llii NW Pa iteuol access the long where gfalLaty pass on settled down oti SURVEY l8 tftiixllll tonipletin the survey ltiiinal which llltlt niw id ty lliiilln1 experit le beats brown lit tr annuals the ltll tllllllltll fo finally iietl Win in at Bi llttliill was only It boarded flat Winnipeg the rallying the llt and study on the survey Remaining ll Vinnipct short time blitdltlllllitl returned to his home at llariie lionvtnier thelurtrl tlll travelled lit the officials till ere wanna to hearl the maps niatlcl of the west was too great and he set out unlit On May 13 illllii his wide ext pcrtences the handlina of men1 stood him in good stead and hen was aiipointed loliet Tilaaislialtnl He held this position tllllll his to tiremcnt on October 12 1934 routai oi caiiiiNAis UlllllLQ his lengthy career as pol lice magi late Mr Pulling handletll thousands of cases On nunierous lllE Elglltltifl tiiAlilllxljl lid minglinggill Born UTOPTA Passes on in 88th Year Long and Coloprrfvulgareer notes lll lit 1th till liilllIUl Ii mWWAAVVrvVVVVWVWWWW Pasteur said Scietice has discovered that Sauerkraut long popular because of its pleasantly stimulating llavouifis title of natures best medicines Pasteur the famous lirench scientist father of pasteurimtion placed it first among all vegetables from health standpoint Vhen you enjoy its delicious piquancy youare enjoying cabmgr in its IllLil easily digcilct form and lorrifyin yourself against many cotnmon ailments Renowned doctors have sung the praises ofSauerkraut recommended it as tonicand conditionerprescribed it as cure for stomach and liver troubles Besides containing valuablevitamins and minerals Sauerkraut is rich in lactic acid It has the effect tifgtarding thatin diseases of middle and old age such as hardening of the arteries BRING oN THE SAUERKRAUT rheumatism gastritis obesity and dyspepsia lt increasesappetitc and aids digestion purifies the blood and lights disease germs lHRIFlY ANDAPPETIZING ften called the poor mans dish and the rich mans medicine Sauerkraut which rates high in food value is ll1 of the most economical vegetables you when properly prepared it is general favourite because of its pleasantly invigorating tang SAJUERKRAUT CHASES iNDiGEsr jitters Ntiiiricitf ION lilibys new pack now on theinarkctliriugs you Sauerkraut at its Before you did LISTEN for the otherwise youll get NOTHING or WRONG NUMBER in atu itttriiour commit 0F NADA llavourlul best Libbys use only the choicestcabbagm and every step in its preparationis scientificallycontrolled to produce consistently hidelicious eatingLibbys Sanerkraut is neveribitter sweeter rancid is uniformlyvgolden in seleniuicriSp rm and appetizing Delicious just as it comes fromthe can iris eqtially tasty in salads or hotdislihsi libby NIcNeiIl and Libby cit Canada limited Chatham Ontario 441 011 MM Faeagamw we 1th we SAUERKRAUT AND CARROT SAIAD cups lebyoSauorkruut medium sized carrots cup at cream droning lettuce After washing and scraping carrots run through the coarse knife of food chopper Combine with sauerkraut Add cream dressrng Serve In lettuce Cups Serves six lll ltfilAltli Aflhltii GRENFEL lialitis to VI tl lb Itliii 11 lilld iil than Hominid 71 ll li rt it it Nesbitt Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR SALES Allllltll lllilt HIMICIHIAI UliAlillll SERVICE ON ALL MAKES tonitntreial and Domestic SAUERKRAUT is THE MOST USEFUL AND MOST HEMIHFUL VEGETABLE DISH ON EARTH and bowels can purchase ltljctlhtm all year round SKil SPARERIBS iAND SAUERKRAUT then layerol spareribs then kraut andcontinuc until the saucepan is near lled Add no water but fasten lid on rmly to avoid the escape of steam Illtklllltl Ill lSo ll NESBITT BARBIE Phone 3837 113 Owen St Containsvitamins ii and and valuable minerals also lactic acid which is beneficial to the stomach BARRIE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Specialists in ltllltt llNlSIlINtE NILIll lLlllMi tlltllllltli LEASING 13 tuirs exp Beel UpsideDown Pie ii xitiw ititlL Iii hall lo and lull matrr gi trans imam it AllsttliitlIll tp til tan tuitilciisml tiltt mil tfhirnmp um you llv lioiiiitl ran il si in min flu tnur Irwin lmia tit i1l tlt tent All and Rumor add til nv unopened mltiu thntuuglilt with it iiltl on llIl stir until Itllllili Ni ii ii in il tux tui Litilispmi AIHI it in ioi ll run and took Htlmih itllll ill ilti it it soup tiiialtiin ltJpimtt ll it labor outline on top of le uilt llll Illl the in but nitu in 474$ for Ilmiit gtI Illllluli Itirti out lvtII down on latgr around lItlltlH1 to tail pltJil ylJln MADE IN CANADA VWVW WHAT DOCTORSVSAY ABOUT SAUERKRAUT Sauerkraut contains all the valuable food elements of the cabbage It is wonderful tippcticcr and aids digestionlr II litindcseti besides greatly facilitating digestion hence has often proved to be at curative value in various types of dyspepsia PRAVISED BY oocioiis Sauerkraut is scientific and invaluable food treatment for stomach bowels and blood It is remedial for sour stomach and gastritislr juan Amiga Sauerkraut adds savour to other foods labhage is one of the vegetables which is found to be richest in vitamins think there is nolorm iii which cabbage can be used to such advantage asin Sauerkraut the slight acidity of Sauerkraut safeguards against the destruction of the vitanitnsDr Arnold Lorand in that its tendency would be to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines which are sometimes responsible for autointoxicationDr Sadler Sauerkraut is valuable food tfilts llllltllti LU liili Itioiir woo cups Libbys Sauerkraut SAUERKRAUT OMELET 14 cup butter or other fat 13 cup our tampon lake heavybottomed saucepan With tightlyittng cover Place in the 18 teaspoon paprikq34 cup liquid milk water soup or vegetable lulca bottom with the skin side up some sugar cured ham rindsgithen spread eggs teaspoon lemon juice upon them some sliced onions Place on this it layer of Libbys Sauerkrauy Melt fat add flour and cook for about one minute Add liquid stirring constantly and cook until mixture is smooth and thick Add Libbys Sauerkraut and egg yolks unbeaten Beat whites of the eggs still and fold them into mixture Add lemon iuice pour into buttered omelet an thereby cooking the food in its own moisture Cook for twoand onehall cook in 510 men Wm 20 minutes fold serve immediately hours hot platter Serves four