n9 141 113 CLAS IA DUI OIIAIA if11 icr 51 BARR OiViAiilU Cr1iDA thliuli1r i1 pend TmliOusiandsi On Snow Removal 11 1P1 i1 i1 Ml 1t 11 li 11 chili and 11111111 ixdions l11llilit1itrmmiliun National Railways litllt councils and P11l11ati1111 11f Antiyillp 1il$liill 1111111111ly 111 llzniicl ltclt ILttlliltd lllti lllUSc Sciit1gt 11Ill1li1 11lil i11 llliilttl 111 hitclulittlm has in 111111111t111 l1 Supin HEROES TO RECEWE ENGRAVED LOCKETS i1l Imnk mtg chairman 11f the nuptlon ioniiiiittcr nt 1in town LuLLuLJI to 111 11111111114 that ilic town will tzintci 111111111 to 1hr uninhi isle rtlJIl11s 11 RAIN into who 1411 their 1111 111 llic lilllttl If Jr the diiiiicr will he hcld lhursdi lchrusiy in Iriii in Parish all this did 1111 llf loikct inscrihcd with the name of 11 111311 111111 1111 his life will he picscntcil ll the nru of kin ppii1iiii1tcly 30 names have been 1111 onlcd 1lttl It is l11lic1171l the list is no complete 11nnnitt1cs be headed by 111111 111 RELATIVES or WAR DEL EMMS IS NEW CHIEF CLERK OF CANADIAN NATIONAL AT NORTH BAY J111 1111 thin 11 for 11 i1111l SHORTAGE OF MEAT PARTLY SEASONAL 111t1l11l1l1 shit but is flail phntliul llil largi llAtlxti iic Ill 11111111 11111ti toi ht 1s H11 Liviiir lll I111 sliiililii gr l11 ll11 siniilrr ltllltllrr hue sup 1101s 1111 tiilovi 111lin1 pri11 l1 l1 flrnl the gtliiifIIJ of 111131 Is luisusi production has Lillrn oil 111 hr past yur 111 two Kflli litxt pent1qu1 niiist hc shippcd to Britain l1inh is usually s1 111 it this Illllt 111 11tir 111111 Lis tish tool and otl11i loads in plenti tut lipply it ertIl Millh lllv situation should tic d1 1iihij1l 111 famine that 111ml should lu rtsflVdI 1111 llltlltJllll the harrncss of the l1r1lcrs in luropmn 1int si1 llt 111lll1tri1 COUNCIL SUPPORT CITIZENS BAND i1 111 11 11 1111t 1111t ti 3111 11 111 11 11 11 11l1 it 11 1111311 11 111111 ll 1111 11 tirii 1111 1111 11 E1 131 iip11i1 Yl11 1111111171l1111 11E 11 lie 11i ltiti1 111 11 1111111 1l 1111l ltl ii Nil 111Il li 111i111211i 11 ii t1111 51111141 11 titliix I1 11 111 111 ll WV Ililflll 11 ll11y1l Il 11 AT KlWlllllS i1 1111 11 HUN iii t51 1i111t 11 Jp I11 H111 11 111 111i 11411 111 11l111 11l 1111 1i11l1nl11l t21 liih lllsla 1111 11113 111 111 11 iii lltvliJ 111 l11111j11il s1 11111 121 11 111111 11 1111 gt1 11 laidchiiirpiiiiufAdiiiiltiioiihiii hum lmmqh mm Ii 1111 le NW Flummim Hr I1l11 1111 lltltl tnltcih Hull 11 Ellihlimfl V3111 Ilji 211111 11111i 111111l111dl 111 11111 111111 111 11 1111111 15 11in Inhcd 11121 11ll rendMill ilio WI 11 ii 11E 11 111 1111111 lo Wu E1 fa 115 it Inim ii livllrll 11 1111111l11cni l111 =11 1111111 11 111l 11 rimmmdwmm Mi p111i 111l l1 Kli 111 ll 151 11 l1 11 Hm 1111111111 Li11lliiiiliiii ll1 111101111 11 11 1111 1luiii 01112131 11111 llttl1ll 11 1111 11l1 in thc f11 111111 2111 111 11 511111111 111 111111 1111 WM NICO Promotion 31 1111 111111111t111 ll 11l1 7h 11 111121111111 1111 111111 1111 ii 1i 13 1111111il three 1111111 1111 111 In 111 tlu l11l1l11 ltil11111l111113 11111 11l11111n in it1 lIL 11111l11l 11 id li l1 l1il111l Part 11111111 111i 111 121 gq nu 161 1911111111 4111 11141111111 111 111119 wvwd ul 1111 1111111 year All 11 due 11111 1l11nn 11 he car 11nt111 hn 11 lui 11 ll t1i11lh ll 11I1 l111 sucicthd 111 111112111111I talniic H1 H1 iii 311111 ll11i1l1i into 1131111111 liildh ll 21 1I 111111111s111 the 1l1 Err3 thiine 1121 ioycrivll1 ill 11l ll11lil 111l 111 incill Various lieul5 l111i lt1 11 ii iiii 1111tilIl 1I11131l