Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1947, p. 1

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11111111111111 ESTIMATES FOR SCHOOLS 1911 ltl 11111f1 l11 11111111 131 j1 111111 1111111 11111Llliit111111 1111 1115 Ll eflnk gtl Can Determine Now The Size Of Barrie Within Fifty Years lri l11 11111111 1111 tlll111l 1111 1111 11 i111111111i 11 lie l111111 1111111111111 11 111111 1111111111 111111 1111111l111 111 111 111 11gt1111111 11 11111 ltilf 1111111111 1111 1111 colic11111 s13i111il11 111 1tll1 he 11111111 11IltII in 11=111111Ill 1111 lltidt 3111111111 1111111111 111 151111111 11111 11111 111i1111ii 1111 11 11111l1 11f lllv 111111111 1lio11l 11 1111111111l 1111 111 11111111 11111 111 21111 1111111 11 i=11111111 11111 1111 111151111 111 111 llnl1111 11111111111 11 1t 111111111111 1111 l1111 111111 111 Jas 5111111111111 to 111 11111 11 11111 111111111 law 11 ET 111111ie11 1111111111111i 111 l=111111 011 iziitfcc 111 1111 1Ili11111 11111101 111 llltll the 9111121111 had 11111 prepartzl lllAtllilltS SALARIES The report 111 1111 Special t1111 11111111 re 1111hcr Salaries l1les1l1111l 1111 11111111111t13c 1111 1i111l 111 1111 Chairman St1111 II Metnllouuli 1i 511111111111 and Mrs 11 H1111 iifld 11111111111111i 111111111 llllltltl carefullv 111 1111 11111111 I11 re 511111151 11 11111stio11 as 111 why 1111111 111111111 511111111 ffIICllllS sl aries 11111 not appear to be 111 creased 5111 Stewart went 11r5 the schedule 111 explain certin features He pointed out that while number 111 teachers had not re ceived Increase as of January they would be receiving them in then aintoal illfltllittll as of S1211 1e11111cr llev Mr llowdcn observed tlinf the report represented great amount of careful study by 1111 conunittec 11 was passed unan itnously by the Board GENERAL BUSINESS T111 loard nominated lleber Smith barrister as their appoint ment 111 the Barrie Library Board Ilrincipal ll 11011111 was granted leave of absence April 234 23 to accompany 1BCl Concert Band to Montreal for the music festival In his letter Mr lIeath pointed out thatwith some 60 students on the trip he felt he should be there to assist hlhfltrsh er in looking after them He vouklalso be able to meet other principals from Canada and the United States and obtain consid erable information which would be of value to his duties here ltcv Dr Sinclair was appointed delegate to the Ontario llducational Association conven tion 111 Toronto Mrs Clcmnicus brought up the subject of another stove for the BCI cafeteria She recommend ed the purchase since she had feund out that no commercial stove to the one 011 band or if least another year The farmers market was held at the board of works building 36 Mulcaster street for the first time last Saturdaypnorning Most of the vendors Were quite pleased With the how quarters provided for them Two expressed concern about space outside for the Sum 111er wcatlicr Alterations at the Town Hall building had reached the stage where it was 1111 longcrpossible to hold the market there No ticesIhadfbccn issued Mtlrch stat ing that building would be no longer available After Dcputyjltcevc Edwin Wil son andIAld Hamny had protested thcelosing of the mar ket at the Council meeting March His Worship Mayor and othercivic officialsmade arrange1Mrs James Bowman of Barrie Inhts to make the premises onwas similarly fortunate in getting Mulcastcrrsucet available The board of works building was cleared and tables were set 11p and shavings scattered over the floor Saturday morning roar 111g fire was on in big stove and the vendors were morcreom fortablc than they had been in the Town flail building For most farmers it was real effortto roach Barrielast Sat