FFill Lg EIiirnsrisy PAGE TH BARRY FLYAFTFCFTFZ BARRY ORTARTO CANADA team FFF It iiiiiiiiiii ELIMINATE ORILLIA IN BARBIE TEiM WHEN smoun AND SELKIRK iii BARRIE WWII NO OFFlClALS snow GRENFEL PLAYOFFS TONlGHT FIFTH or GROUP PLAYllllS 32 ugh IF inns ifirir Ihhw VVVMW II IIVI IIVVV VVVV II IN mwfhmdwwmv FF Fli EFIF tF xFIIz vault iii at llIItlr IIF FF lFF vol tIiWIi IFIIF FFl ill BoImIe VV3V9VrliiVl0V FITVFW IFIVIFFF Three Church League it Filll irt 15F ii In tFiF 524 llIFF If ind rIFF lII1 IFIIF1iFF Mme HeldLu Night FI ll li trime into Pintll VII IV Inni =III FFI FFVV IV VV VJVF IV VII NI Im lIinilFiiirx FV Ft ii VI hr delurd iroizi hand It ix II IFFV II LIi 3m VIF FV Filli plioiII cl Fii FtF iuh iv it iiFFFII Iii Hmr IIIIII iIIIIiirIII Iv FF VV IIIr FIi zI FiIFII IH IiiziI pls List Vrz IIVVI lrun llisil linz III until ix iFII HHX iIIFV IV III FV FIIiiFlIh no IF Fm VF FIFIii liillt ix Flull IllU jI rd Hr iiiiiitiIZIuFl FF II Iiiiii aiiIi FL Ht iiiix VII vldF lituFual II lFiF iF FFF FFi it lr too FJFF FI lrll iv dtiIliii arm on mumI FF VF VI IIVVIIVIVIP IV new Fgl Fi IF FJFiFFF VLF IIF Ii 3F IFVIII IVV II PVFVI VVVII lllll IF II VIV ililr Fllll Lilli liFIl IF VV IV Illlll iIF Itif nit FFIFFF IIE iIF II IlIIF lot to ii iFFiF II IPItJIlNtjlll oi ll it ill if lii lI FI iIUFIIiiiiimF ll IF iii to Fri otitlitliii iI II lie xii III 1VFViV VI VV IIIIFF 11le lilliii tiITFFF IIFI ii Hi lt lo IF IVA llll llltllil IFIIIFII trillii VV VZV FF FF III II lipo tun li uple II Vi IM FWW iv Ii ziFFI liIII iF IVV ll It nun ll in Fill llFI FL hour Lilt lloiir llzi lilliii lillll Fl IEIZI this llllill lli lll lli Mr Iiit iF VFVF In II VI III llilJ il llir tliiid In iId IV Em to It iI Fll in liiII will HI IIii iIIII liIl iF IFn tIIlIIi til liF III oh VIIIV Mimimw WM Shoud Beat Greensvillc ll II II 7143 IN ordh 6mrBurr Round FOur Goals IV liJirii llt lIi4 II Fl lII FIFF In IFIII FF FI lI IF jFiijFF IIFI ii Iri II ll Ii li II IV VIIV VV II VVVVIIV IIIFIIi iFIt llli Sillzlit ililfi VFHVHIIHI VlI IVIMIVV VI PV FLLl it til itiil Fll FFF PI FIF In FF IF iiiIlIIVv VVV il IFl lsii llHV IIIiII Iz llilFV i1 lililitllnl llllt LN til li iiiI liFiiiiI lit ili III ll IIi FIl llit fli llIIli lilt VllVI VVI FIiiIi VliiJEVIUtlli iiiV iiiI mm an Hl VFFHII iVFrIFiIIiIil to lFI lililll HIV Iiiti litlivid Itlllt iii ol SHUHI Ll IIVI in IF III III IIF VI lFII IF VIII IVVI ilitlllt lI III lF FI IHI VIII IV FVV iV FFi II II Fli ii FF ll VlFI VV lII VIIFtl Fi lFVii VI VII IVVV VVIIVVVVVV VVVIVIVVI III Lt iilllltll VFVIiIVVI ll Villiilt lV IIIIV VII VFI II VV VVV VVIVHIFV Volt lIti II VV VVV HUI llili iit FitzIFIi iiIIil Il Illl lllt FIVII VV VI VVIV VI IIFIFII IFI Alliittllli IVIIIIV HIIII IFIF lIIFFI1 VVIFIV II IVI ItF illttl tlIIIii IuIFFl lfltlllt VV VII HFIszIIIVHIg III VI VF IIii 1F ll FF lFF fFliFVIiiIi VI VIV Ilt It iiiplj FIFizltlii iIl liiniIlV IV VKVVVVVLVlVlV If IVI HI li IIiIi iIFiili III IM fFl II Iitilz lliIl iFIFIl IIVII lngI Il Vi ml VF IFlFli iiI Illtiiliol lil Vl Ilfmm immihi My hp 1FI im