Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1947, p. 2

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against the British took great stride forward at the dinner meeting coilc1ietlIly the Rotary Club Febi raary ii The speakers at the gathering and those who attended were uuaiiiiiious in agree ing that this community and di riet re quired more and better hospital accommo dation than is presentle aviiilable The present hospital is eatly Ovenrowd sion of those who have retired as proof that life without anything to do is not at happy one health authorities urge Canawi diaiis to keep busy tokeep alive The doci tors urge the younger peOple tothink of that ed and the building einewiiat out of about the time when they will be able to date In making plans for new hospital give lipthe grind and settle back in idle iteetive future needs as wellas the require ments at the present time While no definite estimate has yet been will be necessary to provide for the prosA ness It isnt fun they say tohave nothing to do lt6gt dompulsory voting may have its disadvant iiiade on the cost of the building iequiredages as well as its advantages declares tho the figure of half million dollars has been EdmOnton Journal but South American ex nientioncd In any case tremendous perience suggests that it might offer govern amount of money will be required and it ments new aid in balancing their budgets will take an heroic effortOn the partef dispatch this week from Brazil reports hundreds of unselfish citizens as well as well as very substantial aid from govern ment and other public bodies to realize the revenue in the income tax or liquor profits objective lclass The cost of the building can be measured in dollarsIand cents but the value Of mod cm and adequate hospital for this communi fered to induce landlords to get living quar ity would be priceless Everysiiigle one ofiters But the tlimit seems to have been the thousands of residents in this district reached in Forth Worth Texas where man would be proud of having hospital as goodi found the housing situation so tense that as any inientariowwithin easy access Whenlhes offered to sell one eye now or both persoil isgconfined to hospital bed thelwhen he dies to make down paymenton frequent friendly visits of neighbors and rel ahouse Earning about $29 week he lives atives often mean as much on the road 00Wltll his wife son and father in three recovery as the medical attitioifinovmedilroomapartment and wants house so that Such visits will be possible if this communl he can bringup his son as he thinks iiC ityprovides modern hospital here to oblshould bebrought up viate one of the main reasons some peoplel ltgt+ give for going further afield for hospitall The Ontario Municipal Electric Associa attention 1tion Executivehlast Week by resolution Every individual who wants the best of adoptednoted that Hon George Challies TTospital accommodation available for hisiwas ahmember of the Ontario Cabinet family and friends and fOlIllllIlSEll will wef well as vicechairman of the Hydro com come the opportunity of supporting the caml mission and demanded that Mr Challies paignfor new COmmiiriityrHospital fmakeIa statement as to whether hein iformedgthe IPrime Ministerias to the im pendingpower shortage and whether he kept him advised of the negotiationswith respct to differentTHydro transactiOns This very pertinent question iv ltgt EDITORIAL NOTES fThe wise motorist Will notdrive Ianew car Out of adealers premises until it has been insured is good piece of adviceffrom the Financial Post Lordv Hacking chairman of the British Travel Association hasundertaken mis sion to Canada to persuade Canadians to visit England during the summer of 1947 With refreshing honesty hejmakes no at tempt to picture Britain as land ofmilk and honey but rather warns prospective vis There is considerable doubt as to the park itOrs to make TeSeTVations well in advance ingI meters bemg in as good mechanical con as ships and hotels are crowded and also to dition as they should be Some of these take along towel and Htabiet of soap days mowristWhO has been fined may As he explains We dont want toget people take action against the TOWn to have that overthere on false pretenses and come back Question settled here and warn their friends against us gt There are certain resorts in Ontario which might do well to take leaf out of Lord army budget to $13400000000 year for de Hackings book and concentrate on adver fence purpose This is reduction