Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1947, p. 13

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Copie il HE+ BARRIE EX MIN BARRiE ONTtint CANADA Tiieiisrvo lfRLNQi et=ltn TWO WELCOME GIFTS T0 HOSPITAL BOARD iiicrliit itinerant llospinl rittr up lllJtl to no UIJII lint rilb Viirii ltftriitd lituttl ltnul itlotu rrlctv HOUSE or HITS THURSDAY rRiDAY SATURDAY Eve Shows 550 Iltlliltlsoll Ilir still itin all tied pain by hand lit nude llllUIlt tiitl llirti bought automatic llllll tt llirsc tuttis IIIJI rushing ttitl list no slttllittiit Silt tJtll MIIJlJlt tloors Another Conhnuous Show Sol 230 till and pm yclcomc ms licqursl of 350 from the ssrah irotge Vickils iry ickcrs iiliin lit lilii WN PLANNING in ii li BtiiiNi PREPARE 82500 BUDGET liii iii ieit 111 la toaiiiSil liliili izii ltllilitl oi $33M it11il2 Itll ci iii ll13l itivl tili out an and luv it lilll 1iii Hi iiil lii lli of lain il lliitimatit ll llii urn intuith llililllil iitl titc jei lilEILtiill llai min Willi llin itittlbvtitll Itll tht the piiipircivi in day il lie pint in ii cittlc iiioplc litl vv NATIONA COMMITTEE HOLD FEB 18 llllilllilllll llt ilinacll icctaiiirwndcil llic of lltllllltl unlit to llll ti iv it He lillililllll trilltll liCllli of iecrt in plan in lor ill liniltliit io iiiic ii tttl liie budget of Jiliil ittttltl pio xirli $1illll for the czittaitciiiciitvot professional and town pltittlicis to taltc an ill llit illiii l$lllll tannltl minute for lciio1iiphic litll and tXIIIIlIvl llw invt ntory of the The rgtllltl include it set ltS of iiiaps uttlicatiih present buildtiiizs services available aiitl such related tiiloiiiialii ii the member of the Town llannriit eiiitiiieeis llltti izcnilecl lilltivi lliin licltl lllilt illie lilllllllilllll day itil1 nad loltri ili made to hoti the lollottii llrmttl oniol liixlc lllliilt The March and All will be litlttl to Ivmd pig tlil imprint iii tiii Illlllt li ntiltltl in IH ll lil ltii ILIS ENTIRE WEEK STARTS MON EVE SHOWS 630 and pm TE ICOLOSSAL MU ll niiiiiiio it its iiiiii Niii AlllOltN till illtlltuil llilv and veiili first llillil anil next aica land type facilities lc2thln lake is ciiaiiiiian oi natioan Ilftlt Netletoi llltt cooperation wan llugtcil thcii chaii mat ipropare report based on the needs various inonps ili aiziictilturt of the community Sliessingt that the predominantlleatli llltlllll lolni illilchinsonlililml conimunityiand Ii Morrison liw Doni illtll lnclircti litlioi Lialtvl Ill WV53 liliitlmi litiiiiiell said that without etiiilrolfof larlo and trite McDonald loo mttcliwf Barrie lannnn and Mrs Monl servtccltca hit of ltatlrdValve white aili trades more than the coinmuiiilydar employees lllllSllttliltti poiiil llll speaker said that duringretail merchants depression it was cuslomaiy for Miss lllhel tronslantl tourist bustr Wm 01m pm businesses lstarled up in all areas were tlicrctlegiini was no control Mr llunncll declared that llliyAlsti present were lrisidcnt 11 it musillilllilillilllllll illllillliii1lllllitjlll 1M md mm Hum ll if 0H llddlllhll lll min made of clay and stone were to gtewcrs and of the basements added that lack planning MGMs out SICAl lloarti would iStcwart laitc area would always any residential Mr1 ild was usually available there land could supporl stores small iuess Harold ibltllb Section lJoliii Sliver ll fix relation level build iiics consideration the the subjects is lbw As each of 01 eussed the secretary Will be inl compile report oil llusvllhcr combined findings anti lhescl lomcmirV 001 mud CUSL ulcavill be passed on lo the Illllllllbili mum5 Hilfice of the Canadian Chamber of 9175971177 CommerceAiiatiniiiil ieport will vottld cosl builders lhousands my the he Drown and made known WHO the federal officials concerned The local Chamber of Commerce has pamphlets Know Your lov ernmeiil and lhis is lltrshiess tivailable ler distribution structth community thousant changingstreetgrt es oi altering buildings to provide rimsrage disposal If there are areas economically them be built upon sullielcnt numbers to be in posi ition to demand sewers that wouldl cost the community too inueli money suggested the speaker mu It Leishman was chair man ol the meeting and he thankH ed Mr Bunnell for his assistance to the Board ltgt Mrs Corbett Receives Gold Operational Wings Mrs Eternal of street has received the gold oplti eraiional wings and certificate in recognition of the gallant services