urday Mrs Show of Minesing said horseshad to break road from her home to the highway FARKINGVMETERS ARE DISCUSSED BY TOWN COUNCIL rested 1111 111 meter 11111 um 1t 111113111 11111 11111111 it 11111 F1d l1 11 lid loJ 3111111 111 11111114 l1gt1 Cl11ri 11111 111111 1111 1111111 11 111111 11 l1 1111 il11111 1111111111 111 1111 1111 1111 111111111 111 11111 11 111111711i 1111111 11 ll illl llltill 1111 1111 11l1311 tiu gt111 1111 1111 111111111 1111 1111 19111 11 l1v=111i 1511 111111 111111 i111 1111111111111111 1111 111111111 Iit1=1111s when lit 111 11112111 111 111 1111gtl111l111 11i11 111 11111111 1311311 111 51 the 1111 11pc1111111 plopcill l1111e aw 1111111111 11111 1111 21111111111 1115 111 r11111 A1 11111 1211111 111111111 1a 11 111111 311 VIIM inui tl11l1l 11 11111 111111 11111111 11111 1111 11111 111 111111 tvltlll Town 1111 311111 1111 11111 1111111ltliil 111 1111 agreennnt 1ll1 the 11111111111131 flie 1111111 111 11l111l for one yc11 lletnlfIv llet1 Viloil 1111ll 11111l 11111111111111 that 111 li1r1 dieters 111 used in lInric1 oper ated with 111 per cent efficiency 111111as 1111 1111111 type 111e1r 1111 crated with $11 per 1111 efficiency 1111l type 2111111s have been 11rd 11111 for llliahcth street wisf 111 idler A111 flrnies irlffin Lillltl 11i though the meters were 11111 111 erati11L 11 They should it much easier to find parking place on 1111 main 11cc1 than it had been before 1111 1111t11s were installed Declaring 111111 the meters were 31111111 idea and hould be Used 12 months 11f the year Ald llrown spoke in favor 11f retain ing the parking meters 111 1150 1ll1e 111111111111 signed by the Town last Sunnncr provrdes for the present meters to be given trialof one year SixYCarOld is Injured By BarrieAllandale Bus Sireyearold Wayne Parker 211 Victoria 81 suffered severe con cussion Tuesday at noon when lie was struck by BarricAllandalc has driven by John Johnston The accident occurred at the corner 111 Bradford and VCspra Sts and the bus was driven across to the lefthand side of the street and into snowbank The boy was struck by the right front fend er of the vehicle and carried across the street and into the snow The Iittle tot was rushed to the hospital where Xruys were taken No fractures were found but there was concussion and it was evening before Wayne began to recover Consciousness The accident was investigated by Cpl Carmichael discussion it was passed that the Cafetcria Committee be author ized to acquire duplicate electric stove to the one on iiad7or if After someipossible steam table FieldSaturday arkt At 365Muilcaster Street II Most Vendors Satisfied before they could get through with car Mrs Isaac Carruth crs although only two miles from town had to drive in with the team and sleigh over fields and fences because roads were im passablc Gerald Kenny told the Ekamincr She would not have been able to get out from her home at Shanty Bay had the road but been opened upwtoget out 2300 little chickstthat were ready for shipment from farm down the line Fred Dobson REIZ Bar rie came in by team through the fields Charles Nash of Cundles camciin by team and used wa gon on the highway which was bare of snow Mrs Roy Lillicrap who lives only two mile out on highway 26 had 110 trouble and to market with Supplies There was good supply of veg etables and eggs but the severe weather had prevented several regular sellers from being pres ent Affair number of town shoppers attended market and many oth ers called in to see the new prcm ises One regular shopper c0mlt lncnled that givn good coat of light paint the board of works building would make better market stand than the former building 1111i fl 11111111 111111111 111111111 I11 1111 1111 