIIIS FIIIIS JIICII Webb then Scored fromReynolds GENERALS mm picked 5mm Hooper star or Bowmnmllle Ju titled to every cIIancc in 194647 10ng of 01min Lou Hoklidgc and Young dded dimmer 11W venile champions and have been making noises about lad named AIldI DellillCUCII loilIIIICFI 0i I10 opp of Midhnd 9mm warden Shell fulll SOL Atkins who played tor the ananoque Junior Bees GODERICH IILCIIIJIIIllILIIIPI III IVpImj IIIIIIICII ac co scoring rom tar nor v2 lzlutl Smlh gummy AlChle wf 30 VII bb CA llm MM all 1m bumm pm who would deliberately lot it ROUGH OFF GIIIvahUIISI ll hCCOHdb gINIIII scored unassisted to endure perr LIOACIIWRegI Turnbull Mascot Ind 63 fm smde Sound CtlthlClltm that Liberals Jimmy DEWIS 17 II IhI Oshawa Wants Sfrachan ofhiWlllml rumor has been on the Commons RedistributionI NOWSIHmt Is problem wtth whalen gCOIIIII from Hmeh PIIIy But Doubts can Get It WNW lttl the Ipfll lIIee IlIeeIIN ll MuskokuOnturio Is eliminat losievsllelS llmse day3 Bro uuhend Idr b1 the Coupled Vlh Im LlllTCI1l ed w1th the northern end of the ity copy is apneciated OSham TimesGmeue the idea that Bob Davrdson would riding being thrown mm puny and Webb went OMAR II be me 951 03mm Sound Buckos constituency ZElllx iliill ing but Alliston with man ad vantage seemed to wgaken and Stroud held most of theplay Just after Webb camcon Milne of Al minutes played and while he was off Alliston turn ed on the pressure but Snache in the IStroud goal was veryigOOdIund he pulled Ioff couple of great saves on shots that were labelledtals clearcut goals A11iStonfaIIiledI to score Three minutes later Doyle of Alliston kicked 21 Stroud play ersi stick across the ice and was sent tothe penalty box turned onth pressure and Webb after shooting high on one break away roared in to score unassist ed Alliston returned to full strength andtWo minutes later got that goal back on twoman breakaway Whalen scoring from Haden ISnache had no chancemou the goalIThenI Small ofStroud got boarding penalty and Hunter of Alliston twisted his knee on the play Alliston was checked hard by Stroud and evenwith man ad vantage could not get going Allis ton pressed hard in the last few minutes and pulled their goalie out with3t seconds remaining but Bowman with five seconds to go shot the puck the length of the ice and scored in the open net That ended the scoring with Stroud on top 85 Referee John Dobson linesman JimStrachan both of Barrie THE Bhlittlfl EXAMENER BAlsIRlE ONTARIO CANADA time atrium Bunny Morganson has scooped us again He announced that Sylvanus Appsis the new coachI for OsliaWa GcIicrals ft next seaI son and credits the inf rmation to liston went off for hlghSllClln but StIIOIId could not score rigmi M010 city 45941de HCI 1115 adds that Jimmy Slruchzm of Barrie II last fouI minutes Alliston bacl ed II 0031 II me StIoud Into then own end but Fillets ll la they could not score Generals and will take up residence 1n the mild period Webb 10 in Oshawa in the near future It ceived his second penalty with 51x wouldnt Isurprise us much It 01 interfelvcnceI Bunny lS batting about 300 which isnt bad for 01 Selector at that Oshawa has been interest ed in young Strachan for acohple ofIseQSOIis now and he no doubt would have been wearing an OshI outta uniform last year except that BarrieVFlyers were still in Junior Aranks Contrary to aIlot ofmis Iguided opinihns the Oshawa Strand Hockey Club does not 1aidother clubs in theOHA Junior circuit and any OHA player that comes to Oshawa comes with theublessing of his formeirTJunior club of ficers The same will hold good in Strachanscase and who is homebrew boy and extra extremely popular in Barriemwhethcr he plays in Oshawa next season will depend chiefly on whether or not Barrie remains in Junior com pany As for Syl Apps coming to coach STROUDGoal Snache defence LIcnnox Warnica centre Webb wings Young Sharing alternates Marshall Wright Webb small Reynolds Bowman ALLISTOvNGoal Asaph de fence HunterMilric centre Whal en wings Horton Hunter al ternates Scott Chantler Bradbury Doyle Armstrong Storey This is Wilfred BuckoVMc ever one has definitely 2le might be transformed into an Op that Chuck conacher Willzmit Ibe position dim back we 13101319091 1h Syl And Muskoka0ntItrio decided APPS W35 Playing 11151 One more 1y Progressive Conservative riding your or lWkeV and lhen 35 may be eliminated by the Redis FChedUIOd 19 30b the tribution Committee in shuttle staff of the Ontario Agricultural of OMIIIII Constituencies College at Guelph theNorthland second extra seat Fellow Liberals feel that Bimbo should at least keep his hand in Bucko McDonald Will with hockey it might come in useful after the next general elec Give Up Hockey as tioh North Bitl Nugget 19 Guns SOFTBALL Donalds last season of hockey The hCIO Gillie Lime Chicang softball ianBarrie for thisgseason CM Ofilhe House Of Commons COW are asked to attend the meeting lessed lhathe W35 7gettlng01di on Monday April 21 at Commun to give those interested ihYgirls andfound hisIhockey chores at jty House Room at oclock Sundridge too much to handlewith several thousand constituents in Barrie Examiner Please order as Parry Sound expectinghini also to far ahead as pdssibIe attend to his parliamentary knit ting in Ottawa The schedule is too strenuous at my ageIm 35 nowso thiSI will be my last season he an Inounced following his return to Ottawa after escorting the Sund ridge OHA teamto Midland and back Of thestrnuous routine he said HEADACHESEVERYDAY you NEEDMORE LIVER BILE idem 1min plat dolly yet any he had left Ottawa last Tuesday Ill 9030 played iiiSundridgc Wednesday was back in the Commons for Ill helpmul lhursdays division left Friday Fawwdw f0 Sundjdgc went to Midland mtIurollmIlttdladclhlc duesbeaduha Sitturday returned to Sundridge mMlmilmwn lowing Md tm up you Iim ul er needed bit with pure Fruitztivg Cumlit Inuit Ilia Um tubleu MIMI built and lot fltllllAIWE IAIIITI Sunday and to Ottawa Monday The LiberalMP for ParrySound apparently is making up his mind to leave hockey for politics Seemingly he considers himself customary Shooin for Parry =Keep in the Nationaly American and international leagues through Globe and Mail special Let Canadas Top Team of Sports Writers bring you the best of the baseball news the best of baseball camera shots in the three great sports pages of The ilobc and Mail ml PAES oryrorrs Notr hilly Enjoy full reports of Toronto Maple Leaf homegnmes as written by ace staff reporter Allan Nickleison Get the hews of the weekend gamesrst thing Monday morning full reports of the night games rst thing every day sports news sources Box scores forvgamcs in these Leagues areas exclusive GlobcandMailfeature VINWA SI 70F EdWW SPORTSIWRTERS Name your game yourlztvourite team your favourite league looSports Editor IOmmylMunns and Canadas TopTeam of sports writers Jim Coleman Hal Walker jim IVipond Allan Nickleson Bobbie Rosenfeld Bud Graham Ed Waring all your favouritesbritigy0tt news of thcsportsyou lik best in Canadas nest sports pages GM4737W

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