Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1947, p. 14

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no towarer 111111 11 11 It BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IINAVtle Ill 511111 lintintirr 7i irlv IWWWW WWW EJiiiil1l LHma 111 it gtI 11 111 1K I1I 11 It 1gt lit II 11 11 ll III it II k1111 llt11111 111l1v11111 lltft it 11 111 ll 151111 iII II 111c7 VI Ii Sytntix 1111 313111111 Nlllillfl ltlltlillls AND lll N515 II tiiiNlilt tt1il lor llll 11r 1111111 lc1 ember 311 lJlt lixttiptu II III IIIIII IIIII II III II III thIt1litil11 1111 1i311i11o III IIIII 131111 1111 11 The 1231114 1111111111 IIIII III III III tiITtttvo II lVIllllt IIIIIII III S11111 Sthryn 1111 lttitai 0111 3111111111 1111 111 1111 1111111511 11111 rl1c11gtinj llucs and snh131ptton 11111 Fietght 1tt XIilt $11 harm 11 vititttt II 3111111 111111 311111111 Iii11 11211 power TiiwmiHliiimW 7777 News items A1212 lelplttilllltl 1111111 11111 111111 111111111 301114 Pblilit 11111 cxcit E1 Itent 3111 111 31211 SIATEMIINI RECEIPTS AND EXPEN SlljfIDBOAI lllCCilli ACCOUNT 535 For the Year Ended December 31 nut Ileceipts gt 55 Ticket stiles 105541 Donations 10500 475 Program cone 100000 Sundt ref 1nd Wgis IIIIIQIIIIIIII 500 Expenses 525 Membership in AIBA 11876 II Course expenses 21022 30 Entertainment 13991 Insurance 10020 525 Travelling 5195 18 Prizes 40975 Advertising 33354 550 Sundry expenses 12349 Depreciationrcgutt1 equipment 25728 17 181516 550 Net surplus for the period $5 140765 525 STATEMENT or Bacarrrs AND EXPENSES 16 LOCAL REGATIAI ACCOUNT 551 For the Year Ended December 31 1946 600 16 Receipts 62 Donations 4500 Greasy pole 1300 mam 111 5800 G50 Expensesz Prizes 15172 623 Advertising 1241 15 Insurance 2678 1550 Sundry expenses we 1111111011101 11111111115 Net deficit for the period 3501 65 Come StII phone 2487 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENS FARMERS DAY ACCOUNT For the Year EndedDgcember 31 1946 If I5III77 IIIII If III II Donations 384011 Expenses Iv Orchestras and prizes $24000 my Advertising and printing Sundry expenses 4681 377 Experimental FarmsI 38 ORDER EARLY TO AVOID DI Net surplus far the period 23 We are also offering Ajax oatsy Violand Oats for AUDITORS REPORT TO THE MEMBERS Commerce for the year ended December 31 1946 and hereby certify that in our Opinion and correct view of the state her 31 1943 and of its operations for 118 year then ended according to shown by the hobks of accounts amesJanuary 1d 1947 2171 1315 HER BARREL ONTARIO CANAD 1IIl 111t 11 11 111I 111 ELMVALE to lll lht il1lill tho liltititlgt conttNL mcntion standpoint 111 111111 littsilniss wlintl Illl irizini 111i1mt1tll it 111 11 Itll 1111 tltir11y SW It 11111 Thus ll1csit11pI 1111111Hi Vlvlmi ltititl gtlll cctinu lunch lollll nuual 11111 tlll 111111 lttr 1111 1111 111 114 ll 111111 111 icrtctt nth11113111111 and right mis 1111 only one Sunday ltcasttrcrs igllzlllit was $311103 Slllt hal 11111 was $30 lilitcts 111 as follows Supr Illmoz Itoitrchcn IIIt 811111 lscitrnfilzly 1111illi l1ion 53101 111 totuutti 11 Iltc litli Vilti 1t 1111 111171111 111 Il WitiIt 111 ill Tiny 111 1l 111 tl 1111111 111111 11 gttittl 1114111 1111 111111111 111 1ltiif ilttiilgt linnors 1131ilillltiI 111 111 and 1911211111111 how the 1mortal 1111111 oil 121111 of 111litmus fol 1111i11 itioitt1 and printing II Stlillllit fi lcicpli111c and tclcurupi 03 Travelling lncnipltnnxcnt 111111111 Ill tltgtlit llltl llllllit Sundry expruscs