daring growingseasonII Growing soybeans is BENEFICIAL in Its loosenintllfecl on lightfhavylexlured soils3f LIVIIM ijr is 235FLEE1 STREETEAST rono Mr MIA A7 III My VICTORY MILLS Limited us run STREET EASITTORONTO ICIANADA Without cost or obligation to meplease TlfRSDY APRIL iJ its 17rur ma ltll tii liw lint lr4l2ui unitscller it 791JE tit2 t2 the mix animal and as iitiliiifizq thints in tun arm Edutllitlllg thrtr IH tuning Hand 41 II lit 14ltl In il li ic tirilvt lot BAR its All up ll HI Likl li ltls tot High llluui hum 1M LU gil Jul litrtir ltiiitirr ulic hillt di rt it rth liltlt livid Ith xitd iii tic itri Jztl Hill li titli lil 3hr lilllll titzirt oti riilv drill for li ifu in il Egt lullislt mutt ilir Itixitt ii Ligivi his lill II tfiziiiii it Il1lItly tunitiittI lit lint II in Iilillll litiiiw Illl Jl II III main Iilltlihll iron Htotal illi iiii limit lllt titit il litxl EJHJ iii tiiiiitlt wlhoin let rigiii lizciir liane wt Sunni is lomlr Lllliil rpltl at Owen Sound in you Hill 91 II HILAIbttr fiiittllil tart iiIlHiiiii lirlill iztt aiiwr lEil =2 BAIL lul tl itsum int wcii bound litltil ti =l tn ii iiriizii Eula who iotna lEit all mini tux II ltfl lil ouomouomomomonoms Min If in II it not lI It II tit lil ll lll vii ii 1i Ji lllltll iiIt ii go ill ii ilrltr iv li ilvttzi tlinf flit HI It lililt tic wont ll ic tiiit iii intil 1It Nil itt Icii lll Iltti Il iEtl Iliui Li lliii y1l tmlc llt Itii tlfx Imx in ltt tilt uJl fini lttti iiiEt iLiii in iiil ttti ill It IM mug III1 Stimiii Lv ll Limit till it twin it it ting SIM It IIIIII MN omouomomomomomo if ii tit ii tI li it ti tin it liorii leate your mummr MN III IItIt III II II III III titii pm fl IIt It III IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII crowd of it too ii gtt in lttl itwa IHI ll titit ti 1rll iil tinittmliitli liilliltlVi WI him MIXi III my III Ink IIIIIINIIIIIIII IIII IIIHIII IIII lhcnt oil Ii It Ii Io lIiillI tt ll IIIIIIIII waww MAWl III IIII IIIIII WI WWII II1III In IIII III III Hulhmo QIIIIII III lit tti In on ins llli lgI iI it Lciil in iil HI tigI Iwr 001M III III III ItI tr II II IIHI III II III III innit MIMI Im IIIImII HM IIIlIhIIII iItIIIi hit iIi oi Iii Ii iI It II it ftII IIiiI III III Mill II II II IiIi it vutgiAI In tt it it tII It II rl It MILLS Iiofti iii itI ll mt hlltl itv ittirt Iiili litltltl tt ilv but it tuiti cwva WM IIH III titPi tt ill int till luc iltli lil it ltll Inuit tI III IIIII IIIIIII IIII IIII III IIII iiimt it it Ililllldv not iiitt Iwi IIII II II it gt tt rtttctl tit il ttvtt iiittthv llll rm II It Iiiliiv lt iii played oiltl Iililltllldiltlll Iiuciic II II II 11w III Ind Iv ILI SHIN III Il tllll llttl itlti ltlil bliillllllil II pman Izhhmw SHIN III lltlll ljtalt ltv won ill thlai thiltI IIII III IIII II II Ii 131 itixii llI itt tti tumour hard shot tltul II AI flI 11 HIII III IIII It imuili pl hipp I1 hi llll il lii Inle iiliiti ml Iiitic lloih oli tlll llt Ittlkl tI my IIIIIIII mt IanMM Imp II iItI Iii Ii It in II IIIiIllt itII il tt utl drlIittl oitI IIIII III II II II IIIIIII III IIIIII III III it i1i HI III Yttlltiill illtI it iit nt loud olI iit gti IIIIIIIII IIIII II II IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIHIId ohm ilt iiiIan rpm tin lli taunton tt Iii otm rclcrcc Illtl It it It II IIIII II IIIIIIgII II II II III III it titv Nikith II IRIIII IINI may IWII SHUIM HUI triadi ii pt it illtI liiitj liiitI ilIit till IIII IIIIIIII III IIII II III II ii ii on vtitl itiv nttic tl iIlH tilillllivUllllldl itlt lhe illlt it 3lillI lgtl pcrI lltc hit Il it MI I11 Hum it II II II II Ilt tit My lt co Ill too ntt it ii lot at Mlilllllllim and III II IIII II Im llil tutor or xi illtl ill ltiil it lt ll to