11 2111ilesnexi ear Barrie Clti head of the ba iii ol llawkestone cutting between 14000 Horse buyer As manyas 100 loads of grain day being marketed at Bradford Pressed hay being sold at Coilingl of Vespra at $70 year party but had hard timecrawling 17c peas 3840011154hindquarters IHE BARBIE EXAMINER CANADA 11111111 11113 25 51 on Guaranteed gt fl add tmi11 1111 iv 11 NM MM 111 11111112117 mEIL Trus CGIllflCOleS 111 tr 31111 19 1111 usuun Hymn wuwum WNW iii111 111 tlttilxi ll 17 Km 1111 11 15 i1 11 11 I11 ii ii 1i STERLING TRUSTS 11 CORPORATION 5x tinting lovrer Toronto 111 gt 11111 11 Awm Wm at tllll1t r11 11111 111 111 Il1l collcc llltll lr liul 11 1n1111 11 House l1cuntniiisclionc 1111 5111111111 31 11 l1 3111111 illtlll thtlis lllllHltlliull collccs Hi 11 11111A1m 111 111 1li 11111i it lllnll 11an 11 91111 to bincsilicmullinasnprrli 11 lt 11 opticl tll11ll HIIM hitml i1m 11111111 Hip that has tarHi llllHH 111211111 11iltlili 1111111 gt 1=1 111 11 11111 1111111 11 our l111 xvii 1111 l= illlt111111 111lil1 421113111 1111111 11 1h l11itinagtgt 11 1i 11 11 liiltW 1s11111111cs 1112111111 11111111 11111 roni Mar 11 Gina tiliit 111 11311111111 111111 111111 lits shouldl11111111111j 11 111i 111i1i 111111 111 pram tor1111111111111111112 111 ii 1111 savs 111111111111 111 illlltil llwlltl 111111 Iltlti 11 111 31111zt11 111 311111 1111 1111 111 111111111111y 1cl11unei 1tl1111111 1111 the 11111111l 411111111 111 lir1n1 oo1i supply 111 11 111 14 11111111 oo 1113 111 11 11fi1nd tHHtIiltiHllin 111 111 Armin Hoard 111 iiducaiion 1111 nit111 hr 11 continue 1hcn lilll 1111 111 it 11111 1111tl1 rmolaiion to pc 1111 am llilVi to Work 111 runn 1111113 by teachers th tlic city sclitiois 111 1111 in the illlllltl 11111111 11 11 j1111 11Ij iltcic was no tlttti made to 1gt ti constructioi1 the gt1c an 1111 1211 111111111111 11 the caclicis lilii11ll 1111111111 111 cinereeiicy is to t1 11 liillllililt 1111 Board could naxc c1111111un 111 111111110 1111 lltlr also been 11 lliltlt 11111 out very easily what the l1lttllt1 11111111 111111111 l1111t 111il siztt 11s has seriously nandicappm 11 111 111 about 11 Ilicrc must be iiundicds 11 1111111211111111 1I 111111v3mw 11 the provision 111 ad ij1 1111111111 who do not smoke It is tar trw 11 11111 iitiisis is1 1111115 11 11 1111t1 But while the 314111 11111 ttiitiiltftltttlttty 111 the teachers to suzp iii iiw 11 11W 11111121114111 v1 11 ll 11 illw 1111 11111111111111 tattor it 11111 1111111 by such motion that the hair so 11 H111 111111 11 i1 11 11 111111 is an acute nerd ilii1 111111 1111111 control 111 themselves that they cane 11 111 My 101 11in iv gt gt nit 11 gt1lii 11 11111 111 tliulnsolws 111 11l1111 11 11 1111 1111111 Vlllltllll indulging in 1111sh1b 11 111111 111 1111I 11 1111i1111 11 11 11111 Ill nuns the school day 1111li1 is 111 sup 111 1111 1111 1111111q 11 11 H1111 Mint 1l111 innncdiatc IllttlSlllt 1111 zri 1111 darn m1 50 ii 11 YEARS AGONM All litTA 12 311a 1111 9m me 11 sultan to II BARRHI Dli flit 1151 sill IICBIIIAIH 1111807 33 tiiii1i Barrie Local Notes ll lirtniibuit 2111 my in the World 11 oi principal cites in is quite il friends and is nakin out of the exhibition and rieiglzt lover lei11 1illli 11 use our 78 lfriends 11 lllJt 1111 tonctption ol the sine uni 11 this Dominion txoiiid liliifl thine 411 pat 11 i1 iatncr talked mi next years IILiitlll with lit1111215 One thin lUtilttiitltirAVLr1 15111 not to feed turnips to