l111111t11111l1111 11111111 I1 111d 1y 11111111111 icI 121nls 111 l1lllgt in the 1111111111111l1 Ti 11 1111 1211 51 111 1111 111 11 and lllUllltltln 11f illi1l1 111111111121115 H111 111111 11h11ughl The history of H11 111111 Hll1111 11 111111111 1111l111l1 11 5111 21111 l111g appLi 1111 111 11 up is the history of the pcoplc lhi lhWl ii gm 111p11 11 11 mw 11 choscn icplescntativcs scel 111 in VOWWV 111 l1111i1l lluplli as 11111 as 11111111 ll11 lll it all and is Robertson up Hpmykul rescnlalixc 111 hccp in 11111111 lllll lI1 1111 111 11i1i111l that plan hm 111111111h1 111 111 1liic1 gt11I1tl Vii hm Mummlhi hm 11mm Vivalwdw rd 1i111111111ncnl it perhaps the nuntl 1l1111 l1 ll 3n13 incident of Ilmlmrliml bull lmw Mlmisw It WMHH Mm Uh it is 1cl 11t11 interpret the wish nonld add the pathciin 11 UPON 11 Viv It Mlme ll11111 11iliili 111ni all 1111e111i ill Im illlnwlit Ilwnmml 111 1111 11 l111lic1 lllvliillllt Ildlllili Ii lllilli Lin me lllllilll UllLlLlwwmithuulfixvxxtslutMLXfXQRl+MLIiLHkiwiLllLLJLUHHJGl3l otnid 3141415119111 +11 nusl plan to give the various Cl lTI TlTJt 1ng TTl fiTI Ilth ln1 111 llaiiic held 11 tlic Cold homily ll11ll11 113111131 lsin lT ll have l11 he paid for by municipal alumna1111s1111 111 the tiny Hi Wii iinlcndcnj Sllnilntll lhvi11n1ill1 1113151 it must budget for the 111 11111111 1111111111I 1131 1111 Huntp 1111111l1p1n11111y 11 811211111111 illfllmtcd expenses but must mold H1 was inn11111111111 11 111111 111 RCV Clements 12111112 l11ll Jcltc ias b11111 alimlmfl mplums rcn lilgai 111511 11111111111 of lic lWiiinipc and started railroading ml Chosen as DM Of 11000 as clerk at Allaiidalc be 11 Barrie Digfricf 1promoted 111 illlllistil in llttT 111 in June ltlll lu wasinadc t11111 HOWHHJHWS TH WWNH 11111111 at tfapieol andZiiliiii1111llis 1111111 every ii11113111 lioilcc in lhelnlcl become Hirirtmil supiiiutcnd District at the annual meetingof Uni zll lloiiicpinnc In December the ionic District l0l held in of thcfollowing year he was trans Kairipe 1111 January ll Ciicoiliagfciicd to Lindsay in similar tai in reports of the years 1uliilic1pacify and in July illH was up newt111 picscntcd lIach lodge 11poinl11d 1sist1111 supciiiitcntlcnt portingslmwcd 1111 increased llltlll llcllcville Division hership The Examiner joins his many 100000 of officers was coiidllct lairie friends in cxtcnding heart ed by the County Master of West congratulations Shudoc lilt Norman Matthews of Collingwood who also installed them in their respective offices The following officers were elected Dist Muster ltcv ll Tlemcnts Mincsing Dcp Dist lloit VV SKI TOIVSllSlIllllt ll AT ELMVALH HILLS tlulinvah l1itllc1l iiicnibeis and visitors of iii Mas WNWlArn11ldEory lilmvahu IQki luh cnjoyctl idcai haplaiIL Vernon zlLtltltll llar skiingr ill the cud of the week The ric ltcc Sc1y John Ncy Bar ski tow worlicil fine71111lEmfiiieei iic Fin Set2 Mervin Fratick lJarl lhoinpson advaiiccdtlic speed Mlncsing 1c11s Wm vl liiillUV of the apparatus 511 that one could lariic Marshal llcmy Lang Mid have as much thrill viyoing 11p hill l1111st ticcluiers licd Johnston iStollllilg down llicliard llcniy and Robert Cont Several young 11111ii111l couples 591Bill01 were on hand try out the hills undei for the permanent club 1111s been agreed upon ffiliation with the CASA has bcc has 1bUCllllltldC with the Ontario Department of Travel and Iub 1t1liepioposcd site and also regardl for Nb i117l1100l0195 Allullslllientsl licity Maurice Hines Program and