lwll 1115 1111 11 11 1111 il l11l 21 11111 111 fl l1 Ihrouuhnnl 11112111 1111 11311 snowsmrin 111 11gt1111 tricls WONolcloottottotltnolrttll AFTERMATH Ten 111s alter the 111111111 111 March most country sirlcroads were still impassable 111 gtIiil able for tennis 11111 broken through the fields in all parts 11f the county II SNOWSTORM it stretch was in the vicinity of Eden11 11 be Felted 15 ll Dalston to Orillia 111 this l31111lCilll1lll stretch are many drifts that plow lWyevale to 1111 1111 office 111 Conld buck for hours without 111aklt iBarrie 1111111 as unable 111 return inf any noticeable progress Other 111111110 until the end of the week vale on highway 27 For about four miles in that vicinity the road was blocked four days last week After narrow trail 111111 been dug out heavy blow last Sunday afternoon 2111111151 filled the road 111 again bulldozer worked 1111 afternoon and evening in an effort to keep traffic moving Several cars turned back rather than en ter the IIdenvale Channel during the blow lhe snowbanks in that vicinity were 15 feet high 1111 the level and the store of Joe Bowman was almost buried Many connnunitics througlront Simone have had no 1121111 delivery for days OnBarric 1111 Maur ice Connor reached the post office last Monday for the first time in week However his communities of Craighurst alliilsdale were still snowbound bil lift 1031 It l1 11Iv1111 to make the building safe fflUltl fire within one year The 11 elapsed and the order was vented Edwin Morrow 11111111lc livcring 1111111 on till Barrie Rural mall carriers who have dcr several feet of snow In some while trying t11elei1rordads At AlconaGaIagc south 11fSl1olld on Highwayy 11son1c enterprising youngjpeople king 11 small tunnel through lOf1 drift to 1111 lllll way Thedannel about four feet high and Mo feet Wide icrinitLCd easy access to the highway From all parts of 1110 district have come stories of fa1111ersiw11rry ing becausethey didnothave fuel for young chicks or feed for hogs in some instances there was 1Ieal suffering Soveral milk producers lost money when they were obliged to dump milk because they hactho extra cans and no collections wered made for three or four days Wherever the ploWS were found working there was always crew of 15 or 20 volunteers The plows and volunteers worked all through the ening and often well on 111 to the night The reason 1111111 loads took so many hours to open was bceaus during the previous heavy snow falls the snowbanks had been steadily climbing During the last storm the deep channels were choked with so much heavy snow the plows were helpless without their roundsI have had great difficulty in find 1lh mall bUXC$ M11113 10 Illdonc Ald Clarence Corbett said L1JADA 11 11km 11 1111 11113111 111 11 1111 1111111111111 111 =17 11 11111 111 11111 11111111 11 1i 11 11 111111 n1vxiu$v1 trains were 111111111 by 1111 worst 1111 above picture 111 three tNll tllllll1 1111 released 111 11 11111111 httplllt 1111111111 11 duplicated 111 11111115 llri large 1111111111 111 111121111Llr w11 shovels 111 life 11111s11111s 1111 gt111 11 zoom costs had reached such 11111 amounts that most llllllllll1lgt it cidcd it would be better 11 the previous year AgIain Forestall Action OnMinnikin Apartment Monday night the Town Coun cil received letter fromnthc O11 tario Fire Marshals dcparhnenl reporting UlFlllCVH9llllllllliilll that the apartment had Ilwfami lies each heating wittustoilesjand fire the people Apartments 1353 Dunlop street The letfcrIrccallod 1111117111 lune 11144 111 inspection had been made and report preSenfed As result of thisreport action was eventu 11111y taken to sunnnons Mr Min nikin to court The Magistrate is sued courtorder