FACES litiif THE Ilitltl Elylflzit UAMTUE ONTARIO CANADA wm emwm TOWN FASHIONS that Ifustei IuiuLIiiiy Hill are 240 ItsifiieiI to see you smartly through Spring into SimiineiI RETAILERS19Tunnrnrwcmonnmros RI 31 R7 77 in Shortie the LADY Easter Parade lint ili thit zii ot II iiilied Ionlinen an Quill Ill III to llii liie Nlit IIlllil1 IIIIlIlt iii minim 2an Mi villi lilllitI tlIlii In wine ifll Simon iltipilIJII Illi Illil litIT liI ILIIJIIIIIIIII irL Ii Styles Illll llltI iiiilm IlnIii Others no twin ledlilietli It ii Illx It Iiiii LVWITT NIM iiltgtwic i7iinltii pious iii imt iliiii liil LOAIb ISIth I3 to my ieIi IiiieI Iii in daily in Zellei iiizin iiiio the melts unfl ii ill $1995 iiniin out or law i1ii Ifllh no time because dis II iiiiiiniitiinz shopper 51ml then ttltvti EllltI ninlity iirneticnllv iiiiwzslilile ii Zelleiulou prices onie IlllI KLL ilirv lxslllilillllln ILllz lItnIIIIClI lion fur IIiistel Week WOMENS llthIlIli SIINS Neatly 1iloied button AN llrnl lglrillltlh iii yellinx ilm ilttll2i blue and lime Sizes 38 to lI tor in Al $338 rmlive Young Miss an 5105 MM 13 TIIAhlIlItAYR Iiiml lri iininv oi Il elty stripes IH in complete FIt lltw 3398 I3Illlll niiizssrts iii Gin wiqno miisiirms for SlrllllllllCLSilllllllllfrs niil IILllll Sizes II to ill $695 to go SUPthinIJKVIlll Suits I1II ot unlitl iiizil lly IiiIlitlHtIiI l5llt n5 shown with eel nnese lininu Beige eoeoii brown green llultled liili IIyelef IJni inid Springtime bliic lllUICICI nt lnzntv lititisle this crisp Ill liqiie Vestcc is ILIICLFIIItlIlClIllfJ nntlI chzrni iii with ii tailored suit VlllSAllld itiEII IllMllSlC III de Iiinte siiiirles Willi delightliil opiilnr sell humane gitiielIiiII push11 sleeves with ciiislii nl wrists KellerValue $398 lilbllliit Ill nllllhlvll llllvSIIIIS it good iiinl LADIES pUHJQvtjus of fine quality Virgin WOUI Ill cl ulllltl IllllluV 210 lIitIllltI ity wool in red blue and green or Youll like the newnew cut of plaidsI Some vitIi bON pleats blue ICIIIlllc grey lime and black Drill OI some Shoulderline and nimholcs from and kick mam in back WHOM und to mm with ywrksprmg Sun ZuluName intl the limvsllm IDIIHC Ulld otliem with kick pleats in front $329 Aimi and back ZellcrVoluel II ii Artificial $193 aSth an ags Flowers Daisies Curttulioils Ruscs ide IOlIlCl lovely flowers fa IL shioned in irzitures MANY STYLES Own colours In lt VMANY COLQURSI sprays clusters or individual LAIINoteworlhy Value zcw Pretty AllPquose Bags $L23 Made Plastic iii paI tent or calfgraiwfinish Colours black brown rcd tumor twocolour combinations Magnificent Collection $589 perms or 11LQllCiPA1ENlI sites or PLASTIC CALrORAIN In it grand variety of styles ranging frOm the conSIrIvIItIiiLIeiIItOphaiidhxl pouch to the jaunty swingovertheshoulder style Distinguished by good workmanship attractive trimmings and fine detailing Andbecause they are made of Plastic theyre scratchandpeel resistant ZELLERS LIMITED and uIiiuwliiieiileH 0m April Invoiilil Iniitii2i oilrmigs of lthlLLtIi wlcelcd list Loinpiigin government and corpor lull bulltio preferred roxninon stocks Also included is Iorttulin IIii lIit