titV Ii tiH ci Sltolc unit Neil li taiiiw II II mon iiiiwumw vi lityiitiltlw or wchct lii Iccl III II IIIIIIIII IIItII ii Iltllt ti out III iI itsiiitit Jill EAlbt to The lli Elt iIt nned oti lfit lt1 ct xvi iltltllll si lilll Slhlllll of Midland ilt IIIIIIIIIII ICi II IIIII iv SUN llwMi Nth lv Miami iliilltlh ill line only player trout up this Ll WM WI MI III titi Russ vozum timi rltIIlll litllitlII $0105 MUHIImhsI wh IIIIIIIIIIIIIC II II IIIIIIIIII IIII III II II III it ijlh ll MINI ltl lllllllllt llxlvl ll lilitllllii up by on ilt liciic oust hockey title my IIIIIIII III II It 5cm liilrlilll litmus lot the XIII il1tIoItliigt tiltlli lltll will be ieiucntl NIH II Llltirtl pcrttttl iritht IStoudI is in older li itlw mi Itm ltititl hcicd couple of gteusous buck usi 15 yupIuwIt III II liom lI Wihb iltlili tdYti from llzt it tielain it 11 filth rim dctcitctnitai with Midland wt ASSOCI l0 II II Mthtwlrl rim tt ti Itliff Il louitliics llloetitit any lllllgt lcxatr llllwyhiitt ittatnti and lillll played Jun IIIfIII ml pgi IIIII II5I 24 Dunlap StIiI Phones 54 ollllllltl tor Itippuist l2 tltb tutitIIVtur 111I tun lIoitiit ior wti ltiri Lolbornc llc lgtIifnpI mt 111 1i Bmrie 3339 lbouidiiiL tuzticzl to tire it Lint told itcr on Chicano lliiwlt rosttr 1lI iut Iolu Iiiii II This LiiiiJ litli ttalc twoI wins or the Stlilllil move then the routiil and they become Iriicri iiicliiic ll tiiillilptilh Ittr liitI llll The local buys into liil cliatitptonsltip ii itit ctuntl lilttl have no of lgtl by betti eliminated by tram playing iltci It brand of littllHIV pit up lll tliigt game Sllolldv Goal Sunclie defenccw Ab Reynolth 7it Elwood Webb win lug Ieorgc Younu Small Ittlillt itiitltiii SlitlI alternates Allt lau lLlillll Marshall Ray Webb lltiwniuiiI Vrtttltt Fllilltli Waruicti Selkirk itiiil Vernon Vtlthlii defence Cecil Weaver Shurt ccut tic Cliff Wcitvci lliLI ltissl Weaver Glcttu chvtr alternates This successful Kent County former has good rich sod for SICIIIII SII IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII his soybean crop due to his crop rotation plon Soy ICSCIISII beans which add some nitrogen to the soil work well norm0e Eddie Burke Billtltll in crop rotations such as sugar beets corn oats soybeans or corn soybeans wheat andclover Thats why each year more and more Ontario formers plant soybeans But the Canadian crop must be increased many times to meet Canadian requirements Victory Mills huge new plant needs over 3000000 bushels year So theres ready market for all you can grow Ilinesman Jim Slrtiehan Barrie 4yiatiu4 abdwrgwawmagx v3 Mww with Minordn the great rubbingilil merit sworn foe of muscular and joint loreuess stiffness and pain Use it rotiii itsism rot crowns swarm unpleasant odor dries quickly Use it for dandruff and skin disorders too Get bottle at your druggists 125R tSl today Keep it handy In your AR no Soybeans have along plantingperiod and are EASY TO GROW using standard methods of cultivation and standard form equipment profitable CASH CROP Theres ready market for all you cunIQrow Ottawa with brother who in lllilfilttl was hockey player llllt lllAVlClS oi Iiuuny Me ludtlcii who spent nearly ihrcc weclts of December Hit in liar ric were of ltiltlll to follow llilgt season lle ltiiihctl up With Dc lroit Jitd Wings uuziiiot Toronto Maple Louis and looked gto good the titl llctroil couch lotuuiyi Iran is counting on him for next HLlStill We understand Ziiltalo sold him to the Wings for three or four pluyers to be delivered later Anyway McFadden Winnipeg boy of 24 who was in IIihc Army signetlwith Oltuwu Senators last October and was starring with them in tho Quebec League when Buffalo not desperate for player help