Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1947, p. 1

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ste1rs farm the OAC have plan made available by VON had been Speaker Annual Meeting 1VCharVnVlVaer Of Commerce Chamber of Commerce will be 1ricseif1ElmheatCsBhtieerttill speak 1ber of Commerce 1H1sin Your Community Mr Hill is fare mosL manufacturer and presidenh National Councillor for Ontario of lhe Canadian Chamber of Com has announced that the program for of 1946 annual report of retiring tors from 14 nominees oath of of Di OTTAWA gimme Record 51113111119 View WithAlarm avor Health Unit FAGWWRE increase in CAS May Startln 1912 11 11 mi i1 11 11 11 11 13111311111 TOADD 11111114 iiiiis11 If 511111131 1111ir 141111111 VV VV VV VV VV VV VV IVASHLFY1tllllli sizviisiiis 1111 1111 1jV1 VV VV VVV Jr 111 11 11 11 11 11 $01111 3111131111 11111 11 11 1111111 1V1 VI 11 21 tV 31 VV 1111m 1111 x1111 111111 11H +11 11 11 11 1111 V1V1 1M UVVVVVV 11 VLV VW 1l1lill 11 111 111 11 1115V 11 1111111 11111 31 1111111 11 ml 1i 11 111 11 111 11 111111 ll 11 1111311 VV 11 V1 11 13111111111111 11 111111 111 11 1111V1111111 11 1111111 1111 VIV VVIV 1A1Vwi 11 11 11 1111 1V 11111 1111 1111111111 VV 11 111lj 111111 11 1ti11l1 114115 11 llm 11 iilwi 11 111 lidiwlii 11 Smith s3 311 1112 11V 11V 111 11111111 111 11 1111111 11 l1 11111111111l I11111l1 11111l1VVIV 11 11 111 1211111111 11gt i1 1111l 111111 lintlttl 1111 t1 Is l1t 111 E11111111E 111111 1il1111 111 311 V11111 11 KI lll 111 11111 Notil 11111111 1111111111 1111 11111 1V lltll VVVir 1111 1111 11111 5111111 l11 Al 11 1111 cman 11iii1 11111 17 year 1111 11 1111 11 111 1111 111 in 3111 1111 111 11111111 91 111 111171 11111i1li11 111 mil 1111 111 11 11 111 111I 111gt11l1 lib 13114111 iIllV llii 111112 1101 Hm VV 1V1Vi VVV Vm 111 111 111l 1111 11 11111 111 111 11 V1 11lil 1111 11111111111111f1111 In 31111VVHV sVVVilV 11 V1V1VV VVIVV VV 11 HM 111m11lll11 Wini 11 11 111 1111 511111 11 11111111111 1111111111111111l l1111 11 11 Hitw of 11 mi Him ml will 1111111 111 11 llt1 l111l111 1l1 1111 1111 1111 311 11211111111 1111 111111 11 111 1f 1111111i mm mm 111 111 111111121111111C111111v 111il 1111113 1111 121111121111 1111111l 11 WV lid1 11 1111 all 1111111111111111h1111111111 1111 11111 VV in le VV1VV V1 11l 11 1VVV 11011 11111111111 11111 111 111 tlllill 111 11111c11i111 WWW mim 3V lm 111 it 1111111 1111 11111111 11111111111 11111 will ll lillll1 115 5111114er 11f1six 111ogi1111111111V 1V VA 1VmHVVV up WW lqurHlSV an mi 111 11y l11l 3111 1111 111 111111 12 11Vl tll l11ll 111111 11111 111 811121111111 111 1111 1211111 111 the 111115111111 l1i1si111 Association 1111 311111 511 out nmv 11nd 111 111 1111 11111 leJSlMV lllllll 11 11 111 11111 aim1 lll 111th 1111 1111 111111 1u1 111 lllilkllltl 11111 1111 uni11 11111111111111 1111111 111 1311 1lV1tV111iVe 111dVl111111 Vilccled prim 1111 llnlith war11 Hum11V biiitly il1 3111111114113 1il1t41 111111 the 1111ygt 11111s As 11113 i1 by 111 11111 1111 1111 1111l1 111 1111111111 11 1111d1 1111 11111lldid11111111111111111llert 11 raid 1111 lltlililil 1tnllli YlnldilvillmgPHWl 10ch it follow 11 1111 11111 standard of 111 111111 illl ililll 1l1 llt 1111s1111 111111 ers 1111111atlon Mr 11r 111 11 of which 1111 was secretary Mr OI 11111111 111111 1111111 11111111111111111l 11111111111 Wax1 1114hlcy said the salt last year an 111 1111 11 1111 1111 1115 111 111311 but er 1111 ll 1111 gt11111111111 111111751113 the z111111l 1111111111 111 the linstory of 1111 011111151 