lilliflPXUYyUTWlliOTttltllC going News items are apprccuitcd was the best vet JackMacLaren Elected President Of Ski Club Fifty Members Enrolled 7g An organization meeting of the lnfoiinatioii ltigilttlllig member Ski Club pirMondZiyiiight at Com sliip may be obtained from any of inunity llousc attracted 10 potential the above members and at the close ofthe Jhcclub will havelittlc to offer meeting nearly all paid dues to the in the way at facilities thistycar IlllCtlblllClp The 104047 fee will be butmembership willTntitle the 13121 lol ildlllis 0110 $4 01 Juniors holder to card and club crest and lhejnnior age limit isltl years and also 10 lessons fiom one of the three clubTinstructors The meeting opened with the Mrs Phyllis MoodyS Jim McCon chairmanKenneth Robinson giv key and Bill Craigiihc thicc club ingau 1111llinoloc groundwork 1111111111018 wilio 1111611111111 the 14111 done by aprovisional ccnnmittcc day school iiiNorthBayrall rc composed of Several interested and turned qualified active skiers prospccuve site genie aibiifoutiinoof the work mid FtlfllCtIQll codcred at the school and what theyhopc Loire complish with the Barrie school arranged contact licity lor their Skimastcr 111 xview 11 11 LL plmmud hwoolb uddertiled byClwirmon Bert Wcale and were made for three Barrio skiers his Cmmllco Ur lnqllwlum to attend the school Tltc chairwastheu turned over nominating committee brought ll PFC00101 Jilkllliwlllcn in slutcpf atticem and 4111001015 and open discussion was held dur wliicli after discussiop was adopt W100 Wily SllEECSliQHS and cd Tlic1following are the execu ideas were lblU gill fUIWillCL At tv1tlie opc11fonum Vi for the present season Prcsi1hC CUHQIUSWV Jack Miicliaicn Sccyi Ilclcn liiv DUNNl 00 illleltirillg 11115 were ingston ficiis Mrs Phyllis Moody SHOW HUW to Shh While Mil iwclurs 111111 Wmmmee chair gic and Winter Fun all photo nIen Membership Eleanor Kelly Blilplltl ill 10 SW55 Allgt51 Organization Jim MeConkey Pubi With the meeting adjourned Miss Helen Livingston secretary and Activities Ray Livingston In struction Bert Weale Equipmentlreceiving meniberslpddes and 49 and Facilities Al Scott lincnibcrs were enrolled Vlhc instructors were introduced to the iiieiiibcns and Mrs Moody Clerk thankcdthe speakers lVljethods and types of instruction were discussed mid details will be Mrs Phyllis Moody treasurer were NLxl we have the provimrmtzHUIDWIIV Emu Government It gets its iutliorilyl Mr llolycrtmni 11111l1111d icu1111 from the British North illlllliev 1113 111l1cdhospital inch Act it is iesponsible for ttlllCilli111llly 111111111 1111 from tillli1lll lion health hospitalization highl patients daily is 11111111 llll way construction lands and for11W Mm 111 in 191111111l11l1111 1sts 111ii1cs the administration otinc fxtjluuzttl 11m over half 111 1111 iuslicc agricultural lcvclopiiientlpulmm 11 11111111 1171111 public laws are respected hydio and to soc that municipal 111H11111111 1111 l1y 111111111ipal itics and the 11111 by patients 15 We MW tlicilncdilil Al the new 111111 111 $Itt1tl1p111 11 thoiity which deals mainly with NationiilAffaiis llicrc are three blillltlllrlulllilllltllll which 141 Supreme the Cabinet and the Courts The first makes the laws the second executes or administers thc laws and the third interprets the law Parliament must meet once every year and be convened by the King or his representative in the presence of tlicScnatc and 1111151 of Commons The House of Commonsat