and sent Hap Emms oii scouting trip Emms came out oft McFadden and Les llieltcy but the senator unlimite ment raised terrilcliowl and had them stopped at the border While the Buffalo club was involved iti thesc legal tangles Hap sheltered McFadden and Hickey in BarrieI and they kept in shape by working Iout with the Flyeis Eventually ithey got tired of town life and skipped home for NewYenrs bill had to get back this way in hurry when the injunction was lift ed When they goLon the Buffalo lineup the Bisons improved fastl and eventually made the AHL playolfs So in one season for Me Faddenfrom Winnipeg to Ottawa to Barrie to Buffalo and then to Ilt bathroom shelf llNiMEtlT real SOILBUILDER improving soil tilih the big league with Detroit Jay and adding souanitrogggIsoybeans flt into any crop rotation planning Soybeans arH HARDY cropresistant to drought light frosts and heavy rains Ixeneroubtt Its greaseless has no send your new bookletJEARMING WITH SGIYBEANSli NAMEICICCCIIIICI ADDRESSigzt Ask your Agricultural Representative or Local Groin Buyer about SOYBEANS rst my orrrstosagr iTS COOLER SAID FEEI BdlRlE EXAMINER ONTARIO CHADS Brantfotd club had bonspieli lorKiwanis IGiillia LindsayI Barrie and Peter first and secoridpiiZes vsey Sinithlost to Skitch of Lindsay 133 and to Sinclair of Peterboro wwwvhhn on mom Barrie Curlers Win First Honors At Owen Sound Bonspiel Kitts team If the local boys had3 iilnictl together more during thoI llthllY ioal titt Itittmzi season and hurl more games tlievltfcticc Ioliu Innlite liti igt would have made things hotter foiilltll Jillli lilllllllln lilll Tools sells lhese 0on should be heardf the Bantam l3 filial and Fergum wttn the Bantam title ElmiraI beat Madoc in the Midget play boys who lost the Juvenile finals to Barrie Lions one year ago Bar rie trimmed them two straight then Godorich won 20 straight games without loss this year In the Intermediate finals it looks its if the great Markham team has run into its first dangerous opposi tion as Grimsbyleaeh Kings won the first game 85 and the second was booked for home ice last night with the third at Oshawa Saturday and Georgetown are playing bestofseven in the Inter mediate finals with the latter team using Watcrloos new arena for home ice Kiwanis Enjoy bonsraieliol Orillia Three rinks of Barrio Kiwanians enjoyed day of curling at OriI liu last Wednesday The Orilliti members and invitedrinks from both to take part Lindsay rgtook Barrie rinks were CharlioKIeorI Simpson FredNorris and Jack MaoLaren skip Phillips jand AA Smitli skip RegIGrant Ray Livingston McCuaig and Harry Loye skip ILove beat Grant of Lindsay 108 and tied Butler of Lindsay 1010 95 Mi1cLiren lost to Butler of LindSay 168 and deIeatedI Holcomb of OrIillIia lit7 Britain Is to Build New lfeoples Cor new Morris car is now being built for home and overseas whiChl Will be tlfeiirst Peoples Car for Britain It is founaoeater saloonI capablewof 603 miles ail hour and will do 60 miles to agnllon Sir Miles Thomas of the Nuffield group iiiarittiactiurens of the Morris has stated that his company already has overseas orders worth $46000000 itoin next season either lll Midueilillill lkd illlltll or Juvenile lutil lioiysutlt llott htstc iiill Kirk Don cuttor lllEOMllA has finally elcaretlI MARYh will Irlitm lItaI up all titles St Catharian Willihllgh itllllkt IAH titII tiI Juvenile Llllll Bantam as expect ItIuttl illItliltgtt IolittI IlcitnI Midland bent Port Colborne Illi lli Illilllltkl II=u IM loluitd Richard lcluttc lhll himI cliulr letcr ltllzunt Iiiii hlelxiui In Imd 8manvme 100k Bolton non lut BlOIllltiti Paul lhcttniiitI for Juvenile lionoqs IlllWVEES BURTON AVE UNITED hurl THE GODERICH