Democracy to Survive Only with Help of China lIi prr li in tho IlIIIXI iIIIlzmi Iil IIIII Li Iiirzt in In ll IivjIV ItilltllllLlli IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIII rump Iil hclpwi Wiilt In lIlIiIl IlllLl 1ii Ill lwi IIlIItl llf FINAL SKATING icompletely yci Good word spicads quickly II THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7775 Capie tilts HAIL 7L StPl blEAA billi Year No IIII fl iI 41 llilit lll llltlltll giIIjIU lII iIIIziiII Ii III II lIIII IIIIMIII llIIIII II IIIlII tiiII llIgliiil IIIIip Iic Illlllllliilt lll llt lllt IIIIIIII III ttlll If Illtlll IIIIIl flit ilIiII II IlIO III IIIII We oilcr rulers and innslurs roiiiplrtc lirilitirs for lIiniIIL MI Are zit your scriicc to supply facts and IigzuiIs Ilmot tiny scruritiCs lll lllltll you are intcrisud CRAWFORD CO Mriiiliiis Ilic loronto Stock lilltllt lOltONlO ONlAlth IlAllltlli BRANCH 89 UNLOI lltlilll Hill 2413 II lilynii of the season Saturday April 12 AFTERNOON to EVENING 830 to 1080 invaders will have to be cfficicnt UNLIKE AAWATCHDOG OUR POLICIES Dont Iiccd it license Dont have to be fed Dont track in mud Dont need bed But like It Watchdog our policies are ever on th zilcrt to prevent loss SEE MALComsons INSURANCE AGENCY 41 Dunlop St Dial 3735 An old WRIGHT customer told me about this New and Better Dry Cleaning Service With SANiTonE worcmuvc soils leave no dry cleaning odor good word about this uewl and better Why of cleaning clotlicsi tcs ISiinitonc does all dross things it Kcstorcs original texture at Kecps colors brigit it Pm stays in lougcr CLEANER ThelWrilght Cleaners rs VPICKLUP andDEiivEnvj PHONE 26 88 DUNLOP STREET Next to Queens Hotel liI lviI IIi ift lIII iqul llIIIiii II IlIIIIitti IiIIIerl IIIII lIiIl IIlIlI ALP3 Id lll iiiiiioiil IIiZIIl Iill til IIIII ltIIill IIIII IIII II IIIIIIIII IlIillioii luv to our III IllJlll III litltl Iprizt izidI IllllllHt thinking ltlllllillltd Il fIIrI IId ttltlllJlJlt shoring PRODUCE MORE AND Blillldll IIrc reliable who stick to their Retailing today stzitcd Min bcr of newcomers and outlets in gt will enjoy national wellbeing far beyond that which we eiiloy of thiswedo not create and de time WllelINtlleltr lsi ansurplus wot RlE MENU fHoid Volume of Sales sf By Determined Effort ItiI jI II III II ll llIIHII tlIailIII IIf II It Hut Ts liIlIjI LI IlaI lIJlIllIltl llii l=iil lIIII IIIIIl ELI nildll Izul iklld IiIIziiIIIII Ill 1Iiic LIIIII liiw illIlZiLl SiiIll IiIIIind II IIIIII lItlI lltil IIL IIIHIIl Iilr Iil ILIIiI ll IlIIII iiIiI IIlIIIII IazirzIIiI lilI 14 Il lII strivi SIIm iIII IitlllIC of liiIir IIlI IiiIgi in IIIIIII Il llitllllltllzilb iIIIai llei onulzim ilrr lm or of wind IIII 1iiIgtI lt nilldllflllll for minor row Ill itlll III tlm Iil tIIii iIill Izifizii Will lljtlilit Iill lmy iIIlI doIIIn loi IIIIIiIlIIIiIs lllilllt IhIII up hIIIilIi in to chrI offort to hold Icllln land and unlisted industrial llltlllllh Ind oil ltlllt up II JIM Inluzm ll 15 in iovrrnmciit Municipal and Urpoixiiion bonds iIII pIIIIltIIr IlthOtIlllil Iii hi lll whool hoards tOIllitllEl IiiIl IIIIIIiiIiiiIiIlI iiid llIltli llillll up do our IlIIilt III our own llllllII lo IlIIiiiIiiiiz plIiiiiIiiiu Iillll tilli III to butter riIsIIlIs IIroInIIl Mt flint izisoliii is we can cv IiyIIiIII cIIiiiichcd with our hiIIII IIIIIIII is invcii II propcr IIiid Inn Illl rIItuiii for his or her llOlls tltlllillil of our chIdcis Iii busi IIIss null povcriiinciit llliil Ihoy llf Iltllt Incruclic IIIiIl lzivc us on tlIusIIIsIII ltIIidcisliip find us willing to got behind things to InIIlIc tlilll go llllSl SllMUlINI Mr Richmonds opinion il lllifl equitable sharing of tho pro foods of the work done is possibly the host IItiIiiulunt to lower costs iIlltl creator production ltclziilinc today is II buying or plotllltllltlli problem ho szild MIIIIIIfzIrlurIIIs and distributors lIIIic ciirioycd Ii very IIVUIIIhII lllilllill iiid their inlcs costs on IIIry lovaIlicy have had II hip surplus of buyers Control helped Io hold prices down Buying tomorrow