pics1 111llias 21l1 mcmbcrsfbut 1111116 next loiliainciitthcie will 11133111 ably 111255 members Present Next 12 11 io 10 65 71 111 111 New Brunswick Prince Ed Island Quebec Ontario Maniloliu 17 it Saskatchewan 11 20 Alberta 17 17 British Columbia It 10 Yukon Total 215 255 Our hope for the fuiurc lies in better understanding among the lllltlUllS of the vimrld There have beenth great trading blocks the stiiling blbck and the dollar block tlie UnitedStates An llltClllil tioual Exchangctodevel the bal imcc oftrade is bciugariangcd Cauiidais one of the greatest traders in the world We have people whobuilt no this trade but tlictcudeiicytoday is toward GOV ernnicnt paternalism Unless we recapture the spirit of those piou ecrs we willilSCciuda country of leaners Dciiioiuacy which has brought us to our present high standard dignifics man because it allows him to think for himself 111 Smitty veteran Town 1111111 DAMAGEAr ALusron Allistoii Herald lhc cliict reported that during l046 there hadbeen only five calls for the brigade There were no serious fires ulld the approximate damage incurred would amount to probably no more than $1001 It had been record your in the low number of fire calls and the least diiniagc 13yrri=87331 iiiiii for man years Chief Bcrgln said that on 1111 average there were 12 calls per year and lie sliggcstcd that the re cord of 1946 was chiey due to the fact that people were becoming viEssrriiANz $100 11 1946 larliumch is Aconlcy 1ciitlj i11ci1as111l from 553731 lhcw 1111111111 111 attended 111111 of charge by the doctors of 1111 town who attend the hospital and are also not churned t11i Xrax ticalincnl or special drugs Tici quircd such as penicillinoi sol pha lhc spcak cant 1l examples of the innount received at $3 1l1 and total amount 11111111 on the 1111 liclil for Music 1tii11 0111 111 11 aim11 11f pathlit charged 15W for lil info who received 000 11 special drugs and Xlny treatment lltlllllt ll liltillili tl Nrittnilici rill TTYIIF MTG WW itllltll 11 atop amounted to $1000 The hospital has calculated lhit irir iTt1 rr tilti111111 111l ii1n lirlcllj 111111 11 pt 111 1111111 1111111 11 1111 t11111111l 11 rearvia liic lacl of hosl 11 l11111 lliiyliiispilnt in 11 11111111 111111l111icdconditionl 1111 lt 1t to 11111 1111111111111ily1 1111111 lllt1 lliliil l1111lgt1 ciniiniunityho crown nd tl111hogt pital has 1113 llnsc facts 2111 in 111 howl l1111 organization whiilt will he 11 1111111511 111 11111ccntal tins li11111 11115 oigzaiilxation until 111i11 club 11141121111 This coin decide with the help of the hospital l1o1111l l11ti2c buildinit should lt planned and how it 14l11 hi financed The speaker pointeiloul how deben tures could in sold at the presenll time 11 the lowest inlcicst mm in years and how it was hoped the 1111Vci111ncn 11111111111111151 the present buildings to 11 and 11 home fol those chronically ill fill Volvo pointed 11111 that the present hot actually liJllLtl by iinstl 111111i1111eierlhy board of tinsi 1111111 appointed each year who 11c tnally pay $1 each 111111 for the privilege of serving iniltcc 1ll pital 13 food ihd i1 111 l1111 hiipiii 111111111I1z11 111 The i11l inlh il 11 lb 1l111 lJtIltlliillIHl 11 141001 The Mr lt11b1sils11iis talk was timely ill 31111101 35 Of DleC Mm1iilor1nativc and tHlrtlcbillllgvrsillt patient 11 the JJlllltlHdle nurses in ttaiiiii liai fallen I11 wticie tho thadtiinin class this yearis only six lln iiicansalial 1111111 graduate nor have to he