FLYERS 1mm Don Love defence Larry litlll which won the OHA Junior WIUYIN SINKUIII Iltt1tlltlfI MtitIru championship this season bentittglWM Jillk 1IWll Il Stouiiville in the finals has aI1 Dllmlihv HI Itll MW most exactly the same 5va of Lougheed lIltl lliilt iiowurdI Forbes or Clurlt lonvurds latr dorson Wayne Corbett llill Mon iod as Allgiiidalo got none In the 3933 Kightlgy AAdamson VT vVicto Ii ctiii Itil tivflt anti ii us tortliI Iif Dcluitty lit zlr TltK rlIiillltl lo the iIVlil lin won ll AllliAllS BARR FLYERSIIWU luhon litit lIITHHA uni rturttii th it wry noun Midget team in COLLIER tNiiiZii tutti iti Ioi 1luu iii titl tltiivtttllllc MllA playoffs The localsiliirlt tictcitco lct tituittiit he HIlt oi llc tori ttllll lorIwctc clittiititiicti ill the scitiifiitiilsllohti iltllllllli llou ttttioit illiigiitN and played iilEtllIY for by Toronto Bells who went on titiiotuuitla nnterott Sunni illni lhuitts it iiicir Itt two izziitios hcutSt tiitizuittcs for the titlelSiijcittii Ito lllil it ltH lillill uttutlictt Vc ttcnll itlt Barrie did at least as Well if notismt loytlI lliittti Iiitt tt iv lellinu li last you that lie iibcllcr against Bells than the SLtSIImiu lltt litiu nnninsis orwurtl Dun iliclitttiiltl Jun lillltlSIJli ltoc on Gerald Murphy Vincent lu ALLANDAIEGHUL litih IlottiIiI defence Gerald Educ iilllI Lorin lmtv ry Grant Dick Cain Gordon Au Bob lhompsou iuiy lruut FEATURES OI lileiS In the Pcewec game Garry Lorri scored two goals for his team as Allnndule Combines defeated liur 10h Ave Larry Grant scored thi third with Long assisting In the Bantam game there worm no goals but five pcitnllics in llllI first period St Marys out until1 by Poland and lttuchult in the sec 1I oud MacDonald scored for ltiti iiy In the last period Si llr goals were tallied by Sc land and Delaney with Pauehuk Delaney fund Garrett scored for lriiiity with sist by ilVlucltinald In the Midget game Collier tool the title with their second win ovrt Allandalc who had only eight players For the winners Page uul Stewart scorcdiutliu opening pen iter by Peterson Hagan tallied ilII middle stanza Stewart and Atkin son Scored forCollier withussisi GOODYEAR Tint SALES For PARC Sill inrrnooucmoyf hurch WhitoRosoProductIs WholesaleandiRetaiil Gas Oil and Grease to in SEVF ST MARYS TO MEET TRINITY TONlGHT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP is Hill Will lrlli tiafi mitt iti ii if lltial Nathan pump ittf1f Ht ul has it his lititc Hort mg I14 it In niaiii lszs nrll lnliil and Hill it ilii itt stilt In luls rt ll tlij til Iv iriwir dial ilai it ltit ll Li Iti trout Eit sit tii in it ttil it in tut lll up thltl ltt through abor lioitgt ltlll3lll li lilltlltll art til erious problem to liairi liillllltlr lull 1tttllllllltill xiih liw actine ii is hoped pill col litw lowg The theory igt lhaIIIitinoctilalitl ralnw lilllltl up in ihtir liotlie ltllititt lo the distaw lhus lltll lhv reach breeding not and become IiltIllillll the reii infection This atciui is coittpaiaiiitI min suggest that ou agtlt iouragricultural college orthrituetiial lartti tiliotilrikulls lo daic lhis MlWltt is our for hitasking Htilr for die ziliuit too is ihivliaule HIWitt of ttlllllllh attiou lo ilSgtlrl rtuponriblc farmers with momt Ihu lrivtiillatwuionettl managers are loan for lIIItl intptottiucut or for other puipows that will help ott io lilbl farming more profitable N47 annotations Incorporated 185 Barnabas IBARRIEf Nettleton Mgr prvTWiCf Clean Bright CABINS Wholesale Delivery and SERVICE Large area VKASIEG farmers Noise Phone strains SIMOMZING trie shft drtnkicf Yellow R00f Cabins Burton Ave Highway 11y East IAHandare Victor Li ChurciL Russeli Church Charles Church