Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1947, p. 2

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PACE TWO THE ensure EIXAivllNERIIIfIIII gt kgnu tut is its xV fill lflli ltllilll1lllfl li vli ZlillVV in About 11 11 ii zv Mont Liie reiti itl ilV E12111 lflltt llt lllblllVlll 11 =t ILV itzi ltIVl III II iistu lltispztui Tltlsit flu il llltllll l11 1s llt iir lillti inn mu tlLI tr liii ii lli iiiiatohfI iI 111mm 11 rue lit111 up 511 Hill llie in IVZItlltItlli it ln Huldars lrzutril flos El tenderuiis tier Itltlltlltttt lti itltfillt tt Yo llitll the he put and the tiiiziwiities under been heros try to carry on VII lilt to xlt will to tsilatt ttititll 12111 that iruss greater or lib extent ttiI IttlI loiitil today lllt Royal fietoi1I VV itirriv ius had its share of such dutieultieu II II lit ll t1ltllil ot tiieznoiiul hospitulII TI iizziji iit iiid Iigive hearty support to lie plan much ieetletl izizpietetneiit lltii ItV Qlt no1 ieluuw ol lwtlttd and through 111 111 III Ht Iu tit littl It iiior being made to launch new Mirit llt llttii it iiii tiitui potitzeal orcaiiixation in anudu under the III IIIIIIIII II IIIII IIIII IIIIII airtitu 1A uui Iit naini ot the Union of lllltlxltx of Ontario It II II IIVIIVIVIIHI Im prim it and Quebec Particulars tttt gtlYeti 111 It lttll 1H Imp Imp 31 iii pace lttll 2r the Renfrew Mercury lliati illlti quarters are given Blind ltivei Ontario 11 and The Assistant Secretary is woman The III II 3v tilt til udieitisenient contains acoupotiI to be for IIIW II Tutti it funded to the All for the riding in which lllltlt Ii lHlll ilt ie ue lt To run people wt uni one life gt mt mi 21 Jli mo plottor signing resides Another feature ll many writer11 that t1iillIIlt well lit Ullt it is What to tell the Ml crying in detail Il 11 PEN VlIlIfliIrfI tt toilltl molt it lit mw in what the elector is to reply when asked by littllllf lttiittl1 the 111 why the coupon was sent to him c3im5 Witty llti 11I The explanation of the purpose of the Un wt atrium about or ship litll it till tiiiiitt ion of Electors contains lot of words but it fl llfttilll citit lltttottf mti writRI 14411IIijI 51 tiny sioiit we do not fancy that the parliamentary rep IVIVIIIIIHIIIlI I1lIlIIIEIlIlltIIliIItIIILIllIIIinilI rind iirl illltlt at titl tosun this resentatives will be much impressed Mth War is liieirs ls liie lVi Vlth than 100000 Scouts and titIlltltt ratior thineda part in these litlrlltts and liarrie is luntu seaboard wr lloaded on liip lbc gtlllllllltttl also ttlllli sent snow llllllf to the The strike at Noranda that has been on out rltwrii rowgs Wttk the miners accepting an increase of 32 III llm cents an hour less than they had demanded ttltlllllI takes ij 2511111 iir 111 oi eigli The checkoff for which they also struck was dropped the company having agreed to permit union official to occupy space in 11 iziliy connected liIlI itquIt oItiiiItIvIIII III II IIIIIIII III the companys medical Office outSide the 13 111 11L Imine gates two half days each month in lloil Vlil hints liltLl fdtitlll liilltll uttl as Rover Scoutpillar ItliIti iiiaiilioodI is ii er ziix their jIII 131 if III II IIUIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIWorder that the unionmay collect dues It Ifr0111 fheIIcs of iifVllmnlli IIllnlxln 1K3 VV VII1II VII is not at all fair that the company should BARR 003 ll Olbl an en of llect tllfiJfmflll by eiicoiiru aduates to take pm to at be C0 IEBRIIARl 18 i897 ingdues for the union as demanded by the WA ip the leadership or 21b Packs iSim burly with the Girl iltltlt iioreinent 1lie outdoor aspect otrttiiic is stressed lll Scouting and this prouzttioii of physial fitness is oneof the uim iturntablematures of the movement Health Files and nutri tion areenip1iasired in protection with lettii living livery tileatake Canadian bo may find 138 mm Too be my by Ibe IpttthLleOI till liiSIViliierosls ill the Boy VVIIVIIIimwapUHS 5513016an IH to extend the plant to Allandule anempmt 8an SCION With six percent of the world population the Illfljuggsh 11flnfr 11193 Ll Cflttipiiig holiday iiii and It liiitedIStates has about 50 per cent of the worlds 12IIC30IIIh IIIISIII I1II times my the NIH mp mle mIproiessionaIlI nurses Back in 1900 we had one nurse IIIIIIIDCII fm II WINE IIIHUIHLIL Mu woodSI Fm URN who 21 mtwmmd in to every 0309 people today we have one to every mm IIIIIICIIIIIIII for IIIIIOHIIIIII IIIII II tiitltt int 11 so we could