hired for floor duty at 4lthown by the number of 111 which he upsikclrd illllliillll Vtllf11l13allilh whicct of grcal i111 thing 35711 111 that deficit lialpulp 11 H1 izlcarliiy lull ul1 lililic 11nd tttlltllllll fjl 11l1 11111 patient 1111 My 111111Euljluppnnjun gt01 tmy ital crdras 11111111l11 addition 111 this 1ountir as of 121hours as formerly to olifsctiflidlaini 1111111131 the speaker Mrs 111111 1Aconlcy of 511111111111101911 sheds 11s farmers waitcdto loluiiload llligllilll they had 50111 the Barrie Murkct tor 250 1011111 and hear mother attended the mar1 kcl forllU yearsbcloecpthat liotutds Ulltllltl on Saturday Bay has been bringing supplies ers Isaac Amulet 11111586111 At Barri 11141111113191 to local merchants lVlisA1onley used to sell 50 Befomum mm of mu CC11111118131101131111 the vendors sold 10 used scores ol dozens of eggs Oiicilo to market erer amulet vamp ionio buyer ll Ncsbitt used to eggs She recalls the Winter 111o1ibllVldUtl1donion BEES 00 Sutur iuiigs wlicn from lici farm liomc 1le0 111011111114 south of the 11111111 highway she could sec mile of sleighs and teams on Saturday morning heading for Barrie Market Ilhc teams had fine sets of bells and the slciglis caiiicdloodsof wood eggs and dairyproducts Vege tables incatond grain in those days the market placc was so busy itwus almost imposw siblc to find liiblc space inside The market was held litiesdays lliuisdays and Saturdays and sev eral butchers had their Stalls open every day On Saturday afterH Mulntainhn lit1 interest in and attendance at the Barrie Market for lialla century Mrs Aconlcy said she can recall her father telll ing how the farmers used to pay tolls to sell atytlic Square until the money was raised to crcct the building The decline of the market is re grcttcd but Mrs Aeoiiley declared that 11111 business is still of suffic icnt importance for it to be con tinued Not only market garden crsbut laini women depend on their Saturday sales to support the more careful with fire hazards noon there WWI be line oftlamily budget One woman whose and were taking greater precau tions teams and sleighs an the wayhusband has been unable to do from the market down to the Turn to page six please cniiuzlaz ROBT it rHiLLiPs GOESTO MOSCOW As EMBASSY SECY ll1i111l i111111111 llizlip 11 ttitiflll 11d l111t11s 11 sent bciiigt imperinan captured ticiiiizin prisoner singlcdiandcd and turnedi lllllltJYCllU authorities curly in the war ln hisxnewspapci work Bob Phillips combined newswiithig and photograple and was prize wini nor in Hart ouse photography cxv liibits Mrs Phillips is also 11 graduate ofthe University of loronlo with She giiigigit1l in English language and literature and held teaching fellowship as gladliatc student before hcr mary 111111 an MA dcgicc Iltl1lity of lhiiW lhcl ions gActoi Woiiicns chxt week will be an open nicel Library llall ucsdoy Jim 38 1th ijlg Fll1lll11tll Ladies Night lub 10lucslr jiJons last lntcinuthinal President $500 per cighl hour shift instead Edward ll Panic of Michigan City Jam 24 1l11 l11 11111111111l 111 1111 l1111l lt1 1i11 11 1i 1i 111 111 l11i li 11 i11111 ll itll l11l dnv lnlie 11111111 11111 1511 lilill 11 but lMIt l1i1l the l11l11i11 1111i 1id1 1111 cipuldn i11111 11111111111 Email 111 lllli1gttll 11t1111 1111 11t 11 1111111 11 they l1c1 anus 111 itiicnf lmiiii 1d hi 11 111 ll 01311112 Hall of the Qiiicn Cit 1111 11 1511111 1111111 11 i1l is 11111 111 211 lidgt01 11l1lt 1111 11iil l11 tl1111 at the