51 11 Ibli 7775 Copies lll heme c4 if EL BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 1vxr1RCt1 37 Hi 1111 Publicist Tells Canadian Club Women Of Celebrities To Newmarket HARRY lltlllll l1111 11 112111 11 11111 111 111111 111 1lt1lit ltezttie 51111114 Softball tl111 51 1111 PLUMBING HEATING Aw arrAIRS INSIALLINU Sllll0W WlILI PUMPS Phone 2248 STAN HORNE Plumbing lYHIllZIHANI Sl 1l1 11 itttle 111191111 Anna litlttilllI next 11111111111tie world 11111111 11111 l1i 111 lUl 1111 111 11 11 11111 111111 1111111 rd hc 111 ch Attthotiv v1o cveiv 111111111 11111 Ent 111111111111 11111 11uu lltllitttilutti 11111111 31111111 11111 l111111112t 111111 Lilllllll 11111111 111 111111 whom Mir Monte re called e1th tl1a11111111 in 111s own 11 11111111 111111111e1s 1111111111111 1111 111111111 111133 lhll 1l1111t1111 Radio Service Repairs to All Types of RADIOS and Electric Appliances AtlllNlS lrtlt IIALLICRAIITISRS lllANShllTlIIlS ANI RECEIVERS BARRIE AIRCRAFT AND SUPPLIES PHONE 1111111111 511111 11 3111 1111111 Allandalr lgt 1111cult1lzinnnentml 11 ally the 111111 1111111tc LLl lll Itlvunte l1111111ur1 1111l1111m ILzlctuiatetl with Jewels llr ntinrt 111clt S11 11 111111 133 1111111 tturil gt111cencd 11111 Luven 1111111111 titscribed 11111111111111 tintsts were ltitlltlrtllllt lrtnee and 111 over Some facts the liin lotver revenue eess was llttltgtlctl in leaIninli v1gt Water lleater revenue Y1Illi being hown 1o11 hours that litiyal il1at the Cottee Shoppe serves 23110 meals day 8111th meals dinina from 3000 served 111 rtel and ltrotns in that this hotel is unique in that It 11155 1111011111411 111 11111 11 11111111 1111 has whole floor conventions given over tot Stall required to run tthis establishment is about 1301 Moore Miss closed britiex sure llelore meeting them the coireet title 2111111 Stilsl1111111 learn about them and their inter 111110 translornlcrs esls 11 L201 dont 1le for autographs at Meters least not on the first day you meet Water heaters them likely hunters they hate autographl Street lighting the person next door for as C111 neltus Otis Skinner said they hate 1dminis11ation and MIscLllancous large receptions and prefer home Office and meter rcaders salarics and cooking to formal dinners Mic5r yan hemmed vow U1 Stall pension and insurance tthanhs to the speaker whom the IlUTHW club had presented with lovely WmlmClS Ctllllpcnsullm corsage The next meeting of the Canad 171 speaker Dr Blatz WONWIOIOIOOOI Boulderfel Greenhouse Presents II Preview of Easter plank land 41mm Easter Lilies Hydrangeas Potted Rose Bushes Azaleas HydroElectric Branch maisrir NOTES 1Barrie Public Utilities IthiLIJll 1Assets Are $75856923 151llll NI tl 1ll AND llllll1lllllll Hill 1111 391 il 1urrr111A V1 1171 11 111 11 11 131 111 lt1t 11317 11 lte11 111111 111 1111 111111111 11 State 1113 It 11 111 111 11 11111I1 111711 Ii 11111 111 must 11 in it 141111 111111 l111 1m 11011 llrtpairl lpensr tin14111 it 1111111 1111111111123 1111113 11 11 111 IOAe 11 1J 111 51111 11111111111 1111 urrent l51iili1tI fit1121 1t11111t 1111 11 11 on 111111 11111111111111111s 113 11 ml Hmnml Hrmndmv lnttre11e1111111ontoposits I14 1111 Reserves Io1 11111 111111 1111111111111 111111 111 lttiltthtllttll ol plant and 111 1111 F111 t1nirittlt111 of 1111 11t1tttt1t ale Inuttr 11 1111 illllE llelenute 111111 11 51111112 ill1 ILWUtlWHi 111111113 111 l1111111111111111 lowe 11x1 111 11 lit1111 111111111 SgtTt111 11111111 111 5111111111 11111511 Dulte of lit111 very quiet strictr1 1111111 Ind 111111111119 Iown llllllt illilJi if Ntil1l 3111111111112 mi 111 11111 11 lrnuezss Jtlll111111 SlAllJMIINI OlllltAllM ll Wilt showed 1c11t llllClCH lll llltl Your nding December Htiti llUlttlICtlll of such huge hotel Earningy 111 the lloyal York and inristcd 1111 nutslzc revenue WlHLll ornnterthil revenue 11300 Street 1134111 revenue 111115111 rooms for guests 11111 101 StlllCgtZ Hum sit1 loLIt111111 13 to 111111 1111111111145 1111 site 111 1111111111111 gt15531 tllltl Deductzi illttl Tot 111 power purchased irons lrollt on Salt of 111111111111 Is 11111111111 with some Deductions from Gross Profit Rood advice on how to treat tele Operation and maintenance 11 lllll be hution Systmn 51311111 Remember they are 1111 1lotor truck and equipment llltllltlllll man and treat them as you would alepreeiation and insurance 111111211 11 Mata111 lilititlllfi Oltice and collection expense 1111th 1716113 3111117 Unemployment Insurance 1112013 Audit 2311173 11 ran 1th Will be on luesday April Illlmmun buSmLS Hm 11M gt7 Total Operating and General Expense 311311113111 vlt1 Gross Operating Profit 4911351731 Other Income Interest on investments 31113101 Substation rentals 13000 Pole rentals Profit on sales Other Charges Spirea Astilbe African Violets Caladiums 1111 1131111111111113 5111151 gives 91 so 11171111 Local Newsevery