Illltit Inttl Zealot Tlwix iiut Burmister eyeproL star has break into the win=column on TptQFDfxf llAliY 144 inns iii moors 55 VRTME JUNIOIIWTTIP itti liltiittd Attrition Ialnllltl iv TIlt ll tin Ini it in sit In mound it Hi it lilllitt rZi Iii Jain li til tlil lt1iliil lll ln lllll tl ii it lt til ii litmus llvlltltl no iio lu Lilgln Writes it iv in hit lit the law otfel to Ileni tin llllt an lii zltl lfltli iii Ind lll1l iiai tllllltl llt iilt tlii llt iial Ioon the tttiiitl It new it Litaui It aoonl tliuotd Ina hit pot tllilllltllltl aitl ltlliltllntl if the iiecioi all lttu1itai all ot ltlll ll in all it Il hood ltli inbuiltI and there not Oltt olficcr lll llill thin it Jill over illt lie llltdilil lw latlt oi ltlllilllltlllt and could be ted lltiits black eye iii screial cases their and now No one was really hurt that we itnotut ot but llariie tow tctil pla youth il who stole ltlll and ltl The ice was mess alter llctnt em tltic and sticks hunt the nliy after the lat sum the filth cannot be blamed te harm you to sninioc who or the latiti oi llit is directly responsible ll 1N lVlCllllhlli llie tliiid war score penaltyhss illltl wan cooled it 3LT lull Falcons attack was so Hak tiiat Sttaclian didnt ll= one shot to slop Katttn arts 12 ged at Bxlzi and iiits winked last to stave off tally the Iii bark Moussczttt and Megcr lttl behind the ln home ltltlltt lint llintin beat them both on flu and ltllltl llay iouliennl plenty and fans sensed the hitzlt tevrlioit llaunii luat Xeidcls breakaway at lilfltl llltll lwaddle nuifttd twot chances at lililJ when tanned too close at the Home crease Wood and lanl Meiyr squared off Milli with doublenutter tacked on to the home captain ln tliII last two iiiiuutcs Falcons had to do some tall hustlint to keep liar rie out as they bottled Saints iti and rained rubber on llaumi and his defence with Max kickinzg onti four in row So there it ended Ili and overtime illltllll with liar rie St licrie vas thumbtid oft at 103 and Frank Ihltitlloiillld was set tip lob lwadtllcito liop Falcons into the ati ill 230 Kod alsky drew nccdlcss rest at Ilglii Barrie 5St Kitts tit lciac l1 VTll tlw tllt llltlt Kl litiii llilttll Alltlit liit ltltl thial llatnin defence Hawaii WIiio tentie Sitthen ltlli Shitty Flyer Centre liltl llJ it Littziu lit1i4f itI ta iI itlardcn it Arena lni lit llllllll lliill tint SlimFir lo lt not litiiiuc Sl tAll lIlllilS IIAIIUNS lailtile lit itsh alternates TEE BARRII EXAMIKE momuomanomonom amonomomomomomo 941 oily titl their It is ui The lvrlitt lli Ltllli ij liti il in any inotl other With the As for llllx nirieIpuialent out qualt ciioltuli BARRIE FLYERS FOR SUDBURY FEB CARNIVAL FEATURE on the iti lll wattle tt Li lt ttliiisic llzl ylVI ii to tort ll lltlt not in lllil learn il litli Katina Mann laanipsoii ttlllm MU Klatllollald ilvlIllilS ltetcree lt lt teroii lovonto lmewixaii Iltlili lllliott Catharine IlltSl llllllOll 181 liitt Ittlllt Unchalll 13 St Klil lititlttlgtl Ituri Il Mint til liaiiie File hliitisseau lltlln theme tilltllll lIl2 ltllilllit LonI lotiscin Mil 1itcw Wood Zeidcl lk0llltllit SFXOND llIllIOl St Kitts ti ein 42 ti llairie St littrc Itiaitcpy Atkinl l023 Harm llairct tiikiii iaricpyl 13311 it St Kills Ittutie Ill ltttaltil Favcio Kodattsln Batman llillil llIlilOl No scoriiui lenaltics iariepy Kafuu M01 ei Wood Idonble lliiiioll lVElillME St Kills vhluclhinaltl tlwatldlct 230 it llzirricHAikin ISt Iltllt iiiriepyl 435 lcnulttcs St llltllt Kodatsky lariepy losed because of snow on the root and structural defects Allis ton rink has been the home of three teams Alliston lottcnhani md lIluuziovc in the Allislon and District Hockey League affiliated and that cost the tyingI tally in Siiwith the OllllA lfIis likely some