LT111dian li11111i1 l11 i11 1111 of the tnlnit 11l ll11ll lll14 illiit ili1stll 21l1 l111i11 111111111l1111d11 111c11111pun1111l 111s 11t1 1111111 cily Mary Anni tichtaue 11f lo 111111 lz11 will alto line 11 thof litlrsltlll capztzil l111r111t11l111i11 l111l1 111cii1n thi ianadian lntclicchc oips tar tlnii years 11 anavia the lliiiisli l1s and continental ltii 1111 lie attended Ulb and Hum 1111111111 Collcgiatc l11t111c unlccr sit where in graduated in llodU cin History in lilill llis brother Norman uho ii 111 131111 Charles Cbcluaue former professor of Greek and Roman his COMING EVENTS Dickson lieiiwiii Shakespcarian Dance Orange Hall ivy liiday Jan 158 11l1111ll111 114 auspices LOL No 1110 Add mission 001 Stiotid Mountaineers llLll Dance atrbaxtci on Friday Jan E1661 ltrnittr lzu 111t Kit1111 ll1111 111112113 1112 3111111 1lit 1111 111111 1111 111 1111111 South Silncrw Activc 111 sport 111 is picsiifcnl 11f1thc South Sita 11c l1111l1iii Vindcn liltl operate innit son and has two childrcn son Donald 1111 the 111111 and laughl tci hlliullull Mctiiachcn Mar joricl 11f loswrontio Mr Harvey is wid11i his wife having dicd three years ago litd lint ycin war 11 tintrain who is studying 1111thc HE BARRIE EXAMINER Section lmPoges to BK Harvey 1111 111311111111 1111111 151 of 1111s 111 Ilarlir Iorh and 141111 1111 pucttully u11 11 dw in fl1 911141 iv ii iii li 1l 5i 11 11 3i 117 11111 11 51 11 it Ii IIIIIY 1111111 1lll E1Illi 11 111 fc l1111 uh and 131 1111111i1 1111141x1d ltl port hall11 11 to cull 11l111l l1i11 111pa1ltl 1111ifli11 dim 11 151111 11111liltli1l linil 1111 high 1il och ch 1121 11l111t1 li 111tt1 1111l1x1l1111c111111 publil1cd clut 11 11111 171111Vl 111i111i l1111l11zi1 111 height adiow llll root 11pt ltCJ iv loin 1111 and Si 111 replied in the ailiiilzidhc his 11111111111111111 lii loath 11l iWEun others suggested having lllllltlliii inspector and ievisii1u the illllllllllzl l1vl11 Altl II 1111111l 1111 111 1111 1111 ln l1 11uiily Lnncil l1 11111 and lgt 11 past county of 01111111 pinup Hf llt 1330 acres near NCUSlull llobln toiy at LilllLlgtltj Cullcgc who l1 lhilhpi talhc lhr 111110111 hvcs in hire lhillip expect ll hei bloliici llugh David medics 111 tln 11111111111116113111 hav fciied to Sclyin Meredith f010 ing ironarlrcnch govcriimcnt burs 111T F=i 7v Single copies at arms dealers 1l Jilflt 1s11cd 1i tlic is 1111151 aiiy provis 11111y9 111 i111 11 certain Eli1 11 lilllriWiHll said this whtild be taken Wei 1111 111 111 fraternal 111l11i111o 111i1l1iiilii111 by the Planning ll ll1111x Is past lnii l11 11livUo1li1l Marnidin liodgc Al and 11l ld Monthly spoke of the Stciln lititts dcziiolition project blocking the sidewalk in adanger 11111 11121111111 near the Five PUlllt llc Jarnttl the town 1i1ight hayc cu accidcul claim 111111ld ll Leisiimaii ask ed who had 11iithority to issue building permits the reply was that applications were received by Keith Marshall at thc beard of Works office and were then re man of the board of works dangerous condition of tlic iioitlnzxctl corner of John and Brad ford Ste was brought to the al tcnlion of Council by Ald Earli Smith Snow blocks the sidewall and the children must walk Olltllt highway This will be referred to the police for immediate action 1l1irn to page six pleascl Highway Clover Leaves Canadian Club1 In Vicinity Of Barrie Have Been Established 31 Stroud nlountainecrsQwill furn lish unisic Dancing from 9110 to oclock 35111111 St Valentines Dance Fri Feb