tltzttil Ll llllIillX tilt Hui 11111Iv1xp1111v 111111 to 2111 your in ltprcciution 1111111 11 t11111111111m lnrniturc and 11 gt1 1011le IlIII IIIIIII II itiiozniiition llnzcau 1300 it $111111 gt11 11 11 43111111 sonn part 11111 hard 71171133 to obtain Ntt tltfitit for the ptriod 5101 315 Phone Breakdown of Miscellaneous Expenses plinmp Lhip1 Ammul mmmmim171 tnuinccrinu lilnlilthn Cards and stickcrs II Photographs 121113 11 151 Insurance 77211 School and residential Illtlt 11100 Sundries 02 1111 111Man til Traps Stvt Iltn Sitwards lltll lilac and 11 11 11111 1lr11utrcr N11 111 111 111 ii 1111113 11111liiltiil lt iiiotipii ol apprcr ruc Slip clear record Sgt OConnor pleaded guilty here in the magis trates court on Ian 15 to charge 511 theft on NtiElifoi two Can ltigth 1111111 wot momti to th 11111111 of 1Wltltl 1111 illi assistartt in 111 1111111ginp the zoom 11111111111134 pt of SS 11 ill 1111 111 11ppiu111111ou was 1111lj1I 1111111 111 1111 lliltiltiitl and 11111115 3100 each the property of Capt Henry 1111111111 troll unit mliilillCtlnlD Bordenfiha taken registered letter and had the bonds cashed by another per 3011 The caseIwas investigated by Bavv issue mm officers at Camp Borden Remanded for sentence until 1101 week until Jan 29 at the Prompt and CourtIeous 24110UR SERYICE 1N RINELLES ErrServiceman Prop 9696 Beaver Oatsscedobtaincd in 11946 from Dominion SAPPOINTMENT strong land Byng Barley Galore Barley and few We have audited the books and accounts of the Barr1e Chamber of bushels of Chancellor PeaSI the ubtive balanccusheet and the 10181011 statements All seed will be cleanedtin our new seed cleaning plant in of Receipts and Expenses are plfOPefly dlVIVn IUD 50115 I10 exhibit II true eluding Clipper milland artcr disc the Organizations Walls 35 Decal N0 ADVANCE FROM ottu USUAL MODERATE PRICES thexbest of our information and the explanations given to us and as PHELPSTON 111212nm WYEBRIDGE LJir 12 11 111 II 71 11311 1111 11 12111 11111111 11 11 11 11131 111 11111 1t 111I 11 21 11 11 411gt1 1111111 11111111111 111y 811111111 1111111111 11111111 arl liturndut 111111 11itlz1y iii It 11 Vm tli111spint 311 Satunlay with 1l 111111 1111 l111 Hill tililtlltittl tot lngt1 wcckl l1onit Officers Instilllcd l11111 lii tifllti 1s11ttorot1ntio11 loipt you lt1 1p 1111 Clarke 11111lt yon rlupl 1111 111411111111 11 lor tho lgt1lot 14 tluy lcd tho liailttv tn irtozj with six poitin 10 111111 ltttn 1111111111 il14ll11ttl to rot11H lilt lone foul 11111 On the wronu onrl oi 11 210 count at the 1111 111 the first tptarici 111111 111 S111 Homing Imam 51 Mil1l3 lll ihcn 111 it was 1111111111 of for 1111111111111111 311111114 111 111 orlttt lyItr Ftpg gtttllt 1M $51 5111111 187 11 11 11111111511 thirty lcmhcrs ddcd 11111111111 sst Mi couur NOTES lllltEE MONTHS young soldier with previous 1dian government bearer bonds of He had been in charge of the OPC Freeman and the provost yesterday he was again remanded reqttestotGrotv1i Attorney Ham mond Appearing Jan 29 for sentence he was given three months by Magistrate Foster who took into consideration the soldiers clear record prior to this and he ad also time FIFTEEN DAYS OnIaconviction Ifor takihg set4 erala1ticles from theshelves of LoblawGroceteria on Jim 18 Er ing at Camp Borden was remand ed on Jan 22 until Jau 29 for which he paid for to the checkers had been drinking served It ri 1Signed HERBERT HARRIS Certified Public Accountant Wilcox Sons Harris Spry Accountants and Auditors