seconds from Aikiii during scraitible and pileup llay went up aitddown with botli muffinc ood chances by overanxiety and it looked all over like both satis fied with point apiece The Goe uanMeeer scrap started behind officials backs and they were down on the ice like pair of terriers when lIlClllLlS swung into ac tion the siren Slllllllllg but the fans sat it out and either froze or cheered the ice action hloiie It was dormer of show even though it was more orless blood less but the lan participation would never have happened but for some haldech youths wlio wishedthe arena to think they were more lickercdup than they were and their iiickels worth add ed the extra gas to the growing iflame THREE OHAI GAMES ATBARRIE ARENA FRlMONWED OHA Attractions for Barrie Arena this coming Friday Monday and Wednesday list ltockeyIohthreedifferent class cs On Friday night Camp Bor den Flyers viii meet Coiling Wood Unionists in an ltnter mediate fixture With Col lingwood will be such former Barrie favorites as lAb Kirby and Roy Brock Coach Roy been playing himself of fate Camp Borden have lost their games to date but hope 10 Friday Theysiost at Gravens rhurst 123 last Friday 0n JMonday the Stayneif team WInfllherelflfRaIll ior Bi fame against Barrie stayner have number of Collingwgad boys on their lineup andmost of their good juveniles oflast year This should be good attractions Next Wednesday Calling wood Shipbuilders rwill return for an Intermediate game with Barrie COlts They prom ise to be at full strength for this game with Wheeler Wood side and Chubby Butters re turned to the lineup and there should be no repetition of the last time although after last week there is no telling how the teams will get along in the fistic arts DONTIl ASK QUESTIONS re ndlets addressed to box number Send or leave your name and address ot tliere games will have to be switched to lhornton Creemorc and Stroud When the South Simcoe League failed to get going this season Siroud and Thornton of that loop were accgptcd in the Alliston LeaguerNowwfurtlier difficulties have arisen in the matter of plny inc accommridation The complete schedule follows Jan 15 lhoriiton at Cremnore 1tililmerove at Thornton Stroud at lottcnham li7Ctceiiiote at Stroud lllittenham at Alliston 2t Alliston at Creemore Thornton at Tottenham Elmgrove at Stroud 22Stroud at Creemore 23Thornton at Elmgrove 24Alliston at Stroud Tottenham at Thornton 25Creemore at Alliston 27Thorriton at Stroud Tottenham at Creemore Alliston at Elmgrove IBOCreemore at Thornton Stroud at Elmgrove IllOwen Sound at Stayner Feb lElmgrove at Tottenharri 3Tottenhain at Elmgrove GCreemore at Elmgrove Stroud at Alliston 7Stroud at Thornton Alliston at Thornton 41 MILK AS r0007 Polntiiig out that milk provides just about everthing in food value calciumy protein minerals and Vitamins particularly Vitamin nutritionists of the Department of National Health and Welfare urge adultsrto choose milk in preference lt to other beyerages They point to the uniyetsal acceptability of milk for childrenandi to the preference shown for milk by young soldiers during the wait Buttl1y say many adults seem to feel that they have outgrow the healthful milk habit Neyvsr items are appreciated Masons FLOORS CLEANED AND WAXED Woodwork and Walls Washed lac tftlllvii ill hurtlin Barrie oppcr llff good Junior team as nut attraction Northern Ontario Winter arI nival at Sudliury The same Barrie tram oil also play an at North Bay on Sat Feb covering lint lo IIlycrs leyilH NOH lltlltlg indict lll ordvt iils two piac liedmcn lu lton ill iliitl Lilli Tlll lllt ginlttt and rll ltl llli lll lie pl iytd oul TH llttlllllt hockey llt Inc lotal oah than Iiel lltltlvilt up Wed Feb lvlllttlld ii cltiltition 5Jmc ll itit