Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1947, p. 17

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IlilfftSIY FEB 111111 START TONlGHT ARENA we Bkglm aowuxo LIAGLa pp this 1s in Muslim 11 1111 it truth l1ii 111 Ur uuuu ml litIsilJi Niglilcrs 111 11 11 1111 111 11111 11111111 111111l I11 li11 1111111l 11111 1111 11IIl 11111111 N111111 Icliiii liill111l1ll 11111111 11111111 I11 1111 1111111111 111111 IIIIIIIIIII 111111 it 111 111111111 11111111111 1111111 Siniroc litterlown Howling 11411 cvcra 1111 Iallazulci 111111 11 11 till 111111 1iltl 11111111 Llltl 111 till 111 1111 lslllllia 11111115 111 311 111Iij 1111111 1111 11111 l11lc 1111 11111 1111111t l11111u 11111 11111 1111 111111111 11311111 1111 111111 111111 1411111 11111111 111 lltlllitll 1111111111 1111 oi 1111 111111 1114 111111 111111 11111 15111 1111 11111 11111111 attack with llltl tr1v1oiIl 11111111111 solo 111 ll1litgtltill 111 1111 1111 111111 Ito 1111 lIIicI coals jit111tl 1111111 1111111 open l11111lc11111 11111 511111111111 1111 5311111111 111111 l1 1111111 1111111 1111111 Itlllt Illlt 12111111 1111 111 11111 111111111111 two more lilzI1 r1111 lllrl lllli gt11 11 111 hc 111111 lltXl 11111 1III1 papers plcasc copyi 11111 bowler1 11 111 1111 tl well 111 Bar 11 they 111111 1tl 111111 11 EiIc gt11onil succcnr ion 1111 Illiicii 11111 North 11111l1 from 1111 cainc ritzlit back 111 111 tlic 111 oi the 11111111 111131111 thc 11111111 lti 1or stars 11t 111Ic1 anadian Legion Ladies Norm 111111 of 1114111 1111111 1111111 li 1111111 Is ll 1111111 livc Wilts llppe1s 1111111 ll1 It Inter 1111111 tiis 1111111 coals 17 511tllI1 Vllifl 1111111 llllH SlAltF 3111111111 this lliiirsdziy 11911 two 1111111155 iiicct Ines IIEli iiillc 11111 17111111111 111111 lladdeii 21111 1111111 ow Itzoii hillllt llawkcstone the semifinal with thc second Monday on the round and the 111111cz 1111 aklaiid best two out of three games lames start at 111 sharp Aliltltllh boys 11 boost 111 these playoils BARRII ENGINEERING 30 Will design and make complex ma chine to Suit your in dividual requirements or substitute for some part that is hard to obtain Phone 3744 Reliable advice on engineering problems 17 MULCASTER ST Bush League 141111111 nc1 loals 11111111 Ilycis c111111 Lucky Strikes 911111othies 81111111 All51111 llieh tiiicc Marsellus 717 ltlttl 11111 11111113 Iro ltltttllt 111 eive fans 27111 Last weekend when the stoim itied tip the liiuhways it also block 1111 1116 1501111111 miles of township1 roads llowever with their three pieces ol equipment the crews veIit tovwork and staitine with thc school biisaoutes the mail routes 67 and other essential roads and by 56 working day and night they have 63 almost allthe roads open again 63 Some of the north and south side 5911111115 are so badly blocked lllilzij 52require considerable work 111 ex 48 tra equipment 011 the whole and compared with many other town5 ships we have more miles of roads iLixies Grads icbi RI Graham Radio Valve CGE 111 mons larkc 112 larkc League laiincrs Finishers Bookkeepe Beamers Managers Iackc 91111 iers Hatters Dyers Dopei 11cklcr High seo McFadden 257 men Vic Berry 356 IIhIQBHLdeQS Marv McFadden 580 open than most There are many places where one could notlsee over the banks on the sides from the Perry 180 Hazel Webb I78 Alma top of large truck NIGllTAmbrose Rlven 01d Hockey