Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1947, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN MWWWM4 AUCTlON SALES hallandSalm it BEN NOTiCE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORST in the Lstatv oi VHKTRS In the lsittc oi tux lziiis liniittl i3 win Hit IIJ oi lliT47ITttl Jl lati Laciiouor TIiIIlrt the 3th oi learnt lfit Cll lfllrtl UCTION SitL It Farm Stock Implements IM Household Effects IZA tillf ll It VlCTOkli CHURCH Lot Con Essa i3 Iilcs ml at 37 Highuaw xittl lilies North of ooltstou litou HlllJ Ml lt itirl till art it ltliit lJlf at limi Dan 3hr it linthan ll ltl tine liai heifer Ir about and oan yruiiz clt Itd ii to ititl pin altos ll lltlts it chunks lil chunks about lit in ilitllilt saw it pi lmzri lari Iti thlt ltl It you lItn l5 littllf slur your ilue due Eda It en El Illlll ll Hl ttu iilt liou lfitl nearly pow ewes lllllilMlCNlS ritt cu mower ii sccd tillil lit2t clover atciiicl tuitow plow Itt Cocksliut tiller disc ct tooth cult iiii tooth manure spieal No siio tiller sheaf nox tlliit lltld tuinip ltlgincn plates ger new potato radcr scufflct loltn Dtcic IllC cedar posts hydro poles drum forge anvil bench vise taps and dies patterns nippers tongs and hammers Illt crimper tl HARNIIZSS Set brassmounted breeching harness set backband harness and collars nous llOliD EFFECTS and wash stand set extension table chairs incubators lamps HAY About 15 tons to GRAIN 130 bits Galore barley yrs from row crop 300 bus IIllll seed outs litlll bus Early Alaska seed oats 200 bus Ajax seed oats pallets brooder house lOx12 Other articles too numerous to mention Terms cash Sale at 12 oclock Rutledge and George Duncan Auctioneers ilAb Advanec notices of events by which money israised are not in mirsinsslrets Chat FEEDS brands snowy xxx oFULLeOPEI Breeder and by feeding ti ln tt Wednesd January 29 mi Zad tits Ii chi tine li lIll Smog lane llttrl it il3lit3ll ltltlA iIi witri ea1 filZI Iiappei lll potati dizz team Ealt IL roller ft Kidd turrow plow Jl Flctny plow set harrows 20 bull set barrow bull set sloop slciuhs Melaitieii Illl cutter road wagon rubber tired wagon lieaty duty walk in scuftlcis stock rack sawinu machine Mll fanning mill hatliam 21 Chev Atrurk whitewashs1iiaytIi barn timber 22x40 pine quantity of lumber tongues etc cream scparati discs steel truck Bed room suite beds wash stands stttdio couch es rocking chairs Morris chair cook stove churn radio small tables We handle the tattooing MASTER mourns BLArcuronps iLayirci Mast ciiickstgter Hatching Mash Boost your laying flock Iratts Poultry Reguiator BROWN to lltlltll SALE OF IANDS ill IItlllllti 2p Illtl ti blatk and lllt Dittllttl lttgt ili l1ll ll ales ti months goat gander ill220 on steel ll iactor spr new lll broiler Ti cut near ly new Itraetoi and lit it hitclil lll Tiltidtl Titt cut rake litits lli nearly new set drag barrow sections set sloop sleiuhs hay rue land roller Li drums lcliC gas cn nearly new lll walking plow nearly new root sctiltler stone boat Chatliam fanning mill cutting box HARNESS Double set backband harness 12 horse Collars SEED AND FEED Ti bus Hid clover seed bus wheat 10 bus peas platitin timothy seed quan tity straw MISCELLANEOUS De Laval cream separator No 12 barrel churn Clare Bros kitchen range high oven in good order 130 it barn rope pip crate slingr ropes slingr chain number of pulleys poupvpy 125 piymouih Rock hay fork new quantity of lumber brooder houses 8x12 brooder stove 300chick size Forks chains doubletrees and many other articles too numerous to mention All will be sold Without reserve as Mrs Black is giving up farm ing owing to the death otherhus lband Terms cash Sale at pm Lennox Black Clerk Sproule Auctioneer 4b Phone Stroud 23rll innar SALE Household Furniture The undersigned has received instructions from cEciL COULSON Angus0nt ANGUS COFFEE SHOP toselltby Public Auction on Saturday January 25 THE FOLLOWING liElectric