PAGE roe ii iiiiSS in BUSINESS SHANNON HARRIS EXAMINER lfallltl UhiAliltt tAfrtlJA Ili llritixta othtilllJ tin EDENVALE Hcrrw lllt is taunt 1o stoiis Ranltnsm Itmtta rrgularly unit It up and chip HousclmlJ Immune on VV hundredthmltantoMuntmtmukuth it gt than All rrta UtlIhh lolurnbl In to tailflumlu It wlrcorphonefnrreduced ii neonates htabllchedlus BAYVIEW CHAPTER 1w YWNvaonm Maemu ms ct Kettle Melina IHIHurE nt noun EIHEII liliii iliilil imms ON II II iI ljlNltilt Fltllzltlt in EHIHilNIZIzll III IIISIV Vt ll Ii tiliiii HELH III lit bikini iil II II UH llillylil All igti Jn On tettaldi oniponnd to relieve iiu ltoussIllittilivinedieino gt 1ii iii izt In Ham MM ll ii Li gm VII Kw Lurk RAW The Monh igwtsin tor lllh pnrpowl II ll IN VI HI Uh llo it til lw lmutiorml monthly lIor or Til years thouquills of II lianrliiium umlw ivti twl lllt girl and omen hue reported ll Jul pvmu if totigultgiliinigtoinwliiul ielitllist Mill yoiitootliri II II lI oml hilltop ilr all out tl tlI lilllt report excellent result1 llurih II lIiiin ii Lydia lI linliiiiuirs Jr 2143 VEGETABLE Hit COMPOUND Wemwl Mm IUINU IIIIII IIIIIIII ik till Il roinsi lllIll It ll II VI Iii ltl llltllt wi il will MAGICS it ii le ul ORANGE MARMAIADE BISCUITS ll itin Itll lul II ll IlltlIl IV llIi ioiviwn tV lit tll snow llnn lie ri Lili llt ii lr LVVVVVVVVVVH VVVVVVVVVH HV V121 VV VV VVV VV VVVIVVV VVVVV llrllir Illiyhlls llliililtllitl lII of illl llvll II II II IiIII HI ll Ill5 lllII ill HI ll and iidi l1ilteivl ll ril li IIIIIl1l lIl ILIIL Iil Ilt ill iiir LIILITI rutIlttt Int in sliolxv enlne IIIIIII Ittl Ileii Lu llllll III nitisniino lltlI mill and IIJIHLII ub ln make niop md Il to inst mutton Roll out ibnni lgllllll tlilik tut Allll tloiilml ltlu llll utter lup IHII xilli little niaiin llltintlil Itul own 114 about inninhs Hutu in ili Il Yes Sweeter tastier breocl with FlElSCHftifdii rm ISVV ll li to distribute the Clothes Now we NI Im Ql ilIl Ml 1dr Nitrite Ilolimiu Itlll IllllIll Or have given yourI warm pullover II lll ll Illlis iiui ttltlltl it his home lIili lio lel orphan boy who lost all in ll iI Ill llllllllll ll Miss Ieiii lort lIoHiHl gtll ihe war He was so very pleased ItiillL ltllII Vim vun dun luiu uiih ltIl patents grill and while he does not lI lIllIlllll lissI llaiiiiit loliustou sneak lIiielish write you for liiltl tlllll Mind zonl the weekend it lltl liouu lirlt ium We have heavy winter Wm 1W Alll lt Ilitt li lidlir will ilriltlt wow and he wears the pullover ltl lilllll tilml lirillll fill lii2l tinder llllltIIlLll Ill suuilux lull the days she would remno Inttwr iavu day rim WW lll lIlllliCl llll llllD liI lll Iml 1ll llu Ilirih lion lilil roared iitl 91h I1 551 It 14 Iljslli WM nnd llooriness from the Canadian lrs law opened the discussion on kaiup Th whim mm giies youn infe because ithVIII mungX And lgieoplo in these difficult times igtItVtm the 30th quinINH of mural blocked mulc mil bread made with IIleiscluuanns uriie fresh lI IN1 hit Cllllldil llllll ltvliool gtllltlltlll5 had to to Mliwl send you picture of them iillol road conditions it deridrd lo kk C1 Isms sweeten lighten Clllcr itliis letter hope you can readl lete over until next nittine mevi duly letter for of eourse liave After the business lrIs ii ltll IF YOU BAKE IAT HOME Ilcischmanus active fresh Yeast with VV the familiar yellow label Canadas dependable yeast favorite for over three generations WyMazym MADE IN CANADA unrs inurriizn inn Exclusiir Homogenization ProCessIlnreases III5I Feeding at an EailienAgIe indiestilnecpirrts of tlieIlIood are broken flown intoan easily digested form Clinical tests show that in ants isyoung as six Iweeks can di gcst Libbys Baby hood in 30 ruin utesgirhile strained foods require about two hours