THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7775 Capies AUlHORllLD As and LLbS I81 LEVI Ollk 54111 Permits Are Issued For 10 New Houses First Three Months 5111 1111111 1111111 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and cottages 111111 tourist homes in this district Norris chairman of tlie hospital committee of the Chain ber gave some particulars of the Merrick Bros Circus sponsored by the BarricChambcr of Com incrcc and the Young Mens Scci tiou which will be held in Barrie Arena May Net proceeds are going to the new hospital Cox chairman of the Civicl gtlinprovemenl and Town Planning Committee submitted rbport and emphasized that very close liaii son is established this your Willi Turn to page eight please wentyFour FinedO During Month Of March ForBeingmlniorricated Twentyfour persons paid fines of $10 for being drunk in public place during March according to the report compiled by the Barrie provincial police detachment and presented to the Police Commission last Thursday afternoon 11111111111011 to the 24 mentioned abovcoanothcrr was fined $15 on similar charge another was re manded for sentence and four were fined from $10 Itoz$20 for having gliquor otheipthanlat residence Of the 30 persons prosecuted 27 vercbetweenthe ages of 21 and 10 The other three were over 40 Total amount collected in fines was $305 lt Seven motorists paid $1 each for meter overtime parking AnOthcr paidr$iwfor travelling the wrong direction 0na oneway street Two citizens each paid the court $1 for permitting their dogs to run at$ large The police fpulld four premises unlocked on their nightly rounds Lodgers in the cells during the month totalled 24 Twelve cases were prosecuted under the highway traffic act Four drivers were assessed $512ach for speeding and fifth paid the court $25 For careless driving wfinei of7$107was1eviedand in 1111 other case the charge was dis missed Five motorists Were fined $5 each for failing to give half the road Fines totalJed $80 There wereeight prosecutions under the criminal code during March and five convictions For 1l CREAM PliODUCERSl MAKING PLANS ptllgll and so was not able to be 111 lll lt llii 11 7N1 31 ii131 1121111111111 111 in DEL3 11117 111 1111 111 1111 111 11211 i111111111 511111 111 11111111 111 My il 1111111 =11 11 P111 111111 1111111111 111111 11 111 111 agipljsxi in 11111721 r1i 111 1113 011111 111 1111 liiitl 11l 11 1111 111 1lgt1ll 1111 until 1111 11 11 111111 lotus11 11111 1211111 1111111iAl 131111 31111 St 1111 111 1111 l111 pli 11111 101 111 111111 111111l 111111 11 1111111111 hull 111111 111111 1211 they 11151 11 41211111121 1o 11111112111laitrixlru litl 1rltizlt 11 11 11 location 1111 xlittllltallulh 11111 111 1111 ittlltti llzc 11 ill The 11111 111 3111 11141 111 11111111ti 11111il 111 111 11i111 tillltt 17 1311 l1111i 1ill1 11111 111101 11 11111 14 111 lttt to 111 1111 11111111111 W1 119 11 ll 11111111i11 11 1111 1111 111111111s dbl The 1111011111 tllilil 111111 11 111511141 Ell 313 1111 111 1211 lit1lll of 1917 111 lrlilll Immi illii as folio January Ii litllillgt hit151 lwn gt ll 1111111 302 11611 13 iii1111115 111111111 11111 2211 511211 nth21 Radio Va1 11141 ccliizip 111 lmiii 111 11 1111 111111 1111w tario in connection with the cam present further meetingof the Sim coe County committee will be held April 19 to review progress at that time 16 llUGII MICA SUPPLY lineCquarters of the worlds supply of sheet and block mica is supplied by India MEXICAN VANILLA Almost all of Mexicos vanilla oritput011etliiltl of the worlds supply originates in the state of Vera Cruz false prctcnscsa sentence of 18 months was imposed and threev months on each of two other false pretenses convictions For theftl of shirt the