will ht il lif forciit thing if goods come on tho iIiIirkcl iii lziiucr quantity it Will be the retailers problem Goods well bought are half sold to suivxvc in the competitive Irzidc illltl some now in business will pass out of the picture The spciilici contended lllill hip business can illld will produce tremendously improved and hugc quiintitics of goods They will do their part to move thogoods either through cxistiiig channels or new ones will be created The retail hit of tomorrow will be done by lllt efficient fw Iwho study who job and who can get things doinm Richmond sees the greatest nuinL Ilhc history of trading Never was there time when so many vcrcI doing so wellbutif national sales fall off clue to loss of ex port tltldC the picture will charich immediately To maintain ithjsl ibig world business is the job tliutI ICIiiizIda is faced with It is vcryI important for it has the objective of the improved wellbeing of zilli the world Mr Richmond had heard it said of today that salesmanship does not exist This is true he averI red of salesmanship prewar style But salesmanship does exist hc said We are all salesmen good or bad all the time Mr Richmond defined topnotch selling as Building the largest volume of sales at reasonable net Canada was on the threshold of immense expansion and he thought we were going to measj selling job said It as Canadians we get the dustrial labor and business lead ers are smart enough organizers planners and sales executives to sell CaiiadiapsonIa program of equitable constructive effort we today But should national sales through exports full offhnd we thus muff our opportunitics be ilm IslIlII lllII II 21 If llIII llIiiII iIII II tI IIiLI llitt llIIIlIII iIIl iIIli Ill lieli lh the ltlllltl of IoiIIIrIIIIII IIIIll ho Ill spcclolis in his lillt II good IIIlcsa lllilll himself nill Illllll llilli so us to Illlliitl old and now cIis profit for everyone He believed ure up to it by doing 2i topnotch But it will be no easy tusk th spirit of work for better to morrow and get down to it weI will hutc much better chance for 9billion national sales than we will if we quarrel amongl ourselves If our governmentsin BARRIE ONTAliIQ CANADA TomasothAPRIL as scanIII Spoke to Chamber hi II Ii eclionI PROF HENDRYl NINE STUDENTS ILH IIIII ii TO VISIT SIMCOE III IIiIi 21 II HI ldilllllt hooks lldlll Ilotli Lizs Iiiit sh Itilll Ii lltllll iiziIlril ii if ltlt lllllll lllli til iII li iii ll iil II it III1 Appii II iII Imni llIiII Illltlllll=lt to light tor Iill IIIpI port illll IIIIni of lltt ilitllllN ii iii on Aprll and W111 be out llllmt llnlliililfi Work for llRI IIIII III II lIIIIIJ lll MW lll llilJl lIIJ iIII ile lill IIIII II liltIlltI ltllitbtlilIlllIili III IIIIII IIIlIrI III in II lIIIIIIl IivIIIII oNiiIsi llllll II IIIISIII III II Closed Ctll that day lIiLl ll IItIl iItV llu IlilIlllll II IIIIIIIIIi IlIIl to 1mm Itirl tImrh Illitl lioj hair lIIIIIIIII IIII iIIIIu IIII lioioiiulil ltliIillll IIIIl lIIIIIlIiIIil iioiioII lil lt lllIIli IIIIho IIzjoys lu IoiiliIlIiIII ol IIIIIII lIlgtlOlllti Hi IllOM IlII klios Iolii and his ltilll ZIIIlIIIIII llt Illi luiI llll ouiiIi of II liiinnIst who hm Th win it but shIIii III LIIIIIl IutoiIIIIis IIIIdII IIII IIII oud liIIIiiIls lit in II hllttldllk Solos pcoplI IiIIId llt IouilIIoiIsi lioplo IiII looliii for hIIIItIl things llIII llItllOltl sIIlcsnizIn lodziy iII ltillliHtl III lIIiiidlII II lcI IIIiiiIfIIrInId lIIIyinI lIlllll Salts pooplv mutt know tlicy IIiIIIclIIIIIdIIII llltl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs iniIli how to clim Hlliu Mr RitlIiiiIIILIl llllllllttl out IhIIIl Ioiiicis llllOlfIIl IEIIIIII Ill his liiIoIi cultivate losiro to IiaIdI in his slorc illltl buy his liiics nnd liccii up the prcssuro IIIr nioro ziiid inorof orders In must make sure IhIItj rho goods or sIIIIiIIIs lIc docs scll icndcr tho slIllSlIItlOlX service that Ilicy should This pcrsoiinl IIIIIIIiIioII lltl stated is tho iiIIlIIpcIIchII rchIil crs hi1 IIIlsziilzigc iiiuiIiiNs itisis Britolns