11 11 lW Zi tli1 ll 14111111111 intt 11t 1111 11 the 11qu 11 it it in 111 tii11 111 11 111 111 111111a the past pra 111111111 Al 11 71 i1111111t 11 111 t1111r1= 11 11 the 111 111 and arittitgementa tlttl 1131 ill 1111 311 lit 1111 1111eti1 11 11 plietiotnenon whon ecnipartt via 111111151 l11e 111111111 Elltitilnti 2191 111121211th 111 3111 Iitt tij 311 111 Ltef year ago the lttltl11 111111 actively promoti 11111 is 1111 orgzanned oppo are is seldom word piotmt 311111 viclaztls it would seem simpte Iti1ter at Marketing Act put 11111 111111 1121 not as easy as at seems lIrst Tllt t1r tv 111 Agriculture must be satz1111i 71111 11 producers are sulfieiently 1111 lted lllll when 1111 vote 11111111 11 11 111 1111ge of tarmers must eXeIeisc their 1111111 1111 the vote must be overwiielmi11g 11 Federation officials are not concerneti 1111 opposition 111 their plan but they 1111s rtve to shake the apathy or the 11111211111112 rotltteer livery cream producer 111111 benefit mater 121 by voting yes 111 the tllllllllllll1ttt 111s 1111111111 anti there are se1ltl 111111111 ream prodhccrs in Siincoe ozintv HOSPITAL DEFICITS 111 recent months there have 11111111111111 tany reports of hospitals show11111 1111113 111 to heavier operating costs 11 increase of rates stzttcsitlta the wages 111111 to all employees including nurses In Fort William the city council vottIi ear The chairman 11f 111anagcmcnt 111111311111111111 liigh tax rates seem to be common this 1146 were the most difficult 111 the ltistoryiyeut but Trenton Ontario has made some that hospital thing of 11 record with rate of 00 mills The St Thomas Memorial licispital which which is 13 mills above last years assess municipal institutionltas all the inentA ment This was made to pay off 111 one year crs of the Hospital Trttst elected 111 111111111 overdraft 11f $415973 ittcurred by the 19411 tunicipal election Here are some figurescouncil in paving program which called rom this hospitals annual report itor an expenditure of $100000 Since 1910 the City has consistently 51111111 when the paving was completed it was found elicits and grants to the hospital in varying 1111 time cost the 110th $163000 The Debittif mounts as high as $40000 The lbitteficitiimcnt T11 Municipal Affairs advised as $34000 Orrwhich the City paidaii ex 1111 1111 deficit 111 one year he annual meeting titat the problems 111 ept County grant of $5000 also matur ag debentures and interest which amountedi iesttm of $14821600 HE BARRlE EXAMLER BARR 13331115219 CANADA THE BARRIEEXAMlNERy lublishrd ihurdm Morning by All HHH llll llllllll 1111111119 tile 11111 lin 1111111111 tout support We lul1l11111 11lttl12 snow 111111 have 11111111 handicapped in many ways 1111 as Wtil as any under litc llttstccs 111111 seeking 111111 111111 tittllt Sillll 1111111111 1111111111111 in not lhe 11ttittttltttll Well by the hospital We already paid enough Any further assesstnent would be an lnjllSy Lonncil can raise necessary funds Willing to cooperate iii putting tlte We have gt1gttilltl 1111111 111here they 111111 111 tiltllf litt 11113 hospital in 1sound11111112111111 prev1111111 plan triml we think will work stees has 11111per1tte 111se11ssed better Hoard pit11 we assure we s1 matter 1111 the in 1111 11111 111 the working 111 thet 11111 9111111 further by iioard 11 special meeting 1111 April 11 the will the ilospi 11411111111111 InuitI EDITORIAL NOTES hpt 111ltet lhis war reeerttl with 11 poiit request 11111111 111111 at 21111 ulien we received an cnvelopecon 11111111111 1111 ticltel 1111 Iietcl 1111121111111111 members Itamc 111J 11111 1111 lallery which the worsttw type 111 seating possible to devise was almost full of school