use another 11000 grad lools or music or lioboie they can lindwmC f5301 numm years Fletcher aPIWllll strikers It was costly strike Not only did Barrio Local Notes jectivethe check Offbut they lost abouleicted murderer ieiiioved to Kings $428000 in wages which it will takCIfOur 13ttttitttt 135 sleptiell andlooks like new guns reblm titan said the report Left secretary of Electric 11441in IIICQ made an offer toIIBarrie Coun cil I1 to sell the pliant at price their patrol recognizes tiuse ictitltiesIIbv with thedemand for nursing service continuing ed SSCSWV 3200 91 HM liroviding class and badge of acliicvenieiitW film miml girls would be doing W011 to Five Warded the Hummw you gmgd 111i socration parchment for savmv life when certain standards are reached Alli rsme of Stanley McCuusland Allandale along the way boy is encouraged to take MERE 95 PERCENT VOTED in July 1090 OIrillians trying part ill those subjects which most interesti Bmmford EXPOSMOU to v1Ivify their favorite fad new is onilhirents are iceoeiiizedt Cly Simon Dymem me 411111 and ll art Hit little Village of Scotland Ontario is great his ms Shipment of cmload of As he progresses he is driven responsibilitytin this newspapers estimation by reason of its memm the 01d Comm 381 and the path to manhood made in steadyfFFllotldfiY LIhlevmenl Mondal was thI GilI mantis p9 Verendvemsmg urine II aSion for the annual election of police trustees for II II iIlilfIfs itheI community in question The results Show that Ptiwm llChum $0M M1 this week public recognition is beingr giveninr 18 peppre eligible to voteI no fewer than 176 Iiickcr caretaker of Sixth baud to the Boy Scout and out tuide Movementbetter thdn 95 per centcast ballots Of the eight SfllV3ldpftrcd g1 1141LWII01I The citizens of every coninnuhty are in t1ebt WI g0 the 90115 Where be 3001 4832uf MC 39 ME no LimPIund it is probable that the remaining three had Pd I01I Hunt 131101an 18 men 11 at itood and proper reasons for absentine themselves GUSSIWg 1113119 CVUPOIUUDE to give leadership to the youth of our nation plant on Maple Ave laeltig dis mantled Plant handled 100 bar ARF PLOWING MATCIIEb UP WRONG ALLEY 1615 of apples dIIilyI Sume of St Marys JournalArgus products went to Holland cores and Smeer mm 00311310 11 1IospitIalI Fiom the information Which is gradually being peelings going to Germanyfor mak 11 fl lflltllllo NEWS lthrIlllWUlEGLl by Government sponsored surveys and inIsr elimiipagnei IdlhefldjmgI Wu IIIIVIHIplalso from the WWW the private laboratories of 16 019 mil lmlln Visitaiming factories and experimental forms it is evi Simcoe County Briefs Queen City dent that ihesolls OlVllllIlCh of the arable land in Oii EssonChurch commenced Use of Itario and the0ther agricultural states of the Union new organ East Orowheese The County Council of Yt1lVloCelVllly5m HIESouth is being farmed and depleted in umanner Iwhich if continued for anotlierhundred EXDIESSed Its absomle OllprflilW L0 belngyezlis Iwill certainly have an adverse effect upon amalgamatedwith 10 city 01 VTOIVOlltO lllime health and mentality of every prsonI and beast what is called metropolitanarea We dont destined to eat the produce of the soils One of the mmvale Ugh fin mm Stove wonder MIT1L bit methodsof conservation whichghas been provenfto we damage done RevA If be effective against the raVages of sheet and Other ndlay Supt of Missions speaking types of 8011 erosions and depletion is the method at arrow Lake ma the Canadian gTICUlLule is in asound DQSlv known as contouiz tillage From observations made It giess of mlSSlOnS smce his zip tron today With no danger of another colImIthis paltof Ontaiio it IS eyidentihat the farm poinimem yam ago Then lapse such aslmt which fouowed World War are who own rolling land either do not know about them were but fmirmisgon fields tthismethod or they are not convinced of its value Gordon IJ Smith asststant CdlllOI Of The and 16 inisston stations since iII The question might well be asked Who is Financial Post reports from WinnipegIbame atown mm elds and 03 Sen where he attended thoannual convention IItwould appear that present day plowingmat EOns I03 1330 indhJ Wli of the CanadiaIFederamon Of AgricultureI ones and farm demonstrations arepartly responsible Jon Vere CHme ave for the lack of interest in this type oftillage It PM Of Free beeCh W09 56 minutes wrth crosscut saw George Caston returned to Zraighugstr after months ab sence addressing