ADS WY EBRIDGE E11 CA THE BARREE EXAMINER 131321qu UNT imperial Life Appointments MINESING W1 Lu lh 711111 llnl1I1r of lrltllf11f11 111 111111 llllillfc ELMVALE TM YQU To Our Customers in and wound Burrie 511111 1111111 1111 lzlllh zl11 111 lltil 211 1111 111111 111 111 11l1I 51min 111 111111 11111 1411111113 11111 11 11 1111 111 11 111111 1l 11111 111 11w 11 111111111 1111 11 111111 11111 1111111l 1111111 11 31 111 11 Flu $11111 on travi 111 intouiuuilh 1111111211 The roll call wax any 11 Hy Slltfttlt111111 1111111111 11111 11111111111111 Th 111111411 111111 111 11111111111 71111 1111 111111 some snookerAIR 111Etl tit11114 if 111111111 1111111 11111111111 11111111111 in llilliint $111111 Mon1 11111 luuiieil llllljtl 1111111 111111 11 I11111113 THURNil BUY FINE FLAVOUR ll 11 COFFEE 1130110113 AND VINEY BOKHB 1113 MILD AND TiffillOW OCLOCK 11 35c 11 11 29 recentrag waxes1111s renamesW Bremen 1111131 Barren 111am curring111 110E111 11111111 ears or 111 11l 11 polo 111111111111 1o 111gte 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11111113 sore throat spasmodic croup asthma and bronchial lleasnut tasting safe and effective Dr Wood Norway liue Syrup takes hold almost instantly phlegm and mucus soothe the irritated membranes stimulate the orguns and clear the air passages Woods Noruay liuo Swap has been 11 popular family rcuutly 1111111111 11111115 on sale 111 all for nearly 50 years let Supply today and be prepared to The Milburu 011 Limited Toronto Ont 1h 11 1111 runN1 11l litlltlitt 1111 torld 1111 of Prayer Service 15111111111111111111 11 in 11it11 11111111 1111 1111111 111111 ll 11 caller 1r 11 111111 of 1111 11li 111 11 111211111 1111y 1111111111111w1lsllci 111111 1112111 tlthwr 11111 111111 24 11 101ch 1111111 llwltl some 15 tin 1111 111 1111 111111 11 111111 on lliltll CHICK STARTER Browns XXX lullOlcp liontcr 111111 ltlatchfords Feed these 111111 S1 141 1115 11 11 ll 3111111 Ir 11 1111111111 Mrs Smith 3111s 11 Walk11111 3111s 1111 1191111 1111 1111111111 poc11111 folio1111 thiouuhout SpltlL 11111 1111 on Hire 111111211111 topt 111111 on read 111 tlio Ito 21 SUN lirs llll 11111111 llannah ltlnlllln elelnalcs $121111 liirtlula Th 1111113 111 11115 in this 1111n annuity extend hearthgt1 1o111rat 11111111115 111 ills llanuah 11111131111111 1who 111111111 111 1121111 1111111111 3111111111111 1l1y 19111 213 3115 111112 1112111 11111 11 1111111111r111 health 1111111 month ago 511 took 11 cold and has 111111 confined to 1111 11111 151m 111111 t11111 She was born on 19111 211 1835 otta1altag11 hum1 to 1910 after her marriage 1511 years 111111 and has 111011 living 111 Ehuvalw for the past 30 years She 1111 1111 own house work until New 1111111 111111 her daughter Mrs 121 1111111 came111 spend the win t11 With 1111 Since Novci1tbersl1 V1121 knit right pair of mitts and few pairs of sotks She raised eight TTflltlltn 111111 has 24 grandchihhcu ereat giahdchil1h1n and four drunk1111111011 In talk Lang1111111 on Mon day she said in all lltl years she never saw as much snow as 111111 is 1hilt wintor She has seen St $111111 gt1illliltu for 11111115 lrv 11 llnwliv 111111 1li 511111 11111 any brands for lrs BIG HEALTHY CHICKS Metal Poultry Troughs and Waterers Mash Feeders etc JAMESWAY on Tozill and Electric Brooders something New STOCK GROW byproduct for Hens or Hogs Takes the place of milk or buttermilk ORDER YOUR Shrubs Evergreeils and Vittose Bushes NOW not leave spring USED BAGS Wefwill pay up 10 10 each used bags TASTY CHICKEN HADDIE SN OWS CLAM CHQWDEII MASTER BRAND DE 10le are Barr roonsa ALLPURPOSE noses ADDS ZEST OXO CUBES IAM TAM 11111111111111 ORANGE Ju1cr 11111111131175 11118131 Sana 251 11311129 18 1211 otr Slu RANGES 344 cam111111111 Chirdlis mm 002 TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS 96s Tin Doz GRAPEFRUIT GOLDEN RIPE lb PINEAPPLES NATIVE GROWN lbs TEXAS CORLY LEAF lbs TEXAS FRESH for LARGE Pkg 19 17111523 25 23 2002 Tins CUBAN RED SPANISH 24 on 29 giezit121t until ing with 7lb Bag irc11 for quick relief remitchlng caused by eczema athletes fobfkgcabies pimples and otheritchln conditions use pure cooli PRESCRIPTIO Itallegs Soothes comforts and mainly calm intense itching Dont suffer Ask your drum today for 01 PRESCRIPTION Pkg of 10 2W 19 111 25 free nrrrs anussrrssrnours fQIi good from bolas BagsTvmrholes cheaper7 in proportion HECKED ma1f 01 Money Back California Fresh Green medicated llqui Greaseksl and 251 191 minimum GRADE ABOILING to lbs 13 41 13112 1111 row cmcirrns 110111111111 Sir11 runs r1111 acumen EILLETS our sou rams 42 saucer rams SALMtttt nun1s FINNAN 111111111 99 351 WHITE FISH oYsIIIERSNORTHERN SATIN PAPER rowers Llaavs VEGETABLE 501le HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE srnurx Appiianceisemge IirILK EED NOASTINGVV crow SAL7 GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all makes of Tin sues srnvicr NORINSINGNO WlPlNG spleenarr 21 MINOR REPAIRS on COMPLETE OVERHAUL Home Appliance Branch 26 Elizabeth St 31 Have your nearest Hydro office notied at once Everything possible is done to keep Hydrowires safe in your com munily Somethings winter storms and human folly are Beyond control When these things occur Hydro asks your cooperation in being careful and in warning others By doing so you may save life COHOE lb SiLvenaniHT lb lb LE 59 Dial 4424 yNeVeS chafaiienwirei Wind snow and elect break doviihielectric wires sometimesn spit of every precaution Shock or severeburns can result from touching such wire Never touch afollenwire Warn children not to go near fallen wires but donot tiik demonstration bytryingjto move one out at the way It can be feign Remember these threefthings it you discover anelectric wire on tha ground orydongerously tow 11 Donot touch the Wire under any circumstances Stay on guard and keep everyone away until Hydro men arrive It helps to loosen the bronchial 311 MawQs 34467