of Flight Sergeant Dalton Cor was missing June 25 1944 and pcrsumed dead in July 1945 He received his education at Victoriachool and BCL and was well known in sport circles He was member of Trinity Church and Mens Club unsuitable service mm CQMJNG errors Ladies Auxiliary of the Barrie Lioiis Club presents thoBeacon Choristers graduatesin music of SINGING AND DANCING TO 25 JEROME KERN NIT SONGS rut THE crow not or Ontario March ialC 1947 Duckworlli bell who SUITS ENTERTAINMENT CHOOSE FROM Youngva Section Chamberof Commerce Open Meeting Feb 26 Pnesdaycvemnglheiexeeulive members of the Young Mens Sec tion of the Barrie Chamber Commerce met THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY 230 PM om Cossldy Pmduqion Hormone DEVILS AYERO hlaaild illrv UNITIOAINSTS CARTOON fiVLITTLE LION HUNTER SHOWS i6453and part TUESDAY WEDNESDAY NtAriNER WEDNESDAY 230 GRZIND ENTERTAINING LHITS ON ONE BiGPti0GRAM and decided to hold another open meeting at the Community House next Thursday February 26 at 7304pm Arrangements have been to have representatives from the Young Mens Section of the Tor onto Board of Trade here again id all young men of Barrie will be welcome tTatteiid v3 TURKEY SADDLES The Barrie Tent Awning 50 34 Bayficld St Barrie eeivedinutnerOUS letters and lelc lphone calls from various locations iiiluding Torbnto and Kitchener asking what turkey saddles are used for an advt which appeared alew weeks ago Turkey saddlesvare used for breed ing purposes made lint Iii ii GERALD iiomi COLUMNI PICTURE go have re in this paper MONDA CECIL llAWAYTUTlER lHARD OUINE PLUS CA LETS too CAMPING Eve Shows and 845 pm ALASI COMPLETE SHOW STARTS 845 All area south of Brock lstreet including allot Allandale Magazines books papers rags and lets urgently needed If snow prevents pick up date will be extended one month ahead Dont Ghmbl lit with Strangers Adult Entertainment RTOON cloth still rain Aid 13 Oxygen Tent lills Urgent Need llltllllli Affirms 50 Christi Mechanics lAttcnding ThreeDay lSchool Here This Week li in iici tIUiJillltt la ti it iiv tar gt ii ircrlt ii 2iltl tlttill lil Tliti ii idizlzonil imii1 when lllltl flll he dsy1 3va ion second LLHHHHAV lgteioiiiol llilltl win cum ltotzl ll lite 71iid tncilun vall hr lltltl will ilibiii itllliitili ltiliii ll ltltliillmi lioiti ta llltlitloi Ill iiiztia ti viin1lcc iiiii the viceHtI iti ltlttllll itlllilillHll ll Miss Vina hlclsen lll ltll ionr ltev it it Northn it we pm mdz 11 llf MM Kiwi iollcd lion cup and may well by be the lltlttilllt iitlltilttll of the lctn dce Uante Mclhttlcc znaillm ii In iymmw MMM lfl ng bill binoltiiu too was anothcvz torn 11 it haying ten hxdm deym Mum MM Maurice littlest 5m mth illa Barrie ii Oiillia IN STOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT YOUNG MENS SINGLEAND DOUBLE BREASTED TO Priced from $3450 war TODD EFHAV Bldg to new location at Z4DUNLOP ST UPSTAIRS Entrance next to Woolworths Mac INNES PHONE 259i sT Ninas riiiiisrt BINGO Thursday PeBcZO at 815 part in QDDFEIILOWSC7HALL Collier St Prizes9 ChickensvBcis Special Games We offertraders and investors complete facilities for buying and selling listed and unlisted industrial mining and oil stocks as Wellyas in Government Municipalaitd Corporation bonds We are at your service to supply facts and figures about any securities in which you are interested CRAWFORD CO Members The Toronto Stock Exchange TORONTO OlNlAR lO BARRIE BRANCH 89 DUNLOP STREET Dial 2443 Flynn HURONIA GALLERY in ii lit Li it it Ill tll olliil liloll ilitl it1iiiii tilll it itii illitiiviiii nor inimit of ti William Uplitillti and lot the tcotitl piiil1 Miluflh HA ililltlllf Sinclair militanti lite inst rit ll llit Hlit lii cl Stiiln oiia cdiitl were pitipcstt ni itemi rei llc ll lllltil 1de forms of p1p0s incliititiit c2 lllllWlIlit pipes of dogs birth and hit lri Jl llaria nertine lilitlt LADY BADENIUIIIILI Ilic lorldtliicf illll BadenPowell lBli nvidow founder of the Boy Scout and tin Guide bliuveziieiils 1ivto litgtl as well as an abundance lite LEGION BINGO to be held in LEGION HALL Owen St at 830 pm GT BARmE limit PuClSd by my Married Royal Canadian Air Force personnel of TAILoRiN gets Of Fruit Grocenes 7Carnival held FEb 14 in support of Barrie Mem OPENED AT ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM NM THURSDAY rRiDAY SATRDAY MAI80 Angellaced mystery girl hunted as death stakes twice usittrtt um mm 3TlERNEYlEFFREYSGltMtiRE