iccovciy is our conccriil loo zllll The Financial lost which points out Aside from sonl llllllll CIIIIIIdn lIIIs II inszor if iIoIl vilnl stoke in the prosperity of Britnin because in lllllllll times she buys Iipproxnnnlcly 40h Ifi our exports and solls us 20 oil our imports SAVAGE CUSTOM llIIir dyc has liccn used fromI CtllllCSl times by suvugc tribes IRII77ES MOST WOOL Australia is thogrcatcst wool producing country in theworld ri ICECREAM our our Zulimd Ion flheres No Ice Cream Quite Like Jersey Ice Cream Man yIWIe yIIIIIIgdiIi you ever watch your mother make iceccam No skimp ing there vi how generous that went intoillyNo skimp ing in Jersey Ice Cream either bWerchavish our lisc fol thickIrich cream fresh fruit or delightful flavoring And while our inethods urc most moderngw Igtlie result is icg crcziin of old fashioned smoothness richness and flavor Try some causetheworkers do not work to invest in industry get scared and do iiotihvest itand because lyelop newgoods andselvices fail to matchaud equalother world products fall dowii on our com Iiiitiniits lose our exportsthen altogether In retail sense if the above should happen said the speaker tlien salesmanship tomorrow will inanggenicnt falls down costs rise too high people who have money we will have it different picture Chocolate Viiililla Straw berry or Maple todtiy Also delicious in 21 sundae or soda lfakc some home Pt 250 Qt 450 The ldcnl lam 41 in min ll lll llll ion ltNlAlilti llllltl lilll llex IILIIIII IIIIII Iuhip In illltl IIIIizi II lJII Ilit ozitli Illl IIl To llftlilllllI3l1t tho llllll II in uiIll iiti loi jiili well lUllt lII llIII iltlll llIIlltl of IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III lIIIIi ZII flii EIIIl gt itIII II Hz liIIIl Iil Mi illlltl pin111 Iphp II ITvl in lolllilll Iiit iiIIIII II IIIIIIII II IlIIlillI jul itilltlillll li IIIII IIIII iIIpiIl iii IllILIito liiif III III II IIIIlI II lltlIlIIllIlI lhcy IIIIIIII im ll II IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII lltlll ltlltl lIlllIl SpiiIcII III C0 and buys Ill lII III IIIiIIIIIiiI plIIriI III llllMl lII IIIIIIIl solos ililll hacks Ilu Intuit lIII Stllti itli1jIIIIIIIII proper MltlitI IIIIIIpIIzI portx IoiIiIicc iii IlIc Chosen as Youll SEE Spectacular battle scenes Filmed in See an Englishnrm of 8000 men defe jg See that tender love yrCastlotHuiiiirods IIIlifts iiiIIIi in fBEllEli lHllN ANY llllNliYEl PRlllllltlEll Admission Prints 1axIncliidedlf BY THE BRICK he like it has always been at goods as supply exceeds demand Then we will have to have an ef BARIIE firient retail sales force But where will we get salesmen The one Ibest place to recruit efficient loyal sales help is from Your own people who have been in orir em OB QUKBI Barrie Allandalc DAIRY IIFINE DAIRY PRODUCTS PHONE 4252 UREAU Inocurions MW WWA MEETING OF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY if BY SUPT OF NIAGARA PARKS COMM in itt1 pi iIizi IIIIII MOVING CI We expect to move into our New Grocteria and IItllll1 III lit II IIII rIIIw IIIIIIIIII IE Service Grocery llIliit II Ii IzII lioixllwr II inn1 Ill IIl iIIIj iIIII ilI rillitIIIl Iillit dlll ll iIiizlII Ila lliti IIIII llIIIti lZIIiI II v15 III ilii llIIpr gtIIIIlIl io llill 11IIIII It 22WIJ mwx IIIIII llll ilrl OPENING DAY III iII lI IIIII iIIIIIxIIAIEIIIH III lilillla lUiI gt vi Watch for Specials count IiniIIIIIIIII IIIi IIistoiiicin would do llllll llIIllliiil on lopdny IIiiIl lIIIIsdIIjII April ll Iiid III IIII Iiil lIII IIIIII IIIII Ennis lll hum IIIII IIIIIIIII ll Illlilttl III 11 by tho Iiltl Spin IIII IIlIIIIIiiI IIII IIll1 1iii 3in4 II stand IIIIII pi II II illil tlII IIIiIiIiiIIin ccdnrs II Non ll is Out door iIrII of pirsriit storc ltllllllitl II lIillli Iixd should llt IIzII urtmnlm Its THE Picture of ALL Motion Pictures and Picture of The Year Dont Be Disappointed lit YOUR TICKETS on sal at Box Office Theyre Going Fastt Ireland French armyof scenesf of King HenryA iand Princess Kather net Matinee $120 Evening $180 All Seats ReservedLl