penalty was 15 days and for theft of money one month in gaol Two charges laid for theft of cutlery were dismissed and charge of wounding was withdrawn by the complainant All persons prosecuted were from 21 to 40 years of age The statistical report shtiwed there had been 19accidcnlsandin three of these damagchwas greater than $50 One boyage six was injured WOman riding actiorse was injured when thrown and theanirnal struck by truck had to be shot debreakins of minor nature were reported jeep was stolen and recovered Property totalling 110 was stolen and property valued at $125 was recovered The report presented by Sgt Peelrecited details in con nection withthegtheft of 3111 car radios on March12 Twiss re ported the matter to police and he accompanied two constables in the cruiser while they patrolled the town after midnight Four persons were arrested few hours later as 1119 mmjmtitjodeyys town and all radios were recoveredyThe report fthTPolice Sergeant in this connection concludes This case shows the excellent results that can be obtained by coopera tion between citizens and the po lice who was formerly General Mo tors dealer the and Buick cars He is building 96x66foot cementi block structure on Mary 51 just north building will be modern in every respect and stock room at the front will be lWo storeys has been engaged as service man RUSS LONDRY in Meaford now has in Barrie for Pontiac and GMC lllltlibi agency of Valleys Garage The the show room and Ed Lungs of Brantford agcr and the chief mechanic is Harry Murdbck 0f Barrie It is expected the new building will bc1 completed by June and in the meantime the business is being carried on in Valleys Garage About 120 new cars and trucks have been received and sold by Londiy Motors this year Born in Mcaford in 1905 Russ1 Lotidcy attendedscliools there and was in business from 1926 to 1941 During that time he had various automobile agencies and he had four lines of General Motors pro ductswlicn he soldout in 1941 Two years ago Mr Liindsy came to Barrie and he hada tobaceco bust mess on Duiilop St for year Early 01 Spring Floods Wash OveHighway New County History Dr lalinan addressing meeting of the committee appoint ed to prepare new history of Simeoe County stressed the ini portance of making it 11 history of the County as whole rather than 11 history Of individuals The meeting was held in the county buildings Wednesday last week and presided over by Sheriff Drury County councillth present lll eluded George Patterson of Port McNicoll Ernest Miller of Cold water Fred Hunter oflccuinscth Evans of Bradford and A11 drew Cumming of Vespra Mr Drury reported that he had recciveduifavorablc replies from municipal clerks throughout the county indicating their willing ness to cooperate in making his torical information known to the committee 111111 in making public records available for research round table discussion was held and numerous stiggeStions were madOregarding information that should be included in the COMING in 1947 he was appointeddEaIei for Pontiac and Buick cars and GMC trucks Active in sports inlIIcafo1dRuss was president and Linanager of the baseball club fOrfivc years and three Of thoseyears the Meaford hardball teaiiT won the Ontario championship He also sponsoied GM hockey team whichtook part in the OHA Juvenile forthrcc years lerest in sports asincecoming to to Owen Sound where they won the Grey County Curling Trophy This year he isinanagcr of the Barrie Hockey Club sponsoring the ed the Ontario semifinals Last Summer be sponsored team in the local Intermediate Softball League and this year his team will graduate to the senior ranks Mr Londry married Ethel Croft ofGore BayTManitouiin islandrin September 1928 