inllwtldlllt lllotstut hllitil VH3 ltlnllllllllltI or $10000 IlltlUttllI lmy WE mild limitianiiiellllzng Ill DOMINION SECURITIES ffxlABIiStItIOl Toronto Canada aELMVALE CROWN HILL 77 WV Hm Huh IIIin IgtItllllI It NIH7hr nil iil 11 tongidlolnlm Hi Ilulwil Ii Ilehiilli II gt 1h IIIH 110 liih nth til lilimta In Tth AH IIuII HII liw 1itlvllll IlllltIJl iu IIItlI wi Itti ion In il nunair Iii lll Jul li li llliri loiuii 71ililillltl lll lo Itlk tier lln Ii Alw taIHItIIb WW IillIi IIIIII in II LI IIII XIII IIIIII II II li apirxf ut Ii iiili lltl illl1lll mi II II IIllinl In iitiIiil It do mi li 123 mm hum4 IIIiI Il lino Emmy in IiIlllHlIO twinwl lvv Nomi Writl WMHUL Norim Illlh lli7 lIv mIl all Id llihllmllul Moduli tllll iiiiiiitiiiiii Ill ltlilll tlzIin II IIIItlll III In IIIUIIlIlli VII ll iI IIIII ltiliillll Ii ivillilllw lIIIII tin mm IiiIiiiiviil in IttIIH l1t7 Ihwiiit iltil synnil NiHI Uilm Whit HI IIlIIIl in All LN OHH IiIittl lllt lltI tlillllllllllllll In on HRHI hi ltl1ltl OI IIIIIIIIII lllll llllItl rtmlhuV iliuklwrmlu tlw ttiniii Iht llll inillzihihl to ml iitii n1iuiiig nnw In IiihiiL lltttfu Ii VIii Iillll 11 II hoin ilIIIl luhii Iirlni Jillll II=llil IIWLNHIILI nun ni lion Iltll ykllilllil viiinil YIl lIlllI li UlliillIlI Ii ll lilizhllllillll in Hanoi iliiin night Mums NMW mirh mod min in IIII stoim pump ili llll IIuiiuiii Iiii Ii Mindwk Il1II Kt Ill IIILIII llfJIl lmiei unit im tIItI thn Ieiiiiii II Siding IVi IIILIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII III IIIL Mr md MH MU 1M nmmrrd I1IlIl HI IllNItillIllIMI Lil Ililtklltllrliklliin Ill litICYIililtI tgt $1iiIllillltl no llll triwni Nlt ISA iIH ilx liIllI IVpillii liilii Iliisf to Iii1144 Ill2 II HI ill iiein inne on tieii ItIHIII me Hi 47 ironi the miniiiiinit where thiyhzne lento spent the tllIlIlI iith Mr Iiwil for lit iiiis inil lIlHIllI to ln lllItI Il tiiiiii Ilrili riii lllll ltllltll WLt IL llI ML MI HumIIHIMIIIII rmil lt ll token of the tnltclll in low Luke mtwl ImIntels IIIW the mom ile iuM tiny mn Ill ItIl Im hmdwm IIml III IIIIIII III SN HIV IN 211 iii gum wu nix lllll tL liIiiisiiiitly thanked the iiuiglibon In T10 for their pills and wood wishes Irgt iiie cominerc or 111$ ll In Ishei lllltI hilll iiltliess IIIIII Eilliil Egutilitlel Illilcuse older as Mrs IIltlIt niil Ii lolm lt air 211011 iis possu lIIltllIlS presented IIIl lh IlelIlegth llltlll were NiiHiI IIIt ItllIIilS Tm IH II 1m TIIIIiII till Mr and Irs lionth lvli 3le VL Mn Hm lelmnm mm mm wml val iilllllllllllll IllltllL lltIill hl wt yon ll HI If IIEIinmlimui Ii ml IIIlllllIl it litilll ini Illr xiiiNs orii ll eie Iziines ltix mii idiomu lIilmh iiiii IIrl InllizglIIHIIlli1fk III IIIIII MINI me LIIIIIIII HIIII IllltIiltIliIl llltI MliieIsIti siiIOIii FF Ison Miss Iinii tniiiiiiIiuel Illllilll Hf II 2fiiR ilfi ItMIII were rieil on Liil Iiiiie Pins Jun keni im Itllgtl IlItIIJI liliuniil to at in In Irmi 1m hmuh worst of the tllllli llllltlIlI this lets III Izis IlllIlI lrimii IIIII IllllI WI Mill flIII LIIHHI Miss Iiiiti zit home tlIhI Iie i5riiid Itlll rllllllltll ll ltltVl Ill itll Iii children Mr and Ilgt