IIllIidi tlliit lliolltiii iii I= lFFFl IIIIVVVIV IVV VII IV IIVIVIVVV VVVIVI II VIVI IVF1 ViltlIlF tili VFVIVIIIthtlltJIrii Ii lVlltV III IIVVI III IV IIVVIVIVIIV IIHVVIIVV lIIIVlLHIxVIF VI VIII IF VV VV III iflllIt mutant in V1 ii lFF II lllIl FF QIKIVIE IFMI YiFIVIImIV IIIatli illt FiIl tli tllliilll Fir liiiii IIVII IVVVVVVIVII QVVVI IIIV III VFV VF lIFi le FIsIFI VVVII W1 up VIIIFIMI mm II II Vmlm 11 iotaIII lisIviFIFIFleIr IIIIl FIFIIII IF Nil IF FF FFFFIIFIi iIFFl llllxFi iiinIFiI TI III FFI him in iFF JF FFFI ll pIIVIV VIViViVF VVlVVVllVll FIVFVVIIIViVIVVVIVlIIVVIVViVIIIVIVF VVIVIVVII IIIIVVIIVV IIVVIVV IVVVVIIVVI VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV IVVVVFVVFVI lVI MiVVVVFVIVVI VVVVIVVVIVIVIVFV FF IIIVVVViVIVFVVVV VIVVVVVV VV VV IV VVIVVV IF tVVViVlVlIVl IV VFV VI VVVIVVVV IVVV VV lot or FFIIFFiIFFIFi FFFFIFIFF ll ill FF IIIEF =ll III pp IIFVI VIIIIIIFIHIHHI VV IV gain FFFiit IIrtiIFtIl Fit in iFIIFa HI lI tFF VVI iIFlFI iiIl IlI III IIIWI Inl lt ii iiip lip iioFtI milk In FF iF II lFIi IIFI Iii Ilii iiIIIiiii ruiniiii iIFFyFI ll IFFW IIF IV IFIWIFHIPIP IKI1I BMi ilanayck Midmte Treat oIIiiIFF ii FF iF IFIFIF IV IV 15 IFI Ii VVFVI FVFIFI VI IairII an Il iiiirozi IFn oli or innin Barrie Colts VF IF IFVFI FI VHIVV INTI Ip Hlittmll lllll Ill itll UH ill lillltll lllil lx Illll II illFl FII IFI It FII in HIme HI II II lziii IInII Whili unntI oi lilti VI HI1h mu IVVV ll SirInd l7 FFIIiFlI iaiis tool exception to thrill II fyIKIIVHIlmd PM HVHIFsd ll IFl in VFHFIV Mum IIIpV niitI Is lt wry lllltlll ===onox==iozomo WM 1mm uor===orxai=o gt IWVIIIIIIIIP IVIIIVIFIIIIIIIIIV part liltIll lllltlV winning the IV 71ml IliiiV ll lllt lltlliililt Illi Wild 11 11 Vim 0le MHHMM VCVVNIL IMF in Id out during the aitI in tho NllIIdl lel Wk llm Wilma qliillh IFIiFI IIIFFti iiFFi FiIIFIFIIIFI FIFF IIIiIiIIIi hill FF VV ltiIFIF iIIklm violin llHM llllllilli litlll Hill BLI3V film lI 11 WY lliid was sold off for hooking in lililltllll tor llanVVVp IFIIVIH IVVIII IVIVVVIV the PM ML mm hm pm MS in mm mm by hm Cur alljF tarne Fllll FtIsttIiiltIlt was llity iFIIrtI wry lucky to get an IthlVVIiV 0th li pViit IiiVV liltV Oiillia IV spuial iiaiii llie tiain as loll Ii st 111 AHA 00 omomonxomo lluyrilg plllvtiig ma runs pun VlIlFlF lizl1llli til1 ii IilIF ll lIFIi ltI1I lell IpNF FFUmFFl FF FF llW arms iFilli liI in FF iFi uInF to IlIIlltlllIV Iiill lllCll FiF ion liitI IIorgiuii lull VMI SIIIIIIIIHI VVIICIIM II rm group o1 llll fil li IIiFiii1FI ltI1F mm in WW FV Fi FFI HFF FF FF FF FI Fl kFF Dimlliiiill ruin it i=F III um iillii iIvo il Ii 10k Uilfnn NHmdy io llt il ii 11 ti lilt HI ill PPM Hwy mum iIl it to lot ti IH EU II FF it tlllt II IVi II III IV FF IIiIl In FI FU Hm lmddu poiolf and lillltitl FFwt IlFF FFF 15 11 Ll ltolt ii ill oil I1 It MM md mum mum on the Bill liai iIIIiliI iii 1th will iiTim My mw gUHIIEtlgtlI Iii li HLIIi illiliii liiill MM IliiI itlll il II Ii IMII Hm WI BM Hum 01 ill imp AI 07 TH COAT WITH Forum Ah Bowen and Jack did the cook ff VIIV V1 