day Carnations Snapdragon Daffodils Tulips Sweet Peas stocks In Toronto and throughout Ontario Globe and Mail news reportersandspecial cones1 pohdents cover the news for you bring you uptotherninute onthespot reports And in The Globe and Mail you get news rst early inthe morning the Send flowersoria lovely Easter Plant to your outyoftown friendsfvr by wire 1Keep in touehwiththe news ot yourtown Enjoy ffPitchingHbrseshoes wtrtr BillyRose Defy SkaithsOn The Town Withits wideriappeal to the gentler6 Se Colemans timely sport news and allthe friends thaLgceetyouin thelively COlutnnsi Of The GIObe andMaill Jim 1We are Members of the Florists Telegraph D131 livery Association lllan now to vislt the Green house before Easter and en joy the beautyof the lovely plants BOULDERFEL GREEN HO 74 BLAKE ST Mr and Mrs Cox TELE3015 rttirz 13 lltxllil llllfis with our magical SANITOHE Service It 11 slimy you the kllIlCICitct ULJ Nurturie Friate 111 itmhc lalirits respond 1111 11c lzlc new lushrandom sparhlc lrhc new or tor yonhell Ill hula FOB PICK UP AND DELIVERY PHONE 2834 The Wright Cleaners 88 DunlOp St Barrie Ont lt1t lroiz1 lluutrl Ztttltlliu lru IIlIItoI 11111 loultr 1111111 111 Bi In Item er 111111 itlltttl1 HI lnil 11111 11111 11l33111l 11111 11i1 1111111111 1111 1111111111 3111 1v111111 11 11111 411111 products iron BAYVIEW CHILDREN Wow PRtllllthlAl 110011 SERVICE Old Floors SANDED and ReSurtaced LIKE NEW NEW lItltlltS SANDEI Heavy Duty Floor Finishing rims1 2950 BARRIE TAXI lldtltt 11in llstttl Iiul unlisted industrial minim Municipal and orporation bonds otter 11m rrnnunt 11 our lrltt to suppl tact and gures about any Courteous 21 lltltR SERVICE NELLES ItsServiccrnan Prompt and lrop an Utility equipment sold Profit for year 1946 Legislation Debentures Principal 192684 Interest 9635 Depreciation on plant and equipment 11102097 1130111111 Pet 11111111 for Year 3133770 STATEMENT OF SURPLUS ACCOUNT December 31 Dec 151 Byvh 6mg date $t078H3t1 Deduet Staff pensionpast service 21113 Discount on sale of debentures 1932 written off 126001 11 14211321 $19361131 forconsorvatlon is not $228178115 297200 21151173 new addition to the towns basil new section isthrt new Ireston Hmk 1111411111 111111111111111 1111 Owen Ht just north of 1111 netvZellers 1illrltlltt Tlte southhalfot thebuilding No 22 wits Opened on Mar 11 by llhonnrs lolili atul son Wilson under the trade name ofJbbBL Son Watch inakers and Jewellers lIIor11to lllCltlttllOli0l 1111 new KelliFivilig they wore lottiled 1111111 store on that site owned by 1111 Dr Wells estate Wilson received his discharge from the ililllitllllll active service fortes last year after serving for five years and nine months and of that tinn was overseas with the txetptioriol six months 110 has had five years 11X1IIlittltt in the trade 111111 will have eliargoot tlu clotk department and repairs The senior partuer is veteran ol the South African war and later held the rank of Captain in tlie block in IKluuary lteatingisystern in 1111hloelt experience as watclmutker and will supervise the the watch repairs and Slnne The stores fine display of new stock is shown by 11110111s11nh1 Jewelry Business and Wing Condltlonms Fm 11111 11111111 111111111 1111 111111111 No 311 Preloni BIOCk Owen St is occupied 11 the tienerul Air foil1 tlitionihg and Appliiinet to 11111I under 11111111111111511111111 111 James 111 Il1uni1stm who was for It years lt111 the tllllltlllgllAlitlltllil 1911 lllt kn11111 first slut11111111131 111 11irIItttti 111 517 ltirnlopt iutl opera11 111 1111 new duringfthis VYrou it In many localities Hydro station and lines are overloaded because eitheideluy in obtaining neces sary new equipment Therefore 1do not waste electricityuse Hydrolwisely at all times 1111511111113 ti li products 111111 111111E 1111 itistallatilm of 1111 Ireutvpt oill Militia He has had over 50 years Apply Ri nse Iud lltIlIIgt eourpltlt facilities tor tuning Ind oil stories siturine 111 hith 1111 are interested CRAWFORD 61 CO ltlltlltlx lln loronto Mock Exchange ltlllthlU l1Illl 1111111111 IIIIAMII 1111 hlNLtll srIuLIzr 11111 211 11 1111111 Ellie winLertime power shortage in Southern Ontario has been relieved with the coming of spring and the longer hours citdaylight lo the winter months the rashorteumcharkeLdoyscreate moximumemond on your Hydro system Conditiong in this winter season are such that Hydro plants are loadeitnclhe point where it becomes necessary to ask for the cooperation of all Hydro users in saving electricity by every possible volunmymeensrlnlheeprlngaa sumrner season the urgenc so great as in the tall and winter The voluntary saving of electricity tn homes offices theatres stores and in industry greatly relieves this condition Your response Wis very helpful To those urho so willinglyycoopergted emergency periodnyydroisoysEThunk