requiring the nevcr carried out Deputy Reeve Edwin Wilson suggested soinethi11g should be 111 was an annual affair for this cascs the snow plows have smash111 lyebrought before Council and cd and carried Iiivay thc boxes 14111313101111 51101111111131 thisycars Council Shouldbothcr since no COMINGEVENTTS cents wordMinimum Bazaar and Afternooircha LOBA Allandalc May Illp St Patricle Dance befroy llall Friday 11ightMarch l4 MLisic by Mulhollanrls orchestra Ad1i1is Sign 35c llb Dance at Baxter on Friday Mar 14 SitLqud lVIoIintaineers will turn iiIthmusic Dancing from 930 to oclock 351th St Marys Bingo lhursday Mar 20 815 pm Oddfcllows Temple Collier St Fruit groceries and chickens llle St Patricks Tea at Mrs Mar shalls Angus auspices Group 13 WA Tuesday March 18 35 oclock Everyone cordially invited 11p St Patricks Concert auspice St Marys Christian Doctrlne Study Clubs Monday Maichl7 put Library Hall Admission 25c and 50c llp IE1 11111111 Winning the Battle of the Blizzards Trinity Church To Give Lenten Messages In ProCathedral Calgary Rector 01 111211111 11111 11 1111111 111 l11 11 1111111111ll1 111111 111 1111111111 11111lt 111 Alan 1111 IQIIl tiic 1111111 ljeligt 31311131 11111111 11 1111 Istam 1111111 111111111111 5111145 11111111 li1111I Nfll 111 311315 111411 11 11112c111111 T111l1 3111111111e 11L1tll eve11111 111 111 prcsented 11 1111 lincs 11111 ltiIlllltil 11 131111111 Viol31 111111 Jlt11lll Fennells est 11111 Form wo 11 11111111 open we IGillltLLt Shanty 11sz 111 Ila for Spring 11111111111e the s1111vis1111v11l1 111 llillsdnle from most township roads wouldpl11vs we1e put have cost more than the 1111111111111111111 1IL1gtQl111111 expenditure budget during 111 lfts South Snneoe Seed 1211 lllti1 was to have been held at Bradford Of the County roads probablytlasf Tuesday was 011 the mum 1111411111153 1111 pH$1 the worstand 11111 of the last 1111cluesday Maren 10 stretch from Rev George Maren 111111 postponed until 11111 iklrs 111 spent three travelling from 53 previous Council had taken effeclt1 live action Ald SLcishi11an declared there would be 1rappcd During the discussion sovcral took part Ald I1211111R0bi1150u bly stated that the fire chief hadl the authority topadlock the placet 110001r and Mrs Goddcn wished Ald Charles Grit1 Mr fin said 1111 Fire Marshal also hadl authority to take action 011 motion of Aid Lcishmair 1110 llingliam Council agreed 1011511 the fire chief for WEIS if be another report The ICDUIt from the Office Dill Maxwell Allan Watt the Ontario Fire Marshal also dei clared that anapartmcnt building at 26 Mary street owned by Mr Minnikin was fire fin the occupants 1111111111 hazard for MISS FLO Runnnugo S1111 Burton Avoi United Church Saturday 19 April lip Ciokinolc Ilarty Monday March 17 St Andiews PreSbytcriaxr Lec ture Room 11111 Tickets 25c in cludes refreshments PYPS Organ Recital by Mr Lloyd Till ford on new Memorial Organ Essa Road Presbyterian Church March 23 815 pm following the evening Silver collection Auspice 10f service body welcome The South Evmy present Simeoc Seed Fair Town Hall Bradford postponed to Tuesday March 25 commencing at 11111 Competition open to all Substantial cash prizes offered Auction sale registered list write ton farmers Sim coo seed For Lashlcy prize Allis ll12b EXAMIN 11 MEET GOVERNORS OF RVH REGARDING $16000 DEFICIT 11111ss11 lav $111111 1111111 11 1121 linxsl 1121114 l11pL1i ll 111111il1 Iii121 sexiial 11 1111111111 11111111111 11111111111111111 lav11 1111 11 1111111 111111141111 111 of 11111111 1111111111e11 11111111 11111111111111 discus 111n II 11 111111111 1114 sei llAi 1I1111 1111 1111 announce 1111l 11f Illi 1l1f11l 11 1111 111111h 11 111111111n to new 11111p111 1111iortun111 