IVIV IV lid fllk lllk Vkiills Coiiililtlcl lied HVI AV if It nix thilew Dinl Scott Mrs Scott LI twill Im KIM WHF PM WIT Wm LilU 1liixillnf PM Wm Pm MIDI HICIIIIIVISIIIIV ReIdV Red lllVlllV Fln IFI Ion It FFI Me nadnl Stopped liltlll Barrie iIitIniiitl VV lcnnett Cer foolt iiiid few girls V1VIIIVV1QIIfIIIillfVllfl lfiIFI iV IIr liIII iFF iLil lines likely would llithI VVI mIJllll lgtlIilgtliiliill llilllLd to be wailvis and VllllV rVFFFiiiziil FIiFgF hiiVF llllt lllt two games Or pmm Hm llltllltil WI llllltt illiIIwaI IVUIIIIVH PM 93 OlllilJml lltuN Winn in PM hmPM 11 The bi noise miker glmlllv am ltI lizIIi tiIlIIIll ltiwlilklll so we can sit back llll 73 ll ll lh Ii iilIlll Fl II VV ViVV VIVF Smmmn IIFIM lilunllF ll illFFi IiIs Fi liknrs not only the third but llll liltli lltlgtlliiF 11gt ioulilni ltl Barne ltep CClb0lV IUINV but It turned IIIII hp brill Mldlill Ii lFHIF iiliVlIiltIti not only the Imv but gmpieIllllllklilll ZIF Iiiy liiiiiI IlfiioithliI lt VIIIII IIIVIVIILVII VVIIVVSOVV of VIIII tans to low trnin IIlIs FIll lliilIl choir and chilly snuwbound Fxpcy 1hr held the lltlFoll FI IInI FFIFIlIIV For the first year in Intermed lent05 ml mi WNW Xi mm 51 WMV durum misl 11 mmm 11 inlo CUmIJFIIW IhI hm m1 mums gtlllllf to WI lIIiF rillia weil to Midland due OHM lillhm md Will Will l3 to ltlltl lll ll llii tFFF oolnIr llt IF 48 Stimlds 10 ill Illi Hitllilli on they CI Iliin ltFliiIl llitii Fiiii fnhlm iii llairiiI etill dulni no to play lill olts on llllll Iint lllllliillli WWI IIill tumblm Li they would UP IF IligtFtlI III ll ll Iii liiliiiil Il Fiiiifllligt iii ili2 1M iiiFl lilllti IlolV FF lllll out oi the mom IIlFF 2y Stama It was the piiolll name 1FI lFF SIVFCCIVJIVIIIIV FIFV IIVVIIIIIIFIVI IIIV VIIV IVI VVMIIA IIVVV IIIVV II IVIIIIIIIIQ als hIFiI lilaytd llii Frtmoir ill V1 IV AI HIOUD iii liltlyiitlx It was also th BMWEHHIW Hi Ll Hum anihiSIcoml my to rilliI on home ilti iiiV Il oi the snow pInnaiIi noiiII letIo stopped up to IA IIIIIIIIIIVVVV IVVV IV IV llllSVYtltll and llllllitl llII mi IInFiiu iziion bit too llttll Bolton lefeatcd Hi HV it Iiilliii ti Vim VilllIF it lliiIII on tho mm In FiII CIld Mmmli 33 mill5F ii llii OrinL 71 lo the last Initial llIIFi ran into plottl zibiiiil using pluyms mm IIV MVIVIVIIVVVV IIVVVIVHHVVVnVVVEFHVIIIV Ginsu HWH Mimi PM Vwmmvd mmminiluv Ummmm hLlUlltl Lilllliili illllt lil li IMHIMU ml WWIWXHP II Imp WU MPHmil mum byillllllll lil In oliII pool iJlll iFlllIllllll iiiIIFtisFIIIti and found liltltlivlllt liatl botn In III FF IF Vg using llnIIIF lllliltu plow1 lliII iIllllA sustained lliv pronst iiitll IV lllllVlV lFlIil VVlIthlnV pm HWIHHHHH i1 liltll HH Wk V51 Wm 1lll13lltll NW will WM my if 105 llii Miiiliil iii liiil ilziiinul lilt round by moo minis sonny llll HIP VUIIHHI itiizilii Wliii II VillXlIttlllll lVIVFr illlllillVlitI IVIFl tlVlll goals in the first IrVumi and either tiVy good or tlVVV itltli VV was logged lil loronio lIIiiF IIFIF HIV choppy UPOShImFII COUCH ltIlithllI bVliVlllti o1 hotli liinIV at next