PAGE FOUR lht Mrx ii rniriis it rs int ti n7 VI iii lillllndill li tr ll Wvva ivn tempting hot PARKER HOUSE ROIl5 giuut economy rum mt mfou mm MW Graceful Lines llli lUfli lttuqls hi1 3v liilun wt Miripini ift izi lili nl lzi This iirire fresh yeast wt lzs fast because its full strength It sures gt=l time mid cxl lurher Iloiisr iols you lizikr with lcischinniins tasty tender textured IF YOU BAKE AT HOME order Fleisclimiiuii Yeastthe dependable yeast with the platinum yellow lzihcl Its been Canadas favorite for more than it yours Always Elkolyourgioters IYIIJITFLI Ill Iil steps And the ill lini ll liniiii Silw ilillltlltil iiitir the specially ight Sniooth In llii tl Illliti Tillli lrironto ll llt gt ioiln lilul mismi tulil il no ltliltll itlziii on pii ll iimzinxwi rs lilo foremost ion illltl lhtiitll11j llis nursery hisitld lzittiii Fresh this tlioiii studied illl tli iiiino iloiicil ils iHVeltllll tliih lltuliltlli tit Hirld lnriii lr lilil spurl llllltll lllllt iinisiil=nl iilh uilhi fllillliI tliih il lilbl in warm Ilili ll llIiielniid is hold prisi hhy co Iis llnqh tliilc lttllll iii tlll rm lltti new Ill rot llss lilliilll Sprain sis iuwni kills door Iiillltl Miss ltil Siiiitli Siiulhroy lilrtlx iltrl ter of ii illii nlitl ili zitlnls LIv were ll Bishop Alis Jnrlt Denier Mrs Mi Donnzi Denley illlCl 71 251593 aw Dcnle Miss and gifts llcen lceizr White Striilhro Mrs it Sirith and Miss Piiyiiis MLlmiiizull Gm 7756 Wife ora Among khan Lcufu Struthroy Waterloo Busmcss Lisrociatcs 1947 Angus gave shower ut the home of Mrs Taylor United Church choir mudc it pres entation An attractive party was arrang ed for Miss White by Group of Knox United Church Womens lis Duckwmmh hOmanide iiier5 A77WorrzillBurricszing Be pantry shower it the home ol Mrs use Wortley RoiidLondon sociolion Knight 0U must have noliced them at your groccrs those bright new packages of the famous Posts breakfast cereals Now youll find four of your breakfast favorites in family packages tluit you can recognize quickly buy easily from the grocors shelf The packages are new and gay the products are lhexsume fluoquality you have under lhese trusted names The grand titograinlCrapelluls avor incrisp link ionir As nour ighing as they are delightful to out Two package sizes regular and If vOne of the first readytoeat cereals still uncquallcdlor mollysweet avor gives you nourish ymentin concentrated form so that tavlzle spoons is sufcient serving mayo MlIlll 14 sum up mu 27gtsw Skin Allections Often cause For unhappiness Are you ashamed of your appearance because of skin rash boils pimples or other skinnectiousi Too few people re be easily remedied The bran you need with avor youll like Helps keep youfrcgular and makes breakfast delicious event Two package sizesgregular and giant economy on WISHES Your favorite bubblylight corn nialii delightfully sweet and crisp with all the quick foodenergy value nest while com Two package sizesregu lar and giant economy 92 515 braides the owej kidn the system The rcsrt may be smoother ole relief to thousands of othorCana It should do the some for you Ask f0 drug counter Specify Burdock Blood Bitters The lMilburnOo Limitodfllbronto Ont BBB has broug from skin aeotions Produdu of General Food tu lll lath in iiil ilaiiKVi it illl itlll it liltii il lhl lust lJHI Ilozni ili wrni Ii lll wimp AL RNA km vi loll tlliti ll ts lirosliil tlit imiritin A5H tityin of loronto ti Lliltl lr 11100111 iiiisoi nid Mr and Mrs tirnlui lrtliii MW Iltflr lzltl ilit iiinil llwl Inn ful lhu ioillimi htv mm ii Home tide pm 111 Mm it iv lituir llltl Schlil1 33 Witl 1le lrlllvlllilllitt il inrst liltll v1 NT iiiuiih il MtWWHUWWi illll llll pp ilm ili the Illlllii mziriiii ni iiii cs litth lllil il ltii it 1113 in Hi irl thr mil inltudils eith who ggzivr shower at vs Miss Whites home Miss Doiii Lllld MORNIGHI bmlm the mmc lows formed the background for ii mm MN Jcm Ilslcr lovely Spring wedding March 31 United Church when Ernest Alfred only son of Wm St md hm Mr and Mrs