and they are members of St Andrews Presby terian Church Theyhave no chil dren News items are appreciated 011 Church WA Group ID Saturl Russ has continued his in Barrie Lasl Week he took dllllk Intermediate entry which reach Keep Saturday May 24 Openfor Churchill airiulal softball touina inent 15b DanceatBrcntwood April ill Stroud Mountaincers Gents 5012 ladies 35c 35 13 15181 Rummage S1110 iCOllier St Unit day April 19 12le Dr BlatzrChild Psycholog ist Womens Canadian Club Lib rary Hall Tuesday April 15 15b Euster Pea Trinity Church WA rectory 130 Collier St1 Wednes day April 16 36 p111 Admission 250 15p The Wohclo Class WA of Central United Church is holding an 111 ternoon tea and bazaar On May 28 15b Circle of WA Collier St Unit ed Church afternoon tea Thurs day April 17 in Recreation Room fie 15b Alliston Glee Club Concert Knox Church Alliston fliursday even residcntgt of proposed new history of Simcoe cents wordMinimum charge 500 Ktown Pavilion Friday set that Rogers Park to the the district and 111 suggested that roadway could be put through by extending Ellen St When Reeve Clark asked if the dcpUtation Would be satisfied if Ellen St was to be extended Ray Slessor said he did not wish to hamper industry and lie felt the residents would be willing to give little Others with the deputation were Mrs Bristow Robert Johnston Ernest Cheesman GCOIgc Thcaks toil and Arthur Lines Later in the session the council put through the final reading 111 the bylaw to close portion of John St When Aid Leishman askr ed if it did not have to be approv ed by the Municipal Board the Town Clerk replied that they 1011111 no part unless there was some 11c tion to have the bylauusct aside County aagI Fillc job printing at the liarriei Examiner Please order you re quirenicnts as far ahead as possible EVENTS 51 gtRttllllllagCHSalC Trinity 1111101111111 Auxiliary iii Parish Hall Satur day Aprilmlfii Doors open nilic 11111 141613 Dai1cc at Baxter on FridayApril ll Stroud Moiliitai ecrs will furn ish music Danciugvfrom 930 to 11 1912 he attended schools at Wlcs ALLAN BYE IS who chairman of 1111 Minstrel Show committee t111111 Lions Club of Barrie This event will be staged May 13 11111111 Since coin is joincd the Lions and is laking an active part Born iii Toronto in 1111 and aller 11 year of chemistry at Victoria College he joined the Ward Strcct plum of the Cana dian General Electric Company at Toronto When the new CGE was opened in Barrie Mr Byers CtilllC hch as supcriiilcndcnt 111 is past president of thc Toronto branch of the American Electro llatcrs Society and is member of the AmcriCan ElectroCitemical Suctcty Mrs Byers is the former hlklltlzlicl Milrters of Weslon and there 110 two children Leight and Marnie three They are members of Coliicr Street United Church ANNUAL MEETING or COPACO TODAr Bribbsnrght His Worship CHILDRENOWARNED AGAiNST PLAYING Ar OPEN CULVERTS Alli Charles Griffin rcports tliatcotnplaints have been made of hiiilren playing near cul vcrts that are now laiigeroiis 1y swllen linypring iiatcis Last week child WasJost oclock 351111 Dance Gearin Hall helpstoii Collllgwoo 3111 ll 0111 ft 15p atCo ks April Frank Bogart and his orchestra Adlnission $100 l4ltib The DaviesCauadas celcbiatV ed concert ensemble Collier St welcome Grand opening dance 815 pm Tickets from any WA member 15l7b Dance at Midliltrst Township ilall Friday April 11 auspices Vesprd Legion Senior Softball Club Admission 50c mGood Jinn sic lunch counter 15b Come one come all to Sunni dals Corners Hall to see Aunt Susie Shoots the Works Friday Monday April 14 Gratd ticket1 draw Admission 35c jEtlebodyI United Church Tuesday Ap1i1129l few years ago there was similar fatality in Bilrll The most dangerous