FREE BOOKLET on Infant Feeding Send your name and address to LlIAihbys Chatluim Ontario and receive you free copy of the informa tch booklet Healthful Feeding for Your Baby DNLY AllIinlbicsare born with at certain amount of iron but thisreserve is Iquickly used up and an allmilk diet will not do muchtowardsreplenishing this deficiency As result many babies have it tendency towards anemia Although fruits Lllld vegetables guard against this tendency because oftlieir highiron vahies the indigest ibility of even carefully strained vegctables frequently prevents doc tors from adding them to the dietof young babies Liuaysrioncomedianroots tin1 ill ill red pullover trout ol tlltllillll of eouunites and have nd rheumatic pains as well as minor HELP PREVENi iiiniii innit Digstibility PermitSTSotid BF447i in illtl llllr amt oven her hilld tit would ltw lunx giziihaliiyl lilllllltl tl till tlil lll ll it mimic the lItl run Hui ou iniil Lultlilly IIIIIIIVII FROM IIIll ASKS BAIIIlllI iIItI llaltjrzirtl tllll ul1e iii Vellum uni it reads as tollos li il ltlt lLus month we received many lollies from Canada and too tinl illli lIIlll llllt net wrth win mistakes will uncle many Andrey cud now iere for the good tufts from Cani ida and especially for little friend in With the best wishes for you and yuur famin lr MRS de LAAT Rykswcg 13 Hiutham NB ltS li SN WINTER IIIAIE 3VI30ezniselfaisis farther from the sun its climate is wider than that of the earth LIFE ON MARS lltl lieved to have been seen on the planet Mars Doans Kidney Pills Help Back Ailments Batkaolin is frequently caused by disorders of the kidneys Conse quently ifyou suffer from backache Dounsdxidnoy lills may be helpful to yoquIBanuso of their stimulati ing action on the kidneys and uri nary pasSnges Deans iiidney Rills assist in the climinatiunVof wastes from the body IV Safe dependable and quickacting Deans Kidney Pills can be used by both young andold Baekache tit lu urinary and bladder ailments may be quickly relieved by this time proven treatment Sold at all drug stores IIrlburn 00 doloronto Ont GREEst TAXI DIiiL BARBIE 4050 24 Hour Service 613 GREEN overcmnc this objection becadse the BABY7 FOODS ARE BOTH STRA NED AND HOMOGEEIIEJ When shopping for baby dont forget Libbys Homugcnizcd Eva torated Milk and Libbys Gentle Pressg ornnioJuiceV ixServiceman 235 Bradford Stunarrie onion ind the till of it uni wt li 1i tudslup tiili wt tiiiu eoixiiei of litIIIlll tonnniitee rec to Mt Sit noon to IlHl lltlrgts liniih llsi loti Arnold lllt Itt lnl home II and lis Illllll llilll ht NV WV LIAM 33V lmlV lll SlitllIlllli last owl INTInlmg Ill 11y wImt 31VhlliiiiIil otI tlu lilllllI iiiiit 31 xoiuui ot liminguu lloll lildl llIHis tiiiml llnligt iu lllnue lIinel ittwnlwil the sew held llradinrd Ins ttlI lining to the totin llqur into finth 13 lllllllt llll IlIllltiI Ilu llltll meeting of Instr was hold at ll lliruiau ltl took orer for Mrs Vltl Kirby iwns not able to do lnivaiisi of ghunkmlnos from all the peopleluni beilig will apiis were read by the following you our members lis lleuneily Noises Flight rs larter lioueeis Davis Winter hornsi Hogarth Hit Thoughts by the Mrs llznr l1iitiiiglitli are the cause of deliuilueiuy Mrs liee Banting tilziss making Hommd Mrs Lee Hoeial Welfare Irs oihruueV Hardening lislen llaris lllhltilltill re IItllII also asking for help with the book she is preparing Mrs llertmui leuueit read short dress lweedsumirs and Patches of vegetation are be Heutwl Mrs IIIeil Arnold with ie uieiubeimue gift from the members Mrs Arnold who has loinr been rallied member of the institute liang gone to reside at lhorutou contest on unrileu was lillIIiI oirln lrs ll Ii lenuell and lis orgie Ilaris won the honors hell was served