John McKnight Bax ergtcluimcd for his bride Adrienne Ruby only daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilkinson Angus Rev Lacey officiated with Mrs earnations length veil alize that those affections may THE BARHXE hXAMlNhR MARINE ONTARIO CANADA M3M mm issmi Blllltlt lVBDDINGS Lilli lll Htlllritl ill Itvllllh ll lt2 ti ii iLthl lrlsrl Gratisiwo in RAYAllISIIHPNB liiitilll Hllt lllt iiliittli tiiin ii ii ullllik lllti tli llTlt will Ittlllh ilLijy Flu lli ll litl liitlr ll trilttil llill Iih lid iiiii riiiliiii tlzl holy loii SEiLliliiizlozi Mlt of the Hlix lit iiti ntiior itlliitli iittl istltt lt lttltiitli ttltlllitt lii lii ll lit lirwx AllXrtlltlll ll the llillllllt citi111 illlll llmil liniillli mun lt Iwlll illlil lllllliltlg lhc ili Klltlilltll Diltlt illiti oliit crepe liMlllilil Willi iiiirtihiiiiz hut Wrinlnir innit chthctirl iniil illttillll lill9 tiiigtli roses and itll hv Mrs rllircil xilit Beatrice tinhttl who Win lt lttll ltpt tli lime lllhlilllllLi llill Ilitlttl lI Corbett tltltlttllttl thi grown Ilttllt in tillltlti hon lll young Couple ltttni point hilt pretty twiiiitlnz i4 llitlr lil iijlitni Church liiiinnnr lvriillthtiul litl7 IIZA It liW llti London In ii cundltulit Ceremony tll linoxl Ullllltl thurch Siiliirdziy evening llaw Moore and Rev it Smith nl Stratilnoy united in mur riziuc Betty Ann Noreen laughter of Mr and Mrs llugh White Sliii lcy to l5 llcd Spczne son of Mrs Spcnrc ligzorton St illltll the lute ll Spciiic Flowers in soilsprinu tones were against then her it thidrsicli lllllitl Mitt nurile McDonald Pros Free it Mr and His lllgt llilnninli ind Mrs ll lllt in Alvin llini in ml the Lite wlii gt1 lt in it in mean Hi Minnelli null hti tiEI3tllt ls oi all ltll oiutr wore pcuil lt tn netti wt tl siiiliih uicy md hit lll itttrslalirs iiil roses md foiuetmcnols my Al She runs illillltittl by Mrs mik lluylnn us matron olhonoi who xvore brown HMOpl titii llttt iiiul illlitltLled oi pzilms llllti ferns and cathedral timers in tmidcliihrii iiiiidc lovely llilll selling The bride entered the Clltlltl on the arm of her father wearing nl portrait gown of traditional whitr satin with richly falling to it short train The moldl fashioned with sweetheart neckline and long illp cring sleeves with points over thci Her lulllength embroider to the shoulder was crested with coronet of hell She Curried Lin arm bouquet of red roses and Wore the grooms gift ii cameo pendant attendants White blue jersey and Miss Lento Smith of Straithroy in tropical rose crepe wore matching heuddresses in spun glass and curried colonial boul qucts of spring flowers Speare lt viml suit accessories usage ol yellow roses and pink 11 The best man was the grooms Hf View lUlilLllllitl la lluyton leivm $61 if 13gtI1L1 After the ceremony dinner re HS cplioii tor the immediate family lily illgl nm no yrt ttlllttr wwhcm the home of Ml Mh in infill my Alis Ii lluyton lgtllil til the itl ionni llinston Blid lhc couple left on ic and points south On their re Cilcmx TIWNCHU turn they will reside in Monteith WU mm Mm OntIoftown guests soothe vied Lmh Smm llllQ included the brides mother Vlrs Mays of Barrie Mr and Crilchlcy HM Hewlth md Erma Crllchley luck lllltl lcd McDonald of Mon thc populiir prideelect were Mrs Vimdcrburgh illld Miss Donn Denley null 104 liitricia uus bodice trip to Bill hands ed veil double lllCI satin Norman of Swastika As her Miss lleen Assorted flowers and pussy wil brothcr of the groom was best man and the ush Allan of the groom and Clare Wilkie of Slralhroy sided Frunkish lit the Christie song The Lords Prayer and Promise Me Receiving guests pttllUlS zit the organ in the church Mrs The bride given in marriage by her lather was charming in floor length gown of white brocaded or gonzo with tilted shaped neckline short puff sleeves and full beuftant skirt length cimbroidcred harmonizing bodice nearl The lull net veil was headdress msTSlrcWfi trund not urc sheaf of American Beauty roses and white held by mulching mm grooms gift