PHONE 51 14 BEETONI RIRI NOI LRlSHMAN Treasurer inspection llwttcn ltti tlttliin 111111 111111 1111 itli iillltltl lliili 11 Ml 11y 151011111141 ott 1111 15 11111 111 11 1111am ll iility 81112 and Joan Stephenson the Georgian next in 1111 NW lads iittiiam 1012 Stiry Missllclrn liddlcton Finnish 18 llanninu Mrs Vl1l7 ona11 Supt Mrs 31 McFar 1am lt1I11ptraucc 3115 John Kir Iron tratlh ltoll Mrs John lnoltl rgtsitrlt iisilop com lost11111stct scar Dray Lantern tultlltll Ilon llrysdalc lcathors iitlllllilx Mrs Simpson stood lrinutiy lirls Miss 19 Itostvr tiny Miss llcartlsall Juniors Mrs 11 1111 for girlsf iializnn tlnistic for boys lntcr illls milisg 11 lliannintr Seniors Miss 11 illiddlcton girls scau Gray 1oys Nulli Scrumlus ltcr lltItailauc Militi Mrs 11m siting rod end of the score IdtlltlltO Elilit and the seniors 70111 riot11011 stars of the iiumcs Norm licardsail Miss bill littn duo clndcd but true made restitution in fut meanI nest Blair who has hoen work sentence He had made purchases but had secreted three articles in his pockets Manager Laklng ob served his lCliODSIdlid held him at the door Later in the office gBlair admitted the offence to OPC WGalehouse but claimed that he Appearing Jan 29 he was given live days to dateconsecutively with the ten days he had already Bell Department of Trans port enginecr for maintenance and shops visited the Barrie Flying Club last week and gave report to Tommy ThompSOn club engin cer He described the local dis play and arrangement of parts and equipment and shop asthe finest Ihe had visited during his tour of BCEYE MLHHMI 1I1i llll p111 HI Ittllt1I 1111111111111111 than li1lillll1i t1111ns Iltitiznr lliltt lt11oy1111 litt 1111111 11111111 was 1111111 1111 111111 11111 actton 11111111111112 111111111111 game Bari 111111 Sit111 Mctorkmda 1c want 11 was the teams first start and Buy game slight Finer TextureBabies Can Get Extra Nourishninti II Out of Libbys iogiin fitibys 1nuittgtiiimincspifh 411159 as much as from the sonic spinach that is only strained fREE BOOKLET on Infant Feeding Libbys would like to send you their free hooklct Healthful Feeding for Your Babyr and address to Libbys Chatltaut Ontario and copywill be forwarded Ten Times Libbys special Hmnogenization explodes the tiny food cells makes Libbys Baby Foods at lcast tcn til es ncriu texture than foods wl ich are only strained This relczlses tli food value so that babys digesa ti juices canreadily mix with this nourishment With the Iwork of digestion mado extra easy it stands to reason that baby canget more of the health building vitaniius and minerals out of Libbys foods For example actual feeding tests confirm studies on the extra iron When ahopplng for baby dont for ct Lihb llomogemzed Evaporated hfill and lbby tmntle Prtuf Tomato Juice THURSDAY JANlRRi ii Two are Fined for Violations ol WPTB Regulations Poultry loliit as 511 1111113 311131 llior11 lt lll 11K Pin In NH 11111111111111 303101 Iloltl Hold It 0111 lt ltiTtlllw 5111 11 llrtant ORO STATION ii The 11 111111lt 111I11 o11 111111 111lli1 1171111111 111 tho and 1111111 ltill1llll 1117 111I1iA1111cC 11l lltliitltl 181 E11n tl11 lltltl in 1211111 11 appmns win tIilt Wli 2111 11111 11131 1111lll litrtt lilt 1311 1111 lhc illtl lcntic of 11111 llillii play ltt11ttlIEt flur r1t and 11 IIII HIM motto nuitlmn t1c 111111111 etll 1n hold lili wad dowr 1111 II 11111 1111 conspicuous 111111111 MW 111111 ICtl 11111111111 1111f1111 llll 1111oztzl stops 111111 