nilcli iiti good It his iuioies were lttigtl 90 nosp1 which in present these peonie better caie that the RV 1113111ls had 11 cznonic 1ses suited that had the 11 been more progressive acctinundation for who did not require 1i care there would 1liil hospitals as 1n 1711 not less lhai 1111111111111 Mr Thomas s1idl1c plan 1111 to act cream within radius Big crowd ice races Iherc v1 c1 1es and keen conpeiiioni 111 11 11 dag 3minute trot Uitiiese people six entries best time 11151 181001 titre 223 entries 1111 111 tli eciierai 11 1111d race $50 entries timLuw Second day 3311111 15100 We siiouirl pi declared the 13 1111111 of trustees 11111nvide for the lu this town will trot 150011 time 2261 litioerl es judges Garden It of Aurora and Altied riirsvsiclce two races for dog 31 1711s liiirdday two horse DH EBBS jlufFrpecial train with 200 sup ya 11 Il introduced Dru 1111101 Barrie hockey team went On at 11 in but lostthe match to ll Ioti Churchill described as best untlitbttpel in Ontario Ssiiiih and Sinjeant entered iltm partnership with James Van to term Jas Vaii Carl Horstield began 1111111111 ice fiVIr Vansickle getting in stool of logsdor his mill at gihc tSick ldreits Hospital campaign ior new acconnnidution Dr Ebbs1 said 1111 addititn vas tiist plannde in 1920 then the depression came an plans were abandoned In 1938 tlicplzuis Lilitiii came up and it 11211 lecnled to erect new building 9111111 wcie developed but 1ltevhrid to be dropped when the war sthrt ed fBut iiitlie Springi of 19451the lQmpeljzlllce ill Gumlleheconlmg SLlIlgtlltlIlC again declared the2 so musical tharthey purchased an Speaker as 1151101 1111 10 11mm 01121111 LOVC05130011E lePer some details at the campaign for lid bellmCQSlng in Slilt101l111eiv Hospital for Sick Children Harvey Bros shingle mm 131111 tirst Ziob at all wastiosell the need Wltctryoti talk in terms of 25000 people Id like to add one and make it 25001 Id like to be Pmes 00 10W iincluded Id like to 11111111 of the thousands of people next Summei who would be travelling in this If area some of whom would use C13ogrgxdiageffnsen llllls hospital hope when your iceted pme Minister Lmrimf campaign starts it will reach all jthese people Chan Stewart appomted Declaring that the doctors had to leihlmd of young folk EmfAR iiivc thedfaclsh for ammunition Dr mos sai on it 19 M1115 dmvei to Edgm fm time of planning it was necessary 1i iygoocls Simcoe County Biielsv Wild canaries seen in thevicin Ha1vkestone Sons ot1 and 15011011111111113 night got few horses at Cookstown home through the snow drifts next morning Vital statistics tor spring lamb 89c 1b chickens35 Vespra township in 1896 were 77 40c per pair turkeys 890 1b births 14marriages and 17 deaths Some prices wheat 7274c oats 7151 doz potatoes 1820c bag wood $53$32 cord anthracitecoal $4415 dressed no $50$15 cwt $625$630 tonf sheep skins 7017510 11111 111111111 411 in 1111 canipa in to 21iti tliildzeii Dr decided that nuah the 1I1l Dr liabs eznphnsircl lic 18111 lnwndous Crtititi tan b1111 l1llen11n the oilic 11s of 1111 Iw aunt hospital when their tllill for 500000th resulted in otzil all ST 7100000 nthusiasin in meeting Dr Ibes said even when the money pect the hospital DttllCll leading investment managers who had paign Children licity Doherty and he stressed the value at taking citizens through the pres 11 Toronto 31 iierot the llishilai tor Sick Chil bigger job than we undertook 11111111111 