iiltl Hi1 tiotilih si lit tllllt coat The boys surc Mirth this inter mention such southern points atharincs Windsor plus Detroit recent weeks it will he busy week tor Ilycrs tllll tni Il Inklin litilicti villl wuriponi tiltlt lliI lt ltll ltlitiltt lintll lllllt and lll plus Bull situations The fulo luti inictliac IIi tinder this week ith Midi nl other train which pr lllt tiji pinto icmoii nimctl tip llitil limms and lllty play an MA Junior match at Ialt on Feb Friday IIcb Hap panic llflll llalttl Iititls ll iiiaft IV Alarllioros are at Barrie tor scheduled two point same Ilyers Friday Jun Ill when they ens Michaels Majors Then they turn around and meet the next afternoon at Maple Gardens tllJllit uct hontc game terlain ollcgc IMatinee lltt met lloc hope same team Leaf Single copies at news dealers Stroud Thornton Alliston League PllOllB BARBIE HARRIET ONTARIO CANADA own on titan tits it Barrie Curlers Bring Two Cups from Midland HFitst Club Night Jan 2ll lust tlllll itiittli ot the AJ on utll lic il liaiitr tilllll lllill iiili ni ltl llli ltii ll member iic wind to loin mil iiul lellt llltll Iltt Iltp ruii llltlx new it Hit lollintl spiil list iicil lllll liioiilil ttto iupI honir to llii ttc llirit wis iciotd en lll ol llllli lot Ilc llth iniutal ltltl ltio lltll Hiredizli and his llAliH tints Link Iltrtlti cs T1l louir Hill It litiiliiilug low in the iinll ol tltc ltnwilll Hi lin tll the main cunt Io lul lliti llll llioinluiit tour to liolt uoitl Nloan til illtil AND llocl llllll in the Iiiial Ill llic Mtfr IT CASHMUH title untili iglyilitlii llilllllrsliAl Slitlut llTiineddllpkill $l lohnm Johnson skip on CHOICE pHLJNEmoO pm oii ilrflillHJlull Glade lull Im ll ll FLORIDA healiple 300 Lt oz CATELLI EGG WHEAT it REPAIRS is INSTALLING SHALLOW WELL PUMPS on ilict 1Itlll workouts tcclt lllt are ready to meet the oppml gt Phone tion iat under the liltllltttltlll llines and coacliinu gitnds sl lil tlit Ilnllll Milli Mills lt2i ll Allandale Plumbing We Hare Jut Made avSpeCial Purchase of Used Army yhl3vattle Dress These are dyed Dark Brown WNW tatscmsietesuueacketandVPantr+ HARRY Miss lltit tlic to cups litndtt to Liirie were the lid litini until Hudson lcnioii ii lnc tint Hill ol li iiiioii lu lt thcniuAt llalt lillllull lilll lll llatris took the lid limit 133 lMHlClIIANl SI Afaeiu iVItLK FEDIGRIADES at PAGE EN FEE ii st Hark tinta lugur STRIKES 35 AH SPARES iliilthlti Btmllxti II IIIS Jl pl BARRlE FURNITURE HOSPITAL illttlJllI ill ll lLNlJlltll lililAlltIH llNlSllthi IlliIlil llll2 llllOl SIIZHINU IJIINTNH IO llo ill tli ttirs exp llionc Illillll DRAPERY UPHOLSTERY MATERIALS Iltlllllltlt urtaiiis cl liltlillh iii ltatuii ottoanti Witt 3Itit1vitw Ret it iir the tllailhf llll lel UVlltS lll ltl Oltllllll BARRIE TENT AWNING C0 LARK will ST ivliiopiiclor tho it notl Iit RADIO REPAIRS PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Ted Radio Appliance TED OAKS 44 Essex Rd Allandale Phone 3609 Repairs on Ctll ElectricalHousehold Appliances omens 35 moms CLEANSER OLD DUTCH his WHEN AVAiLABLL List GBAPEIRUIT EESEESS 19 300sFollofJuico 125 SOAP TOILET ti cmnrsTALits $2231 25 SPHERE Wit SOAP TOlLET gt LETTUCE ilzd 2W29t yum GBEENBEAN BROCCOLI crater 25 No Approx 10 lbs Mesh Bag CAN NED AllANllCAPAlelCuuum is an is IlhkJ ELLOWDNIONS 39 it GREENPEAS STANDARD ANN PAGE it ill wax BEANSO ma ll MLLKBREAD BLENDED JUICE tgzzzit dials59 it PUDDING 183I39t CLARKS BOKAR BURNS 77711719 IRISH srrw 12 35 CWFEE 1b I39 Custom Ground WICKED HADDIE 25 PURITY FLOUR FISHCAKES from PARAMVOUNTI Qvalfrih filinbag Z4lliliap AYIIAAER Tinpvzs QUALITYIQMEArs1J iGH BOLOGNA can Awnings 53 mm WEEKATA8A rams or son 42 SMOKEDFILLETS 733 SILVERBRIGHT SALMON as 29 EHLLETf 49 orsrnns 63 HADNCK or rnzsucon PILLETS an smut