Iey Iie l3 inioyiiii real good health iiiid iie Iilt IIIIJMm IIISII engaged on their fiirin iIieie Ium 51mm IIIIII IIIIIW ma om ii fill llll ago The groOinsinnir iiiil III lIIHV mmlil illlll ieoriri Iiiidesiimiil who reside in Western IIlf5 Im lek HfslIm Wm mum my Wan lImitltllt in jun Uiilll In the llllIllt lifi neithIs iiid IIIHII mlhlr MILml IIII IlIllltI were Illiiit iiiiILIiiiioIveii Im Till Itlmk SililllIlliy Ii7m win time in gun qu mmu tillmiztln Hurlnmynrmn 2311 011 l1l tlllglzl ll ions ie new iili 4375707 ROW WWW WNW with ii honilsiiini silver ten serixiie from 11 ioiinniinity Mr Illlti Mrs mm Moms of wits iind eiiiigliitiilulions IIier tIeeI nriirhmk um trienilsf tolr on But Happy Days Here Agam HIlll ii illlLl re res iineii IILIIII MIILIWIL SmIe Rehefwas hm April Bilious attacks headaches and constipa IQ Mrs eo Iiiinsdeii Ioronto spent tioninadelifeaburden to thismrothcrof RM7dst i115 tenchxrenhrhnshestartedoptzglmple Mr nod Mrs It Cooper spent panw 9135 ever 195 or the swelteiiil Ill IIIDlOIllIt fig yrsihegliggg zmizung Sosawef Mrs Il llossliiilr ind bully iro rust en 33 eepI at ISlIlII iii lorontohlhis week might Imam tIusIeuerI Mrsjvp mm In smwssful sulc sails iiivgtggsznycnfaygrgn iuusiclhiig IIUINIWIII HIIth biturd suffer with nasty bilious spells head Mr and Mrs ll mriiuliiui were aches and constipation wish had storiii stayed in Toronto last week taken Kmschen sooner am 46 yew5 13 l0y Did mm had Um shaman Tam IA I055 llE Wti to my little morning dose of Krusc en Iwo rinks of local inrlers utteild am free from constipation and feel ltI the lionspiel in Dive Sound this vlek Mr iiiil Mrs IluiVeyhXew Lis hemd visited their cousin Mrs Win Itieeiiliiivitur Ieiv days Albert Handy wlio ielebriitell tlieir 25th WClIlIIllg anniversary on Tues lily April llt47 Rei Elbert Illlteher son of Mr has been minister of St Janics Pros Thia safe and p0 and soothing action 74 Oiigriitiiliitioiis to Mr and lllllIerj Duteher Eliiiville who Iiytcriiiii illllllIlVVlllllilllg for the to suit Otters Welcome lleliol From coughs Anilcolds To get quick welcome relief from coughs and Bolastry Dr Wood Norbray Pine Syrup polar household remedy recommended for the relief of coughs colds croupy cou haooro throats and bronchial troubles Widely 7uiio for nearly 50 yearnit embodies tho medicinal virtues of the pine and cherry banks fllhejnrniediatomsmoLDIFWQDda NorwayPinoSym myscheokje cold in its early stages Dry obstinate coughs quickly yiel to its prompt ncMrs Coventry It is reasonable to ask why this womanls headacheslconstipation and biliousnesa were so happily relieved by Kruschen rIhe iinswcr is that Kruschen is made up Of six minerals or salts Landwhen you take 7Krusohn reularly fora while your stomach liver kidneys and your digestiOn are beneted IAnd thatas you knowis at big help in keeping regular and feelingt druggisla have KruschenSaltsz price 25c andc Try them yourself and take just endugh you as morning close You 11 nd this pleasanttasting quicknoting remedy on sale at drug punters everywhere Sn Ipooify Dr WoodaNOIwoyi Pine Syrup luban co 1411mm lloronw Ono lllllllllll