lt Oddfcllows tlallspoiisorcd by Business and Professional Womens Club $200 eouplc Drcss optional 35b SlivulCllllllCSulCUl homemade baking Sunday school of Essa ltoad Presbytciiaii Church Fri Feb H1 Auspiccs Evcniiinguxil iary rib Euchre and dance Sllglildwilliill Iii aid ofdlall iiiiptovc inciit Music by Strdud Mountain ecis Admission 50 Linich counter Annual meeting Angus llorti cultural Society Public School Wed Jan 29 Bpm Gcncral business followed by good pro gram Everyonewelcome 4p 4p 1BritishIsracl World Federation meeting Barrio Orange Hall Sun day Jan 26 at 2145 p111 Speaker Mr wemp subject Con founding the Bible Critics 413 Annual meeting ofrr Oio Red Cross will be held Jun 27 11111 in Guthrie Presbyterian Church Good attendance expected as im portant businch is to be discussed 4b Carnival Midliulst rink Satur day Feb Fancy and hardtime dress Lucky spot and dress prizes Lunch and other amusements Ad mission Children 10c adults 25c Come and enjoy skating to music adHdh the general vlotllc of the 111111 fourlane highway to skirt P1 Me has been definitely czitabi lishcd few noi revisions are still under ncg tiation Millai dcputyniinisteroi highways for Ontario told the Barrie llxamincr that his depart ment has been discussing tlic11nat tci with theiininicipalities of Bulk 1ie liniisfil Ulltlwvtllllilrwillllgt the lllltllilfJClSlUll will be presented to the municipalities fbctoic adop tion In gcnelalh the Uepaitinpiit of llighways plans to keep the by pass route as close as possible to the centre of Barrie vltlniiiicie1h ing undue property damage and at Iltigliwz the work vas approximately 50 per cent completed Due to short ages of steel lumber and cement it was not possible to 11rislif0r 11111L11o1li on the structures but it is expected this work willpro cccd as rapidly as possible this coiningurniiici At the Spring session of the Leg islature which opens iii1lvlarcl1 the Department of Highways bud1 gel will Ohio 71st 11011111111 on the amount of money 11011111111111 1115111 soon action will be taken around Barrie Ilowevcr it is knownthat Hon George Dou cclt Ministel of Highways 151 anxious 1to complete the new high the same time provide 11 line which way as rapidly as possible with be c111 vciiiciit for through traffic VClovcr loaves forcntly to the highway and for crossing over the line of 1111111111111bc provided at the intciscction of highway 27 at the southof Barrie highway 001 to the West highway 26 and liigli way 27 combined toxthc north and highway it to the northeast Ihc piomisc has also been given 5111165 Mr Millar 111111 the Sunni dgilc Road will have suitable structure across the new line Other adjustments regarding cross streets are being vcrlged out in detail and will be further dis cussed with municipal representa tives Regarding the highway work be tween Weston aiid Barrie nine con sliould be sent in AS by the new sound equipmentSb tracts were awarded last year andl POSSIBLE to ENSURE Illsglttolls 1oiLiN1avooo CONSTABLE 1s BRADFORD romeo 011111111 Ilarohl Gilmore 351 of Colliiigv wood has been pointed Chief of 131111216 for Bra ord Bradfordis new Chief hushed Seyciryearspre vious experience on police forces two at Viasziga Beach and five years on the Collingwood force1 where he was acting Chief of Pol ice for some time Wu fliiJugli the Examiner is dated Thursday it 008 to press WED NESDAY TERNOON News items for 1th Examiner isARLy AS 1111118111115 11 wi it 11146316111151116111111116118