10 1111 13111 111 111 i1lgtillli lllglllt tiop inipioveizient 111k 11mm 111Jpn 11 1111 View 11 D1111 li111 V1111ltV 11m 11 will 111 11111111111111 11111 lhc ViiUlllilltlltl 11111111 club stund 11 mun1 nr 1f1l1 11 at 111d111 11 12111111 111tor 1111 101 1Vllllllltltl Illlalti 1111 111 South 8111111111 was 111111V1111 ex amnmnpy 11111115 1111 1111111113 words and 1111110 lliilllll1C 13111111 illltl 3111191 117l Wit1 elusive group Willi 11111111111 askiiit ylplruui 1111111 11311 The lacl flri lil1illll 111 my father he Wits 21011 itll 0111 Igt WW1 10 mm accoinlnodation the Royal Vicl Th t11llimil llliliiititl 111 10111131 5011111 Sllnm 3111111 1111 1111 11113111 Hospital and 1111 51111111111111 110191111191 111 11 1111 011 nurses made the work of the VO1 SVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV necessary 111 Veznploif parttime nurse to as 111 the regular home place 111 the Ontarioconlcist 1n nursine 11111 ll 1v buh the president Burton 1111 $0 Dttlllh IVO ltltlNlVl i11 111C his 111111essexpressed his thanksl 5011111 115 ll Clellnlmll 111C 11151 to all the members of the execte 1111111 56 1901 75 limduced livo for their cooperation and en lmill AlllSIfVm 101mm grow 1111151115111 and stated that the com lllhisflllllllVVSVmVCULVV 1115 year woidd likely be busier VV 11 V10 V01 ht 011 bVCI than the your past Mr Burton in m3 mm 10 L011lc11111paring statistics of morbidity weeds and also in connection Illlimd hwy with 0m Counhsns 111111111 11 it he plead of 011 smut and provmccsvsmd that 111CVVmm 111 West vilii hm on Ml of the nursing care 111 thentome One of 11111 ways of 11billllllll production 111 high revenuecrops which will bring in much greater Titl ltlllin pct ltfit 1111111 thtisiir crops Asparagus strawberries and ras berries re crops that appear to offer excellent opportunities nod his crops 111 take care 111 01 annlv rovcn conservation the other farmers Mrs Laurie the secretary report mu 1Vcsxgngxnzft131115950Alisyd6135 ed that during the year it mectV 1110ch who have suitable land 7131 1M dllb Mu township he 11ch 1113801themccuhre1121111160111101111 sufficient labor and adequate ThVVVV VV bV VVVVV Emphasizing the work of the Twonneetmgs of the finance com MISS RUTH RUSSELL knowledge to handle these higl 3V SUV Junior 17 miltee and one meeting of the fin rieldine cro rum 11d 011 hm hm aimeis he said it 111 17 1110 bactma 17V because he was SO bum withshmtlunce committee and the mud han VVepte1nbc1 looulhne and plan the In order to flt those interested 1n 011111 wourscs mm he hm not had mm men and canvassers were held ill annual canvass which was held chance to see if these special LVmeancc Ilih Jill to prepare lOpage printed re OClUbCli All Standing CUIlimil crops have anything to offer 110 1131i7011Uifiliili11min 1111 porl not take much the 11101111111111109 had Worked althmny fmd Billlit BlllilCh 1111110 Ontario Dc mgm My Another achievement in South achievement it was one of the Will fielmllllllillW and had ilClllCY pilllmClll 01 ASllCHlldle iSflLillsi M1 115 1144 uh Simcoc luringr the past year was things done in the south by c11d Flllvlllld l1111 1110 SCCYLldlD ids Cl SCI105101 lllCClillg5 illt 1uhch 174 the opening of the Cooperative operative effort 511 llSlVllllfllllg W111 bf 110m 11101s 11 3111111 MM MU Cold Storage Plant at Bradford The County Council was thank1ka Gtidwi 11111111111 01 11 Barrio Cuiilmunity House 45 111 fair will Marsh the finest coldstoragcplant ed for their support ofagricultural