slIasoii illVVlllt 1lllVl ll1FV lIIIrl CollioIFne won the title hen lei lllllt Scott the BotvtIin IIIll VF inI linlsi in lill liiml ii lF FF Nifsbili Iiiil lIiIIiL iiir iii iiii liiiii FF Fr Il lbw1L iilt lllCl surwv of Comic stri reiderslii DIM mm BWh lnliv In lliFv Eh Sum 50 Juvenile hm hey cmlldnl Mk the in if IRAY final the sump two IIFIIns III list VIII met in lht finals withpow Sewiqu times llt ideal Stroll 41mm lii iliL VilitIiiini Rewiirtli loIVindniiVon VVV 55 Lions phylum FIIF and won the verdict one way or WWt Ill llt Ill CWC Sllll FF from lilt loissiii Pint Dover final played in iillllt AriIm lFIst season that Whit MllllSFitdll Wm W15 islwmm WU 471m 1111 Id eniergedViis nienilier otVlluriie iVlIVllFF VIloitinlo Bells who eliminated IVth IhVIS MP VlVl ll hr lll lh Um LIIy Cl Barrie iilyors iii the lllIIVIl stInilinils beat St Calliariiies 73 MM ll iIl Wt1 IHIII 4i in the first game of tho tiiiuls lliigi play again tonight iii the Garden WImd Emmi Mb The luIsiieFIFI toiiiits llLZ FllyEilllltl ioVn Vllltill lIoiViois itIlllllg Madot in the lllldl lupus IVVZV IVoViViViIeVVVIo IIIViILIVEJUllglitillrllh13ij FIF La Iii XIIl my Hltht lilnliiHldlmltj IiUHI HIM did in PM this the iiil iliii them down iii the list me mL it mf IImlmi We Iuwnullc ml mFiOd OIIC IIV IIIIVIH II Bantam series bl tlllltlllllos donated Oshawa ill the lnials VVIU BLONDE FF VV cued things up But Ol Ill gill FV ll jmji iii mo rimrim plump Ir GASOLINE ALLEIYIIIWI BARRIIIHS RO lltVllIFlSlS not home last week lrom their ac IIId ICIII IIUIII IVII VVIVIVIVI FIFIVVIIV IHENRY II III II Brown VWhilp RZSSLHLVHIIIILAIISIN IilIVillLlI VIILIxIIIiIiIllfoIlglIZ rarer gate the locals Lllillllti to UHIFI0Ithn Annie FF ardson pliycd lot 81 illli lIlytIrs PI 11 win 11th Md THE NEBBSI ClC up to ice anr town The Leather Plague It was SllCWCliuiiS sIIIIFnIl SttlStill with Philly but for Clark and defence up was FFHF mun IIFi By women Richardson their lirsl VVV Vi in pro ranks Richardson went directly pass BLONDIE CS Om the SV lIiUiSIliHiiiViiiR Iliiiili iii POil VAilliUl 17 their 111 ill NarVos had so much or the play GASOLINE ALLEY Oakland of the laeilie CJllbl League He did so wcll there he was in he firs leti0 Fl tFF VI ytli LUll Ft Imp Called UP b9f030 lliCClilUlV IliC Ykilll lW0 Sieges or illness kept him what was comingi sooner tiliTltIlV me out of the lineup 111841 bit and he only played about 10 games Willi despite Eldon GoringS In ppm DICK TRACY the Elyers FD Cmk Ws with 51 LWlS 11 59350 and after he VHeravcd Baxrie dozen times uii Dixie Dugan wutehed dine Inst few games Vlrunillie bench Flycrs began to use lllmitil afViei 12 minutes lomniy Mac HENRY more an more until or the last hall of the seasim he was one of the I1 II 1f F1 15 DIN 0d FiloiiC iii FF RED SCHOOL HOUSE regular deieiiceincn Don expects to spend theoilsezison working in from and whipped Terry Gordons Humour Panels VFF $139 $325 Moose Jam and return to StVLiiuisiiext Full pussout from the corner lllltlllc II THEYlL DO lTVEVERY TIME