Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Apr 1947, p. 2

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111H H11 IV 41 stuIktt It the 111 outing Flow Illizitst ll l11IIII1111 31 1e ieihl in 111111 lw 11111111 MINESING 72151 31121611201111 SHALIMAR By the Dram 175 will gt EMERAUDE 11520037157 so 1111 111 Ila 1111111 Health lnit lle hth hnthhg Hi lh 11111111 111I111I1 111 the 11111111 1111111 1111 lwll 1111 Hart 11 ill 11 p111 Illltl li 1111111 titer 1111I1 lltns 1v 111111111 1111 ll11ll II IIIHIKHI 111 lltlll loli1l1V tl 111111111 you 11111114 rrn 111111 and 1111 Toll tIlll Izis tliuurel l1 111111 11 1111 111111111111111Il part tlw Ila1111 11111 hasht llu Scripture l1tlli 111 the livistiiimtinn 1111 111111 ummi 11 li Iainan ItouieI lIIIIytI DE for sophisticated p80 11r1s 131111 I11 11 111111 oration plc gossamm on ltII 1111111111 11111 11 lilitl it Now this duliglilluluonlll obtainablgia 1111111 lt lItiIIlol111son lt111 fen glance ot 1111111111l1111 1111 11111111 11111111 225 37s 11111113111Mill15313111511 wAAlEtl2g3 TngngAlhl so 01111ljilf11i 111 DUSTINC POWDER 200 217 UPSTlCK new metal 150 lltlllvllll1 11111 Ittlotnotiite lI THE ARRFE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARTO CANADA InterunraII Irreihrnq LUCtEN LE LONG CAREFREE 300 MAKEUP ITEMS lor 111 11151 TITN1 flLlI1Ifi lNDlSCREET 150 SIROCCO BALALAlKA 150 FACE POWDER DE RAYMONDl APPLE BLOSSOM MIMZYPINX DEVILTRY 60c95c150 em 111111 111 lrx Whiter tuult IIINIIL 11111111I Itul l11 lvle1n lItItltlttl plensinp 1111111 t1t 11111111 was wind l1 lts Il1I 1111111 and 11s lltlllllllh llu pIil tilIll will 11 11 Hr 1l l11 tiolct SecYanky lovcr $110 itltlt At nave needles 111110 cents dozen 1OO LL MAVUJOE COLOGNE 1150 75IAO2755so ROUGE cake or cram Wlfftiz Hudnuts Three Flowers LASH BEAUTY NUTS THREE FLOWERS 1011 HUD eveiitow PENCIL 50 BOURIOIs Ashes of Roses 751 $135 $275 livlalihhr YANKY CLOVER MAKEUP BASE 100 VIOLET SEC 1111111 113 March SKIN FRESHENER 1255511 125 lolin lltuustdatl is lslllllg 11111 Ct De RAYMOND yBEAUTY LOTION 135 sister 1s 111111 lo111 Wood is able to 111111111 11111111 1111111 an attack 111 mumps lirai 1Ithtir Reynolds spent lll wotit with triIInls in AliHand 11 11111 Mrs llotnsbv 111111 lflllilll spent Saturday in lorolito 1JEIIES 111111 1111 111113111 lts tlias 11111111 f7 MIMZYPlNX lis l11lt 51111 Isittd 1111 sIsII 1111 Hf 1115 1111110 0mm FOUNDATION LOTION lis Smith Midland isitttl 111r gt 111111 Ilorninp ioronto spent the w1gteluurl with his wife and daughter llaroltl l11111111 11111 Alward llev holds loroitfo 1lll1l 11 their lmnus Arths Steele is 511111111111 some 111111 with 1111 tgtaiitlIIIotlIeIY 1s1 ll lsher lIs Alttlll lhinklt returned home Ilter couple 111 1111311s with her 111111111111 1111111111111 lr Itolunson Illlll son Vasty spent 1er days with His lolIII lllltl The church sertiees were cancelled on Sunday 51s the roads were all liltulttIl ll hope for ItIiIe llttsltt H11111l1v lln little 11111111 lullgllletj otlr 111111 lrs lIrnest llicleIIIulter is patient it Sick hiltlicns Hospital loronto ll and lis lanies Nielhidden celebrated their tl11 wedding IIIIIi 11s1rv on Sunday Mar 1231 They have nine children and grand children who Were all present on Sun llllY llieirTriIltsniai1l Mrs ll1tlllll Itr1111lil was also present for the celebration Your Easter Snapshots Ida42 To Size 6x8 in ARENA FOLDER Wc have recently acquired the necessary equipment and can do CHANGEOVER 63 T1911 ET 150 and llllllldllllullzllts 111 11 w11en the grounds to 111111111 s111111y and desertiou TOILET WATER 756435 beautiful than 11s1111wcr for cranddattghtetx 111 lovt to 1111111 Colored in Oils 55 Extra CREAT FACEPOWDER 125 LlPSTlCKS 125 DUSTlNG POWDER 200 WELDING Steel to Rubber on Tractors etc CAKE MAKEUP 175 LENTHERIC PARFUMSj Twain 31013006160 MJRACLE 21404503110 sIIANgIIAI 24945018 CONFETTI 240330539 VaTlglENTOT 1404504 We sell the iamOus WISCONSIN AIRCOOLED STATIONARY General Purpose GAS ENGINES Phbne 3744111 BARBIE NGINEBRING Co TWEEDMIRACLE Reliable advice on TALCUM 85 BOUQUET Lentlterici 12511175 aBlENTOTfSHANGHAI Ringworm My 111111541 seven and eight years 1111 have had ringworm lioth on the hotly and in llll 1111 advice used sulphur ointment hair The ringworms one but so is the hair When will It grow in again if the hair 111s is caused by the sulphur hair will begin to mow within 11 weeks if the 111v llt tnghiy tierttris the hair 12111 not lutmv until the tertous Illll7lsili ilt hotter Auto Knitter Where can get needles for my auto knitter Its as good INTHW if could get needles The Attio KLter totnnaitv Moni real 211 11111 112s 1111 Varnouver 51111 +1 +1 KHJWH Duchess of Windsor To what rc llgious denomination did the min szter belong who married the Duke taint Duchess of Windsor What grounds for divorce are permitted in Canada The ltevcrend Robert Anderson Jardine Church of England clercv 31111111 at Burlington and lite Vicar 111 v81 lauls 111 that not11 of 1131121111111 town perfernted the marriage ttlVl niony frr the Duke and Dittmss oi Windsor EVENING IN PARIS COLOGNE gtTllt only grounds for divorce in Canada is adultery llotii lll lights 111 iu 41 it Showers Would it llvllllfl lo fglvc ll gramldauglttcr wedding shower What could be more 11111111r Or your 41 +1 11 Persecution Complex Ltcry time fl go into roomlfccl as if pmple lwcre talking about me no one ever drops into our house or comes with out an invitation Whats the Ittaltcr with the You think too much about your self Everybody talks about every one else but if you are friendly and kindly tltc tall will be sympathetic rand generous Dont wait for the neighbors to drop in you drop in on them with 11 little gift in your band jar of jam plate of hot biscuits Give friendship and youll get it back doubled ll Alt Double Rings Do you fhinlca double ring ceremonykeeps 11 mar Iled manjrefihful Why do unmarried girls run after married men If matt has roving foot it will take more than double ring to keep him constant The girls cer tainly run after married men but its the wifes business to keep her husband so busy and interested hell never notice Allit 34 Newscasters Which radio news caster is the best The one you like to listen to rEachVTveek in this column we will try to answer the questions you Stflttl 111 Address all letters 03 KATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis Street Toronto

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