financeCOlnlliillCC in 1113 lCPUll ronlo 51 Barrie on Friday Jan liddui ilullllli in Ontario Whilchis office could activities in 1946 CxplCSed 1118 EIDDICCldliOIl 01 1110 31 10 11111 111430 p111 The SDCIH s11pp11itgiven the finance commit ms williboJ C11C11COllltil111 liORGli FAME if 110th HO 31150 SilllEd 111111 115 the Dix Fruit Bl neh Ficldinan Barrie and VM 1111013 111110111le 10013 lstsj penses had been increased the ex John Snail Collingwood l1e Fillls 01 CUUliSImVH lJlLSidCHl iecutich must be cautious about all prpgram 11 Fridgiyiygjugdgul my South Simcoe ltluior lcxpendiluros The monthly rental the soil 11131111 111111 other soc1111 and telephone bill at the Collillltlll requirements of asparagus straw 11110 immediate post and as they Duringthis first days meeting each chpmlmem b01111 1nu$t be met in the immediate inculboinofgllie group 1futureVcarefiib planning would Vbe able in decide yilidthm 01 VVVotthesc necessary crops will fit 111111 111111111111111111111 TREASURERS REPORT program to advantage The report of Miss Frawley treasurer showed total receipts for 1946 $438645 tot11 cxpcndi Ilrc11111111111 meeting of Barrie held tonight at 630 with dinnciVVat Club 79 Advance indications are that about 135 members Will be lend the 11111011113 onFriday sit10 cadersliipf lures$303655fibalance on hand 0mm mumps with Oomphpee 1m1 $134990 op Mrs Hammond chairman 111the Pptlliiib PL mind 1111Tnc Place theCanadian Cham lNuises Advisory Committee spoke IVof the fine quality ifuork doneby Miss Russell also of the long hours and the nightcalls that Miss Rus 111Enginccriiig T001 and Forgings Limited of St Catharincs He is sell accepts so cheerfully The branch was very fortunate in Vhav ian as nurse one so interested and devoted in public welfare as Miss Russell saidMrs Hammond five mills OFFICERS ELECTED VV The expenditure for courtly Upon motion of Harold Cusden wads mis veal Wm be up chairman of the nominating eom VV quarter of mm to Us mmSV mlthQ 111 fliligwmg 3111110 01 The general rate will be up ficers was adopted Pres VV60 mins to mmSV Burton lst VicclV1es Knight In Maw provide for 211d VVWCVYVICw Mrs10 VPVVSWS 1947 County rate was brolight sec Mlb Jillij math in by the finance committee at Cusden The followmg names the closingscssion of the com me for President HV Fisher and were added 1to the executive Miss Turn to page three please BRUCE th tTurn to pagefive pleasel tug year of operation incrcc and director of National Trust Co Managing Director Silver The County mill rate williie up 85 mills this year to 585 mills The role last year was VMPV TVMUIV tonights meeting will consist of the following main items Minutes president 11 Jacobi adoption of committee 1eports which will be presented in mimepgraphed book let form words by His Worship the Mayor election ofnine direc 1111 planned for 11117 VOnldrio he 1111111l11dcd T1113 WEEKS ISSUE 7800 Copies 9i s1 61111 1111 731 EARRlE ONT511110 CANADA 1111131313211V Vali Pegs 1118 PROVIDE $2000 COUNTY HISTORY RESEA TO COUNTY ROADS If lili1111l ltllil Reelect loe Moore Pres Flying Club LIONS iNiriATE 13111111 MEMBERS 11 dicroit Meeting Organize Branch in iiiC January 31 1111211 litli tillll HONOR 11111 LVj1Vv 11111111I11111 111 or 11IlliV 11111 illll 511 llll1ll 111 1111151 llol11111 herds 111 111111l1V TM 11 11 11 ll lil1 11 111 lliiViilso 1111111111 11111 that 121 pow11 11 Deputy 111m1 l111l 111111411111111111 111111111 Nearly 1000 Per Cent Greater Than 111119110 101511 ill 5311 11 11111 11p