111 51111111 wore 111 ninth1 ltitil the floor 11121 without 111111 111111111 were 111111 Marion 11151 lolms gt5 1I 111 It 111II out tot 1111111 11111 litmu 1111111111 1111 11111111211 1111111111154 oi 111 Il lIllls 15 Nltlh 11114011Wi 11 11y to play basketball 111 ml 1111 work 10 how llltlllllllh crt 111111111111 in 10113 Total 1n thcy appear to he on the road for 11111111111 was Ill aver1114c nttcn Nine npmhrrs had and 111 lilht htr 11111I noont this 11 11 noted reply want one illrl phony 111111 toiy chutnpionlthip Itridin against their bosom pals Midland 115 and dont be surprised to rtt Sitc1la Murphy you know anything can happcn in Midland This hurts Ihc boys journeyed to Orillia llltltl up with lcromcs came back on the he juniors lort Iho are unknown Ilznris plnyctli two minutes 111 the junior tussle unrl got two liztskttsf lhc seniors sufi ftlttl 1111111 11 Filtillitttt of plnytrrsi dccrcasc llowcycr Ivan Cummingf Roe Roach Doug Wallace lloauy Carmichael and Doug Allcn with avalanche thc cow 1lltlkl which this lullit Louis 11111111nlt 11 iltli itro lippmt lineup 111 11111 senior ll 111115 items 111 7IlllIllfl to 0111111191 lonr Soothe hem with MINARDS lINIMENT IRuh on freely and note qutck relief Una ECONOMICAL hmdyng 511 65c per inT sinkii which kitchen and came back to the school 51111141 inc like real sportsmen they believe in the slogan You might as well lose by 30 points as one point iQuite true boys quite lhcy travel to Midland this Perhaps 35 Greaselcsr No strong odor IB46 Scntl your name to you 01111 31111111511 tnnnonoasmzm IF3I47 1111111 ARE BOTH GODS 11 ltTtllt ltlittlltlls lrcttx tiil 1111 lclml lllllllllltl 111 11 11 Iil1 111 to 112111111111 ll 11 11 11111 llnrrx Iloidinz llt 313 111511 11 303017m Linda Hwy lcll 11 11 1111t11 11 ltl3lllI tailing II11s Star llllNl 11 111 ltllllliiim Sonata llttlts Iln lcuinninq ol llic 1nd 11 1111 1111111 Iftllilillurc Ix No Hrllll This Iinn J1111111rj1 ii 11w ZIlltll3 lust Huucclc 11 Swamp lirv li 111111 til 11 7301080 Hortonto int That Just Like Woman lll l1l li1111 BllItllSlthn You 111 Me lay Littlc tlody 311 Larry irotn 11111111 1pult chct Georgi1 llrown ll Htttit tilnrtiiimV fillISM lllt Strut ls You Long Ago By 11111111112111 73041075 Wootlmztu Sparc lliat Irtc lllc Dark Ilouu llikcr Iuli lly 11111 lln 7303012 llont Tell Me That Story The thcr lIud of Kiss litll 1111111111 11111111 111 Wind Stormy lcuthir Il1IlIt111 11111111 20203 Wlhc Joni3sLaughing llccord My lrctty iirl Spllto 11111111 RCA VICTOR RE ABEL 101211 inc Atom Rtllllillltl lly Sigmond 1111111111111 and His Orch 5100 101172 0111 laltl Holiday For Strings By James Melton 1111111 $100 101174 If Loved You June ls Bustiu Out All vcr By Thomas Thomas Baritone 73100 101179 Plavaypsies Dance Gypsies Song of the Open Road By Igor Gorin Bafonc $1110 101181 Wonder As Wonder Jantiga De Ninar By Gladys Swarthout Mezzosolirano $101 101154 Closc As Pages 1111A Book The Firemans Bride By Jeanette lVlacDonald 3100 11822 Rhapsody In Blue Part and By Boston Pops Orch $135 118851 Liebestraum Clair De Lumc By Jose Iturbi $135 35809 GomSfrom The Desert Song Gems from Countess Marina 131 Victor Light Opera Co $135 142994 Waltz Inr AlFlat1Iajor Waltz In Sharp Minor By Moriz Rosenthal $135 144224 Hungarian Rhapsody Nob Parts and By Leopold Stokowski $1357 6607 The Palms Adeste Fideles By John McCormick RECORD BAR THE 26 Elizabeth St Phone 4424 cIonos BLACK LABEL

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