Farmers Institute meetings Bank building of McKeggie Co Stayner damaged fire La grippe epidemic in Cookstown farmer and fam ily living near Elmvale were dis turbed by noises in house and thinkingit was acase of burglary ml in phonercall for help Sevs aral men responded andto every factory had good season IV McKeggie Corliaveialready ship ped 15000 bushels of peas atIElIni vale Wholesalediquor store at Iseems ridiculous to hold these matches and give odt When one reads 0f the tan Storms mprize money to the person who with tractor or other parts of cairndaiandalso inGreat horse can plow the neatest furrow on perfectly Ignitain where miniong have been thrownilevel and idealpiecebf soil when what the farm ipopiilation really needs to be2shown is how to till out Of work we muSt leallze that losses and the average farmland quite often on hillsides to inconvenience SUCh as weI hfe experienced the best advantage in soil conservation water re through the storms of this Winter are Velytention ease implement wear and conserve horse inor matters power It is felt thatifI plowmg matches were organized as means of demonstrating these forms of tillage Gratiflfmgevmence Of reducmonm luv and the adapthn of strip or terracefarming there 3131118 delinquency in Toronto is given DY would be some practicaluse in holding them other fudge Mott in the 1946 report of his court wise they appear to be an women only for adays outing and the chance for hugg would to eat toml Of 740 children rangmg age from sickly mss oiroastedhot dogssoggybuns andrthe Seven years upwards weIre broughtIto court imbibing of gallons andgdllons of unpalatable and as compared with 1055 in the preVious yearmuch colored tainted water three colts had broken flooseV and wandered to the house Ice harvesting of Belle Ewart best in years THE HARRIS EXAMlXER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA WW VWIIIII IW II new petpli should keep such conditions 131 It III niibl iie Ilv llllltll hituiio Iiltlll llltt tll ltd ii grit My row II II IIIIIIIlhlIII II lltil UlillI lltV lt lfll possibly ti ll Feeds Administrator Mr 111 between Prescott and the Attnrouizlit to bear on the lovertP in to be for three months reached settlement last slitltllltlt ii enpty ears for tttit1s Ctrlntutive Company wired bodys surpriseit was found that Virtili tutu ittlltlltlll iid be ibiii lwl lVlIl ll llill ii illtixitl 3111 liriiiimitl it the viii lthlitw iid chop llllt tlillll the next text itih As far Siziuim ountIv tilltlllltfl we illlltVl Illul no l1lllllllllllllllllllllllllSllllll iitltldlltrl leiiii ltttl leultts oral iwlrhl lili hitci 1s Iileii lit the ipeI iiitiit Vt tleiitei ittidei iiiit of the present VtllitllllilL oil to repeat the upznioiis express liiltlroi tliut there is sufficient llll ii the West to look after our mulltt needs until the next crop Yours very truly HillttllI lllHl CUtllCllAllVlv SliltVltlIS llllgttili Swain lllliliitlltl Sime llllllt the above gtpara raphs much pressure has been nteiit to remedy the situation As one txuiiiple Mr llugh Bailey tieiieral llanagcr of United Farm Aguitulttiiv llllllsltl Mr Gardiner as follows Feed Grain shortage 111 Ontario growing worse daily Many local elevators eni YEARS AGO from the file of BARRIE EXAMLVII llllllllt lhlflt l4 iiii Cal Vulr Sfiiicor otuifv llricfs lflllVVlul1Altl 11x 1112 Ii iii lu in lltVll Pal tillzllll help Vi lll itil Vlttlr tlr lit it lltlfllJlll iu hodiii Vlfllllt til 21 ll tflllll1llIVrlt SJIttiir llilil luul flu lt llllllll tl lItllll til in tho hull tutu we llillltlIV iill North lVllh lllttvllil itiiiitI iii llamar oi hrs iiotv iiitl lltllt iiiittuw iti iiorlll ruinioitalilt Hornets ll 111nm tuittii 11114mm giiitl llU llqiitil lltlt Ult utterly object illlll Just be much liristiun are we flirtatious let its rise tip and put dniiiiiable county ltltl other iotiiitieK 1ll lot uttiity lilIl girls hum1 this stuff Sillllttt banner mainly of ltlltllll make it the best iiiuially and lienf iiitiiiatin1 drink and worthy of the name truly Christian County it each can be done citizens lliirrie Feb 111 CHAS 19 suit from evils Vl llIV purl XML wtll How about Ullf fellow iioiiinsox GA HGT llilJIlllle NEW Mil RECORDS Ii CALLS IoiidonA uudgei that will an swer the telephone and take ines minutes long been Suitxerlaiiil sages developed ports reaching London inventor one is home when the phone riiiizs his gadget answers gives 1ch 1mi ants name and asks the caller it