Toasted TOMATO SANDWICH with lettuce lilll iay tillitlll PERSONALS Ohm Canadian of olto ltiilll lllli OBITUARY lilf Hlllb lllili Through Years of Peace it lt ltvllrr rllliilt It lrtin lion itIn hamtom dinning llllltlirlldllkll lilyotirxtntx ttl hull that tiltl not Ilill li NH mm litli llitl mu looking loulgtr lull liitxx Il in nttnll Itlllll ill lil ICllllll illi ill lilt Iik luslti ititr lrl iitlilli lityltn IilnappletIllttiicultlttlitlllltlitu oi our ll alcohol lH Imqu tliltllli iNhtb ii and on loafoin lYllHIilill to detail 1t n1 it FOR PICK UP Nuvwnuny Advertised AND DELIVERY tow itvl Jt PHONE ti it ANIOVID xi ll 4l it and luwltl ll li ll ilIiill in hi 4lt ll tlt trill oi ll il mu vi tigllltfl ltt ll lillii lIsnol lie1 WE Mi lltiil ti OilAtliUERERS 1t iv 11 Icrotls tlilit ii on it luv ittr Clrfwn ll llmii 111114 IUli Fl lm ml Ml NW IDAPf mil li iil iirtt lc til ll livtl in lutlllnmri 3lltlt be marit tilt in out I1 ll ti lilnoii ioll 11 lol ticntmly Mull le Dunlop SI ll lv lnti toroetortilla liicilctitk Koren chi to Queens Hotel it My vl lttlll ll 11S ii lontilio 31 113 Mindy ploltrit two of fimn tlccuiitl 1o 11 to BARRH lip pip Show litiladclpilia whcic tilcy tool lll jumv lltgt in tlcntigttrv Slnct Then Illl Alth llliilmnl ipoil ilii lilti in liidtvl llitl If ml rm1 Umi imd hm lllllillldla IIluunt Ilt up lliiltl ltllt below tll Llii zonit Plil Illiill lix iltii iku rliilillllillll lh Lauri1 ninth ll ftl iu llljlt gii wa very noted rzi il tll to til lltll Il 10 Itll ll WW RYSON ENGAGEMENTS It Ice Cream L1 Candy lllllnljln sr lilili sllzl tll lo Iilli iItiHi 06 llililiiill GOSpel Hall The Soivotion Army 19 Iarkgtltie Ilrivo VVVV at ll litKY iiiilillit 2M hirelireaicing of lirean il Silidaj Slllvlll and itll jit ll Hln c1 1m iv ilGOSIEL MEETING Hwy Vivti it in Prayer Meeting tl ll 11 it it All welcome Scalar free ft iv No collection it ii llltlll looltl watt Pentecostal Ml Full GOSpel Tabernacle it 20 Mulcaster Street Mimm Imp Rev Thomas Lotto BA Minister ll stxnm IFIllllll our Collier St Baptist ChurchPETITION COUNTY in AIiStlEll scnoon Hr livivtilrril AM Digvcilitmlll sranvicr IllV ltllrl Ilitiitt ADOPT PROGRAM 72 PM szlnpc tic Scrllcc Lu p17 lOF Lear ildptui meetl tv on ll 5111 welcome St runners and Wit St Andrews Presbyterionj Church nsv JAMES FERGUSON so Minister Mr Craig Hamilton organist and Cltoirmaster iltor lilliltl lTNiiJAY FEBRUARY 1947 ll AMMMORNING WOHSIIII Preacher The Minister ii Ali NURSERY SCHOOL 181 IIIYJllilg Peoples Bible Class PALSUNDAY SCHOOL I1IYOUNl PEOPLES SERVICE Sttt will be Conducted entirely og members of the Young ltopies Society 1113 PALFireside Hour ill the Church Parlor COME TO CHURCH Trinity Anglicfn hurch REV HOWDL Rector WRIGHT Organist Septuagesima 5100 AMHOLY COMMUNION ll AlliHOLY COMMUNION Illil IllilVlflln IIA iulider Miss Jessie ll Bryson Organist PICliIllAIlY till Ill zlLIlcll llcaith ine ilrbttaif CIIllilCIl SCIIOOL it ALIliezunners and Primary Classes PillSr Boys Bibie Class 11110 Ill All Other Classes Come to Gods House on His Day 0321 SUNDAY 11 Ai zutti ll Grace Gospel Hall 37 Marytsueet Barrie SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1947 130230 PALBelievers Meeting 34 PlVISllnday School Meeting Famin Communion Service Preacher The Rector ii AliBeginncrs