thebackground of the mem AEmphasizing the importance of ii million dollars came to the butter 124311112 lard 810c eggs the 1111i 111111 itiipressa v1 11 he 11 111111 11 rewitiatl Latincns the llOrlhltl Expressing appreciation for the evidence at the was raised dont be up next week C1nicludine he wished every success for the LIITTTITTIZLEH tin1 new hospital in Barrie DOHERIY il McCarroll introduced Ornis one 111 Iorontos in directing the cam the Ilospital tor Sick part tor lhe iirst step was strong pub cainpaiynl declared My nt crowded hospital as was done In the inception oi this work must be made clear that the co DCIILIIOII of all is required You oust put aside all differences of my kind You must haveiallthe hurches all the schools allthe Womens Institutes it is nansized job In proportion i1 is Mr Doherty stressed that govern and municipal assistance vould haverto be asked Stroneg recommending some of the Victory Loan methods of rats1 Ing 1noney the speaker stiessedf the importance of pledge Catds He describcduhe results of the pledges in their cantpaign as astonishing special names mcommittee Mixl Doherty pointed out that of 160000 contributors to the Hospitalcfor Sick Children 85000000 was c011 tributed by 3500 In other words1 ltwofper ceitt of the contributors 11 lgave twothirds of thevtotal He added tltatlthis included grants of each from the Province of Otitario and hointhe City of Toronto Pointing out that of 05000 people inthis areamany were children the speaker said at the most there would be about 15001 prospective givers Mr Doherty estimated ihatthis new hospital would prob ably require an aVerage per capita contribution of $50 to $60 You are going to require many onc thousanddollar donations he de clared adding that million dol lars or half million dollars was aot of money Mr Doherty stressed the im portance of indicating on card how much each person would be oxpeeted to give It gives man satisfaction to her1y advised 111 11 is 11111 easy to say llitv prohiwr 9w pocti 111 be examples to the cliildrcn and 1111 11is other than 111itch husinais 1111 1111111 11 11111 classes sec teachers smoking in 11j1111111 scrious lack oi if1iitttttltllitll 11 111wii 1111111 it ill undoubtedly have tendency 11 1111121 1111111 hospitals and there should 111 11111111 11111 111 increase the use of cigarettes by iiivciiilts 11 s11111vii1v 11111 liillll institutions It thczi 111111 11111111 1111 11111121 is ttllttittlyAtttll desirable When Dial 1z1111 111 111111 111111 rahscent llOnttS sonic oi 1121 1ilts 1111 11 Lioidrine director 111141111111111111 i11s 111111 jjfj1 iilil 11111111111 hospitals llll tux 111i zsxcd tor111s opinion he declared do 1111 11 111 1111111111111il 111111 the whole problem is must pro 111i 111111 smoking in our schools The 1111111111111 11 1111111111 1111111 is actually very lunecrinis 11111 11l117 111 marshal also is opposed holding that 732 i=1 r=11= 1111 11 1111 111111 s11 possible considmation should l1 91 icn reuiilution would introduce real gtl1l1l11llhl irv litvhllit 111ltii11111111 311N111 121111 ivith public resoonsthhiug 11 1111 the fire hazard 1i Kllll Smmf ll fl Hv Am tlhlHV 111 11cn id 1Iit 113111111111 11i 111 lo1l liii 11t till i111c1 1sle 1111n tip or 11 iii1 early liijif 11 ne 11e iitlg Sarniidnic ii 1d some it llittlis lCtitSt ice iittltl actontnnnlzilion turn lttlgt Ltlltliiii in 11111 111111 11l stalilin l11 11i1111i 11x11 111an