children 1311 1111111 vsould remind one 111 TM matinee tn cheap 111111111 there was neither ventilation nor hum view out could only see part of the floor 111 the lltttlrt One hatlghw the letling that It he ever slipptth he would pour over the edge to the floor below your Lawns 1111 have escaped tlte usual For example the business manager 111 the Will 11111110111111 Ullt 11110 may lltitiili Iiagara Falls Hospital Trust in antiouncinfi 111 Stilittitblimilml SHOW ltlt laiiit Branch of the anadiatt Red Cross 1413 totalled 53000000 more than in 15115 1113111 be 11111gratulatcd upon the fine coop ost of provisions were up over 310001 overzeliltitili he previous year and the cost 111 stirnicai 11111411 1111 dispensary supplies advanced 3151000 itttite Iver the year 1945 571378111 It was good 30000 to meet outstanding obligations in MonttttllCitItitI inancing for 1946 This grant brought 14111111219581Vt ivic assistance to the Fort William llitspital tuiietl of election the Liberal Winning by hiring last year to $13800001l ta lead of 3071 over ltiitt Coming clOser home we find that 81 An Communist now doing six years for ltis part lrews Hospital Midland had 11 deficit of 1111111 espionage ring in Canada run he 10000 which included accounts receivable polled 10413 VUUS Mmldys FORUM 51101116 mounting to $1131449 Salaries and tvagcsistimulate to greater effort 1111 those carrying tttnped from $21001 to Sitttltlduring theion the fight against the very real tnenacetof by the citizens in the 11117111111 was the of $7500 achieved but secured tews that constituency candidate stifi Obs total Not only rather was of the the tttne out when Communist mostly 1112553111 111 eatlousnuIs 111 first reading after vlticn sonIII Inentbcis ol the Government would rise and explain their merits We listened to long tiringmmcm Speech by Government Inmnberl on various world governments who had he claimed failed heca111 md ml Wm mm they lavotcd socialism 15155 When Fred ROse forevarniint of what to expect 11111 tatizc whch the louse optlittliwmml there were only 110 11vcr111111111 members in tltcirse111s 111111 aboutrhm WWW 1113 1111 the opposition side 2311111l lovernment titembers came 111 la tcr and during the speech Int11 1111111111 above others slipped out Al Pm the =llhml HimV Cocbrand March 1111 1111 in the Gallery were taken 11111 by they teachers and most 111 them seemed glad to get away Wr alao lett before the end HOWOVEl paying Plan for allout aid to the stormembat $12000f10 meet the annual deficits Ior tied people of Britain in which every muni 942 to 1945 inclusive the City paid as fol cipalityvin Ontario is to ave role was an WS 1942 $16000 1943 $14000 1944 nounced by Premier 00 1945 $36000a total of $98000 lior islature Monday Under the plan clothing uilding debentures an average of over $12 and other necessities of life will be collected 00 was paid for each 01 these four years in every city town and village in the pro hese figures added together showed that vincc 1e City paid for this hospital in four years This plan should have an immense appeal for pictures and stories in recent months Mm an Struggle Wm Snow Were all annual statements available it could not fail to impress upon the fortunate pmed Roads Woman Dies Ahm ould be shown that scores of Ontario hos people of Canada the greatness of the priv itals have had similar experience dtte to 1111011 and the urgency of the needii orge Drew in the Leg and forwarded to the VMotherlandT AISuy To get more out of bride tastingLiptons Tea VScald the teapot use one teaspoonful of tea for each person apply fresh bubbly boiling water tmr Tiff let Tea brew for ve minutes Mm stir again before