sillyJ wk 13 7875 Cepics leilv 11 2en Lu vi BARR Er ROXY House or HITS LAST SHOWING TONIGHT THURSDAY in Iihll saith Lian urfill atria the ram mullJ tilt milliliter Simone live Shows 850 pm FRIDAY SATURDAY Mat Sat 230 pm Eve Show Friday Starts M7 pm ORA STD Eve 5110va Sat Start 530 pm Plus These Added Treats FOX NEWS CARTOON and CANADA CARRIES oN MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY uArlNEli ullnxllsnAY 230 ll mr DALAII ozilmlo CANADA nl sorti Sunnidole Clerk Rev Thos Challenges Christians To Witness For Christ 81R HS MARRIAGES DEATHS INCREASE DURING YEAR 1946 llil lllll Il Ilillll Ni int ll nil IN lit Ha lI Iiili lllll Ll iIl ml in 7n lu 41 Ll llli if iil 111 Win li IV ll tl llirltllil iV llll izl ti II the In lillll li1 llSlilSllilAN Hl 1VI ltUllHt Frpmftliolips at the waman In married ot the woman lie Invent SHAH YOUNG SIDNEY RICHARDS in 11 VA 11115piodurlion lllllAN nlaIlAlAN TDriller llltglsl llill3 lillllt EVE SHOWS 655 and l1 SE ills Cartobn and Popular Science ALSO COLORED oAlrlfOON EVE snow 645 and p111 xt MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MatincevWednesdzly 230 pm TOPNOTCH HITS SURE TO SEE snow YOU WIL THE MARX BROS Night In Casablanciif COMING sOoNl roman nom iigmg Illltll REED rBllllllllEVllllitlli HllllP tillllli irrecxjroriiipooinsi ThatSensationalGirlngs Corning Your fjifffqu Magus Theoutlaw FOR AN EVENING or SIDFVVSPLITTING COMEDY BE in ENJOY BARBIE PUBLIC UTILITIES QQMM EXAMINE Jl THURSDAY James Cagney and Sylvia Sidney in Blood on the Sun led Fe at ll WM Get Nli tilillll IZ VlVIlI 170 Minutes mmm winIm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY UJ FRIDAY UDIY SATURDAY CAGNEY IN HIS MIGHTIEST THRILLER lIl itl1$ lli llllsln of Action and Comedy Paramounts Big Special xlllilt see will Star Bright Illlnlnollnt llLllllitlll in toloi Iclill illll iotttorirr Abs hymn nix it ulzin 0N IV IV Vl gt gtl VG lVll gtf1 lv VVIVV hne VI ll iiiu lll HI ll 1l ll ve my VI 17 fl 1100 ll VVlll VI Iv in II sw lll livlll All ln 31 il iwl VVl IA 1c rvi iliilzli ll ii lwl 1hr V16 III VIIV 72 06 V11 ilitV kl0 Ill 1min 12 lltlt lithil Ill xuuilhil lunl tVl lI inrlllln in ml mill35 ll gt llllllil iArivSllnlllll on =i hp lxllilllal lll 1v the meet ii old 3Vl iii $3130 gtlili5tll til iii it Vi i110 inc lil3 at Sillli me ll lli 31 MM in VH7 NI Hm lily plug it Jimmy VVIHVVi VV llll lznlrl till lin Tollnlj lilll In Lihtl VAN cowl lll Stilllliitt IVVXY Din Hll lit lgtlll ll liilriln WW iV it Ell Illlttl ll llll IllJlih ll HMI iV VV Vii VV il lvs llc project on llll 11 iVV VEV VVV VV VVVVJ ll II At It llll Mi liiil mil it i1 AMY lll Iti ll ls lnAllm till lllul ilehlinlr wll he lilllll inll it llllil 12 VVllVlVVii 1W HIV VV hi ulinlnlz hull and otlzc ltllllll 01 illl3 IlllllIullfm lnld the ll umor armcs HUG ll ilhc ll inilidng Ill Jaipur All izllzllvls linl cli w1w has lmlil iillxlerlt Vllltfldhl IEl Vi Vl ionosseo $8899 ilIll li Meet ilidicllnd ln linlncin he cll provisionll llellslnLl mat llnsdi we sun 1le lupin li Ill mv il ll lVlV VSVlllvtnl l1ll iilVilzti gtVVVIIV If 1V ltlllvll 5143 Il Vilill lllliilr Vi iV NAME HAS STOOD FOR IN BARBIE om ad MODERATE RATES VV Lm WW PROMPT SETTLEMENTS nlgli Lgpzcs lit liens dealers mug