oi lanscs in Will lurrotvs niairicd lis Annie ll liiiison ol Maple Grove iFazui Sunnidde ilotli still have lair 1111 are oi nt1lth and their inan lii hopei iiititl the may be spared itirn liappy years together HON ALBERT IA IL President 111the Excelsior lii1v liiiirunce Company who advised the 717111 annual meeting oi 30 increase 111 new insurance during llllti give what ed tor he said jin emphasizing the imperaL iivc need tor having liigh oojotui live he said it was ZICLCltgtllt 1111 tie the eanipaiun to this objective In his closing remarks Mr D1 Keep up good runningr publicity show although Ford Hoekmerepmofmd the actual Cliltlpitlelllllll take only cemmuy locued mo of four or live weeks The 01s vere thanked Blakeluc ill iiti added voice to the campaign for nextl hospital iii Ilarrie Mr Mitchinson asked that each croup appoint representative tol attend meeting to be held Feb 26 when definite decisimrwouldl be made and Barrie Connnunity Hospital Committee esia ishcd We trust thiswill be venture1 to service he concluded monmcai TOROHTO have private bath and radio Forreservalions write orwire the Manager well in ad vance ofunticipuied arrival potion HQHIQHEQ iMEN ANTED 111 atzincmnev good wages steady 1111 year found Work Good 1chancesl for advertisement Write for information to Employment Manager wkiTEAMULET MINES LIMITED Norcmda Quebec the 750 rooms in each hotel and luaribuwi Lie dclisfl of ellliving iiovli they lwlp Iiitilltlirt Millviirns Lava Livr lill are Ni sale utall1lriiggmnuuvii Thu TMillturuolrt1ll1 0RTHAM itl llii li it in 111111111011 lt 111 ln1m 11111 111 ilit ironic 1211l lllllv lli it lil1t Ii1litiiiiit tll the people new l1l111111liiin l1lc ton1 31 1111111 111l1 ilnt low1 timid ltl ll rlllihli ft 1ch mitt tr lat iiLininiv ll liltlm mulugl llrprtwrilrrlirw lbulir Niall lrl lillll llixlllrl lrmrgitrlluurrir lliaiiiil ltlls and lr lizigcs lum bccii tllltlill replicas in niiniutiirc11lalicoiup lor tlitii 11111111111 contribution to the 1111111 success 11111111111111 for rstlanolin lll1li Nlllllll llllitT ltlllt lakes pleasure in ll1 annouiuing 111 111 onipan i1nii1i rot ll lion Auanl ll1il iljl has bccn on in Illb by the icnlral ntario Ageing Nl lll is awarded 1acl1 year to the lgciiev making the greatest contribution to the Companys progress The award is based not only on volumnof sales but also on increase in business in force and Sonjago policyholders in competition with all the leading Agencies Canada and the Lnitcd States the Icniral Ontario Branch has again earned this coveted prize with an lllSlllnil increase in new businessamoiiniing to 133C ol Lliat produced in 194 Our sincere thanks are extended to the thousands of policyholders and friends of the Company who topperated so generously tiih our representaiivcs of ilie Central Ontario Agency and Inadeit possible for theriito achieve this outstanding record This signicant success indicates bottlicllicicncvon the part of our representatives and approval liy ihrs insuringpublio ofthe lottucost protection afforded by 1111 orlh 111111111111101111 llultialitmlpanlt Those associated with the Central Ontario Agency In Fact ill Limis District Villuiidger Cnonon ll Ilniccs CHARLES ll Wnrrn VALIEI Corlis Putter Pnrititnc EMILE Snrru Premier Production Trophy of NorthAmericon Lilev Ainuun lixeouiin ASSURANCE Head Office This successful Agency has few openingsfor salesmen of hightype lheBarriedlstriclare