culverts kat the present time areQucens Park Wellington at Sophia Wellington at Peel Eccles Sti iicar BarricAllandale Dairy and Thompson 51 Seine children insist on swinging on the guard rails 11111 are fanciiiatedfby the rush ing wa rs However one slip into swift current and child woi quickly swept into the culvert mallarcnts are urged to inllll be done when swept intrica culvort in koii went down to more 111111 80 belowlI Of course this is 11 be regardedIt as figure of speech the mercury ml womb 194 he hameaning temperature As mat ter of fact mercury freezes around fCostly Damage Done Roads In Simcoe By Spring Break Up nonth TOO ll FOR MERCURY had it that the mercury Some form used in 311 to 10 below zero of spirits would be tlicrinoinetms 111 Snag the Legion to hold carni ir II NOTES FOR YES VOTE 111 New Hum 1klltllllt litlbtli 1111111111 1l l1E ll lilt 1111111111 1l1oiiic 1111 1111 mm umV Illflulimu Alibi 19111111 Il lltlliliillii lllltlll WHHWZ mm wound 111111 pump pew WIth 11111111 his 11111 lft11ni111 1ob x11 Gamma mm 11111 Confederation 111 111 Vg lk wild llllhiouiiol11 Ontario 111111 lot 1111 12111111111 111 i11l1ii1l 1111111 11 121 1111111111111111 l11l llo 41 11 111 111111 rtgtignlltioll Mcllmvtll itntisl 11111111v I1lo 90 1UVll 11 tlllill lSliztctc t1un 1111111 11111 111 1111 tltifl1iili 121112 lllltx photo5 it it 111 111 tittirw 311 1111 1l from A111 Arthur Boyd tors 1111 tliaznhcr lil gt1tllltti 10 IVldm lllimuph 1111111 111 in 1111 ilti thin hair ll 111 St 511 111111 tite1 l111111l1 1311 111 If 11 Ud Ilndlm ilt inttubers silirt 1111 first of mlmlw ml flmlW flooding aciw 111 11v1ii Sunday 11 iiooii 1111 1fll 111 1113111111 1111 1111 10 ilvllvul Xiillitld illL 1111 1llil11 lilitllth lllp 111 5121 31111111511 11111 11 b1 chm11 111 11111 ilu lrlllllllilt il 11m 11 lllir ROCVQ 111 11111111y11 inn lllitlllllltlh olannizcd 111111 1111 011111le 11113111 111111 March Meetiii 11 1131 1l1v1l to write and HW wk mummy ZWUHIM of 111411111111111111111111111 lllllli Ian Recreaflon Clgsse lDelegahon Before from Hydro Pele lled thf 111 111 new the Board of Directors was lltltl will if In imdlm ht mFor Mdland and Dsle IcounCll Oppose Bradford St salurday on March 111 Maiiv important dull mid mm 111 items were lisc11351110111 of the mll hidmvmm Umwli bl Illl iltllillllll Alli1 irillir iClOSlng IOhn Sl 15 111 LL i11iv111 fililii the 11 mum femur Wm MmumsHmlicvn ll will lie vcryrdifficull tti1illt 11111111111 of 1111111111111 111 11 vl 37 31 irhl 11viuiiiclilT Rllllllnltlioill of mailed budget 1917 Vititl out large role Jllll so lllll 811111111 County was in Midland 11 11 11111 ii 11 11 111111 1141 11l 111111 11Ill chunc Clarke This was adoptcd illlidS ill llillild ll llelllS Will llliilllltil 111 l1mbt tll ll vmdt 111111 11 llllllitilld to isnow they 1111 working hard l1 lrict plans for proposed rcclca 11 11111111 linvi 111111111 111 111 l111l 11 1151 Isl is 151 Juli 441 amid b1 11 mmmucd 10111111151 they bclitvc the decision 1111111111 school 111 1111111if1oin lird 171 11 11 1111 111 1111 1111 21 pix 515111 who VI 11 11M Dom 1x 110 U1111 made by the cream producers is liolson recreation lilttftul for SIN 11lvili HH LlUHti Mel 1111 um 4410mm his May 31 11 11 111511mC1 mm 2m 1111 I1111gti iillpollalll for many 1111sllllllaii1l it 11 proposed that class llitlllliili llitll AI ilillt Willli 11 1L1l11 111 llt 11 Flle Chlef lees 11I1W1 11111111111111111111 11111 111 made 11151115 tar as 1111 11dtrallon of 1411 cs would he held Friday nights Shroud 111111111 1111 thick 1111 1151 131 19111111l1i1131l111 11 rm Council Re ort Hi 1111 111 11111 111011 1111 119 lylclilllllt is 1111111111111 Etipciiiilt April 111 and continuini 501111011 Hilll lll WW fililllHH 111 mm 1111 11 