Rivals Meet Stroud and Thornton the rival local teams in the local ORlIA League met at Thornton Friday night Feb The result was 20 for Thornton The game was fast and with the exception of some penalties on both sideshwas not the usual freetorall asometimes displayed when these teams meet Referee Ken Banting did woni derful job his quick eye never missed playtl and he treatch friends and adversary alike handw either simple sSingle ladies Mary men Vic Berry 721 High averageswLadies Viola Hunter 177 216 Vie Berry 206 Gord Bain 204 Paul Laurila 201 Furnace Repairs and General Tinsmithing ANDER PHONE 2148 65 Innistil St New Building 124 Owe11 st North VofZellers mom on tDealer 1171117 CONDITIONING 11 COMMERCIALREFRIGERATION lthat111111lle1lit7T General Air Conditioning and Appliance Company 11111 Phone Barrie 2976 Drop in to see the GE Oil Fired Boiler in operation unwoulpnalcnovooooccootttorowoorlamootclotoluttow 01 Villenlmm on HEATING TWO BARRIE RINKS AT TORONTO SPIEL 1111 his 11 1111117 111111 it1 11m 11 11 lotw 1hr 4231 1t 111141111 15 ts MIL times 1111 11111 in 1111 111 szw 11111 111 111y1 ll11rrr mi 1111 tirt Inn 11 the ll11r itllFI wiv tant 1111l till 11I1111111111 111 thrvr ll unit 1111 1111 Uitlllllifs to 1111111 511111 Miami 11111 111111 not his r11ti1 tuihhh II 11111 limitliiic 111 thins 11111 1111s1on IIILI In l111r11 l111 1111 otini 511111 11111 1111111 lli111s Ions 111 lolinm inhiisnn ctun lcri 111111 skip Dixies Down Radio Valve 8y Terrific 763 Score Jacobls Win from CGE Ilitiicl 111lc1r 111 IIIii llIIIIs i111 laggov 11111 11 1111111 nilltlmt 511111111111 111111e11 111111 c11111 111111 111 t1o111c11 ttllf ll115 Ethic ll11 355131111 Newman 11 111 131 iti1lccii iloopc Ka lint11 111 71111 11111111 llclwti 1111 1111111111 111111 3111 5114s El311111 lllaim 11111 51 1111 1111111 111111111 1111111 1111 otmeil onsidcritnr llclurnin 11 11 aluahlc Shore lropcrty It in to Donors 111111 111111 I1 gt1llt11lll wctc gt olappiopriatc 1111 illcamp 1111 tarzncs 11111 113111 1111 uktlt Ipparciiil unaware 111 they have l1tll aware that iiicperty his land which 311 lttl1gtgt tlic bay troiii hc 311 Barrie and is next 111 111vnship til iiI1tolay that needs to 39 opened would make an ideal sztc 33 or some similar type oi sitinineiw 11111111111 park either public or private It has lilLll value as shore property oes It does 11111 secm Itilgtlitltillt that any Council actine on behalf ot the l1tilii ltl In as whole should coiis111er titlinoiiishine its claim in order that nthe whole area in lllLgtlliitl may remain in private hands Ilow rews 71 14 68 47 nattiesandrepf Wlieiiif tlie2htest show temper was displayed ORHAV Valentino Party THE BARRXE sxmrrtm BARREE Oh A3110 CANADA lIIIIIICOIIIIIIIIIllrllllltlflr Recreation ALFRED PlLGRlM CATCHES BIG TROUT AT MlNETS POENT By KIN ROBINSON fovvvoooovovvaoooovoooo ticlllllllrtlllillllllitIll EFairIy Cold Weather 1317 Belem was Coldest IFebruory Snow Inches 1111111 1111 111111 1117 11113 1111111111 1111111 11111 Ilirtil 1It 11111=11 111111 11111111111 1th 11 1111111111 1111111 11111111 1Ic1 l1l1iiic 711111111111111 Saul111 l11 itvIINIVIii llor1roii loiiirovt Iii 1111 11 llllIN 1911 ltl1ltliitlll 111111 411111 Xtlt 1111 11 11111111 11111111111 11111 lI 111111 V1141I1t tour1131 111 INNISFIL NOTES 11111111 11111 11111111 rt 1111111151 gt11 1111 111 111SI1 11 1111l1111 111s1111 