serving tron MOREREAL TEA ENIOYMENT4 with the assistance of neighbor came disabled at the cut on top hill From there she was carried onya stretcherIupthehlll and Over the drifts to the ambulance which rOad to the highwayffinlly reach ing theihospital bulance had to be taken Over the same roadand after the plowlhadi storm came near ciosingleven the lIll114IllvilliilllllllllIdllllllllfllllllnll SURREXIT IIIIIIJ 11 17 11 11 it 15 11 11 11 INNISFIL NOTES 111111s1 lltlh Visits Legislature $11 12111111111 111 11121111111 1131 1eit 111 11111111111 111 111gt ullil await l= 111 1111 ll llljlil 111111 1111111 tlottlit It 11 11 111111 11 11 evpcitemc N111 11 romp 11 act Ii favours 1111 111111 the cause 111 anyone los 11l1 11111 11111 visit we quietly ii 1111 11111111 to the rs ltIl tor galleryt The business of the day was llie mcmberr must have 111111 Neighboring Township Shows Speed Opening Roads 011 the way tip from 10111111119dl Thursday afternoon we noted that many of the West GwillimburyiIhPXJWW 111W Stlliilli roads had been opened and 11113301 reaching the north end of that resulting 111 11 vmior Selkirk tltc township saw their plow jttstc111n log out of their top road 111 111 name of nisfil where three machines are will be played at Barrie on Friday supposed to be available it wasnight learned that one road was being sary the ti111c11nd place wdl have worltedon owing to an emergency tben the machine broke dowu executive will champion list names in sport section Reaching Hospital Mrls ArSaga who with her hus bond lives on 25 sideroad just after the township plow together finally got her out to on ambul ance However the struggle provI ed too much for her serious heart condition and she succumbed few hours later When the plow beI of the hill the neighbors carried her to car from her home where she was driven to the foot of the then took her oiler the very rough Following the above anOtheram opened the sideroad south to the 8111 Line Robt Taylor who had been sufferingfrom stnpke was also taken to hospital further storht Sunday has again dosed this road leaving all districts again snowbound The Saturday night and Sunday main highways As it was many motorists took shelter in farm homes along these roads One llllllllill 111w pa 25 YEARS AGO Tom the lies of TH BARK EXAMINEI Hit it ii 111 11111 Ieltx IoEoNro citNItRAI 11111 1111 1111 uW litif lliicls itlti Simem oIIIItI itl 11 1lt1ilil It limiter 111 11 11111 11111111 lnrhvd 11 11111 1111 111311 1111111 11 111 lltai 11 I1111111 111111 I1l 11111 11 allhlhlv 111 1111 111 1111 StVtlli 50 YEARS AGO from the files ol 111 1111111 1111 1111111 1111 111 the 111 ers 11111 1111 111 pen1111111 111r 1lIil 1111111111 51 1111111311 KIJH ll 11 ll llllI N1 IC Iran 111117 iv11i1s s1131115 llarric Local Notes turned 111111311 11f lllilll Electric livu ltrv11 11111 1111111 1111111tt1s1 111111111l Town Council 71111 1111111 l1II 11111 111111111115 1111 have considerate 111111111 11111111 coins to 11 Its lrothet 5111 illttl 111111111 151 will tenth for rental 111 1111 cost 111 111611111111 electric light 111 plant for 11111111 polity 111 have 31 111113 ltlltlvllYt 11LI allnight ser was carried 1111 111111 lteep 11111 ittttisl N111 211111 1121 Willis 11 111111 was crittazted 111 tilllli 11 valu atioli ol the XilltltYUHh plant 113111 11 view to pnrcltasc reported that fire lthSts were ltstl than 8311110 ltl year and 11111 exceed over previous years Why 111111111111111111 qu sn 111111 you may not let 11s 1111111111111 can use lttlilltll netlt 11 would protect liothpio ntl consumers 11 the tacked price on It 11 1111 111111111 surplus 11111111111 11111 ol 111111111111111 inc expo llitcrs ittA same let the