Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1947, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN MoeNerrwor Legal and Sale NOTICE TO CREDI 111 1111 lli1 11 1111 TORS ASSESSOR WANTED THOMAS SH Lot 13 Con lnnistil Friday February 28 1111 liiI=lll NOTICETDACREDITORSI TENDERS AUCTION TALE Farm Stock Implements Household Effects VISAUTIPIVLIES FOR COUNTY BUILDINGS 11 1i 111 II ciliicstlt l1ltiltl III In iiiitliisiuncil 1111111 111 111 supplies tor tlic lluildiiies 1111111 touiili GORDON COLLINS SH Lot Con lnnislil 1111111 lllt tl at 11111111111 ry 217 Thursday Februo 111M 11 iI 111 TION ALE 111111 1111111 lLI11 1111 Form Stock Implements Extensive if AUCTION SALE riiFarm Stock ImplementsE fj Household Furnishings 1111111l 111111 111111 116in BE SH Lot 13 Con lnnistil tln ookstoun Road One Mile West of Highway 11 1111111 Tuesday lllli l1111lfl 1112 IlililtI 11111 11111 HILLIARD JAMIESON IILH Lot 11 Con 11 Essa lilcs South of Thornton l1I Auetan ebruary 25 ti 111 l11r1111 111 lav Dizr due 1111c Kllll due 111111 nilk 11 steers 111 1111 heilci 113s on ayFeb cry 26 11111Xi llolsteii llolstezii eon llolstcin 11gt due 111 Ala 11111 riszna risin Durham steers steer 1111 11111111 yr SWINIC 1111clnctl Yo 1111c time of sale Yorkshire sow Rea due 111 May Yortshire yr purebred Yorkshire sow in 311111 cow months lyr liu Durham licit Ct sow purebred 111111 well trey 111 purebred boar Rea due for iehistiation purebred Yorkshire sow tilll111111152 Yorkshire months Yorkshire sows due in May Yorkshire sow due time 111 sale 22 shoals pigs weeks old ti pigs weeks old 11 pins nearlyi ready tor market Collie 111g yr old IMILEMENIS Ala11 binder lt cut MH mower 7511 cultipackcr Cockshutt manure spreader Cockshtitt McCD Ilolslciii llcrctord fviisine gt1 calv 111111 power emery clippers with doors ropes till111111 llultw CCtxoii barrel water 111 smiths lorec 111 cupboard tarin trailer 1151111 ra 1971 tllLJlJlO Iieilci ti calves 115111 months SWINE AND POULTRY gt1111 Yorksl 1e due by sale brood Ere due Apr Yorkshire due Apr 13 store1 each purebred boars new Brood Yoil bluntll s11 pies 11110 lbs each 11 10 store pies 33 It store pigs 73 lbisreach 160 pullt ITTTTTIFIUTTPtTfIlhmpsllltl Wyandottc and Hamp pies 63 11155 each and rise each MsH 13 discs new Nos new 111 repairs DAIRY EQUIPMENT New 10le double 11111ber 1m 1111 111111 binder1 hens 311 shire IMPLIIMRNIS chine Nlt Forest 21 cyl clover attachment and chatt blou tiac1or 1111 Will new variable speed governors 11 lj llmertractor 1111 lturrow plow new tor 31 cows pails milk cultivator 1011 model $11 tooth hay rake pea harvester rolls out for coin like new sloop sleighs like sloop sleiehs cutters 2ftirrmv Fleury plow with wheels N0 77 Fleury plow gang plow 2sfurrow Coekshutt Cockshutt Cockshutt lfurrow Threshing ma ioneuc with ouildinei would make good brooder house or uiiit DOl millI house 141 1oed lowbeam Adams wagon new McCD biiic wagon 1020 equipped cabin Laval magnetic with pipe and tittines in new conditon do strainers hp Lister condition HAY GRAIN HAP plow cultivator tractor double disc 14 hwcgbinder Deering 7tt cut mower fDCflJltl Ttt cut sulky rake 10 tractor new ITtooth BEECH 3ttiiiow 2111 rro plow riding plow plow gang NIESS IQtltlti riding Vv vs 1x1 J1ZLL W1 1111111011 $1112 EForm Stock Implements Household Effects AUCTION SALES ll LI 11 ll 11 gt 11 1I 11 leriiis IN MEMORIAM CARDS OF THANKS 3400 111 11111111 l1I 111113 11111 