refrigerator cu feet ImonfzmzielectricLVa3he17Beattys electrici stove Hot Point heavy wiringvith panel electricradio Northern Electric large electric floor Ifan small electric fan elec tric bean pot Gurney white en amel coal or woodrange large QLLebec heater small Quebec heat ilarge easy chairs end table smelt tng stand library table mirrors magazine racks beds springs and mattresses large dresser small dresser chests of lrawers floor lamps cabinet white en amel top folding lay bed single bed steel lawn table large small Vbuffcts small tables l2 dloz kitchen chairs large hotel sideboard with plate glass mirror Jig saw and carpenters bench large cracks corn planterfsugar kettle kitchen clock axe steel couches cantliook coal oil lamps Coleman gasoline Iczimp stoves coral Oil stove with oven rocking er studio couchahearly new tables large steel gate 4xl2 small steel gates wing pump lOlllflllY lit liaiietl llick pnl lets layiie well iHl and one GIIIITINS Elm llllllllS lllC trictor tooth rultirator tTzaorh tit rly new lll tnrrow tracer plow un hay lilll Li He stands by olir side glue lip new pump Jack FWfe CARDS OF THANKS LmwJu For Arrears of Taxes ivII in the County of Simcoc Hu it tt It ti Ill 1H it it 1r ii tlthSTllthl liNtllNliiIlt llitcroiks Roadways it Drainage sewcraze lltlgls lfl tnlcit lto ll Otto RAWSON Registered Irotcssional Vb linginccr or 67 McDonald 5L Iiarric Ont lllonc 977 ll gt ri vitamin it it 1gt for vl iti iui litil ta ll 5ll Hydro lr llt ll til irv il ll=it Farm Stock Implements Vl minnow it an it itil ieie ctl lm ll ltli WM lgtl ti ilftl Hr Slinda lI Hi ltlv 11 SH Lot l3 Con 10 tkl ii ilijpl tlnc llilc lest of Slrotld Im M1 IVlll ll IJii itivi Iii lHWxirhlwlllilt Tuesday January 28 HA tAIKlZSTONE ch illllllz Rariaitt aw lait JIL liliti Death of lls llolicrlson lill Inetno llitltr llttl lilt tll3it AIL llti lltilitltsoll llllll lil ll WWII ll lltIlfl livid 11 lltr home on Jan la in ll lnl lll DHl It Tilill yak The funeral stllhili ENSUN ln piiutl and lilyoz memory of dear ou loin 27 HHS lni In Unseen by the woold iIII MfNj And gentle hewhispeis chatli cannot litide liver remembered by Mum yand Dad lee and lack lp Ill1NSNlii loving memory of dear husband and father Thomas TC lienson who passed away Jan 22 1946 Your last partine wish We would like to have heard And breathed in your ear Our last parting word Only those who have lost Are able to tell The pain in the heart At not saying farewell Ilver remembered by wife Margaret and daughter Lenora and family 4p HOGANTn memory of Leonard Hogan killed in action Jan 23 1944 His life is abenutiful memory His death is our silent grief He sleeps in Gods beautitul ears den In the sTnishinem II etipcace So we leave him in Gods keeping The rough road safely oer And our dear sorii we loved so well Aylmei With Pectin PlOM JAM TOMATO llllOE lg lfIr Jilitingiteivetiitiiemd by SPIOEO BEEF 4p Mother and Dad KELILYwIn loving memory of our dear sister Bessie Thurlow Kelly who passed away Jan 26 1934 While you dear sister rest and COFFEE RoyalCity Pack PEAS titans KNUPPwln loving memory of dear wife and another Mrs Grant Knapp who passed away Jan 26 1942 ye Her charming ways and smiling ta Are pleasure to recall She had kindly word for each And died belovedby all L0vingly remembered by 4p HusbandandfFumIIy MCCULLOUGTIlIll loving mom ory of our dear lllOthlmIVIl5 David McCtilloLghvlto pass 8d away Jan 26 1943 There is never day that passes by But our Ohoughts reach out to you Never joy that comes our way But we wish you could share it too Evcr remembered and sadly missed byheriamily 4p California Mission OlTROS JOIOES Several Brands APPLE JUIOE lllEBllOl SOAP mm chair mop wriiiger roll farm Cantpbells fence shovels lti restaurant stools extensioii cords scythe Axniinster runwxlz linoleum 9X12 crosscut saw table lamps electric hot plate 2burner and othei articles too numerous to mention lerms cosh Sale at pm