Dept of the Sunday SchOoi 213 DblJunior Bible Classes PMSunday School IIli0rgan Recital by Wright JAMEVENING PRAYER Ihe Rector will conduct Sunday Evening Mission on the theme Gods Call Today III The Call to Conversion Ermf CollisrrSUmedfhurch 7REV LEWIS MA BD Minister Tufford Organist and Choirmaster fix Mr Mr Lloyd SUNDAY FEBRUARY 72 1947 11 AWLMORNING SERVICE Christianity for Export THECHURCH SCHOOL 11 AMBeginners and Primary Depts 230 PMYoung PeoplestClass PMJunlor intermediate and Senior Depts PMAduitBibIe Class PMEVENING SERVICE itrherruth Shall Make You Free YPUFireside toiiowing the Evening Service Young people invited Im Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV AND CHASE in charge SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1947 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 RAILPREACHING Crown Hill Church 730 pm Bible Study and Preaching lpecial Singing All are Welcome Thurs pm Prayer Meeting Free All are cordially invited F=== Burton Avenue United poplin it wa ti tho ll izl li1t2 ttllltiil Vol dirtwll CentralUnited Church IIllfltttl it lhl til the we ilk 111 tiuri dcllzl ttl pail ol lta it tio ittntllozl oi Al1 Colin5s cntcrtah people She ua tie it be leader Wood liriilltil budget of 83200 for one year and pointed out rebate of about Silltiti to ht Etltitl from the province Speaking of the program Liis ollcy rilltl the main purpose was to develop recreation loaders She told of the lcczeatioil schools held at various centres and added that tho iiil was to work with Xll in organizations rather than set up new organization Miss Nora Marshall president of Simcoe County Arts and CillllS Associationaisu spoke in favor oi the program Paying tribute to the director of recreation ill pro moting the Arts and Ciaits group Miss Marshall said it was now ill Ilil llllL tol 1H iilll Church Rev Green MA ThD DD Minister Mr Ray Williams Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY FICPQRUARY 1947 ii AMr The More Excellent lVay League Serial Story iilvcryman 230 PliSUNDAY SCHOOL P1ISingsong iedby Mi Ray WiiiiamsChoir Leader The Mount of Decisionf Holly United Church Worship Service at pm YW jtilesdservices First Baptist Church REV SHUMPHREYS Pastor Miss Elsie CloughleyrATCM Organist and Choir Leader FOR CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM CRUSADE OFFERING SUNDAY 11 AM and PM Beautifully Colored Kodachrome Pictures of THE PRODIGAL SON at pm heartwarming message awaits yell Attend Church SS at Agriculture traclinu Ontariowide interest Mrs George Johnston of Mine sing past president of Simcoe County WomensInstitutch said it the men of the County Council could attend some of the sessions led by Miss Cbiley they would heartily support the program We feel there is great need for Miss Collcy to stay here to lead re creation She added George Stubbs Mayor of Elin vaie Teen Town thanked County Council for their interest in rural reClcation and he also supported the program being carried on by Miss Colley George Farisof Cookslown and Allan Brown of Dalston lepresent he public are cordiallyunvited t0 inii the Junior Farmers also ap geared to supportathe delegation tas did Lee Banting of Ivy past president of the Federation of Fred Hunter gdeputy reeve of Tecumseth and county