FVN01NEVImRIB1Tg VV VFF IA Var net with celerIIVVVV FIICFOWIIKIVVVIVV VI VF $335ws500 THEYARE TAKING lllElCE our of Union Sound Arenafnr sure one penalty in this period that fiwlglr IPWS PEREZ ftmlrc this weekend to starl Work on the nth VVflomV exactly the samthypeI t0 Ab Bowen Vlor someininor rea llic Globczind MFiilritlcs FIRST FFIIEHRYVF GF INleNE RESEARCH aSIWaS laid in Barrie Arena lust Spring It will have Va concrete base 59 He Was Just 131le fill the ice tishcstvrcmd humour panel $450 15675 aroundthe pipes Vith smooth monolithic marble finish The wooden Vlialji minute when Orrllin scored AmeadVeV by Savage Shoe CoVV floor Vused beFIQWLm sound Since 193g Was destIyedbyVVfireV during after hot ganging attack As in comics VtouVllVfinid thc BESVTin neWs the Winter in nearby warehouse MCARTHUR passed through BUSY FOR THE DOC reports news pictures sports reports town Tuesda 01 hi iIiI Ilol to rll famil buh DF sV VFFFy US 00 Vove V1 yierF siiw lchilCFlil illlItl ldi reports larmFicporrsF tFFFiFIJIvd rhid Hh 111 11 FF WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FFdF SEGSOFH IFF Jill cSI nothing 0f the game He was bu IlllLll inJwsFFind Flciiiurcs Bllffaloloaiiel loSpringfielcl andtin purchased by MontrealVCaiViVV patching up peopleniiTTiT EV adiens He stood by 215 an exlrirIin ease of injuries for the first le0 ing room It was dangerous for Stanley Cup playplls tlren Moiilrealdold him to go home and repprl pebble iii mil sealS Fildiiy Not FI FF nex seann Sioiir PE DRFY Since 1865 shoe shoppers have been satisfied with Neill unallly Neill fit and Nellls geIItIIIgFIZgeIhCIF IDICIngI$320133 inggagftbgsmngmI 33393335933333I1$dcrl fair prices Ing of COVVVVSFC VVI VVVIVVVVVIBVVVVECVVIIS IIIVG VIonIyFVI diamond heVreaIsoVVIF night ll Is VV IHundreds of satisfied customers whose parents bought their first pair at Neills still buy $6gfsilggfgff IfFiiagsinifa33 FVV 5110 Pulls Fihemsmes and 91 the childlen Ed tpMarkhum the OM lmemmdlme playqs Markham won the and Cm one em MidlandGIl last Friday but were held to 33 tie at Oshawa by Sun Orilliu man got very nasty gash dridge on Monday Former BaVrrie player Pelsura playedllor Graveh on the forehead from slick dur burst in therregular seziSon was allowed to replace the injured Sun inga melee along the boards Fin dridge goalie for the playoffs He is developing from fairly good sllythey carried off Norm Whit thwimzerdntoinvrraekcriaclneirniiider+Bradford haw49min iieyFOiilliadefeiicemzmwho in aledFFFBILL BOYCHOEF the Strniicl boy to represent their Junior couldnt stop on one of his charges team in the big allstar and games at Maple Leaf Gardens April down the ice and crashed into the 35 DUNLOP ST BARR 11 The choice of players will be brought to Toronto from all the Juii end boards nose first He lost ior and teams in the OHA Four teams will be selected to play some blood but got patched up Jimmy Green youngr centre is going from Stayner Junior team enough to return before the end of the game nnsnnvn COPY THROUGH YOUR DEALER