one relay instead of two There Advertisements will be placcdfor six weeks 111111 persons from to 1111 lloil Victoria llopltal1 613 whimwl 11111 if Ht11111 1111 will Mild 10 will still 111 two class115 11f mulgllll all county litliiltlgt and 111110Kll tlltvlll 01 Ullltlllllilly in 1111 B41111 1i11H1311HiH1 11 ml 1010 MT WUM ronc the tumorpropel1011 typo 1111111in ziicctiiigs throughout V511111listrict will lit invich to 111101111 liavclliim 11111111 li2iltltl imm 1h ll 11 WM my mum to 111111 the other the lilllltlilmlillml eoe will be used to publicize 1111l rrWf FVl Ht lil Silllllcl All If 111111 111 iilf lv film 10 had in addition there will be 1111c11mpaig11 Has Agency 11111111 111111 11111111 injuries and sovc1nl1 PUMP WW wimpy IL i1111 11 111 11 1111011 90d Hf allseason 1311111951 111 1mm reinmunmmvc win he upwinp llltlltls 1ri111lrc11111r111 lo closc 1111 Mi hl glhkiop121My 11 It 11111 imnulsi 5111 that rilarma Cd out he 1illlllt is wife was tirownl Luis 111vnig tar try an report on the operation of townshtip lli1Laeriliiliurzil13mlr mm Illlimild ml $11M mfg mix Eildiiuiv superintendenf Md mm mmmumucb were planning wm 1111 information Booth was sub150111311113 have been appoinmd ccivcrl 11 broken jaw scvcic factorloilflli HMllf jl 111 111111 111111 mint 1110 matter was heldover milled by Mr lwiss and approvalturning officers and Federationl 115 Id iiii IMH Mil SUE 55 Wm lilltl 10011 85031431 was gchii to engage lllrs1lr11nk 10111 11301111111119 been Named dcpuh l0lilltlllt1 Job 1101 upbltilitla 101 11 ll 11 ill 1113 local oiizaniliation was planning 1111110310 11 Honda 01 11K Tommi 0mm Smle Speak nose and gush across his llt1 1041 01 1511011141 11 conduct drive summer months included ill 11111013 are available 11ch 11111 their stvciiyczirol1l 11111111110111pm 31 uvial fl lilllrl Slimilo W11 mom llaliiicetinw District 111Cllil weir lmcm TVle mm 1mmth Ciml WINHMW HV 71 4=l ill 1111111111111 11 A111 Griffin and Sim bulldil ml 150 plilllllCtrlHltil Ehnvalc ilildbflllislnlil llithilIHK Ill northbound 11 Sllilfll til 111 C1110 111 street Hltiliii 111 Hll iii lily llecvc Wlison the faulty the large Sign on lluiloniAvcnuc this week lamcs Mcladdcn 13 lrc1lcricl $1 Alll ll 1litl my 111 19 1111 11111 1141 to 11111111C1111f 1110 sewer 011 Henry 0mm Hm attend he Wuni Barriet received chest iiijurics 111111 ll 1151 sillti 11 1111111 33111114 111111 111 1110 111101110 Construction C11 Edwin Wilson submitted pundit mommu were ICC Bltin its llL sprained one ankle and V91 HL 111110 1911 1111111111 11111 gt111= tlllllt 111111112111 referred to the town solicitor mlim to bc pluccd the lumiilof Ivv hlmfdid 111111114 of Orillifll 11111 some teeth knocked out Willi ill lliltl 01 WW 1111 er itibt lillti11l lo 3411 1212 for action booklet which emphasizes in ad Gcmqni Iiik of thm Gili Each car wrs 11111111111211 to 111 115 11 911081 101 Nil 111111 itll llli 1111 11111111ii111r fur 111111 tlwar ditioii to the information already Chrif not JId RQVU 110 rli chnt of possibly SL100 or SillhldflltC 1m Lmp1 111111s1 1141 313 Whm mm mmoduccds listed notes regarding the lnforiiiaWI lift th if lrov Cons Charles 1111 lll1lv Mrs Ncll Mlllllil sililhf it 111 Idiiinikiii llrtl lllltlllttllti do some 111 Vi 1d tioii Booth Barrie Airport Speetll 31 MC 11 Uumy 112001 Cllllflltll ill 111 itllltl 00 51 tother Work on the lillEltllllilill he HU plnc 01 Boat Regaml Town chauuvlCdCltltltlll of Agriculture tqm IN My the mu1d lmy Hm WWI Alum bu Losing lCUllllClxl sessioiisat Young Mens Section Fish Derby Wmd 0f Amsum pmle 1001000 1111 iiilVliCPt til 10410111113 iven time 111 11 these chaues pm mew as bgmcdbtilbbwn etc This insert also includes listlallilludlagrljun 05 the lm pm Dro Talman SugqulS ter 11111 