double pearls and carried May McKnight sister of the groom was maid of honor guwned in floorlength orchid taffeta with matching headdress and shoulder She carried Talisman roscsund spring flowers irMelVin Wilkinson brother of the gt ibride Was groomsman wilh Geo McKnight uncle ofthe groom and Vi Brokach is often caused by ist kidney action Whenkidneys geloutuforderexcess dinn mniversny acrdsand personsvremain in the System Then hncknche headache rhettmiilic pain dis yurbed rest or that tiredout feeling may goonyfollowli Io lialp keep your kidneys walking properlyuse Dodds Kidney Pills limetested popular Sale nonhabitform ng Demand Dodds Kidney Pills in the blue mx With the red band Sold everywhere 135 Robert Elliott as ushers reception followed ntthc home of the brides parents on the oc casion ofvthe gromns parents wed The brides mother received in black frock with sequin trimming and corsage of roses and gcurnations was the grooms Vmother also in black frock with lining and corsage of carnations Furlthe honeymoon to Milskoka the bride travelled in Assisting sequin ftrim navy blue Inipurities in the blood may oftenlbe tlidetiusifor uglyskinaeotionsfr get relief fun skin troubles plm les try Burdock B1000 Bitters bolts and his vegetable compounl not on eya liver and stomch It helps to eliminate wastes its azans mirroring it at any arer skin ous tillerti cranky Ii iinl tlmgittl out lhcn do try lllii li liiiltlmnin Lt Ainisti ii liittl your CHOICE CHROME FURNITURE ADDISON and 12 lHtlISl RADIOS Mm srcricoirmm unmitn rmrrzus SUNIi IVI left for coupons required the duct green gzithercd sliirl Delicious her sister in Elizabeth Ms Styles pre MONTREAL Toronto 17 Its the Gardeners piltienl skill that produces thejperleclion of an 0rhidund its patient 0uulityTeslingl that gives you iguretto perfection in Sweet ups SI Perledionheck gives you nulresult of many perledions Beloro you IipMupu Sweet up draw on it and note the clean fresh taste lilo result oi qualitytesting step by step from plantation to you The purest form in which tobacco canbc smoked SWEETfCA PORAI CIGAREITES See how perfect postwar cigarditto can lie in Your im Hilli llzislnuintdivine gt ti ii Nu in in ml of an CERTMN Dex5 in Ms unwind to writ OI Vionth iwl lllls purpose ill ilttlJlU loin lion lidlllihtlltz llli tni iiii srl Elnltliil ll reported lllil lirl mi ll ou too lluiit Worti il llit thins inpnl txiellinl idlilii ogk WW tasters NORGE 01L HOME HEATERS 111 15 Porcelain Lined Immediate Delivery IIIJKTIEIC TRAINS lilltlllliN CLOCKS ULTRAVIOLET QUARTZ llIiAIIII LAMPS IlIiIiIiKA VACIIEMS NURGIC APPLIANCES ti Hwhd Sulcs und Service on DOMESTIC lilrlitllRIIAI llQIiIIillISNI and RADIO Epletts Furniture Electric 139 DITNLOI Sl BARRIII PHONE 3721 hrirmi purly returned to the llltltgt nonal inrl itttnuurds ltillll tiip it llillllllltlll Niuiuiixi lrulls iiid other points by motor On llltll return they lli iesidet it lesliii Mi l6ll No rulion CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP piirticuliirly esteemed by wise honunuiltcrs for nearly lilly years lls goollncssnnd value are so well known that more tasty lnculsnoicii being served to lduv with Crown Brand Corn Syrup than ever before le ot er ms my Deni Spcdlc As sweetener in linking Crown Brand Corn Syrup adds it distinctive llLlVUUI lls addition to your ingredients Organ and Arthur makes good linking becomeinc lmhltl Try it also as 21 delicious spread on bread toast scones pancakes and rtilllesvoiill realize then why Crown White the brides BH lc mother Wow Iaflelnbul dressy ldllt oin rupirnis 0115 icon it tvounte of Pacific blue crepe with bluck accessories and corsuge of roses shades Thel grooms mother assisted wearing it mauve crepe frock with black uc 5501135 and corsage 0f r0595 THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD 77 and sweet peas For WEddmg twp to the Stams Also Manufacturers of Condor Corn Slarch he thebridedonned dusty rose tig crepe dress with black coat We appreciate youriloynll l0 Qualil di