certain 11111111111 111V 111 11 11111111 11 Illlll 11s1r 111111 it=1 11131111 the lltXlLiltllli HON 15M HOWE 51111111 from 111tumseth The 111111 llarl 1111111 lll f111 ltltllit llariie 11111i111111d Collin councillor Irotn lecunn the new Warden 1111 attaining the Turn 111211 1111 gt11ie penalizing tile Arguing against lt111 71111 111111 year sellHair it3lliiill 1111111111 11111111111 JV VV1V1VVV1111111 lt11gt b13111 plovicled 1111lV 111 tho1 schools stress that i111 ti1 association 1111 Ut11llill higher revenue especially from smaller farms 151111 specialized 11L1 11211 b1 11111 DpngViVlVd luylor assistant agricul tural representative reported lunior 111111111 activities 111 Simcoc County Council last lhursday 111111 111111 fTwo hundred and live boysV used bo 111111111111 111 facilitate the distribution phulx letre Fred 11111111111 up 1111 motion 111 5111 the 1111111 1tgt1111121l provincial gran Mr Bowel would be by cut what it illilll Moo11111131711111 11 gt1111W 111 from year When Warden Harvey asked for 111s the 1110 was up proximatelylw11 11 oneV in favor 1111f grant as made Brric Drama Club two oneact plays Library 11111 Saturday l11b tlpsnflfic 111111 2111 llall Ivy Friday 1lt 101 No 13111 A1l 151oud lVlotintailncrs figs Dance 111111s1111 1111 $3lJDUV 11112 1777 Dance 011111 listrnleb ausp mission 501 sports coverage in summer Community Associat Includes 86 Affiliates eer Conrpletd 36111 111ji 11111111 iclieslin Adinisl 111lll 5111111113 Dance 111151131111 1111 lri1layJaii Sllnllti Mountaineers will l11111lt 11111511 oclock 1111111 11111111111111y 11111111 sociatioipV 1171111 Feb 11 lier 81 United Church Guest 11 Vlortia While 13111111111111 Valentines lhiiiec Fri Feb 11111 sponsored by1 BtisiiicssandV Professional Ill11111111131 Club 15201 11111pl1 Farmers This speaker opened his remarks by quoting C111 Kennedy TITS11311 11 House 01 $2373 010 CXlmTlSCl berries and raspberries and ticliUi Wm 111mm Wk lwhich the executive had not had in 11111111011111 111111131 fur 11mm upwiillt mUSl illltlfllilll iltliVilY 01 11111 trainingI 30 ground for future farm leade1s7l Dancingliom 11110 to Illlli A5 111 Coi Rode Tho 81111111 Simcogr 11crsicleiil $311111 spoke of the study practical 11s peels recreation 111111 religious side of the work and be commended Mr 1All interested are 11114011 10 elvlayioig311111111 1113111111 11111111111 Odd tel lows 111115 optional 3511 Vglle111111e 11111 homemade91111111111$ and whitc cleplunt table Wed Feb 11311 lo 11 church basement Auspiccs Evening Auxiliary Biu 11111 Ave United Church Churchill cdcriilioii ofiiicul Moiiday Ladies bring Miss Nora 2111 shnw 11 1111111119111 11111111E111L South Simeoc year ineludinu coin foreiucs softball V1tourninnenltif judgingr competitions and 11 11111111 service We are trying 11 keep our youni people on the farms of Charles 1330 p111 Social evening Marshall will speak 011 Handicraft Special meeting foiwgroweis ii1 forested 111 commercial production strawberries raspberries sponsored by the Oil Departi ent of Agriculture January lure Feb lunch ALLAN intown mm The president 111 North 51111111 liederaled Juniors Allan lirown of Dalston was alsoinlroduced Vile recalled the organization last Mareh when dinner inccling was attended by 150 young people lie said thch was now membership 411250 and new projects were be asparnuus and lurio 11111111 Barrie T111111111111i1y llnll Carnival Midhurst day Feb l1l00 11111 rink Satur Fancy and hardtime dress Lucky spot and dress prizes 