council rc plesentative on the recreation com mittee said he felt cveryonerecog nized thattthe youth were the greatest asset ofeaily community SEARCH FORJLUBBER Out of the 3500 planls of Russian dandelion analysed by theBotany and Plant Pathology Division Science Service Dominion Depart ment of Agriculture 376 were re tained because of their high rub ber content12 per cent 01more MOVING WEST Rawiiruon Limited regularly make up and ship Household Furniture Con solidated Pool can to Manitoba Sukatclu owon Alberta British Columbia and to Caiilorniaertc wire or phone for reduced height ram Eotablilhed 85 Yong st rmmo Kinnodalo 5125 nouns Willi stimuli srnaltt ill MWW ONWOL wait uni litti lil tl lit xt lilil H21 I2 uric iltllli oi li lltr Ii llL alttr 2il tlliliiti timu Sill llliv lgti lit survived li AglltvVAlfhlit Eunice of IE rule and dau mntvt olit fMitidit7i Valentines Day February 714 have to feel You dont IloiuantiCal to enjoy our thltlllJIlS 01 course llilflllis of heavy sugar toorbtautiful cards decked out with hearts and flowers at 150 and 25c But dont miss looking over the great display of friendly and funny Valentines and the bright illilicllVO cards for children at 5c and up CROSSLANDS DRUGS STATIONERY 50 Dunlop StTcl 2240 INOOONONINOIIFOIOINOIIOI GREENS TAX VDPIAL BARBIE w540150 Hour Service nlpnnnn ErrServiceman 235 Bradford Sc Barrie THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA il Utlii Il lll it home tilt iviiill Splucc ti ltls ticftlii ii unturned tzl Hive tliilt Iii liit Heal iu ltiltint lli in il wit an author lltitt Iitl lecture on guoic nal tuijctls Mutilated in lilill front tilillit livtitri Follow at lllll he was tu ltlslzi in 1903 1itllly oi the Iui 11 KIRK Hummus HEATING Sheet Metal Work etc S4BAYFIELD ST Opposite Collier Ibone 3626 BARRIE Member of Barrie Chamber of Commerce Suspense chills excitement mystery at its best over CFRB For you thrillfans spinetingiers are presented currently every week part of this stations policy of Offering the mostJBALANCED broadcast schedule in radio For examplek be sure to hear suuuutnmummuuunnumuy4 mom or THEWEEK 730 pm Daily INNERSANCTUM 809 pm Monday inhnnnlyuuuuuwmmnnvnuwmzui wannabe rAvoulurls ARE Navy League Carries On FINE PORTRAITS SPECIALIZING IN CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY Photographed in ROOKE Your Ouin Home Phone 3127 BARRIE Lobster Cocktail Boiled Lobster Hoiialldaise Epiuramme with Butter Beans Custard Pumpkin or Apple Pie PLACEaOF DIGNITY AND REFINE THURSDAY JANUARY 37 19 Friends In Homelike Atmosphere eet 51 BLAKE ST TRY OUR DELICIOUS D1 Prepared By Our Master Chef RELISH Celery IIttlllH with Olives Soup La Colbert Grilled Halibut Steak Maitlc IIiolcl liINlilEES hcfs Special Salad ROASTS this of Beef Au Jus STEAKS Choice Bone Steak lElliiTonade Sirloin Stfak DESSERTS Prime RESERVATIONS Tho Tragic VYour Contribution Twillbelpfthe unhappy aALEiNN NNERS Fish and Lobstels Lobster La Newbuig Chicken Itlicasseo with Mushrooms Roast Young Chicken with Savoury Dressing Chanlpagnan Gorgonzola Cheese MENT gpnouE 3741 CanadasAicltoChina nasal Back and unfor tunate People ofChinqonth91r page Board Back on New GIVE CENEROUSLY ILLYOUQHELPP YouR CONTRIBUTION WILL BE GLADLY RECEIVED AT ANY or THEBARRIEBANKS The Need Is Urgent