11111111Is 11 11m lltMIlllAl lwrral 1111 Ill 111 11111 lfltlltdlltl 211111 11111 not 11111111 their 111 11111111 1111111 11 1111 rrporlrd 111 111 tlr17tlrt It mm 11111111 1111 1111111 fimt illlifEI lil loun should lil 111 11t1111 the 11111111 11111111111 11 1111111111 11111 tiIMfll 1111 11211111 11111 1111 elittrr 15111111 111 1111111111s 111 1111 1111 111111 011311315111 1111111111111er 111 RED cross 11 11 1l11 11 11 111 11 11 11 111 11 311 11 1juii1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 it 1111 111 11 1111 Lt1ii 1111 111 11 Si 11i 11i 5111211 111 113112111 111 l1il11I 1lll 51111111 1f11i 2111 Miss 1l1= 111111r11r Abbott 11113 Ll 21i1il ll II 111 311 1111311vlN11 11111 11 11 131111 Miss 11 flew 1gt 1V1 Craze 11s 1111111 siscumia ken $1500 Stex1a11PagC WARD IIIwNo Report WARD it $5000 MacLaren SlOJlOMrs MacLarcn 350070 Reid Norman 522007Miss Jean Gibson Robt I1ightfo111Ihlrs Sylvia Wood Mrs in whit113 Thrun Andrew Carson Mark WARD 111111 Mrsal Sinclair Slflfler and Mrs Allen I1 Young Mr and Mrs Cun WARD 1s sanew 511111 Scotti ISIE00OIvllle Arnold Luke Spcarn Miss DorisKc1irns Mrs Hunter Geo Watson Frank Grif Mrs Henson Mrs BUSINESS 3101111114111111113111111115 $5000 WWOolwt1rth Co Ltd SlSIlWallccr Stores Ltd RA BESS ADDRESSES LIONS On Friday evcniiigdlylarCh 71111 Lions Club of Barrie heard the winner of the annual oratorlcal icontesb 1fo1112Ccnlre Simcoc first piiZc winner was Miss Flora ltoss who chose for her subject fIsCanuda aNation Iler charm ing pcrsnnalify and the case with which she handled her stibjbt captivatedthe members oridguests ller siibjcct covered the grOwth ofC1111ada since thetime of the British North America Act up to the passing of the new Cit izenship Act The thanks 01 the Club to the speaker were given byWilliam Garner Miss Ross will speak in Penc contest for Zone 111111111 011 UREAU IRCULAII ti lwPoges to BCI Band Soloists Take Five Firsts At Kiwanis Festival def 1C 11 II 1131111311 WALL KIWANIS LIEUT GOV PARSONS HOME CLUB 1Illil it 11 121111 r1lc 11 11111 1111 1112111111 Itoy 3111stg1 111 111 the 1111111 ittnndanre 111112 11111211 1111114 1111 111I 1111 theme 11111111111 Ii 11811111 11 few 11111 1111311 11111 111111 11111 111111111 Dllti now 131111 21111111111211 till 1111 die11111121111 1111111 11 111I 11111111vl 1111 311111111 1111f11111r net our 1111111111 wall and 12111 111111 111 111111 A111 1e11e 1111 11 311 mm 111111111 lt1111 11111 IXlllllllltti v11 1111 Eli 11111111111 wild 1rti1111111 11 belt1 11 then from 1111111111 1111111111111 11311111 11 b11111 1111111111 said ll 111113 31 111 of 11111 1111111 lt1 to 11 Is 1111121 11111 s111 111111 111111 11111111 111111 A111 legal inde said that and the Ster lllttb 1113 1117 111111 11110 llilll 111 11ilf should it1l Itltl 1111111 11c 111111111 that 131111111 111111suor lalter Godwin 111peIdei1t 111d11l11111lll1 resigned loronto gzia 121 1111 110111 All lililll tPltfl leadership 111111 president The 111111r1ce1 lions firm was 11r111 IIpoi 111111r dirt $111 and 1llgt Savanv 11 moving Ilrusls 1111111 ated that 1111 lowi had author IC 113 to carry out I11 11111111 Cgpm 115 AA work neces building could then L1ss1fss the account 11v11gtr thc 11ir1111m DI JACk Todd younger son of board 111 vorkslicep in foucl Mr and Mrs 11 Todd 0f Baiuillle Situation purchased 1IIL lDr Jack Todd of Barr 1sary sale 111111 againzt gested that ERCAF Flight Lieutenant 3111011Iv111c11 lilgar Mr and 1111 1111111111 1111 11111 hil5iIT Pramse Bradford 11111 1111 hits 12 11 Stevens Jl Cram was sug i1 TEACHESARTS AND CRAFTS Normandy shortly Emmet Henry $5100 Mrs 11y1n Otto flaw inc 13 Harley Itlargaret Milieu Aloiieylliss Phyllis Shan Inon Mrs Rainey Miss Emma 11Line 13 ii 15 Cherryrvlfnrrlt