11111111 and other amusements Ad children ty Council last Tuesday ever were carried out during the first Come and enjoy skating to music tylhc new sound equipment 2151 The assistance of lVliss liouise Colley director of iccreation was commeiulod and the speaker also spoke 111 the program projects that 111iss111i1 101 adults 1m 1111 lacuna WORK CommitteQHistory Including Sad Finale 111 111 l1 11 v1 it 111 TCOUNCILLOiiS 1111111 STEWARl V1 1111111 111111111 101 tint 111 4111411 11 1111 511 1111 11 11 111 1111 11 1111 lilm t1 111111111 11 1111111 i=1 i11111111vi 11 111 1111 11 111 1V 11 11 11 111 11 ill1 11lll11 1111 11111 111111 1111 11 1111 li1111111 11111111 11 311 111 111111 111 11 1111 111211 1111111 1V 1V 11 11 1115 1111 11 11 1511111 111 111 1111 1111111111 113 ililldlf of 11111 111111112111111 114 11l 1111111 forums is dose 1111mm 111111111011 13 ll ls 111 enthusiastic 111111 111 111 simpler 111111111 1111 11111 help 111 11111 111111111111111Vv11111111 class 1111 1111 1111 much 11f 1111 11111111 of 11111111 curs 1119 been privlhlo 51111111111111 to the county C11111 11 11 11111 as to 1111 1111111 or triple selvic 111 the Barrie agricultural 11 11 appears 11111 1111 this t1lltlgt1 111111l11111 1111 this p11 and which has to consnhia ldegree contributed to the scivniiu tllflltth111Ls lltCl with huh1 lltrtllltfl 1111 past year by the County u1 11111111 11111111111 ll 111111111111 11111171 Committee liii Bilitlie Office of the 11 1111211 11picscntative is off designated as the North 51111111 EVBiLincb of the Ontario Department 1111 1riculture serving 111 Tin11 s111ps north of Barrie with the Veeption of Nottauasapa 01111111 11 the location of this office 111 1111 rio the County Town and 1111 Q1111 Veraphic centre of the County 111 15111coe it must also serve the iCoiinty Agricultural Office 111 stirpiisiiiglyextensive degree This is situation over which 1111 111131112111 representative has no irol 111111 is purely the result 111 111 cation and the fact that 1111 Colin yty Town is the hub of the count land the natural centre for 1111115 letonly oiganizulioi1s 11 should also be kept 111 11111111 lthat 11leasiSprerccnt of 15111114 tradin area lies in South Sinicoc 1111111111111 numymfarmcis from South Simeoo 1lo come to Barrie 111 shop or to meet on County L111 or uanimtional business 5111111111 11111 it convenient to make use 111 the Barrie Agricultural Office Tinlt1 larmers from81111111 Silhtirt pay taxes in support of the Ontario 111 Turn to pagecight pleas171 tan airman Seventyfive persons 11p11lt11 ingmany of the lit ordainallow affiliated with the VVlgii1112t11111 munity Association 1111eii1lc1l1VlVie annual meeting held 111 the Com Mouse last lhursdiv 1v111 1113 Fpllm 11g 13 dinnc Rtulgers 1l1a11n1anof the boardol trusteesreported that aflhc first meeting year ago there had been 36 organizationsinaking use of the fricilities provided and the l1uinbcr had grown lo 86 meritedon the progress and 101 The Vcitizens of Barrie he declared should be very proud of the Com munity House Illustrating how the nunlcrotis building Mr Rodgers said 23000 had passed tluodgh it in the first of trustees buthexhad heard of complaints that the full price for Turn to page eight please 111111 with 1111111111111153 11111 His Worship Kllayor CoinI scribedtlic results as marvellous organizations made use of the fullyear as Community 1H0llS31 The chairman said there had been no criticism made to the board

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