lllllt who 11I11octl 111 11 Elhc erict we hear 11 szltIao llllll ll 1111c11lc111 llxiliczl 11 1N1 111 silit he knows 1111 11 cmory 1111 111st1i lI1111111 11 11111 11111 orilozi suns lil Iltlllk ll11ll II 11111 tauntch VARNISHES ENAMELS 111111 111 1111 111 21 13113 11111 19111111 1112111111sr 1111 IICNIS URRY BROS 111111111 111 1131 Hayfield s1 1111111111 31171 lather 31111111 titsscit 11211131 llllrl ONIIIN INIIIIII 10 littrl SURGE iIlLKERS DIURYMAH CLEANER MILK FASTER MILKING Inquire now for Delivery Elliott on 160 King St PHONE 10151 rumwoolmltioremruotm gti1 121111111 oooNttOIlofol tNOerIININo rcIIciIlictcil 11c 11111 1111111111 HEATERS Iaincu lltli tvrmt vou 111 you 1111111 and will to c1111 lIIILIIllil Spring 11111 by gt1111111l to our 11111111on you ever vll be 1C11 Weston Etltlttlllxlttl wife and daughter INIOoonovioaoloAvIOIIoltl 1221111111 1110111 11 1711 mil 111 steel manure spreader Cocks my 111 nay To bus seed oatsErban1$mlll N0 11 Steel nw dbC 100 bus mixed grain for seed ErI ban and N11BIrb barley double baclzband harness horse collars HOUSEHOLD Acorn set drng barrows sections Chat with bugger root pulper wheelbarrow setRen frew scales 2000 lbs Eureka po tato sprayer Arow MH potato potato planter used potato grader year Viking cream separator Chains forkspshovels and other articles too numerous to mention BLACKSMITH TOOLS Heavy blacksmith drill ham fanning mill 11111 tildisc fer spout seed drill with attachment mlkinaplows Fleury 21 with wheels one without riding plow 2Iurrow Nip No riding plow 1iurrow plow set of drag harrows sec tions root pulper milkinL machine De LavalMag netlc Bunit all complete with 31 hp electricrrmotorr new gas en time 214 hp brooderstove and poultry equiment set of trucks with rubber tires and wagon bugg steel wheel trucks grainvflat bot set of sloop sleighs draw rope sling ropes outfit on truck and pump jack grain crusher plate exv tension ladder 32 It HARNESS AND FEED set of breeching harness set of backband hainessset of single har11ess120 tons of choice hay 700 bus mixed oatsand barley 400 bus Ajax Seed oats test38 1135 500 bus choice heavy feed oats IIOUSEHQLDWNQEURNISHINGS Comprising piano Nordheimer good Chesterfield Wilton seamless rugs 9xll and 9x12 like new 9piecedining suite ional chairs kitchen table chairs Quebec heater new Singer sewing machine cooking utensils dislieisf curtains etc Also forks chains doubletrees throw tilizer with harness single digger OK year FURNISHINGS Happy wash stand gasoline battery range used last store hall gasoline radio Northern Electric Forks chains Rentrew Thought cook and dresser lantern Oliver 2turrow gong rack scuttler lamp root and bits pincers tongs taps doubletrees and horse many 7ltitIICIQS 14111 numerous 77m mention All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farm steel rims lite581 set of com riding Siiddle HAY AND GRAIN Quantityof red clotterfjhay Wellsaved quarie tin of Ajax oats quantity of mix ed grain Nb reserveas the soldliis farm Nothing to be rem tledvtor Terms cash Sale at giaiktlllebbkmerk ge uctioneer Phone 57114 Cookstown Clams SHORTS $11451 100 lbs BARBIE FLOUR MILLB lowwheel Sale Clerk lerms show Wilfred Stewart Sprotileu Auctioneer Phone 23111 SllOtld 011131111111115 AUCTIIINEER mammal LETQCK MAN C1715 11m tom rack cutter circular sawing electric proprietor has pump motor 8b oved until set oclock sharp 118W Occas 15111111 contain LICENSED AUCTIONEEII