Dltcted by Pliit ROSEN im in Frth wand for added lauc llN BERGEN and MCCARTHY FIBBER MCGEE and MOLLY ts icclna of lll vlyil llll intlfJ tTsliiilllHti leaner at Halr lillllltli Tinl lltioi die lad liviiuiiig llil iie Hill j5iljlfl Wt The Great Gildersleeve mth Stinms lttt vols iiiti ittcie ol rpm lii til st iii llll of MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 411 mi il it vitliiHo illllilli ll ml llil tlm kitiiih tcLsiriti tlllitt 41 tiic umrlii niailaid llitlld tier et tne inicior pos iliou of flu lutliiii til ariatlini xvhi ydeVdWmaa and waitll you hear that HUBBA HUBBA song iit up lliil Slilld All oi till the Iliu iiczr gauzblzne Stone and clay lll chipped from pottery ihcrds Vtlllilll mid flat lt inctl in itiiililldllll Si oeai notches niohably tlciniii different values Sometime made of blue these disks were believed to have been discovered lood iiicltidedpatls of annuals tincludtne the croundhtiu beaver llil dot deer and bear llizllClltd ol corn peas iobtained from curl explnrcrs and squash So itollllt pus cotiaiuwtiswere the lluroiis lhal one early missionary wrote Vlhal it was much easier to become lol iii Elia corn fields than in the forests Exhibits Jprove llil the linttins Iwerc great traders Beads made lroni the red stone catlmite found lonly 111 Minnesota and shell orj nanienis from the itlaiilicsca3 lboard point to the extensive liadc Vin prowhile limes carried on lroini Itribe to tribe Toys toe playcdi 1113312 Izmir MC in if liilllreniains of all liuroits lltt had iiil ll insured lll welfare of the lmuL TIM LvU p01 mu fldlCd in that lllvtlYttl were lltllil deceased and iiti served as comlt he uidmus dlSh sets of mmlogelliei and lhrcwn iiituwi7liLgLnLtnaliticuriii at which friends mm if Directed by BRYAN FOY LEWisSEitrr ONT CenturyFox Pltluro tlntl treat Feature ITheEairibbean Mystery tvii JAMES DUNN SHEILA RYAN SChUOl or the Blind llknbchrgzgclgs 2001 wcmflmd Cllhlagllei bone pit or country joined in group farewell to the Barrie Collcg building fund BURYING Ill This ceremony called by tht departed The pit itselt was about iibl The osstttily iburying Dill atlrencli The Feast of the Dead lit feel in diametc and five out lCaliiaguc partially reproduced attivas lhevmost itiiporlarit lluroii ritlt in depth llluioiiia Gallery provided MEN and YOUNG MENS wealthan information COIDbtSi WF MODELS underwent double burlal Wrapi ped iii beaver skins Sometimes SIZES 35 to 44 priced at $3150 $3350 to $4250 with 05 they We OUR POLICIES ilQLlildieethaVlteertiscVe led in indiVidual graves at first Dont have to be my This burial seemed to have little importance or ceremony attached lo it But every nine or 10 yearst Dont track in mud Dont need bed But like Watchdog Our policies are ever on the alert ytoiprevent loss sEE MALoomsoNS Victor Church andwsons termL INSURANCE AGENCY erly farming at Egbert this weekl firmEfgy Dialrmss took over the White Rose Service iStation and Yellow Roof cabins on Highway 11 near the east limit of Allandale which they pur chased from Herman Osborn lhisl To Citizens of Barrie Bayview Apartments Change Hands March MN WWWOJJ MONWINIIWMIW includes distribution of Canadian Oil products Mr and Mrs Osborn have moved to the Bayview Aparti the year from James Hart with official possession on March Camp Borden urgentlyrequtreturnishedrouintumtshe fl houses suites or housekeeping rooms It you want to real that vacant accommodation you have please tele phone the HousingVOifiCer Flt Lt Armstrong at Camp Borden Local 101 or Mrs Guilloyle48Worsley Street it Phone 3157 dm uahlelaa gto the Community rm the Splendid atend Attenlion Home Owners have discovered there are firms using tradtf names so similar to SEALIIIE INSULATIQN that the public might be misled once at the Skating orial Hospital Representatives of all groups and interests in the area are meeting Feb 26 in order to set tip committees to make this project reality and it Will need the sup port of all citizens My experience is that no joblsudone any better than the man who does it If you are constdering insulating your home byblowing method or otherwise be sure you get in touch with me personally or by telephone and get our free estimates and compare my prices ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED ROY HUTCHlNSON Local Rep Sealliie Insulation DIAL 41417 41 InnislilySt BARRIELONT Signed BARRIE ROTARY CLUB

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