sharp Itib Jasr Travers Auctioneer mum sour EXAMINER ARREF OTARIO CANADA DIED PHELPSION Seed Grain Cleaning NIlil IO lilY liar l7 lull lt HARLEY Itttliicgt t1 It itcpuv on CO OP lHltlillI liit gt emu stiultis til it slut iii lllS lltlll ilhl gvlllllIIJJllIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIllltlldlilllllllllllllllevltlll NOW ON DISPLAY TRACTORIMOUNTED SWEEP RAKE CHITTICK MOTOR SALES llunlop Street Harrie ltlrIIIOIIIIllrlIlrlIIIIlJIltltttorlialolqlaqullltool04 ohms BAYVIEW TAXI DIAL 4202 and fillllllllllllllld rcreoovrcroltotttlt1 ourtcous llOllt SliltVHii NELLES Scrviccmzt Prompt lix Prop Mmtlwonuruommw CDSPROULE LICENSED AUCTIONEER EXPERIENCEDMI LIVESTQCK MAN Jllfl lll Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEEB HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FARM STOCK AND IMILICMIINTS Phone 2577 llIOTIGT BRIGGS HITCH LEWIS scientiiuiisrs IN itsstnanciI MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC OTTAWA REPORTED Accident Dead Injured Exceed Those Who Served In Last War TOTAL VICTIMS IN MOTOR VEHICLES KILLED DROWNED CROSSINGS For Sucaessiul Sale of Household Furniture larm Stock and Implements PHONE STROUD 23Rll CANADA ltlfltllt tl2t 5097 727 1221 22ltltl Zitl5til Barrie IJIIIIINI Oil ItootlollloltNINIONNrmtrlllllio To Users of Blatchford Chick Starter WE WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH FREE FEEDERS THIS SEASON Kc sure and ask for them wltcnlniying your Starter Also on Hand STAR IIult LEVEL FIRES OTHER ACCIDENTS TOTAL OI FATAL ACCIDENTS INJURED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 149019 INJURED LEVEL CROSSINGS War Ricard IOlAL KILLED MISSING WOUNDED AND PRISONERS RELEASED H925 Ihcsc Facts Arc Staggering But True Nani lliil lltiiill was MNOIOIJIVIIIOII ll IolltooNlJrlctt 2264 iti llti the to nd li in ll liI llil in Haiti werpl tici ltt It ol il lttll lIltlt lllt xll lit ltl Ill noo onownn DAIRY RAIULLN 2HT OYSTER SHELL SALT ETC Bran Shorts wnsrnnn GRAIN IIGG MASH lllt it hilt ail ll iil of the lliia team liiitis at to lI lIal ljlllll and tlile ltaw Will your name be added to this list and if so what will it mean to your family on the strength of these facts can your family to take the RISK CONSULT US FOR AIIOINIMICNT ruonn 297839304215 flord Chopped or Whole LEIROY ELEVATOR PHONE 28w was coiulucled liy llcb li1 Siktn ion isittl lie llt lll lluot De LILz killed in llallnai lii lTl lllltIlUIlt lnitedtlinrrli at Lg CHECK THESE VALUES 29 19 23 new 39 12 lieinz Silver Ribbon Brights 20 oz Burns Speei Extra Tasty 12 oz Domino Our Own Blend TEA BAOS Emily Richmello Freshly Ground Aylmer AME Royal City Borgia 179 PRUNE PIOMS Aylmer Pure Seville ORANGEMARMAIADE 10 oz tin 27rcmis an lists an owlr it 919117 sleep Your 1loving memory well always Campbells 00 Sister Brothers micxguyguoomgmp Boneless IVEALIIFRONTST sua IBIEEF LIVER 20 oz California NW 288s tin ORANGES IkeshCuban 34s geiaclt BINEAPPLES Bic Datum APPLEs Golden yellow BANANAS Imported green BEANS Curly crisp SPINACH Holland Marsh POTATOES 20 oz 11 29L 23 15 Extra Choice Evaporated WHOLE APlllOOTSf serif All Brands Standard Quality 20 of mom Hr fatazsc Fresh or pickled BEEF VTONGUES Choice BEEF KIDNEYS PEAS arise tit24 tins $269 Dominion nun Just Heat and Serve Burns Lamb oi BURNS BEEF STEM Barkers Salted or Plain TOASTEO SOOAS Monarch Fincst Quality PASTRY FLOOR All Guaranteed 25 40 60Watt SOIEX AMPS DMINI BlAOll OS oclfiill OrangeNoriCrapefgit or Blended OANNEO TOMATOES Scotian Gold Grates Mitchellg 20 oz 23c 29 326 59c iii 21 WANTED We pay highest See your 25 15 25 19 10 oz Silverbrlght SALMON STEAKS Golden sMoigsD FILLETS Fresh OYSTERS built DILL PICKLES 29 19 84 15 28 oz ll 19 lbs929 10 29 moms mm CLOSING TIME SATURDAY murmur 25m 1947 DOMINION STOREE LIMITED pkgn LuxCamay Palmolive 24 lb 29 Ww EGGS market prices for Eggs local Manager for full particulars

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