11111l Il111 11 11111 11IIII 11111111 111111 1111 111 V1III l11 11511 11111 ltotievi 111 111111111 illllllllll NW VRWVV Vlillll Ill lilll1ri1c $111 11dct Winter taIIan llttliji 1111 Satimla tltll illl 111lf 11 11111111 11111 1lil 11111 11 t111oit llIcIi 1111 1111111 the Qticcii tour present 11111 1112c 111111111111 1111 oi 1111 111111111 11113llil1111cli 11111ic chosen 11111 1111 1lll he the tariiiial dies11111111111 thi pi1c1 111 the luck 11111cis 11 1111 11121113 lovsnsth 11 Innintil 1111 clear 113111 lbs deed to pitcc of land izoiitin on one 111 thc most 1113111111111 hcarli 1s in the l111lli Nor lt1lrl11111 rtuun the completion ot pro case you 11th tIic coiiiit 111111 hctwccn tlic arnival and the 11111 11111111 to loroiito ll Is Simpsons models tiltintts prcrciit Township Council are sci Iotisly considering 11111111111 hack to 1111 parties who ZlltIill LI1l the township Iced to the same 1nistc11 to thc 111l may we say one 01 11 word It thanks to Mr and Mrs ltodeci ot their lziiuliicss 111 lllltl down party girls SIIIIVICIC MENS WIVES CLIII We have litll requested to loot matter 111 torininu 1111111 wives of Servicemcn Barrie should he encouraged as mamv 111 1the wives are iinacquaiiited llicy opportunity tov11 circ can 1111I sclcctcd scit 111111111 1111 0111 l1gt1 their Jack and 111111 111111 idea little friendships manner acquaintances can be enlarged and their interest in 1111 rie as 11 whole will he llltlit have had liillillllli and their 111 olossal Task Accomplished by Ladics League illappy Mediums ll Ramblers r1is llot Points 1291s Bunnies Tigers Welders High single three Flear 516 10 1re1 noun ontocrititmast lhompson BARRIE LADIES BB LllAquI WARM UP WITH oxo cums 10s Package 23c 111111 PL Firestone NEW LOW PRICE Farsii times is PERFECTION CDEA WHEN AVAILABLE USE PALMOLIVEZ WHEN AVAILABLE USE SIIPER sons PM 28 LIBBYS MUSTAlt CANNsPAGL CHELSEA yfiiiu ftiftTi 59 11111 Pia1911 31 351 271 19 0W1 quality hlnst ho rns with 20 ad Rugged dependable positive for mance Illd Top tone Reg Wired Cks plete ready to stall FIRESTONE Sealed Beam Adapter lfits for allmmakesiofl cars and trucks FIRESTONE Grille Guards sear Cov Driving Sealed Beam Units Mut flers yElectric Farisllot Water Heaters Bus and lrtick Fans Oil Filters and Oil FilterVReplaee mentCartridges Exhaust Extensions Mirrors for car owtruck Fan Belts Many 0th Accessories are carried instock RED INDIAN DEALER nussiii Simulator 82 Bradford St PHONE BARBIE 4140 Following this game playoff hese teams goalsitorcount was necessary The first game wasi played at Thornton Friday night Feb 13 when one of the largesti crowds at amatchsbetweenithese local teams saw the Stroud team winby score of 52 The next game played in Barrie Tuesday1 inight the Stroud team won 42 leaving the final result of the play off 92 for Stroud This will mean that the winners will have to meet the winners of theBolt0n group This will be arranged by the erSQ Lamps QUAKER 011ng CHOICE outtmv 111111111 CLARKS3 Tins Tokens 1111511 saw CAMPBELLSNTOMATQ sour Elloi Tins Worlds Day 01 Prayer Gas Caps 2002 Tins Valentine party under the auspices of the WA which Was held the United church Saturday evening With Rev It 1111ch acting as chairmainwas Very wellI attended and much enjoyed The program under the able convenon $1in of 11 Marshall coltn laistetl of headings songs and piano