SOUND COMPANIES lil nl ll lltlllltl MALOOMSONS lNSUltAMW AGENcr fll ljl1515 jjl til Duntop st Uiul373ii WI 4t ytlll lunuzll llllllle lllllilllill SJIH year imlomah more ALL SIZES lN STOCK ANNUAL IVIEETING VlClURlllN ORDER OF NURSES MENS now WEAR qurie BranCh VV Fdayan 815 pm MENS unit YOUNG MENS Priced at 373295to $11250 MENS HEAVY WOOL WORK PANTS $675 to $950 BOYS HEAVY BREECHES to 16 years Mens Ilenyy Plaid llttlliAWORKSIKTS $190 to $245 Awninu TODD All areas enclosed by Baylield Ross and Brock Streets Alllgllzlnes hooks panels cloth rues and fats still Communityllouse riiE PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED urgently needed ll Snow prevents lll1 no date will lie eximldedione lnollth zihezlll Sane Electricity The Hydro have requested that We make an appeal toall consumers to curtail the use of electricity as much as possible Ageless 16 realmser Matemathgien Merchants are particularly requested to dispense with Window and sign light ing until after pm during the present and critical power shdrtage will presented to thelPublic by Thdtjjw VV IV1Amfbulance of nnrinnuunnIITuunnqI+nyliiIIIIIullrahn roegmroilm YOUNG BUSINESS MEN OF BAllRlE mass meeting of young business melrflom ages 1718 to 354 and not presently member of the Chamber Jilin InitiallyParish Hall beginning Friday Jan of commerce will be held in the gt COMMUNITY HOUSE ON nus Coniinencinq at 730 pm at pm auuu lhepurpose of lllis meeting is to discuss plains tola junior 54 Slum section of llle Barrie Chamber of Commerce Representative of the young mens section of theToronlo Board of Trade and executives of the Barrie Chamber will be present to aid in dis Ladies over sixteen years of age ineurged to Lake ad cusslou It is sincerely hoped that all young lltll111 attend to illa Vantagt 01 the lecuueb wwmql an pubmid L0 you sure success of the organization without cost l1 PROVISiONAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE As the Brigade lecture hall is small tile first 60 ladies JUNIOR SECTION to register will be accepted only The Continental Casualty Companys NEW FAMILYGROUP HOSPITAL PLAN Pays yon cash when eonlincd to any hospital up to 200 days liliOAICOlthUl INCLUDES Emergency Expenses letliys Dressings AMBULANCE SERVICE Benefits for hiltlhirth 742464 To Om Friends and The Club Would liketo announce its DAILY CLUNCHEONSV ELIMINATED eXCepl for Private Luncheon Parties ing January 29 yY Miscellaneous Expenses Hllli our Hosp All Shelia lrarcl Indemnity lIIIS IIAN VAI LOW COST AFFORle COMPLETE AND ADEQUATE IIOSIIIAL CARE For full information Dial 2411 Represented by Maurice Hines lti Dunlop 81 Barrie ciul792oizww 1aman lt anuzvrrjrwrw Policy fer the Winter Month by reservation ltENEN1NG AN 01 VV JOADVinners will beeserved Daily ExcepHilondcir REGULAR iromefbiriorlngn cs NIGHTS VVVVWVlV11Vb Friday and Saturday Only VPBIVATE PAETiEs DINNER PA canbe arranged for any evening you may desire This Policy Effective Ian 20 Saturday Afternoon Dancing 230 to MEMIER ting Gerties Garter Wllli llill lltllli1l ly1lll IIIZIIJ RYAN FITZGERALD DUN BEFORE Robert Benchley Blii Goadmn Ins Mllal Mitzi Resumny Mari Young ANDY RUSSELL iillig llii1lllrvwwvw Illilil illlll MAKE MfgMe Patrons erVEs