Mayor Well1 simply 51101101 1111111v three tlne night 1111I 11111 declined 11111 111 111111111111111111 liartie extstinzz any other form 111 re 111111 lllllit taller lln 11111111 231111 help 111 tibsidzcs 111 11111 lit121ll pinci llklt Thu 111111 $11111 11ll1ll excrltl 31111 iiet Simcoe Otmty llricls ml lt1ttbatt11eitt on his way to Moon lliver lost 111 drivers through 111111 th ltiiizttot olttl11c with one ttant1r1111i11 measuring Lon 111 railway received into Presbyterian Thurch at Severn Bridge linishcd lllltlli still lolni larverim than 111111 1121111 llllttt 1s 11 lord the 15 1111127lilt ltlllll 111 1131 111111s from 111 1111111111111 Your 111111111lv HM 1119 TA f1 lvll laid l11cn 11111111 lle tielivei1l 111 two week over 351100 11115111113 pait of 201 1111111 IIliltl 11111 stand 1111 11111111 nIIIIII longer 111111111le 11 liliotd Htrottd lloIltey leztm 11 lnto lvinals Although the name ltltltll ltriday lllflil nut in 11 1111 811111111711av111g round the llist Monday product ville litantford l3111141111111 lead von uthe ltizl Ulbtlllll lhe second the best tw1111ut111three score ttthigj111 third game is neces tltc RllA round local boys on 1111 detailed story 111 to be 11111111111311 win in this been submitted to the Farm lrt Producers Association PORTERS PRIVATE HOME bedroombuilctloungc on of the mm Lyme was re cars of the CNRVhave littlcpri moved to hospital Friday momjngivatc room set aside for the porter Rene the Board can consider recommending the scheme it must be satislie Litton of the rearm Producers are in favour of its adoption In order to ob of the lrodurra Vote by ballot is betgtaken on the question The new ONTARIO Producers as follows 11 By peifsohal registratio andApril 30 1947 or personal registratiOn andyOtiugwith the licpulyelurninz Olliccr in charge ateach local nicelinl Public Meeting Will Be Held Al ALLISTQN TOWN HALL TUESDAY APRIL at 11111 Av ed ELMVALETARISH IIALL WEDNESDAY APRIL at pm All ballots must he returned to Agriculln titer that date will not be recorded nl Re road opened across the townslp with hired equipment is said to have cost in the neighborhood of $1000 is again filled to depth of 20 feet and more in places Funds appropriated for roads canl =OIIIAIIIOIARM PRODUCTSQMA Parliament Buildings Queens Park Toronto Ontario Iuhulqn ll Jtirnu1lu1uuiu ll 111 1111 It 11 11 111131151le fl 11 11 11 111 11 11 11 1v w11IIIRII PLUMBING HEATING Sheet Metal Work 111 64 BAYFIELD ST tlppositc Collier Phone 31321 liiiltltlli ember of Harrie EMPlUYERS MUSTUBTAIN NEW UNEMPlllYMENl lllSllRANCE 1100118 All 1911647 Unemployment Insurance Books expired on March 31st 1947 New books will be issued by the National Em ployment Ofces to employers but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Office Employers are urged to exchange Unemploy ment Insurance Books immediately leuullics are pruridcd for failure to comply Unemployment Insurance Commission 7011111111111 PRODUCERS IN ONTARIO proposed Cream Marketing Scheme for Ontario under the Farm Product 111111211 Marketing Board for conde Marketing Act has ration by the Ontario Cream tlrthat fair represen the recoided View maven IN FAVOUROF PRorosEn REAM 11110111101119 MARKETING SCHEME BEING BROUGHT INTO FORCE lN ONTARIO AIL PRODUCERS MUST REGISTER All producers must register to vote lRtiSTS tliumber 111 onunerec Two ulternajiuhhmthoilmfvdting tireprovided to cim II voting in euclidgrirulturalReprcnenlalivea ofce between erelt 31 pniantutive 1111 April so 1917 Any 51101 mm ALL CREAM PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN THEIR AREAAND TO VOTE HUSBAND WIFE SON OR DAUGHTER MAY VOTE BUT ONLYONE FROM EACH OPERATING FARM UNIT RKETING 30111111