illblifilmr lilill ii iii lllF tumult murmur tinttlilc tililAlittL Alith CNR iimikti iztoiii or iitmhITwo AFTER 47 YEARS OF RAILROAD WORK For Ccrswell Herd New Records it Ends Faithful Servrcc tl Lil it it ii vs II PI ii it tit Illi pt rit Hlllsli in yr 41 it minim ti 1min it izi i1lltl llt ltllt it iizi ti vv ll in prtiitt1i Lil ti ix the fvilll out my til kHHLIL tltl minimin aitl ltlil lhk Iilii de IIIIIIIIIIII md tl oziiiiii it iii Llim it lv liiil litt tlltilt ini Shiv tiiuiietl tor iii lwljl pet iitllllll ilittftl it iIvii Ititltl llt on nos Win ii New pm li titii tnlui zt wjtliiii inii il Hut it Ln ii in lig mum iti in llll il ierlw tithe lIlilt Illtli lll Rowllnson Limited rennin milk i3i ill it Nil iii lii up lntl chip Household lurnltttrr tiou lli lt llltvl Inlidnted lool Lita to Mutiitohu Inskntt ll ue livi liilt me Minn Alberta lirlllill nlumliln tutti to alllornluJVrite nlreor phone orreiiured freight rates Estalillahvd 1085 $1 YonoSt Toronto hingululo 5125 IOVIIB PNKiXB ittllllti III HORACE IOn l200 AcIrcsIILdnd Veteran Raises Beaver liSlOM rrnxrrnnr lsclis Live to Zoos Etc nun tuctntn lllf eiiili Stnyiici ant iitsititll ut the illsllll 1i litllu illliltlll lll oi iniiit2 lLt it llltllllitl of tilt Hitlniszutoiti lioie luli tilll illitt lt iv let the lilaaiii ithd ll ii llltllilili ii the ifiiiiliih line Minolta ii The Val ztil he luv ltilztsIlIajrlor of iilllliilitt Kiltlltll lillbtlllltln ixl lantern iiteiy to lullltll and wnpll pimpS ililftlllI Ntllltillill luik has skilled illitillll new tn the nay lllI 1e ilialiililalion schemes lXtllltl blll Lullltl tiitt laylor hm used hi5 roeeiztblixh tiniii tlttlllgt to finance it new wiry 201r0illc Si or lite ill the foothills of the lilti itslll auzidinn litiikies lie hak ALLANDALL lease on 11100 acres oi lantl ll PHONE 2813 the Alhuhaskn lIlltrl Reserve and hopes to lltltlt lVt betuei to lM and Evenings iini nnienls and organization lllll require them for Illrllllitltl ol thlllSllidF or 7005 Ollltllllltrttt III INOllIllllllll IIIIJIrwJotIllNOIortooco CREAM PRODUCERS Vote For Your Security culture asks every CreamiProducer To Vote on the Proposed Ontario Cream Producers Marketing The Simcoe County Federation otnAgri Association The new Regulations providing for Voting on the entative at Allistou and at Barrie until the end of April 1947 2At local meetings called for the purpose Ihcrcvwill be community meetings Somewhere in your area WATCH FOR NOTICES OF SUCH MEETINGS livery Cream Producer should make point of Voting on this Issue IIlho following figures show the increase in deposits and Guaranteed Investments during the past 20 years i920 $1084541zgiig 1937 1044679 IT 1936 19337005 i941 lt330054iii3 i940 024302313 ON 2340 on SHEAR INVESTMENTS The Grey Bruce Trust 1t Savings 0tfices0weti sound and Peterborougb Est 1839 rcestab NNoJN II Organization of nu Ontario retun lrotiuccrsAssocia tiou is as follows liwAt the office of the Agricultural Repres EI Wmmrmrmnmmmactmnomoooomention FRUii lllili lltlltltill iittl 23 Years Old iS llixill Bartlett Years old 15 33 Years Old 15 13 Years Old iiS iMililSll WALNYI Year Old Per Do illMilt RASPBEKRIES lcr Do iOtHlilililtltllS lied ltlil lllltliANlS llac BLACK Illlilidlllh SHRUBS Years Old birtiug Bushy ti Shrubs in Varieties EIIIor only $200 with yellow heart flow Icr all summer beautiq in long lasting Tout flower strong plants 3Igtorton1y01y00 0100 liaeh Years Old $200 Each liASililiiiltlllS Washington Each 30 DaiSies Petals white TREES $l200 Dozcn $51000 Dozen IlilM Crystal lied and Green tinge $5200 Each $2000 Dozen lillltltY Dark lied EarlyExcellent Farmer $250 Each $2500 Dozen lliAili Metiuigun Standard lilbcrtu $125 Zach 31200 Dozen 50 Each 400 Dozen zcu $150 Per 100 $1000 timberland zen $200 101 100 $1000 White Yellow inch 50 Per Dozen $400 Per Dozen $350 it is 30 Per Dozen $350 FloWering VRosa Rugorar Two years old strong ltoscbuShcs flowch deep red of across Hardy vcrywhcrc can be planted as shrubs or for St Theyre branched out lilooui first yearwith more lithium in each subsequent year Easy hardy cemetery decoration illil ill ll ilUl ililllt iiiilil Iill til tilil Uliiil All it VI ltix lx illijlittlitll ixtlz lliiiiilf ulna lu mp Utilitil ll BRIGGS WlLL YOU tiXFlll US litlli lllNllilNl lllthlj 