Five Yeors Experiencelrior to RCAF Service PHONE 4038 6111191151 sacks pails wliiffletrees shovels Positively no reserve as the mo prietor has sold his farm Terms Grain hay fow1tractor threshing mach ings and allsum For Successful Sale or ouSehold Furniture ltouse 11111111511 of $25 and un der cash over that amount seven monthscredit given on approved joint notes discount of off for cash on credit amounts Sale at 1230 pm sharp Grose Auctioneer Phone 4234 Barrie farm Stock and Implements ruomi 5111013111 23311 Wantonoouomodia Burrie WeekEnd Special 111 51211 lilIISHRlIM SIIIIP ft DozenTiiis 990 VCamphells if 1111111111 11111 Domino 51111111111 POWDER 1111111 11 251 till SOAP lllIillMEllll CUFFEE INFANTKFIIIIBS Apricot Custard Prune custard Vegetable Beef Liver in Heinz Apple Prune Custard Prunes INFANT FlIllDS T73 35 1231 Young Cations entrants Sliced semi mm 27 1PINEAPPLE mums 11237 BANANAS 20 oz 150 1011 71 flease of 24 tins $235 1001 Select P021111 KID Tasty skinless JollyGood New Crop PIIIEII DATES Turkish Seedless SUITANII RAISINS 10 ozklrygcgf dz 15 la 02 WEBSTER ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS FARM 11111111111 PHONE 3230 BARBIE ll illll It 11 Hlll lit RADIO REPAIRS PROMPT GOURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Teds Radio Appliance TED OAKS 44 Essex Rd Allondctle Repairs on Ctll Electrical Household Appliances 11 211 ll lttl 111 111 1111nr11 in our 116 1111 1112111111 11 1111 1111111111 lipptr 111111 11111 Jitci disc Illi 1111111 Itll lQlAl BEAVER VALE FARMS WILCOX SONS llltll II It II lililllUN 1111 tl PHONE 11llIlt nHs noins REPAIRING LARGEST SIOCK 111 GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS ANI ISIISI IIIQUIIIICD SPRING Slltl NORTH OF TORONTO COMIIJVXIII SlOtK 01 A1111 SPRING Aflilr1hltllillt BARRIE SPRING SERVICE 12 Baylield St Fire c1111111wc11 111111 111$ Ihc Advance notice of cctilgt1 13 ll11 IilIltl ulllill inscrtcd 111 Overhead Garage Doors size ft wide by it thick Granulated Insulation Loose Building lapcr tioiildinas Insulation Bu Us Inside Doors lasmtile and Iiromtrim Aluminum Masonite lilooring Asphalt Shingles 210 11 per square oloursz lied Green Black and lover llardwall Plaster linishing Lime Masons Lime 56 Ellen St BARBIE All merchandise sold at your Store guaranteed Dominion tionally 100 satisfaction Cuban Cal Sunkist Navel RANGES 85 Golden ripe Ncw Texas 28 40fathom Inn nuns 331 BEE118 Aylmer Pure Seville ORANGE MARMAlAIIE Five Roses All Purpose 115 lb no tin 289 Silverbriglit SALMDNSTEAKS 12911 ONIONS Palmolivd Odcx Litehuoy Royal City BC Pack PEAS 811ARII0TS ttcg 20 oz 17 131 Fresh airsins Fresh Ground As Sold Aylmer Fancy Quality 111111111 28 27 nous WANTED Wepay highest marketprices for Eggs local Manager for full particulars VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL 010er1 SATURDAY FEB 22 DDMINJONTOREB LIMJD See your Mushrooms AquVE FRESH DAILY lllllliltl imam wmmwwumtwm Phone 3809 maa Seed Grain For Sale 11111111 hits tttl ohtaincd iii lixpcrinirntal liiiins tlrdcr early Ivoitl tllxltltliillllliiflll 11111 1111111 Dominion 10 MattingOHM mwwr mm rv rlt lltlllllt ll llllt ww 11a 3561 Barrie Ont money 1111111 1111111 and 1111111 Phone 2517 uncondi give W1WA Texas Marsh seedless 42 illuminant 12251 2111 1101 2531 15 1011 bag size 11 No looking 49 Texas Spinach Green Beans Radishes Green Onions Brussels prou ta jar Mix Etc

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