The llltSSZilLC The claims that This mean uniting lint speak is then pty No sale for little pigs in some areas Unless remedied very quick ly expect marketing light hogs cancellation of priorities on cars and more rapid unloading of ex port cars and diversion of malt ing barley This week measures have been taken that make our Feed Situa tion very much brighter The IGovernnient has announced the 1111118113 fail to achieve their main OlJ Michael Brennan twice eonfrdight car priorin for six weeks 11II Feed Grain and Export that shipments More important is the decision to advance the wheat price by 30c per bushel to bring our price to tithe producer up to parity with the 155 chport price The final helpful item is the lift ing of all restrictions onsthe West ern farmer as to quantities of Course Grains he can market Suiiimcd up the picture on Feeds as we at Coop see it is HOG FEEDS tight situation for few weeks gradually improving with enough feed in sight until new crop POULTRY FEEDS Sufficient Co op Balanced Feeds including Chick Starter and Grower for all our needs DAIRY FEEDS Enough Balanced Feeds to get by on right through ONE CAUSE OF HIGH TAXES The Editor Barrie Examiner Dear Sir was amazed and no doubt many were at the cost of maintenance of Childrens Aid So ciety also that 75 was due to drink traffic as was stated by member of the County Council decided to investigate and must say was further amazed at what the booze is costing the tax pay ers of this county and no doubt alfother counties in the province of Ontario For comparisonIn 1923 when the Ontario emperance Act was rigidly enforced and also for 1946 when it must be very evident to everyone the liquor interests are running our country In 1923 to tal cost of policeafor the town of Barrio wus $552758 in 1946 $2414 42285 In 1923 total cost ofChila drens Aid for llleVCOLlnlyx was $558800 in 1946 $71000 and re uniring $75000 for 1947 In 192 the total cost Of the county gun was $7007 in 1946$28374 In 1923 the average of inmates was and at times only In 1946 ayer age was 40 and there have beenas many as 72 overnighb Now Mr Taxpayeryou have an idea why taxes are continually mounting But this shouldibe our least consideration if we are at Christian nation as we say we are what about the thousands of brok en homes Children deprived of loving father and mother 45 of all motor accidents wtth killed and injured as acknowledged by those inthe know by drunken motor cardrivers which no doubt is putting it mildly PIarents when you put your children to bed tonight think of he thousands of little children just as much Gods children as yours or mine that aredeprived 76f loving father and mother and Ithecyoung merit and girls hanging around beverage rooms andmany inprisons because we are willing corded The tenant need not ago home to hear the message Side number it is said he can ritual his own word the gadget then reads him the message from out llllSC illld utter flfltl T31 lRSDrsI FFZBR CARY Titus TOTAL our 83800 lv lt if ti IV 11 it 331 ii it as lVlV Ii TV ll v1 it 31 Vl ttztii ltlll The biggest tmtlllll lion programme in our history tiltans tlierell be uirebebiiul yourteleplioiie More lllllIll1lllllltl$llllfl buildings are being Illltltll number Veulls lll go through even faster lT TAKESmany months and many people to get Conadian breakfast Your coffee may be brought from South America your tea from The Far East Your fableJinen may have come from Ireland your Icuflery and chinafroma II England your oranges 6nd grapefruit from the United Slates and from the British West indies Ellnadimisz theworld Ipdeed third of eve to people insotlieIIrIIcountries III we do not ValWayIVs sell to the poop buy That is why we have to nd custOmerer buy from people of many IrIaceIsVeaInd sell to themrillover ryCanadiansearnings comes from selling no lSl innding both buyers and sellers Canadian banks maintain branches or correspondents alliover the world Theygather valuable informatian about people and markets abroad They place this at thedis posal of Canadian merchants manufacturers and marketing agencies introducethem tb likely customers and handle the pa IV in transferring goods Iand money Tlils Adudrltixozmanf isV Sponsorodd biy Your sidnrk telephones for people now on flu l1 also leans that the rvrr growing biog is being lime to continue to provide leVfrom whom we VV per work involved

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