of six tislng theattractions they actually possess per cent from last year but it is quite poss rather than colojfuring the picture with wish ible that the Soviet lshot overlooking the fa thinking yInBrltain they are carrying the fiveday week ideato the extreme despatch from London says that there will be no burials on Saturdays Sundays or Mondays Russians are reported to have cut the Pointing to the almost unanimous eonlesWjle elimevs were if we had the lands sell this beer and 11101 by tloicli aspect of the working day when they dream that 1750000 qualified Brazilian voters must the active support of thousands of others as ray fines of $5 to $15for failing to vote at city elections That adds up to source of special premiums to no endihave been of iltilllt drinking to excess and today there would be thous ol bootleggcrs start up and black boitles it only costs at the rie if Slit box at hotel or inI lne borne it also must be remembered ltiicrc is greater curseright lll front oitlie peoples noses ibattbey eannotwe and must have That is isznoking and gambling These two items alone have caused more jui Ellllt stealing and home poverlv than beer has ever done beer lruiker only harms cigarettes destroy homes and often Ia mans work on few minutes leven the home of good living iiian clear of all these vices As for our county and township councils they are all good at leav me money to parks memorials to the dead etc plusa few men sitting in the county court house drawing big money for nothing But it must be remembered Mr Robinson as long as time lasts we are going to have these poor EllllillchLhllTI do live in the IEountry and am sorry to say wherever there is drink in the 3home there is sorrow and priva lion And it seems when men get ltliis way they blame everyone else for their own folly man is iool to think he can drink all the timcimd still have prosperity if Itlie average man would step up to the looking glasswfoir minutes and look at himself he would if he had one ounce of sense see whom he is fooling and as Sure as there is God in heaven he hasa heavy penalty to pay know men in my travel of life to buy tobacco to fill theiripipe tickyes $2 or $3 worth at time Yes Mr Robinson all our gov ernment has todo down at Queens Park when it wants to pass legisla bull logs girihevaouid pay lit tle more attention and have new legislation passed there theaver age man could still drink beer and feed liisrlaniily Yours truly GEORGE ELLIOTT PSIhe Childrens Aid expen diture amounts to almere pittance as compared to other unnecessary taxes And if our local councils want advice build memorials to back not to the dead who see it not And let us see what is going on in our Government Do not let them lioodwlnk us by bringing up the beer question to hide their dirty work Barrie RR Feb 24 Veterans Club will join the Canadian Creemore disband and Legion Chalmers Presbyterian congrega tion Alliston plans persontm person canvass to raise $1350 for the Advance for Christ fund in the next two months Win Burns Iillarsliall himself but $3 and buy gasoline and groceries on tion is justto mention beer and the Temperance people are like Itlie living soldiers who have come giegzitional Endeavour Society tool sleighride party lo scor lloaiies at Shanty Bay When tip that they had to stay all night time came to return home such storm blew Allundale lacrosse club organ llljXIiLflIilllilgllltliv131$FHIZISI ixeTi with the following officers h1lvucr 3I II lt16 Pres Cundle VicePres II iWin McMillan Capt lienncll llxceulive Committee lyii Dolleiy and Frank lleard SeeyTreas drill Dyinent housing 7000 to 8000 Cakes if ice for Glen Allan Dairy Simeoe Ounly Briefs Successful kindergarten concert put on at Killyleagb school Nearly everyone in Wyebridge up with influenza Many religious iiieetlngs going on in the county Brick and other mater ials being drawn to build new church at Dalston to replace the old one Nicol of Nicolsiou has rented his flour mill It is all carnival this winter and the thing is becoming wearisome is the report from Newton Robinson cOrn cob party was re ported from Everett frisky sheep bunted James Moran into box at Graighurst and broke TO BE POPULAR insist on serving Maxwell House coffee Its packed ways In SuperVacuum Tin Drip or IRIegular Grind or Classinclined BizgrTllPiirpoISchind mournan TOROHTO Ford Hotel areroproofand centrally located most of 750 rooms in each hotel have private bulb and radio Forreservaliom who or wlro tho Manager well In ad