children of the vicinity lhizirl1 DUDE Seize 53 gaiuzln commi ce was or Hf humk Wig mum bum on speaking hair in Eastern OnI Broad OUllOOk For iiiljdfsl1lll Iffiflltl llulml mil ltW Ulel less in committee and more in It 1111 gt1gt1Ht it it sh liitlcrson if he 1gt Mlllsfltfl with we mum Ald Mary Lam1C 10 lmm reply 15 said the reason for going into c01n lflmi mild r1irihthnittec was to permit members to Aid Griffin then suggested there Speak more than once should be number c1cck within alclerk smith pointh out that the lprcsent bylaw pr gcil sessions Town ovidcd for coun to conclude at 1030 mless there was motion to ex llslP21111111CgslcpqlIlend the time Aid Craig then lsuggested that this be kept in nind and if councildid not wish meet later than the regular iour they could defeat motion Ito extend the time the Canadian val on the tTuin to page three please On request of i51an Construct New $35000 Boardof Works Building Are DiScussedf At the Council session Monday Mayor referred to the previous meeting when Ald Griffin chairman of the board of works had indicated new building to house municipal equipment would cost possibly 835000 The Mayor said he thought sllLlLljll expenditure would be too heavy this your Reeve George Clarkhairmair of finance said there had been no provision made in the estimates for such building and it could not without 11 vote of the people DepiltyRccheWilsoii referred to the decision liist ycarhto renovate the Town Hall Theanoiiey was being taken out ofthe town rc 5ClVC fund and there had been no Vote by the taxpayers He stressed 111111 the board of Works building was badly1iecdcd and he Would be in favor of halting Work on the ToWn Hall to use the reserve money to provide building for the cquipmcnt used to maintain the streets Reeve Clark said he was not in favor of stopping the Work on the Town Hall He did not want to leave the work half clone Aid James rose to point of order aiidstated there wasno tlicirchildren against playing near culverts at this dangerous time of year All citizens might take it on themselves to warn ing April 17 Assisting artists Leila Preston Watson pianist Irene Makoff violinist Neville Jamieson baritone 15p April is at 815 Admissibn 351 and 25c Sponsored by PYlPS 15le children they see playing near the water at culvcrts motion before council However the discussion was continued Aid Griffiurecallect that coun cil had agreed to have plansjpre pared for board Of works build ing and if therewas no intention by debenturcs of going ahead with the building it should have been stated at that time think its poor business to leave equipmentoutside he declared He spokeiof wheelbar rows ladders trucks and other equipment being left outside in all kinds of weather and he added that sewer tile was shaling off because it had been leftout in snow and ice siou hadbeenthat anew board of works building would The chaiiman of the board Of works spoke Of the gas plant being sold for about 5300011151 year This building was available for housing town equipment but the money On its salefvvas not set aside for new board of works building Ald Hambly recited instances of picks aitdshovels being lost 1512 cause they were not properly cared for and he said building for the proper care of equipment was bad ly needed He asked why itcouid not be financed the same asthe Town Hall Town Clerk Smith said the prO pesition could be submitted to the electOrs now or wait until the elec tions next December Aid Mary Laurie said she felt the ratepayers mightiturnidowrrsueleieNpendTm iture The Reeve pointed out that the town liadadvertised for an engins eer and as this matterwould vital Turn to page three please Aid Leislimaii said his iinpres be financed