2978439304215 Weeping Roses Now ti lo Ft lligh Bloom This Year 00 $1 to keep llEillll tutti Often used ttiii in GROWS ASSIIOWN AlitnliAnier lil lair lccp pink rimson Rambler crimson Dorothy Perkins pink while New Davon flcsli pink rllauls Scarlet rctl Princes van Orange orange pureI while Dr yellow iixttlstt Fleet large Elegance red Silver Moon Double Tuberous Begonia Bulbs fun lC grown in shady plute in your garden us well as in your home For your garden plziut nl thecnd of May and well so that the bulb is just0 cred They will produce blooms of Is Lwhedge $100 each 12 Dior $1000 Orders will be filled in rotation as they come in no exception We guarantee perfect quality and excellent packing In case our plants do not reIgriiw we hold ourselst responsiblcrto replace sumch at half price next planting season Werescrve however Ithcfrigh those plants No packing charges Prices iiuoled fob Leurnington PLEASE ORDER EARLY Il GIVESIUS MORE IlMliIZTiO snuvn YOU ISEIITER Pleaseinspect merchandise upon arrian and it no your money willbe refhnded at once to across from early summer and will night the bulbs out floumLicontinuouely until frosts start Then take your ml the soil dry them store in cool dry place You can have your Begonia bulbs for 12 ond more years No flower comes in brighter colours than the Begonia Allour rose bushes are delivered trimmed ready for 1000003550 that we are practically Certain of 1000 rcgrowtli vv Hit il LEWIS Slllill8 1N SSiIlNli ALL HE LEFT WAS DEBTS To tlriswe niakc satisfied return saiuc dud 30 =insp0ct mo rimEN ti Lt 41mm in il5 li mi Likl tiytilulvitiltIli1ltlvlixlitI ot LiLt tun iriiltil You Me lIil likes you Hybritllea Rose Bushes STRONG ROOTS STRONG BRANCHES No QiAHIY linoii pink lextout liili iilill lIlililllni iln So litl lilillllitiitl il red iind jtlio Eiii Stone id whollt litoili do liolhuvh lxi li um lll iwn lliiislieru yellow Zen Txchitluir ehe MJillti illnlt ll liolliirr 90 mi izux tn lepluz crunwi scurlet lliiilliV dtep tlllIlNill loamze ilili ill1p iix ii Iltitrllil tieaui lllit liiitijc Sli hng iillii Mild lIllltbl nltii1l=ei tlil iiiiiziv hind lllll liotitizet xlillt Mud iltipoiii iiiltligtlt fxtlit liit hitttiil liloIlth tirlL Mary llai ehe ieti lr iii litipzttl tiiie in lietiiwi lruunph lltlltll reti Ophelia light gtilllltlll piult lies lieilirl llwmi pun lipluie apricot lh pink lied Helen red lllti lladiantt iett liex liiiiwztw golden yellow H315 Queen Moi million pink lililltlt Malleiii wlww stuiiltvi Sour tle IlillHlllh leinei lltgt liligtuiiu oidnue rtd IiIllil lIIIiltldilnl vtillttIiIl eitield Shir lliilll yellow $150 Each Six for $600 12 for 01000 EACH ROSE BUSH LABELLED TRIMMED READY lli PLANTING Now is the Time to oner EVERGREENS We offer you beautiful collection for foundation planting iie English Uicw upright dark green Triumph dc Boskoop upright dark blue Silver Queen upright silvcr LUniperus llumoszlupright yellow laxus Bretiiolia Spreading dark green Each Evergreen Baled and linrlzippcd and 18 Inches High $250 THE REAL ROSTER BLUE SPRUCE 21 2Year on Field Grow Strong andpliushy American Beauty bright red New Dawn shell pink Elegance bright yellow ttl EACH OR SIX FOR 531090 FT Kill $1000 American Pillar brilliant deep pink Dorothy lerkins shell pink gt Double Paul Scarlet scarlet lr Van Fleet liCShDin $150 each SixI for $000 12 for $1000 nNI Pl tiltluljbincd dink red scarll sai mun yellow white copper orange Nnk lrivct uigaris strong winter hardy 0yearold plants 23 feet each 50c price 600 each 13300 per dozen $500 per 10001000 12 for $550 lrivct Ivalifoliuut this privct doesI not loose union 5iu7wiutcr 2year BCSt Quality money 1311 01117213 feet Ench 50c per dnz $500 Buy per 100 $4000 lblyzinthet Roscsyarc very seldom troubled by insects They bloom from early summer 1111 til late fall Minty of these PolyauthavRosc bushes produce blooms 0i 4inchcs across and cannot be compared with the bldiashicd but ton rose They are outstanding when planted iu group in borders in bed iiivlJliL EALII Astrid Spath pink Dagmar Spath white Donald Prior red Ellen Poulseu dark pink Elsie Poulscn pink Fireglowhorauge Joseph MK 10 Mn Guy bright red IKuren Poulsen brightned Katharina Zcimeth white Kirsten Poulscn red Orange Triumph orange red Paul Grampel orange 1zfroit $7750