selections Slides of Norway were shown with Rev Lacey acting as commentator Lunch was served ii1111 the new church annex which was appropriately decorated e1 PLunJAM ANN PAGE MILK BREAD 24 oz loaves News iciiis Alil tlilil1illlt1l1 TASTY DELICIOUS VIGDROIIS Wllllt 24 13 gt6oz Jar SUNS Fug CHOICEAdded Colour Pectin 24oi RT EGBE BAYVIEW lll 111111111 was xxnan FURNACES llil 11H llltlll1l llllllililt 111 UK III II KIRK 1111111 111111111 1111 lionc 311311 11111111 1111111 mm 10 SA VE GREEN BEANS v11 GREEN PEAS ORANGE JUICE 21131 25 BLENDED JUICE AUNT JlMtMA PANCAKE NAX 111s 131 11rd VARIOUS BHAN 10 11 11 71 or JU 11 1111s 25 13 111 am ATLANTIC l1 PACIFIC lolCOhd 1111 was macaroni PINEARRLE APPLE 111111111112 innate TEXAOFLAROE Trailts IVIARSH Seevdless No 1965 NATIVEGROWN sfrneainmri 717 111111135 noAsrino FOWL SEA roomm tm SALMBN STEAKS EILVAERBBGHT 2711 SALMN FILLETS SLVERBRGHT 3911 SALMN FILLETS 49 mutant 111111111 35 con nuns rib2111 WInt CaughrScaled lb IFILLETSOFSOLE 4211 N0ISMELTS lb3811 SCOTCH KIPPEBS $11531131 27 TAXI DIAL 4202 lIoIIIIIt 1111 onrtIoiis 51 1111111 BMW NELLES 11r1cc1111111 Prop llll Ill 1111111121 lllll lllfll IIIH lllllh tliilicsllc ollict liarrn 1111 1211111111 111 111111111111 111311511 1859 OWNED AND OPIRAHID BV GOLDEN RIPE No1 lb 14 gmggstaamm mammal 11 25 SPANISH No 124 McINTCSH RED 67111 Combination Grade bask SELIECNTWED QUALITY No Pkg 1OEEELAROE 11511153 is No 1605 CALIFORNIA FRESH deeming BRIFSSELS SPRIIIITS 29 VQVSECIEGTED No1 THE WORIDS ARTISTS ARE ON 13111 Reconns row 111 11 11 11111111 lint lliltl 1211 11 ti 11 li le 111111 11111 111111 3311 Iini ltlll Iissan llle 11111111s ll 1111 331le1 lcxn 111 llltis III 1311071 1111 iflllSSIw rein llic 011 lid 1111 1111111 VICTOR RED SEAL Hillhivanno 11ri1 111111I 11w 1111 Host tlcr 1111 361 111 1111 1111 111131 Harmonious Blacksmith Turkish Wanda 1133 The Ireland Ilji 1111111 hickory 311111 Danny liov llic litii 1111111 11111 lillit lIliI 1111111111 11111111 1175 511119 CUBAN FRESH RED ea 29 Should leel For You Now Beautiful lirl B1 Wilt 18117311 111 Left The One Who 11 For Another 1311 Old Lasso is lleatletl Str1ij11t For X1111 Carter 111111 By 11111 B8GOG 111159 Back In Ycai Little 11 299 13 Bill Boyd and His ECewliOS Ramblers ll8854 No Matter What Ila Answerto You Are My Sunshine By The Pine llidee Boys 3011 GREATEST VICTOR BLACK LABEL 11117 ll1 11151 111 mt 111 1111 litvl 111111 1111 111111111 111421 111 wt 111111111 Im Iilm 111111111111 111 11111 11 gt111 11111 111 t111 1111 l11 llI liim tr IIIIII ii 111 III 11 1111 to 1111111111 111111 111 11111111211 llolidn lor llllll 111 11 11111 liI1p1 T1111 111 gt 11Iii11 111 11111 arinoo 11 lilz 111111 lcniiiiiim 11 11111 gt1 tilt gt111 3111151 11111113 11 Sllll lose 11 111111 1111111 311111 Sciciiadc Llonr loiijotirs l1no1r llicliazrl fr 111 11117 $12 You lo1c ilccausc lliiliaid 121112 BLUEBIRD RECORDS Itlll 11 owlmys Night to llowl River Valley lilncs By Will Cartcr 1187112 ihy $1110 titlc Sorry The Prairie 1211c 11111 1101 Darling lllie ioiieliixkllinlklpeaking Io Kyllis Horse By Texas 11111 Itolicitsotr title l8856 Dont Let Your an You Fmgive By Roy Hall Alt8728 Sweethca r15 11 Strangers Now Feel The Way You no mins THE RECORD BAR 26 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 4424 Sweet Love Die title Gite

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