at the close SWEETER TASTIER REC PE Put lukewarm water in bread bowl IddCI envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and tsp sugar stir let scan 10 min Scalcl milk add tbs sugar add tsp salt prey itleitilin zo tXlllKEMLiVVV In tl tam ill on tfltlttl tili 1iiiingg lllllll upon nu tul Hamin ttl ln in en JIJJ lItr int ll lrititl Le 1inl illlit 11ttl pixixinutl 10 charter of iudiier that llgt lili oi llltltl ltl lgt tonne tlltk gear cool to lukewarm Add to yeast with water add siftedour bat VieIILIIAdd tbs melted shortening and more sifted flour or enough to make ensin handled dough Knead dough quickly and lightly until smoothandcins utic Place ugh in greased bowl cover serin warm place free from draft Letrise Iuntil doubled in bulk Punch dough doWn in boWlIIet risoagain until about ns high as first rise When light divide into equal portions shape into balls Cover with cloth Tet rest 10 to 15 min Shape into loaves place in greased bread pans Cover Iet rise until doubled in bulk aboutl hour Bake in 425 oven for 15 375o FFinish baking about 30 min longer mimr thenireduceheatr to rrrrrr DALSTONI iillill lillt llililV has it iiiu lotd ltlliiv loho liilult inilll zt lltlix iirl llIlllllti1lillitilillllllt IliI lltlilii News items are appreciated FLOOR SERVICE Old Floors SANDED and BeSurtaced LIKEVNEW NEW Irwous SANDED Heavy Duty Floor Finishing PHONE 2950 mm lion ll inhile PROVINCIAL IIllllIltI one hand Mill is litllltr for lil limimr and lxln Linn ti in II ihll ll tw ltllilil 1m luit ll IlIllltllilV 1Mle HI llzu not ll illillllltitltltl ll lt luli lit lit HtM ll gtltlIl lilllil iio li ml rllll hn nd Station Htil lis tItt lmioil lltllIollllli iiV ltll li bau lionp linimwloi igniti number it pimple ltlll laid up llll the tin lIllv lll and Lil Ilttllllltlw their annual Qllillthlllll it the lc forestry hall lridii tlilllltti dl iou niiIs on hand with his lanolin lnliuitau and NW lllllltN rlt triml tl up with loinll olI Spring bi pretty lltlItlII and bright lIIlt paper lhere were assorted pics for Musical lltll bingo nnd iillllj games for the iltlllllell llnrhre and sin son for the adults ilttll INT leiyoiio had good Lune White Dread mottled ixiliillll lln tbleE Scones with Surprise Inside like only tablettwin sugar JEIIY SCONES Henli nilw lliit 17mm Il ltio Illi li1i iiixlmiiluui hi lgini ili iiiinlz en mi up ltltllll or oilu III iiit llonr nith baking powder salt and sugar Add Kelloggs rillfroth in shortening Sepzwito one ecu llenl cutliltesiiglitlylheu measure out lillllslnioll and keep for glaze llenl retraining cues and add to first lIlIXllItt with ltllill Stir until dough KEEP REGULAR NATURALLY likc METIIDII giyes tired elusive Sanitono servieeoctually rcju it Clothesfoobnetecr follows folk nonnd boul lloll out on liiililb floured bond to lillltll thick new ut into iueh rqiieues lluce teaspoon jatn in center of each anne IIold diagonally tiiul presi points lowllul Montenedesrimp with folk Iliush uith reserved tztg white Spindle with leil lluke in hot own IAlIIIIII about l2 minutes Makes 12 stones Ilip lllt recipe lIhen try scones Mgr way Fee llll delicious llnvour unlsweel Alllimo girl9 lllillil Ln our nlolmlm CLEANING clothes new lift Its Springvvrtimd to perk up your ward robesmake that old dress or soil sparkle new And lady honestly our ex venates your clothes to their original torture lit and colorl Yes our cleaning process removes all xsoils completely takes out all trace of perspiration puts le$VPlllNIG3 in your wardrobe fir Colors fresher brigitch All units turd perspiratimi rationed Original fit texturd restored II it No drytileuiiinglIIVudurV Tucmsm CLEANERS The Wright Cleaners FOR PICKUPV and DELIVERY PHONE 2634 88 DUNLOP sr neIxt to QUEENS HOTELlBARRIE