larker laul Sims 52007311 ll Kenningfon i11cFadge11 Mrs Crossland Mrs 15 Mnkepiecc Dr and Mrs lurnbull Mrs Shannon Fred Stcve11soi Mrs Lloyd Miss liva Partridge Gosney Miss French Mrs Graham Mrs ifiinith Mr and Incdicoll Sinclair 11f1 lBradford and will take up rCSlzi ldcncc there April 1pr11ciice of Dr Wounded latter the invashni Dr Todd served with the RCAIQJS 111 1151 paraplegic 10 be ap Medlcdl COFPS during 11113 WUI imd pointed to the Canadian Red Cross attained the rank of Flight Licusluff as an Arts and Crafts 5119 He had been graduated in 01411501 medicine from Toronto University111CA1ts and Crafts shop at Chris can 15 in the war and interned 1111110 51 Hospitgl Toronto will as china General Hospital With tltCI5j51 11 teaching useful recreational RCAF 110 SCTVtd 1111 YLUFSllliskills 11 othcrill or disabled vet thc West and was overseas yearerans the West married Diana Mary Robertson at Lethbridge and they have young son Drlscrved as leader Ilodd has recently been practising 111 Oshawan Referring to Dr Sinclair who is Bradford tenant Mr Henry attached to While Todd1 15 WNW said be 111111 been valued citizen years and Mrs Sinclair also in womens ac Dcccmber 19125101 tivities Complete sports coverage in the Witnessi Examiner retiring Hundred CanvasseLsI At RedCzoss Luncheon 1V1 31 $7500 There are 31 outpost hospitalsg and 50 more are needed Quoting figures to l000drownings occurred in Can ada divery Summer Lewis spoke of the Red Cross war tcrsafety and swimming program andemphnsized that this had been carried out 1111 the Barrie Bathing Beach last Summcr The president told how the wo men who worde solhzird for the pointing but that the led Cross during the warIwere now diverting thcif energies to supplying linen for the There were also nutri and home classes which were of particular benefit to young brides final Red Cross project spoken of byIlev Mr Lewis Was the visiting of veterans Iwho were still in hospitals He quoted from an article in the Atlantic Monthly which told among other cases of young man whose teeth tongue and chin had been blown away in battle and his jaw broken in eight Plastic surgery was re pairing the damage but the tenor of the article was to the effect that while thisyoung veteran and him were receivihgw many visitors and plenty of utten tion during the war theywerc now largely forgotten EThey were 1g put on the back shelves Turn to page two please Open Dr One hundred lady canvasscrs for Red Cross guests at luncheon in Trinity Par ish Hall Thursday March when Rev Lewis president of the the Canadian cred the Campaign vvcrc show that Rev Mr Branch of Red Cross Society deliv address You are going out as tatiwrs offa great cause declared N1121Lcwis in speaking 111 the can vassers After share Barrie IOPICSCII to Barrie in the campaign was $7500 Rcv Lewis told of the work that would be done by the Red Cross 11101111111121 this year is being raised for work that is as wide as Canada and Barrie One great thing is going to do with this money is initiate blood donor service in all hospitals in Canada said the It was pointed out that the FirstGreat War 15 per cent of these who suffered com pound fracture of the thigh died whereas in the Second Great War 90 per cent recoveredrOne of the chief reasons for this greatim provcment was blood plasma Another project stressed by Mr Lewis was the outpost hospitals Imagineliving 200 miles from the tang Thursday March 13 111 the nearest doctor and then seeing one hell of these hospitals Set up he said allotted outpost hospitals tion nursing classes Five million dollars as near as The The the Red Cross speaker places others like

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