vunco of anticipatednrrival 17 5015 250 or Yvette1 Nil llllaLlElZ mam rim7 MARCH I1941II Next 91244 telephone peOIple everywheeelwill payvtributeh to this great scientist inventor teacher and humanitarian Tohim we owe ourmodern telephone system which unites II the peoples of the world His tradition of IPJIIIIC IserbtceI cIontimes to guide the telephone industry mrv moi Two THE BARREL LXAllEH BARRIE rARio NADA arllsWx HUSHAM AW Mumm lss ll THE EARRiE EXAMINER my Addresses Centre Vespro SHANTY BAY 5hll II IM Womens institute lll ll lufldzig ll ini iliii iiiii lllllll Th mu ln Orl$lt from the files of ms BARBIE rxunxcn WWMMN Wwawwww it llll iif HHHJ 11 laint lMal uirs BRIGGS llt illhls Ewl ll illmili iiilslii lllfl Personal Message For Busmess Girls ft it ui lilll on Ht it lllll illI Ml nonunion it Ioi lloixnlmi lllllM WK ll of It in wvi Winw rf gt um 11 ii li lt it lltlii tiit IIl IN II El EX III lthHEIv new at ii Slim or Ulllll llilcls MERCURY 31 Bradford St Phone 3178 lt innit iltlll ellg gt til ti 4ltl lKIll V5 ire iiiia lllt iliv llIllllil II IIlItlll axlc gt rim iliti lawi Lin ll cit ll it livilwdmy ti Himlb tho luv l1 lat liiv luuIii 59 II II 2l lI lill fly tnzlm ie lliiui iv iliMl 191 mu liclvilliil line not ill um lavml ls twin il Itl two wrlwi lZt Eithll ll li on ugltlltli lil tlll ll iii ll lvlil 12 it iiitc o1 lViliaatztvli I1 ivl oi ll Hell llif 11 llliel zl il f1 IlI luuralay revoked riaoi up 31 ll IJ Illltl illi so vtvisc prvxwumy ii lljzlll liner IlllIll iI II ii iii tIZlHI IlIll5 WA 1i ll lll llll tilt lipHm ol vll tm ii ll wand iiiolil llIl bet tlziv ll ll to know 31 JL Vi it fylllltfl II II II III III III hIIJIIJI I14 II II II illtl illltlltl litliiolilli Wain Hauling Uill to lVilIl niliu igt1tl iiot lill on lltthtli lllt llillll lll IMI gtwi p1 ii iison our willou the artificial illiliillil mm omitLiar in sieiil plum ll ml 11 15H lliltlLll ll ll ttl ii foil jinikgnii ii i1fig to flu toful gift lllllllll lliilai lllf oi lie ii Vllllllilll ll iv lI ola liluimnxl 9941 Nomilk county which stands next Sun HM mmu llllt llltfl 31 county in the mutt1r oi lciultltliilllllill Iii an iiltliull ile ill ii Ili llI 11 til ll JRAm SIM DlQtHi EH New lyiiiiyllm win ov linil llic lzillftrl uiperative tor the genera veliure oi llll in lI IlIIll ll IIHIl in no it ilil Well ll lilllll horiolk tlilllljv ouncir it lll it It llll litlllllI llil slfi vi 30W ltl 1H aiyliiuz ting p155 oliv iuliu ll11llilll Howell din iI om me of llI gt it run ung Hiding ImeVlli iiiAK til lllillt iin no vii litli tile sll till ll lli Hill ltiifllm In ARR AI Ax lIlierc is lilill army of outdoor ant pimitliiig loi lic ippoiiiinii oi oi WM PM NW llt ipitilllj rotation in 4t nmnm HM prmximw 01 ml impa VI Hm 23 933 ineii iave minor itllll it NH llvllllh lltllltlill lll4 liiil ll vlneli eonics into effect iminediateiy no Fr ll vi mxnmlm mmip mg on llilll oi ii Alltrl itla il moi but illt Hi ii idol ii of is gt am 1m MmVg 5H purring ulueli In hard on the liiilueys tltl in pitaanti tltl to that Helltlldlltln of India from Britain as pliiit MT 3mm 31m 1lt 13m itsiselsotlicexiieslltInLimbf mph men lll Io lllfytillllill 1= nrl by the Labor Government in Illlllitlll mg NASH pump Itlioiil visitors for llIfll month were wimlimdweather Hll llmilil13l iIl llllIII1 LL tlllltl llt Htlliills blow it lll Elllllllt llltl XllllT lli Nash lilt been rest PIIUINIZK ilmwo QIDIS lIliisuletlicinettoeslosliniillaletlic igil lzlltll ll ll ii1tili iii llzllIlc ili mo so pumps Indm which mi lln lllhr emlor all the niarleifor oyvcl fliilnflllmxiH lltlltlll of tbcltulnevsand relievcllio vi cf nv If ml IIIIN IkhIm IIN lIlII HIVIII IIIII1 III my mmmy glues bevppn Hm MOTIF 14IilI ll lItllI II gitwdliIv UK IIlllttl liiiillics IIIII IMIIhm IIIIiIrII II II II iIIII leached and its ccianuiiitij fl lave ms 1111mm The British lemyrpg nip mum new 10 gs For over ei century iegc llt llilll Illl lllllmllllilrl MW 17I1llII ilIiIliIn is furtherIIthreatened by lllt Iaritadon NOllllIl Viiiwtoivn telnitIy IiIer lllt lliilenians tllll lm been popular with 1101le mm it ndia Fantliic lunrl iticzit lllllkllllllll film 11 istic attitude of the Arabs oyei lalestinlh in oi in luxuinmcr In mnu My Um Ilmntimls It is p085lo hm 1h WINE III VIII hi mIiIHIcauillu loenI in 10 minutes NH Ml Mn Arab world might be drawn into the conflict ll mm If mni Illicit llFllllllll hvvmnim unit The campaign for new hospital in Barrie My WW le ymmmicommoii Members of the oil lo dmv

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